Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

Flynn wanted an audit of the CIA and he opposed the Iran deal.

Obama told Trump not to hire him. Trump did anyways, so FLYNN HAD TO GO DOWN.

This is a straight up framing from Obama’s FBI that he knew about.

Obama is trash.
How did the FBI get him to lie?

Released documents who several FBI agents involved in the Interview stated they never thought Flynn DID lie. The only one who says Flynn lied, the only one who officially declared he did was FBI Deputy Director of Counter Intel Peter Strzok, the exposed co-conspirator who lied when he declared he never had any part in authoring the ICA or ICR based on the Dossier. As stated, this was proven to be a LIE.

So the only REAL person who declared Flynn lied is a proven lying conspirator who helped set Flynn up, as the official document released yesterday shows.

He is the only person in this discussion who has less credibility than YOU do.

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."
Ha! You can’t prosecute someone for perjury unless they are sweating or looking to the side?
I didn’t think he was lying.
, he was prosecuted by Mueller’s team
Which was part of the DOJ and Mueller was appointed by and answered to the acting AG.

So, the babyman's DOJ, exactly as was said.
Who was the acting doj? Rosenstein that gave him
Once again, what's done in the dark is coming to the light.
The FBI is being exposed as a corrupt entity of the government at the highest level.

Handwritten notes from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that had been inappropriately withheld from Flynn’s defense team for years show that a key goal of the agents investigating Flynn was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”
In the handwritten FBI notes, the note-taker, whose identity was not made clear in the document production, wrote that an alternate goal is to “get [Flynn] to admit breaking the Logan Act,” a reference to a 1799 law restricting communications between private citizens and foreign governments.
The FBI notes also show that the author of the document had misgivings about the FBI’s conduct in interviewing Flynn.

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit,” the FBI author wrote. “I thought [about] it last night, [and] I believe we should rethink this.”

“We regularly show subjects evidence, with the goal of getting them to admit wrongdoing,” the notes said. “I don’t see how getting someone to admit their wrongdoing is going easy on him.”

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit” but “I thought about it last night and I believe we should rethink this,” the FBI official wrote. “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

One of Obama's long list of legacies, no doubt.
I'll be looking for this on CNN.

Flynn was prosecuted by the Blob's DOJ.
No, he was prosecuted by Mueller’s team
Who were working for the DOJ.
Honey, Sessions had recused himself from the investigation. Guess you have a short memory.

Didn’t know the DOJ vanished when the AG recuses himself. Roth Stein was appointed by the blob as well.

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."

Just for the record, none of what you just posted IS IN THE NOTE you presented.

McCabe is talking about behavioral signs of Flynn lying during the interview as perceived by the people interviewing him, not actual FACT of him misinforming FBI about the calls with a Russian diplomat. That could just mean that Flynn is a well-trained, well prepared liar.

In a post-interview meeting in McCabe’s office, the agents “weren’t saying they believed [Flynn], and they weren’t saying they didn’t believe him.” McCabe said the interviewers “struck me as being mainly surprised by the encounter” and “the difficulty of resolving their observations,” because “what he said was in absolute, direct conflict with the information that we had.

Yes McCabe didn’t think he was lying
Released documents who several FBI agents involved in the Interview stated they never thought Flynn DID lie.
Let me get this straight. You don’t think Flynn lied to the FBI agents? Is that what you’re saying?
By that logic US President is not the head of his administration either, because Congress has oversight powers over his office.

Logic has nothing to do with it. FACT does.

What do you and the reality-denying, pathological liar Colon NOT get about the FACT that The Director of National Intelligence is Head of the 17-agency US Intelligence Community, that he reports to the President, and the Executive, Congressional, and Judicial Branches have oversight of US Intelligence?

You can continue to attempt to spin, twist, ;lie, and deny, but in the end you both just end up looking stupid and losing credibility for refusing to even TRY use links / actual facts to support your BS.

United States Intelligence Community Oversight - Wikipedia


US Intel / the 17 US Intel Agencies are under the oversight of the Executive, Congressional, and Judicial Branches of the US government. The US President is not the 'HEAD of US Intel' - all 3 have oversight of US Intel.

Who is in charge of the intelligence community today?
Who is the head of the seventeen-member United States Intelligence Community?

The Director of National Intelligence, currently Richard Grenell, since February 2020, is the head of the 17-member US Intelligence Community. Grenel is a member of the Cabinet National Security Council (NSC)

Director of National Intelligence - Wikipedia


Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."
Ha! You can’t prosecute someone for perjury unless they are sweating or looking to the side?
I didn’t think he was lying.

How so? Do you think Flynn didn’t talk to the Russian ambassador about sanctions?
, he was prosecuted by Mueller’s team
Which was part of the DOJ and Mueller was appointed by and answered to the acting AG.

So, the babyman's DOJ, exactly as was said.
Who was the acting doj? Rosenstein that gave him
Once again, what's done in the dark is coming to the light.
The FBI is being exposed as a corrupt entity of the government at the highest level.

Handwritten notes from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that had been inappropriately withheld from Flynn’s defense team for years show that a key goal of the agents investigating Flynn was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”
In the handwritten FBI notes, the note-taker, whose identity was not made clear in the document production, wrote that an alternate goal is to “get [Flynn] to admit breaking the Logan Act,” a reference to a 1799 law restricting communications between private citizens and foreign governments.
The FBI notes also show that the author of the document had misgivings about the FBI’s conduct in interviewing Flynn.

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit,” the FBI author wrote. “I thought [about] it last night, [and] I believe we should rethink this.”

“We regularly show subjects evidence, with the goal of getting them to admit wrongdoing,” the notes said. “I don’t see how getting someone to admit their wrongdoing is going easy on him.”

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit” but “I thought about it last night and I believe we should rethink this,” the FBI official wrote. “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

One of Obama's long list of legacies, no doubt.
I'll be looking for this on CNN.

Flynn was prosecuted by the Blob's DOJ.
No, he was prosecuted by Mueller’s team
Who were working for the DOJ.
Honey, Sessions had recused himself from the investigation. Guess you have a short memory.

Didn’t know the DOJ vanished when the AG recuses himself. Roth Stein was appointed by the blob as well.
Honey, Rod Rosenstein is the one that gave Mueller full reign. He was also willing to wear a wire...

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."
Ha! You can’t prosecute someone for perjury unless they are sweating or looking to the side?
I didn’t think he was lying.

How so? Do you think Flynn didn’t talk to the Russian ambassador about sanctions?
He talk to thousands of ambassador, he probably didn’t remember ,, fbi agreed said he wasn’t lying
Let me get this straight. You don’t think Flynn lied to the FBI agents? Is that what you’re saying?

You SERIOUSLY can't f*ing READ, can you?

What part of the words "Released documents who several FBI agents involved in the Interview stated they never thought Flynn lied" do you NOT understand?

Please find anyone with enough patience to put up with your BS explain it to you....even draw you a picture if necessary.
, he was prosecuted by Mueller’s team
Which was part of the DOJ and Mueller was appointed by and answered to the acting AG.

So, the babyman's DOJ, exactly as was said.
Who was the acting doj? Rosenstein that gave him
Once again, what's done in the dark is coming to the light.
The FBI is being exposed as a corrupt entity of the government at the highest level.

Handwritten notes from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that had been inappropriately withheld from Flynn’s defense team for years show that a key goal of the agents investigating Flynn was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”
In the handwritten FBI notes, the note-taker, whose identity was not made clear in the document production, wrote that an alternate goal is to “get [Flynn] to admit breaking the Logan Act,” a reference to a 1799 law restricting communications between private citizens and foreign governments.
The FBI notes also show that the author of the document had misgivings about the FBI’s conduct in interviewing Flynn.

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit,” the FBI author wrote. “I thought [about] it last night, [and] I believe we should rethink this.”

“We regularly show subjects evidence, with the goal of getting them to admit wrongdoing,” the notes said. “I don’t see how getting someone to admit their wrongdoing is going easy on him.”

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit” but “I thought about it last night and I believe we should rethink this,” the FBI official wrote. “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

One of Obama's long list of legacies, no doubt.
I'll be looking for this on CNN.

Flynn was prosecuted by the Blob's DOJ.
No, he was prosecuted by Mueller’s team
Who were working for the DOJ.
Honey, Sessions had recused himself from the investigation. Guess you have a short memory.

Didn’t know the DOJ vanished when the AG recuses himself. Roth Stein was appointed by the blob as well.
Honey, Rod Rosenstein is the one that gave Mueller full reign. He was also willing to wear a wire...
The blob appointed RR. Blaming the democrats and Obama is incorrect. Mueller didn’t have full reign; the blob never sat for an interview with investigators under oath.
By that logic US President is not the head of his administration either, because Congress has oversight powers over his office.

Logic has nothing to do with it. FACT does.

What do you and the reality-denying, pathological liar Colon NOT get about the FACT that The Director of National Intelligence is Head of the 17-agency US Intelligence Community, that he reports to the President, and the Executive, Congressional, and Judicial Branches have oversight of US Intelligence?

You can continue to attempt to spin, twist, ;lie, and deny, but in the end you both just end up looking stupid and losing credibility for refusing to even TRY use links / actual facts to support your BS.

United States Intelligence Community Oversight - Wikipedia


US Intel / the 17 US Intel Agencies are under the oversight of the Executive, Congressional, and Judicial Branches of the US government. The US President is not the 'HEAD of US Intel' - all 3 have oversight of US Intel.

Who is in charge of the intelligence community today?
Who is the head of the seventeen-member United States Intelligence Community?

The Director of National Intelligence, currently Richard Grenell, since February 2020, is the head of the 17-member US Intelligence Community. Grenel is a member of the Cabinet National Security Council (NSC)

Director of National Intelligence - Wikipedia

The DNI reports to the president and follows his orders and his orders only.

Because the president is head of US intelligence.
Honey, Rod Rosenstein is the one that gave Mueller full reign. He was also willing to wear a wire...
He also committed FISA Court abuses because HE knowingly signed off on the know illegal / criminal / false warrant request documents.
Let me get this straight. You don’t think Flynn lied to the FBI agents? Is that what you’re saying?

You SERIOUSLY can't f*ing READ, can you?

What part of the words "Released documents who several FBI agents involved in the Interview stated they never thought Flynn lied" do you NOT understand?

Please find anyone with enough patience to put up with your BS explain it to you....even draw you a picture if necessary.

Just double checking.

That’s not what the FBI agents said. It’s a lie.

All they said is that he didn’t give physical indications he was lying. The FBI regardless concluded he was lying because, shocker, they don’t go solely by how someone looks when they are interviewed.
By that logic US President is not the head of his administration either, because Congress has oversight powers over his office.

Logic has nothing to do with it. FACT does.

What do you and the reality-denying, pathological liar Colon NOT get about the FACT that The Director of National Intelligence is Head of the 17-agency US Intelligence Community, that he reports to the President, and the Executive, Congressional, and Judicial Branches have oversight of US Intelligence?

You can continue to attempt to spin, twist, ;lie, and deny, but in the end you both just end up looking stupid and losing credibility for refusing to even TRY use links / actual facts to support your BS.

United States Intelligence Community Oversight - Wikipedia


US Intel / the 17 US Intel Agencies are under the oversight of the Executive, Congressional, and Judicial Branches of the US government. The US President is not the 'HEAD of US Intel' - all 3 have oversight of US Intel.

Who is in charge of the intelligence community today?
Who is the head of the seventeen-member United States Intelligence Community?

The Director of National Intelligence, currently Richard Grenell, since February 2020, is the head of the 17-member US Intelligence Community. Grenel is a member of the Cabinet National Security Council (NSC)

Director of National Intelligence - Wikipedia

The DNI reports to the president and follows his orders and his orders only.
Because the president is head of US intelligence.


Due to your repeating the same lie - despite multiple links stating the National Intelligence Director is the head of the 17-Agency US Intel Community and the Executive, Congressional, and Judicial Branches of the US government have direct oversight and all have measures of control over US Intelligence - my personal opinion is that you are just seriously mentally impaired, quite possibly from ling-term TDS.
Michael Flynn should not have been prosecuted.. Obama is behind it too . FBI discussed interviewing Michael Flynn 'to get him to lie' and 'get him fired,' handwritten notes show a 33 yr old veteran had less rights then a criminal.

Flynn is only 33 years old?

The problem was, Flynn did lie about his connections to foreign powers. He plead guilty not only because he was so guilty, but so was his kid.

Also, he was kind of an Islamophobic asshole who probably hurt our efforts with all the crazy talk.
Prove that he lied......I'll not hold my breath....

Pence admitted he lied. Trump admitted he lied. Russians knew he lied. Flynn admitted he lied, multiple times, on multiple subjects to FBI.

What the fuck has to happen for you to start suspecting that he lied?
You are misinformed again....Flynn was set up....is that the kind of law enforcement you want for our nation?....some outgoing loser president from Kenya setting up people in the next administration?....if that turns you on move to China....

So why is it you cannot reasonably explain HOW he was setup?

FBI knew he broke the Logan Act and was lying about his interactions with the Russian embassador. FBI knew he will likely lie to them about it too.

There is nothing improper about getting a guilty man to perjure himself in attempts to cover up his actions.

Someone lies to authorities to try to cover up a possible crime they've committed then OF COURSE it is proper to get charged for perjury.
Comey pretty much admitted that they set him up. You can ignore it, but it is from his own mouth. None of your ilk cares to respond to it.
I'll be waiting for your insults once you're done, because that's the way you roll.

At a minimum he sheds credible doubt on the intentions and basis for the interview and he confirms they intentionally deprived Flynn of his rights. The whole thing should be tossed..
It’s just astonishing that the left don’t mind the Gestapo tactics by Obama’s FBI just because they don’t like Trump.

Fucking wow.

If it could happen to the National Security Advisor, it could happen to you idiots.

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