Looks Like The Russian Narrative Was A Trap For The Dems

I can't wait to see the celebrating the day after Not My President Trump, Pence and all of their goons are locked up forever. Better, yet, FIRING SQUAD!

You misspelled "fucking lie" Comrade Brown Shirt.

Just screaming lie doesn't make it so. You just said it was a lie, called me a brown shirt and then never pointed out the lie...by accident, I'm sure.

Great retort, moron.

You can call DTMB to come delete the post exposing the Clinton mob, but I have a backup so I can post it as many times as you lefties delete it.

Why would I? Your post has nothing to do with the discussion so I paid it no mind. But you still haven't pointed out the lie which shows you know it's true. Sorry

My Post has nothing to do with the discussion of
Looks Like The Russian Narrative Was A Trap For The Dems

Is it possible to be fascist and NOT be a fucking retard? :dunno:

You gave up on exposing my lie...again. aww!

Yeah, 4 pages of meticulously documented facts os "giving up."

You fascists are such fucking liars that there is no communication possible with you . You are not sane, you are just a jackbooted automaton with no ability to reason or think.

Looks like the only thing The Dems Caught, was themselves.

But they should have known better when they selected Clinton.

And now, you have Farkas saying Obama Spied on President Trump Daily.
And then you have reports coming out that Dr. Jean Camp who has a Phd in Cybersecurity and is a professional hacker, was working with Clinton to create The False Russian Narrative, and even tried to plant evidence on Trump Tower and Alfa Bank Servers (False Beacon Ping).

So my question is this:

What you are going to do Dems when this all comes crashing down and damages your party in a major way?

Are you going to give Our President a chance?

Some of you will, I think.

But the rest of the Trolls will still plot sedition and treason.

I hope what I see is the better character of The Dem party, instead of what we have seen for 9 months.
It's been pretty ugly.

Now is a time for reform.

Win our Trust Back.

Show us that this is Your Country
Show us that this is Your President
And Show Us that You are Our Citizens
Even Republicans during the Watergate crisis weren't stupid enough to try the bullshit Treeman is attempting here.
The Trump - Russian connect gets deeper every day with just today Jarrod Kushner up to his eyeballs in new Russian revelations
Kushner contacted the Senate Intel committee and offered to testify anytime they wanted him to.
Yesterday the committee said they aren't going to bother to have Kushner testify.
Oh ya. He's REALLY in deep shit!!!! HAAAA HAAAAA!

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