Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

You said Trump is not head of US intelligence.

That is correct - the President is NOT 'Head of US Intelligence'.
-- You moronically and comically continue to act as if by pointing my saying this you have somehow proved I am wrong, but all you continue to do is prove you - once again - have no clue what you are talking about....because, as always, you rely on your own unsubstantiated ignorant OPINIONS instead of actual FACT.

Let me educate you, since you refuse to try to educate yourself:

Oversight in the executive branch usually focuses on covert action and espionage. The President heads oversight in the executive branch, and all covert actions must be approved by him or her (Refer to Intelligence Authorization Act and Hughes–Ryan Act). The President also has the power to appoint commissions, which can be used to assess intelligence topics (such as The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks or The Iraq Intelligence Commission). The White House sets the national security and foreign affairs agenda.

Congress justifies its oversight abilities using two main reasons; the first is the Necessary and Proper Clause of the US Constitution (since courts found that the clause includes the power to require reports from the executive on anything that can be legislated)[1] and the second is the Power of the Purse. Congressional oversight focuses on the supervising of the budget, quality of analysis, legality of actions, and intelligence failures. The two principal committees that are charged with intelligence community oversight are the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: Oversight Subcommittee.

United States Intelligence Community Oversight duties are shared by both the executive and legislative branches of the government. Oversight, in this case, is the supervision of intelligence agencies, and making them accountable for their actions. Generally oversight bodies look at the following general issues: following policymaker needs, the quality of analysis, operations, and legality of actions.[1]

JUDICIAL OVERSIGHT: The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) is a U.S. federal court established and authorized under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) to oversee requests for surveillance warrants against foreign spies inside the United States by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Such requests are made most often by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The FBI is well aware of the FISA process, as they have been caught committing FISA Court violations more than a dozen times in the last several decades under former FBI Directors MUELLER AND COMEY.
al capone was also set up.
For breaking the law when did it break the law by talking to a foreign government he was the incoming cabinet member that spoke to thousands a day

Why did Flynn lie about talking to a foreign government?
In that setting it wasn’t a lie.. if they told him it was a Perjury trap he probably would’ve requested a lawyer
What do you mean “in that setting”? It’s either a lie or it isn’t. The setting doesn’t determine whether that’s the case or not.
Yes he is. Intelligence agencies are part of the executive branch. Who is head of the executive branch?
You were just given the link and exact verbiage that proves YOU ARE WRONG, and you respond with debunked, uneducated, FALSE opinion:

'Nuh-uh, he is, too!'

Once again, let me provide you with the link again....so you can ignore it agsain and respond again with your same debunked, uneducated, FALSE opinion,

al capone was also set up.
For breaking the law when did it break the law by talking to a foreign government he was the incoming cabinet member that spoke to thousands a day

Why did Flynn lie about talking to a foreign government?
In that setting it wasn’t a lie.. if they told him it was a Perjury trap he probably would’ve requested a lawyer
What do you mean “in that setting”? It’s either a lie or it isn’t. The setting doesn’t determine whether that’s the case or not.
When having a casual conversation with his counterparts, i’m pretty sure he didn’t think this was gonna be used against him. FBI notes said they didn’t think he was lying.. it’s been debunked
Flynn should be completely restored. Buy him a new house. Give him every dime he spent. Restore his pension. And pay for his anguish too.

BULLSHIT. His behaviour was both illegal and treasonous.
What do you think a perjury trap is?
A perjury trap is a form of entrapment in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify with the intent to base a perjury charge on their statements, not to indict them for a previous crime. Claims of a perjury trap are often used when perjury charges result from testimony in front of a grand jury, although they are rarely proven.

You mean like asking Bill Clinton about a blow job from an intern?

The problem with all "perjury traps", is that if the person doesn't lie, they can't get caught in them, can they? And Flynn wasn't some unsuspecting guy who had no idea. As a high ranking military officer with a high ranking security clearance, he knew, or should have known, that the Russian Ambassador's phone is bugged and the FBI is listening to his every call. And he knew or should have known that lying to the FBI is illegal. Yet FLYNN LIED TO THE FBI ANYWAY, EVEN THOUGH HE KNEW THEY TAPPED THE AMBASSADOR'S PHONE CALLS AND THEY KNEW EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID TO THE AMBASSADOR.

EXACTLY. They do not have to lie!
yet if the FBI is going over there to get what happened, why are they ignoring past agents saying nothing was there, losing the 302s and then sending people over around process to ask him legally binding questions without letting him know that was the purpose of the meeting.

come on coyote - would you want this done to obama or anyone you care about?

being unbiased means you don't alter what is right or wrong based on who it is being done to. i don't know flynn. never heard of him before all this shit broke out and i was told what a horrible person he was.

but i do know i don't EVER want our FBI pulling the shit they were pulling under obama on ANYONE. not you, not me, not hillary - ANYONE.

you seem to be ok with their actions and it just leaves me puzzled.

i see trump say "we went totally around process to catch him in a lie so we could prosecute" i'd call foul.

you seem to be calling it all in a days work.

IF that was exactly what was happening. Was it going around the process? What actual evidence do we have - it seems we have snippets of notes. In order to be meaningful - you have to ask, is this out of the ordinary for law enforcement to do? If it isn't then what makes Flynn special because he DID lie. And from what I understand, if you are talking to the FBI, you don't lie. Is that going to change?

It's kind of funny, but in general - I'm pretty pro-law enforcement, I understand there are bad apples and they need to be addressed, but other than that - I respect and support the job they do. Even though I'm a leftist.
comey said it's what they did. we have COMEY SAYING THEY WENT AROUND PROCESS...

you have comey saying he's never do it to obama or bush.

and you want more.

sorry - this is where i draw the line as compromise. comey said it, he answered your questions and you appear to be making it seem to be not what was said. while i realize that's a calling card for the left, i hoped for more i suppose.

if the fbi is also questioning you about a crime, you have a right to know that and be afforded other people in the room. comey also said that too.

you're ignoring comey and pretending what he said doesn't exist. forgive me if i don't go down that road with you.

If the FBI is questioning you - and Flynn isn't ignorant, he is deep within the process. He knows his rights. Did he ask to have his lawyer? And was he refused?

Regardless of what they are questioning you about - you know it's not going to be jaywalking - you don't lie. And he lied multiple times including his disclosure forms.
Yet to get here you bypaszevery wrong thing the FBI DID to go neener neener you lied.

Fine. Standard set. Trump doesn't have to hold the FBI accountable and these tactics have been now blessed.
Flynn should be completely restored. Buy him a new house. Give him every dime he spent. Restore his pension. And pay for his anguish too.

BULLSHIT. His behaviour was both illegal and treasonous.
What do you think a perjury trap is?
A perjury trap is a form of entrapment in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify with the intent to base a perjury charge on their statements, not to indict them for a previous crime. Claims of a perjury trap are often used when perjury charges result from testimony in front of a grand jury, although they are rarely proven.

You mean like asking Bill Clinton about a blow job from an intern?

The problem with all "perjury traps", is that if the person doesn't lie, they can't get caught in them, can they? And Flynn wasn't some unsuspecting guy who had no idea. As a high ranking military officer with a high ranking security clearance, he knew, or should have known, that the Russian Ambassador's phone is bugged and the FBI is listening to his every call. And he knew or should have known that lying to the FBI is illegal. Yet FLYNN LIED TO THE FBI ANYWAY, EVEN THOUGH HE KNEW THEY TAPPED THE AMBASSADOR'S PHONE CALLS AND THEY KNEW EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID TO THE AMBASSADOR.

EXACTLY. They do not have to lie!
yet if the FBI is going over there to get what happened, why are they ignoring past agents saying nothing was there, losing the 302s and then sending people over around process to ask him legally binding questions without letting him know that was the purpose of the meeting.

come on coyote - would you want this done to obama or anyone you care about?

being unbiased means you don't alter what is right or wrong based on who it is being done to. i don't know flynn. never heard of him before all this shit broke out and i was told what a horrible person he was.

but i do know i don't EVER want our FBI pulling the shit they were pulling under obama on ANYONE. not you, not me, not hillary - ANYONE.

you seem to be ok with their actions and it just leaves me puzzled.

i see trump say "we went totally around process to catch him in a lie so we could prosecute" i'd call foul.

you seem to be calling it all in a days work.

IF that was exactly what was happening. Was it going around the process? What actual evidence do we have - it seems we have snippets of notes. In order to be meaningful - you have to ask, is this out of the ordinary for law enforcement to do? If it isn't then what makes Flynn special because he DID lie. And from what I understand, if you are talking to the FBI, you don't lie. Is that going to change?

It's kind of funny, but in general - I'm pretty pro-law enforcement, I understand there are bad apples and they need to be addressed, but other than that - I respect and support the job they do. Even though I'm a leftist.
comey said it's what they did. we have COMEY SAYING THEY WENT AROUND PROCESS...

you have comey saying he's never do it to obama or bush.

and you want more.

sorry - this is where i draw the line as compromise. comey said it, he answered your questions and you appear to be making it seem to be not what was said. while i realize that's a calling card for the left, i hoped for more i suppose.

if the fbi is also questioning you about a crime, you have a right to know that and be afforded other people in the room. comey also said that too.

you're ignoring comey and pretending what he said doesn't exist. forgive me if i don't go down that road with you.

again - towards the bottom of the page. comey flat out says he went around process and didn't have the right people in the room but figured he could get away with it under trump. it's below the handwritten note saying "get him to lie".

Do you have anything more solid then ZeroHedge? ZeroHedge has a reputation for conspiracy theories. For one - I don't believe anything coming from Barr after he mischaracterized the Mueller report (and has yet to release it). Zerohedge links to his words - and we already know, from Mueller, that he mischaracterized. I would like to see the entire report but I don't see that happening with Republicans in charge.

You opinions from Barr in this. You have opinions from Trump in this (and pardon me if I place no value on his). And you have claims by his defense attorney (something I also take with a grain of salt).

I tried to follow the links in this.

One led here: Stunning Brady Docs Disclosed By Gov Exonerate Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Defense Says - Sara A. Carter

I can't find any link to the actual released materials - so all I have to go by is what she claims.

Another link - As Sara Carter detailed last night...leads here https://www.zerohedge.com/node/add/article so I can't read it.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to be seeing a lot of claims and selected snippets of supporting material. Nowhere am I seeing the complete picture and that bothers me. What agenda is at play here?

Pretty much - my opinion is that if something is alleged to be wrong - investigate it (the IG) and present conclusions. Relying on selective leaks and partial information releases means relying on hidden agendas and I'm not playing that game.
I'm sorry did zero hedge fake this interview?

And comey leaked his own info in the interview?

You asked me to link to comey saying this. I provide it for the 4th overall time. Your reply is

1. Barr
2. Hidden agendas
3. Investigative process
4. Zero hedge sucks
5. Sarah cqrter
6. Brady

And not one thing in your reply addresses what comey said. This makes, your reply pretty much the king kamayamaya of deflections.

AND you KNOW I don't play that game.
Yes he is. Intelligence agencies are part of the executive branch. Who is head of the executive branch?
You were just given the link and exact verbiage that proves YOU ARE WRONG, and you respond with debunked, uneducated, FALSE opinion:

'Nuh-uh, he is, too!'

Once again, let me provide you with the link again....so you can ignore it agsain and respond again with your same debunked, uneducated, FALSE opinion,


Focus. The intelligence agencies are part of the executive branch.

Who is head of the executive branch?

There are 17 intelligence agencies, right? 8 of them are military.

Who is the commander in chief?

Hint. It’s not Schiff!
al capone was also set up.
For breaking the law when did it break the law by talking to a foreign government he was the incoming cabinet member that spoke to thousands a day

Why did Flynn lie about talking to a foreign government?
In that setting it wasn’t a lie.. if they told him it was a Perjury trap he probably would’ve requested a lawyer
What do you mean “in that setting”? It’s either a lie or it isn’t. The setting doesn’t determine whether that’s the case or not.
When having a casual conversation with his counterparts, i’m pretty sure he didn’t think this was gonna be used against him. FBI notes said they didn’t think he was lying.. it’s been debunked

A casual conversation? They aren’t friends. They didn’t just bump into each other. This was not a casual conversation.

Even if it was, it’s still a lie.

I’m sure he didn’t think it would be used against him either, but that’s only because I think Flynn probably saw himself above the law.
Michael Flynn should not have been prosecuted.. Obama is behind it too .https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michael-flynn-fbi-handwritten-notes-get-him-lie-fired a 33 yr old veteran had less rights then a criminal.

Why fox news is a sham. Flynn wanted to lock hillary up, and without a jury or judge.

Yeah.. The Nat Sec Advisor has time or authority to prosecute Clinton.. You have NO IDEA of how things work or what Flynn's job as NSAdvisor was even about.. Just derangement...
Wowsa, leftards still don't comprehend reality. We are not debating facts at this point. Everyone knew the FBI setup Flynn years ago. A crime so blatantly obvious it should have shut down the FBI until an independent agency can ascertain what happened. Yet right now, leftard idiots insist on defending the most dangerous corruption of government in the history of the USA, pre-lockdown...

Leftards say, "He was a friend of the orange blob who disliked Muslim terrorists and therefore bad."

You can't force someone to lie.
It was a perjury trap
What exactly do you think a perjury trap is?
Is what the fbi did legal and ethical?

And I'm going to follow up with this as a larger part of getting to Trump, so buckle up if you choose to defend this.
I see nothing illegal about what the FBI did. I don’t know about “ethical”. Not up to date on FBI ethics.

Flynn wasn’t set up. It wasn’t a perjury trap. The FBI never tricked him. Flynn lied on his own accord. He lied to perpetuate the lie that Trump had been telling about their lack of connection and communication with the Russian government.


and I believe we are done again cause I'm simply not talking to someone excusing illegal activity they benefit from emotionally.

How did they get him to lie?
What was illegal about what the FBI did?

you will defend your bullshit and then turn around and attack trump for shit he didn't even say.

this is why you got trump. here's to you getting him again.

You’re getting too emotional about this.

Let me know when you’re ready to discuss facts rather than resorting to your bunker mentality.

As of right now, you don’t appear ready to discuss this rationally.
idiots piss me off.

and you're not discussing facts, you're ignoring them. you're saying "well flynn lied" yet i'm to believe the side that set out to GET HIM to lie.

sorry - not going to play that game.

How did they “get him” to lie?

Stop lashing out and start discussing facts.
They asked him a question they already knew the answer, it was a trap.. im
Sure it wasn’t the only trap they had.

Yes dumbass, thats what FBI does - they ask you questions that they know answers to because they know you have a guilty conscience and will either lie or confess.
the FBI also follows process and protocol for these interviews to be official.

comey has said:
1. he didn't do that.
2. he intentionally went around process and protocol and would not have done the same to previous admins
3. he admits no one was there with flynn and he was never told this was formal and was not told to have council in there
4. he admits that flynn had no idea why they were there
5. we have a handwritten note "get him to lie so we can fire or prosecute him"

now kindly go fuck yourself with colbert and others who are ignoring facts they don't like and lashing out at others who won't stop your wet dreams of ORANGE MAN BAD.

What the fuck? What protocol does not permit FBI to catch you on perjury when they know you have a guilty conscience and will probably try to cover up and obstruct the investigation?

You don't know wtf you are even talking about. You just come here with your politico conclusions and spread total bullshit to try to maintain them
comey said the FBI was there w/o the usual people in place to ensure right are not violated. this is in the video and not being twisted around like the left does to trump. COMEY SAID IT POINT BLANK.

you can go fuck yourself after that.

Ha! Where did Comey say anything about people making sure his “rights aren’t violated”. Good lord, you bitch about other people not being accurate but you make up shit like this?"
your game continues "chase me over here while i ignore where you were right.

fuck off. again.

I have no problem admitting when you’re right. You have a problem admitting when you’re wrong


I do believe I said you were right about Harvard and the loan money.

Your turn. When did you admit being wrong?

You wanna play let's play.
al capone was also set up.
For breaking the law when did it break the law by talking to a foreign government he was the incoming cabinet member that spoke to thousands a day

Why did Flynn lie about talking to a foreign government?
In that setting it wasn’t a lie.. if they told him it was a Perjury trap he probably would’ve requested a lawyer
What do you mean “in that setting”? It’s either a lie or it isn’t. The setting doesn’t determine whether that’s the case or not.
When having a casual conversation with his counterparts, i’m pretty sure he didn’t think this was gonna be used against him. FBI notes said they didn’t think he was lying.. it’s been debunked

A casual conversation? They aren’t friends. They didn’t just bump into each other. This was not a casual conversation.

Even if it was, it’s still a lie.

I’m sure he didn’t think it would be used against him either, but that’s only because I think Flynn probably saw himself above the law.
You want to get this granular Hillary lied too.

Funny how gray area always is, there for you but no one else.
Focus. The intelligence agencies are part of the executive branch.

Shut your pie-hole and shove your OPINION up your ass long enough to open the link / read the information I provided you with.

US Intel / the 17 US Intel Agencies are under the oversight of the Executive, Congressional, and Judicial Branches of the US government. The US President is not the 'HEAD of US Intel' - all 3 have oversight of US Intel.

What YOU think or what your opinion is continues NOT to matter.

Here is what we have from the note taker and part of the team working on the case....it seems?

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit,” the FBI author wrote. “I thought [about] it last night, [and] I believe we should rethink this.”

so the note taker here said that he agreed yesterday when the group on the case strategized, that they should not show Flynn.... something that was redacted, (so we do not know what he was talking about there), if he did not admit, (to something else we don't know as well because it is not spelled out)

Then he went on to say, that he thought about doing it the way that was discussed, (and we don't know what exactly that means...what exactly was the way that was discussed?)

And that he believed that this approach or method that they were going to use, should be rethought....in his opinion....

then he says:

“We regularly show subjects evidence, with the goal of getting them to admit wrongdoing,” the notes said. “I don’t see how getting someone to admit their wrongdoing is going easy on him.”

Then he goes on to say that they regularly do show subjects evidence that they have on them, with the goal to get subjects to admit to wrong doing.... (so this is a common tactic of the FBI, in general, it seems?)

But the note taker does not see how getting someone to admit their wrong doing, is going "easy" on this particular subject....

(So the note taker is saying that THEIR GOAL was to GO EASY on Flynn, and doing it the way they discussed the day before in their strategizing meeting.....whatever that may have been, was NOT going easy on him, as their goal was....in his opinion)


Without the redacted part, and without the rest of this conversation's notes to give an accurate context, nothing at all can be concluded as some sort of nefarious action, imo. That is all far out conjecture!!!
So you'd be OK with the FBI acting like that against you or a member of your family??
acting like what? the note taker is asking questions... there are question marks.

Wouldn't doing it the way they originally discussed, not be ''going easy on Flynn''?

(so they obviously discussed previously, that they were going to try to go ''easy'' on Flynn)

conveniently the whole conversation is not posted....they only posted what they thought they could twist and use..... enough to make you all, believe their twist....

Oh -- so you blow off the ACTUAL content and context and you're down to using question marks as excuses?? How would you like all this abuse to be applied to someone you KNOW or voted for?

Time to suit up and start CARING "Care4All" about Civil Liberties again like the Dems USED to do.. Start PROSECUTING the PROSECUTORS WHO ABUSE their posts.. Abuse of prosecutorial powers HERE are as clear as the abuses perpetrated on the poor, minority defenseless ones..

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