Looks Like The Russian Narrative Was A Trap For The Dems

did the democrats also plot to have flynn and sessions lie under oath..?? :lol:
Please present an official Perjury charge.


Troll? You looking in the mirror hack?

Flynn perjured himself. Did you nit understand English when comey said it was still being investigated?

Or do you not understand that they think he rolled on the Donald to save his own butt?

Brain dead twit

Flynn didn't perjure himself or he'd be up on charges. Ditto sessions. You're the one that's flat lining.
Looks like the only thing The Dems Caught, was themselves.

But they should have known better when they selected Clinton.

And now, you have Farkas saying Obama Spied on President Trump Daily.
And then you have reports coming out that Dr. Jean Camp who has a Phd in Cybersecurity and is a professional hacker, was working with Clinton to create The False Russian Narrative, and even tried to plant evidence on Trump Tower and Alfa Bank Servers (False Beacon Ping).

So my question is this:

What you are going to do Dems when this all comes crashing down and damages your party in a major way?

Are you going to give Our President a chance?

Some of you will, I think.

But the rest of the Trolls will still plot sedition and treason.

I hope what I see is the better character of The Dem party, instead of what we have seen for 9 months.
It's been pretty ugly.

Now is a time for reform.

Win our Trust Back.

Show us that this is Your Country
Show us that this is Your President
And Show Us that You are Our Citizens

The lefties will NEVER, EVER admit any fault. Even if we had a video of Obama, Hillary, and the rest of the Dems sitting around having a wiretapping party of Trump's campaign, they will never admit to doing anything wrong. The problem here, is that lefties will not be able to conceive that they are doing anything wrong. Kinda like a dog conceiving or admitting that there is anything wrong with licking his poop hole right in front of you in your living room, or in front of guests. There will NEVER be any shame, and they will NEVER be wrong. There is no smoking gun that can make them conceive what the problem is. Any evidence of conspiring to or using government resources to interfere with the election will all make good sense to them.
did the democrats also plot to have flynn and sessions lie under oath..?? :lol:
Please present an official Perjury charge.


he was fired ..

the investigation is ongoing..


He was asked to resign because he didn't tell the whole truth to VP Pence and that hung Pence out to dry. And of course the investigation is ongoing. I can't wait till they get to the part on who paid for the fake dossier, how much the Dems then paid for it. AND on the hot seat I want Steele grilled to tell us how that old mavericky bastard McCain got hold of it.
OP thinks any cintact with Russia is suspicious...unless Trump does it.

I've seen no contacts with Russia by Trump. You fascists have your lies and slander, but no facts or evidence.

I put up a solid list of the Clinton ties to Russia this morning, that DTMB or one of the others quickly "disappeared it" since it doesn't follow the narrative they promote. It was a lot of effort and I don't know if I'll bother again. but the evidence against the Clinton Mob is overwhelming.
did the democrats also plot to have flynn and sessions lie under oath..?? :lol:
Please present an official Perjury charge.


Troll? You looking in the mirror hack?

Flynn perjured himself. Did you nit understand English when comey said it was still being investigated?

Or do you not understand that they think he rolled on the Donald to save his own butt?

Brain dead twit

Flynn didn't perjure himself or he'd be up on charges. Ditto sessions. You're the one that's flat lining.

Jillian is a hack with zero understanding of the law or how the legal system works.

Flynn was cleared by the FBI, the Fascists are just flat out lying. It's what these Nazicrats do.
the shit RussianWingers say, and believe boggles the rational mind.
the shit RussianWingers say, and believe boggles the rational mind.

I fully understand what lefties think, and I fully understand what righties think. You see, righties were all lefties when they were born, and we all screamed for a bottle or a tit for survival. Many, like myself, eventually evolve right and become civilized, but we still know what it is like to be a lefty. Lefties on the other hand, have only been lefties, so they have no clue what it is like to be a righty. If you are wondering what all this means, here's the deal. Lefties can only think like lefties, but righties can think like lefties AND like righties. We think thoughts that lefties cannot conceive, plus the thoughts that they do. How does this apply to your simple post? The "rational mind" to a lefty is merely a "lefty mind". The part about boggling the mind though, sounds about right.
I can't wait till they arrest the leakers and then arrest whatever Clinton Staffer (Probably Jean Camp) that planted the ping on the hacked Russian Bank and Trump Tower Server.

So far the only Crimes discovered to have been committed have been committed on The Left.

If a real Investigation goes on, I see a lot of Dems Going to Jail.

BTW, they just Caught a Clinton Holdover accepting all kinds of money and gifts in The State Department From China!

She's No Podesta but she comes

did the democrats also plot to have flynn and sessions lie under oath..?? :lol:
Please present an official Perjury charge.


he was fired ..

the investigation is ongoing..


He was asked to resign because he didn't tell the whole truth to VP Pence and that hung Pence out to dry. And of course the investigation is ongoing. I can't wait till they get to the part on who paid for the fake dossier, how much the Dems then paid for it. AND on the hot seat I want Steele grilled to tell us how that old mavericky bastard McCain got hold of it.

Looks like the only thing The Dems Caught, was themselves.

But they should have known better when they selected Clinton.

And now, you have Farkas saying Obama Spied on President Trump Daily.
And then you have reports coming out that Dr. Jean Camp who has a Phd in Cybersecurity and is a professional hacker, was working with Clinton to create The False Russian Narrative, and even tried to plant evidence on Trump Tower and Alfa Bank Servers (False Beacon Ping).

So my question is this:

What you are going to do Dems when this all comes crashing down and damages your party in a major way?

Are you going to give Our President a chance?

Some of you will, I think.

But the rest of the Trolls will still plot sedition and treason.

I hope what I see is the better character of The Dem party, instead of what we have seen for 9 months.
It's been pretty ugly.

Now is a time for reform.

Win our Trust Back.

Show us that this is Your Country
Show us that this is Your President
And Show Us that You are Our Citizens

This nonissue has extremist righties creaming in excitement.

'cept she didn't say it.

the shit RussianWingers say, and believe boggles the rational mind.

I fully understand what lefties think, and I fully understand what righties think. You see, righties were all lefties when they were born, and we all screamed for a bottle or a tit for survival. Many, like myself, eventually evolve right and become civilized, but we still know what it is like to be a lefty. Lefties on the other hand, have only been lefties, so they have no clue what it is like to be a righty. If you are wondering what all this means, here's the deal. Lefties can only think like lefties, but righties can think like lefties AND like righties. We think thoughts that lefties cannot conceive, plus the thoughts that they do. How does this apply to your simple post? The "rational mind" to a lefty is merely a "lefty mind". The part about boggling the mind though, sounds about right.

You know, that post was profound and 100% accurate. Excellent post!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
OP thinks any cintact with Russia is suspicious...unless Trump does it.

I've seen no contacts with Russia by Trump. You fascists have your lies and slander, but no facts or evidence.

I put up a solid list of the Clinton ties to Russia this morning, that DTMB or one of the others quickly "disappeared it" since it doesn't follow the narrative they promote. It was a lot of effort and I don't know if I'll bother again. but the evidence against the Clinton Mob is overwhelming.

We aren't concerned with what you see, only the facts. And the fact is that Trump couldn't seem to pick anyone without business ties to Russia, Trump said no one had contact and they did, and Trump's son said they make big money there.

But you think like a 3 year old playing peek a boo... if you cover your eyes then facts disappear.

Looks like the only thing The Dems Caught, was themselves.

But they should have known better when they selected Clinton.

And now, you have Farkas saying Obama Spied on President Trump Daily.
And then you have reports coming out that Dr. Jean Camp who has a Phd in Cybersecurity and is a professional hacker, was working with Clinton to create The False Russian Narrative, and even tried to plant evidence on Trump Tower and Alfa Bank Servers (False Beacon Ping).

So my question is this:

What you are going to do Dems when this all comes crashing down and damages your party in a major way?

Are you going to give Our President a chance?

Some of you will, I think.

But the rest of the Trolls will still plot sedition and treason.

I hope what I see is the better character of The Dem party, instead of what we have seen for 9 months.
It's been pretty ugly.

Now is a time for reform.

Win our Trust Back.

Show us that this is Your Country
Show us that this is Your President
And Show Us that You are Our Citizens

This nonissue has extremist righties creaming in excitement.

'cept she didn't say it.


Have you read the transcript? It was the biggest "OH SNAP" moment. Mika couldn't stop her bragging.

did the democrats also plot to have flynn and sessions lie under oath..?? :lol:
Please present an official Perjury charge.


Troll? You looking in the mirror hack?

Flynn perjured himself. Did you nit understand English when comey said it was still being investigated?

Or do you not understand that they think he rolled on the Donald to save his own butt?

Brain dead twit

Flynn didn't perjure himself or he'd be up on charges. Ditto sessions. You're the one that's flat lining.

Jillian is a hack with zero understanding of the law or how the legal system works.

Flynn was cleared by the FBI, the Fascists are just flat out lying. It's what these Nazicrats do.

Jillians always been a poor poster. All she does is name call. All they have is lying now. Zip credibility left.

Looks like the only thing The Dems Caught, was themselves.

But they should have known better when they selected Clinton.

And now, you have Farkas saying Obama Spied on President Trump Daily.
And then you have reports coming out that Dr. Jean Camp who has a Phd in Cybersecurity and is a professional hacker, was working with Clinton to create The False Russian Narrative, and even tried to plant evidence on Trump Tower and Alfa Bank Servers (False Beacon Ping).

So my question is this:

What you are going to do Dems when this all comes crashing down and damages your party in a major way?

Are you going to give Our President a chance?

Some of you will, I think.

But the rest of the Trolls will still plot sedition and treason.

I hope what I see is the better character of The Dem party, instead of what we have seen for 9 months.
It's been pretty ugly.

Now is a time for reform.

Win our Trust Back.

Show us that this is Your Country
Show us that this is Your President
And Show Us that You are Our Citizens

This nonissue has extremist righties creaming in excitement.

'cept she didn't say it.


Have you read the transcript? It was the biggest "OH SNAP" moment. Mika couldn't stop her bragging.


The ends justify the means... so they don't think they did anything wrong.. She was bragging about multiple federal felonies and she wouldn't shut up.. Best part is, she did it on TV and the video went viral.. Now there is no stopping the truth from getting out.. And the bus is about to drive right over Obama and all of his cronies.
OP thinks any cintact with Russia is suspicious...unless Trump does it.

I've seen no contacts with Russia by Trump. You fascists have your lies and slander, but no facts or evidence.

I put up a solid list of the Clinton ties to Russia this morning, that DTMB or one of the others quickly "disappeared it" since it doesn't follow the narrative they promote. It was a lot of effort and I don't know if I'll bother again. but the evidence against the Clinton Mob is overwhelming.

We aren't concerned with what you see, only the facts. And the fact is that Trump couldn't seem to pick anyone without business ties to Russia, Trump said no one had contact and they did, and Trump's son said they make big money there.

But you think like a 3 year old playing peek a boo... if you cover your eyes then facts disappear.

That isn't a fact. You don't know why he picked who he picked and you don't know his limitations are.

So funny how anything you pull out of your ass is a fact.

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