Looks Like The Russian Narrative Was A Trap For The Dems

That's a possible fact as well. My fact still remains unchallenged.

There is no "fact" to challenge.

There is no such thing as "possible" facts. There are facts.....period.

You seem to be be missing yours.

Fact Flynn was a foreign agent and Flynn had his lawyer's tell Trump. Yates told Trump Flynn was compromised. Flynn said he never had contact with the Russian ambassador when he actually did. And Trump didn't care.

Feel free to refute anyone of those.

Got timelines for each of those facts? With links?

No, but I suggest you look it up yourself. I simply said they are facts. You do not disagree so I'll leave it up to you to storyboard if you like.

You are an idiot.

That is a fact.

Feel free to present evidence to the contrary.

No thanks, you can conduct your own wild goose chases. My facts "trump" your whining. I win.

Looks like the only thing The Dems Caught, was themselves.

But they should have known better when they selected Clinton.

And now, you have Farkas saying Obama Spied on President Trump Daily.
And then you have reports coming out that Dr. Jean Camp who has a Phd in Cybersecurity and is a professional hacker, was working with Clinton to create The False Russian Narrative, and even tried to plant evidence on Trump Tower and Alfa Bank Servers (False Beacon Ping).

So my question is this:

What you are going to do Dems when this all comes crashing down and damages your party in a major way?

Are you going to give Our President a chance?

Some of you will, I think.

But the rest of the Trolls will still plot sedition and treason.

I hope what I see is the better character of The Dem party, instead of what we have seen for 9 months.
It's been pretty ugly.

Now is a time for reform.

Win our Trust Back.

Show us that this is Your Country
Show us that this is Your President
And Show Us that You are Our Citizens
Even Republicans during the Watergate crisis weren't stupid enough to try the bullshit Treeman is attempting here.
The Trump - Russian connect gets deeper every day with just today Jarrod Kushner up to his eyeballs in new Russian revelations

Looks like the only thing The Dems Caught, was themselves.

But they should have known better when they selected Clinton.

And now, you have Farkas saying Obama Spied on President Trump Daily.
And then you have reports coming out that Dr. Jean Camp who has a Phd in Cybersecurity and is a professional hacker, was working with Clinton to create The False Russian Narrative, and even tried to plant evidence on Trump Tower and Alfa Bank Servers (False Beacon Ping).

So my question is this:

What you are going to do Dems when this all comes crashing down and damages your party in a major way?

Are you going to give Our President a chance?

Some of you will, I think.

But the rest of the Trolls will still plot sedition and treason.

I hope what I see is the better character of The Dem party, instead of what we have seen for 9 months.
It's been pretty ugly.

Now is a time for reform.

Win our Trust Back.

Show us that this is Your Country
Show us that this is Your President
And Show Us that You are Our Citizens
Even Republicans during the Watergate crisis weren't stupid enough to try the bullshit Treeman is attempting here.
The Trump - Russian connect gets deeper every day with just today Jarrod Kushner up to his eyeballs in new Russian revelations

Like father, like son! He won't be happy until he's in the slammer just like his "old man!" Funny with Christie sitting right next to him! What a tool; all will end up in serious trouble! This Russia thing isn't going anywhere! :9: :dunno:
We aren't concerned with what you see, only the facts. And the fact is that Trump couldn't seem to pick anyone without business ties to Russia, Trump said no one had contact and they did, and Trump's son said they make big money there.

But you think like a 3 year old playing peek a boo... if you cover your eyes then facts disappear.

That isn't a fact. You don't know why he picked who he picked and you don't know his limitations are.

So funny how anything you pull out of your ass is a fact.

If you read again I didn't claim to know why he picked them. I only said he couldn't seem to find anyone without a Russian link. Given the number of people that do, that statement is irrefutable.

You said he couldn't seem to pick...not find......

Another "fact" Possibly he found all kinds and decided not to pick them.

But you have the "facts".

That's a possible fact as well. My fact still remains unchallenged.

There is no "fact" to challenge.

There is no such thing as "possible" facts. There are facts.....period.

You seem to be be missing yours.

The next time ClosedCaption posts a fact will be the first time.

Looks like the only thing The Dems Caught, was themselves.

But they should have known better when they selected Clinton.

And now, you have Farkas saying Obama Spied on President Trump Daily.
And then you have reports coming out that Dr. Jean Camp who has a Phd in Cybersecurity and is a professional hacker, was working with Clinton to create The False Russian Narrative, and even tried to plant evidence on Trump Tower and Alfa Bank Servers (False Beacon Ping).

So my question is this:

What you are going to do Dems when this all comes crashing down and damages your party in a major way?

Are you going to give Our President a chance?

Some of you will, I think.

But the rest of the Trolls will still plot sedition and treason.

I hope what I see is the better character of The Dem party, instead of what we have seen for 9 months.
It's been pretty ugly.

Now is a time for reform.

Win our Trust Back.

Show us that this is Your Country
Show us that this is Your President
And Show Us that You are Our Citizens

This nonissue has extremist righties creaming in excitement.

'cept she didn't say it.


Have you read the transcript? It was the biggest "OH SNAP" moment. Mika couldn't stop her bragging.


The ends justify the means... so they don't think they did anything wrong.. She was bragging about multiple federal felonies and she wouldn't shut up.. Best part is, she did it on TV and the video went viral.. Now there is no stopping the truth from getting out.. And the bus is about to drive right over Obama and all of his cronies.

I've read the transcript and I heard it play multiple times today and I still can't beleive she bragged on like that. But thank you so much Farkas for handing it over on a silver platter.

Gowdey has placed her on the list of people to question.. An unsolicited admission of espionage against the US.. A prosecutors dream...
Gowdey is the happiest man in Washington today!
The 'bug-eyed' bitch might as well have called the nearest federal prison inmate orange suit department and given them her height and weight.
When this is over there will be a couple of dozen Obama staffers wearing orange jump suits.
Some of them are 100% guaranteed to turn State's witnesses against Obama/Lynch/Clapper/Susan Rice/Ben Rhodes.
As usual the stupid fucking LIBs attempted to play checkers with REPs who are Grand Master chess players.
Flynn said he never had contact with the Russian ambassador when he actually did. And Trump didn't care.

And Trump didn't care so much he fired him?


What if I told you he didn't get fired. Google it. He resigned. Then Trump accepted his resignation and went after the media saying they destroyed a good man. Not that he lied or anything about being a foreign agent or being in their pockets.

Or maybe he cared so much he didn't fire him until the story broke to the public.
That isn't a fact. You don't know why he picked who he picked and you don't know his limitations are.

So funny how anything you pull out of your ass is a fact.

If you read again I didn't claim to know why he picked them. I only said he couldn't seem to find anyone without a Russian link. Given the number of people that do, that statement is irrefutable.

You said he couldn't seem to pick...not find......

Another "fact" Possibly he found all kinds and decided not to pick them.

But you have the "facts".

That's a possible fact as well. My fact still remains unchallenged.

There is no "fact" to challenge.

There is no such thing as "possible" facts. There are facts.....period.

You seem to be be missing yours.

The next time ClosedCaption posts a fact will be the first time.

Fact: Flynn registered as a foreign agent.
Fact Flynn was a foreign agent and Flynn had his lawyer's tell Trump. Yates told Trump Flynn was compromised. Flynn said he never had contact with the Russian ambassador when he actually did. And Trump didn't care.

Feel free to refute anyone of those.

You misspelled "fucking lie" Comrade Brown Shirt.

But you know who IS an agent of Russia? Hillary Clinton.

I'll make a backup of this, this time so that when a particular corrupt bastard deletes it, I can easily repost.

Mob Boss Hillary Clinton has made a career of selling favors to the extremely rich and powerful. From her early days of defrauding Little Rock Businesses with threats of crippling witch hunt investigations by the Attorney General, her husband and lackey Bill, to the brokering of uranium sales to Vladamir Putin, Hillary has been in the pocket of those who could pay.

The connections to big oil like Exxon Mobil, Duke Energy, Citi Bank, are well known. Exxon and Duke move Russian oil to Europe, the Clinton Mob has their hands in it. Citi is the major financier for the Russian oil trade working with Moscow based Alfa Bank. The Clinton crime family has received huge sums from Citi. Interestingly enough, many of the ties to the Clinton Mob also trace back to the Bush family, partially explaining the demand of Dubya that Citi be bailed out in 2008.

Selling Uranium to Putin:

{In 2015, The New York Times reported on the ties between the Clinton Foundation and its board member, Canadian Financier Frank Giustra, as a Russian company pushed for control of United States based uranium resources. In 2008, The New York Times reported that Giustra donated millions of dollars to gain access to the Clintons and used his relationship as leverage in a multi-million-dollar uranium deal in the former Soviet Union Republic of Kazakhstan, which Bill Clinton visited with him.}

This dirty little deal reveals the close ties of the Clinton Mob and Russia and illustrates the crime family working AS AN AGENT of the Russian government.

Direct Payments from Russia:

{In June 2010, Bill Clinton visited Moscow to give a keynote speech for $500,000 to Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank owned by Mikhail Prokhorov, who owns the Brooklyn Nets, Barclays Center Arena, and several other entertainment venues in Brooklyn. In 2015, The Wall Street Journal reported that Clinton received a personal thank you note for the speech from Vladimir Putin and a press release from Renaissance Capital noted that the conference was attended by several Russian officials and corporate leaders.}

A cool half million from Putin to the Clinton mob, no need for a go between. This was at a time when Mafia Don Hillary was Secretary of State and close to the time Barack Obama was promising "flexibility" in dealing with Putin.

Ties to the Russian Mob:

International crime is a major factor in our world. That an American crime family like the Clintons would align themselves with Russian mobsters is not surprising, and in fact fully expected.

Billionaire Mikhail Fridman, the founder and owner of the Russia-based Alfa Bank is one of the premiere heads of organized crime in Russia. In 2003, Bill Clinton presented the Golden Plate Award of the International Academy of Achievement in Washington D.C. to this close associate of theirs.

In 2016, Bloomberg reported that Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff Thomas McLarty III was advising Fridman’s company LetterOne about investing $3 billion in the United States’ healthcare system.

{Emails obtained from the conservative group Citizens United revealed that the Clinton Foundation staff pushed Hillary Clinton’s State Department to meet with Russian billionaire Viktor Veselberg, who has donated at least $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation.}

KGB Links:

The Russian Mob grew out of the former KGB, so it is of little surprise that many Clinton confidants are former KGB agents including Putin himself.

{Billionaire Gennady Timchenko, who is rumored to be a former KGB agent, acquired several holdings of Clinton donor Tom Steyer’s hedge fund in 2010.}

{Russian billionaire Leonard Blavatnik’s wife has donated $33,400 to the Democratic Party and gave the maximum donation for an individual, $2,700, to Hillary Clinton during her presidential campaign. Daria Zhukova, the wife of Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, a Putin ally, donated the same amount.}

The Podesta Link:

Last week I pointed out, as did many others on this board, that Mob Boss Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, John Podesta was neck deep in dealing with Russia. John runs the Podesta Group with his brother Tony. The Podesta group;

{in 2016 lobbied on behalf of Sberbank, which is owned by the Russian Central Bank. The firm also lobbied for a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine, the same one that caused Trump adviser Paul Manafort to resign in embarrassment after it was revealed that he worked for former pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Politico reported that the revelations about Manafort were provided to the Clinton campaign from the Ukrainian government through a DNC consultant who met with Ukrainian officials at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington D.C.}


Hillary's Russia Connection
Speaking Fees Meet Politics for Clintons
The Clintons’ Neoliberal Dystopian Ties to Russia’s Billionaires
If you read again I didn't claim to know why he picked them. I only said he couldn't seem to find anyone without a Russian link. Given the number of people that do, that statement is irrefutable.

You said he couldn't seem to pick...not find......

Another "fact" Possibly he found all kinds and decided not to pick them.

But you have the "facts".

That's a possible fact as well. My fact still remains unchallenged.

There is no "fact" to challenge.

There is no such thing as "possible" facts. There are facts.....period.

You seem to be be missing yours.

The next time ClosedCaption posts a fact will be the first time.

Fact: Flynn registered as a foreign agent.

For what country?

As I said, the next time you post a fact will be the first time.
You misspelled "fucking lie" Comrade Brown Shirt.

Just screaming lie doesn't make it so. You just said it was a lie, called me a brown shirt and then never pointed out the lie...by accident, I'm sure.

Great retort, moron.

You can call DTMB to come delete the post exposing the Clinton mob, but I have a backup so I can post it as many times as you lefties delete it.
You said he couldn't seem to pick...not find......

Another "fact" Possibly he found all kinds and decided not to pick them.

But you have the "facts".

That's a possible fact as well. My fact still remains unchallenged.

There is no "fact" to challenge.

There is no such thing as "possible" facts. There are facts.....period.

You seem to be be missing yours.

The next time ClosedCaption posts a fact will be the first time.

Fact: Flynn registered as a foreign agent.

For what country?

As I said, the next time you post a fact will be the first time.

It's a fact. Flynn was a foreign agent
You misspelled "fucking lie" Comrade Brown Shirt.

Just screaming lie doesn't make it so. You just said it was a lie, called me a brown shirt and then never pointed out the lie...by accident, I'm sure.

Great retort, moron.

You can call DTMB to come delete the post exposing the Clinton mob, but I have a backup so I can post it as many times as you lefties delete it.

Why would I? Your post has nothing to do with the discussion so I paid it no mind. But you still haven't pointed out the lie which shows you know it's true. Sorry
You said he couldn't seem to pick...not find......

Another "fact" Possibly he found all kinds and decided not to pick them.

But you have the "facts".

That's a possible fact as well. My fact still remains unchallenged.

There is no "fact" to challenge.

There is no such thing as "possible" facts. There are facts.....period.

You seem to be be missing yours.

Fact Flynn was a foreign agent and Flynn had his lawyer's tell Trump. Yates told Trump Flynn was compromised. Flynn said he never had contact with the Russian ambassador when he actually did. And Trump didn't care.

Feel free to refute anyone of those.
Flynn was NOT and Agent of a foreign government.. You are a lying sack of shit.

If that was true why did Flynn register as a foreign agent?

Because the firm he works for NOW advocated for TURKEY last year.

Turkey, the NATO member, not Russia as you had lied.
You misspelled "fucking lie" Comrade Brown Shirt.

Just screaming lie doesn't make it so. You just said it was a lie, called me a brown shirt and then never pointed out the lie...by accident, I'm sure.

Great retort, moron.

You can call DTMB to come delete the post exposing the Clinton mob, but I have a backup so I can post it as many times as you lefties delete it.

Why would I? Your post has nothing to do with the discussion so I paid it no mind. But you still haven't pointed out the lie which shows you know it's true. Sorry

My Post has nothing to do with the discussion of
Looks Like The Russian Narrative Was A Trap For The Dems

Is it possible to be fascist and NOT be a fucking retard? :dunno:
earth to dick sucking Trump drones ..

Russia IS NOT GOING AWAY no matter what you do or say.
That's a possible fact as well. My fact still remains unchallenged.

There is no "fact" to challenge.

There is no such thing as "possible" facts. There are facts.....period.

You seem to be be missing yours.

The next time ClosedCaption posts a fact will be the first time.

Fact: Flynn registered as a foreign agent.

For what country?

As I said, the next time you post a fact will be the first time.

It's a fact. Flynn was a foreign agent

When he is headed to jail.
You misspelled "fucking lie" Comrade Brown Shirt.

Just screaming lie doesn't make it so. You just said it was a lie, called me a brown shirt and then never pointed out the lie...by accident, I'm sure.

Great retort, moron.

You can call DTMB to come delete the post exposing the Clinton mob, but I have a backup so I can post it as many times as you lefties delete it.

Why would I? Your post has nothing to do with the discussion so I paid it no mind. But you still haven't pointed out the lie which shows you know it's true. Sorry

My Post has nothing to do with the discussion of
Looks Like The Russian Narrative Was A Trap For The Dems

Is it possible to be fascist and NOT be a fucking retard? :dunno:

You gave up on exposing my lie...again. aww!

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