Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."
Ha! You can’t prosecute someone for perjury unless they are sweating or looking to the side?
I didn’t think he was lying.

How so? Do you think Flynn didn’t talk to the Russian ambassador about sanctions?
Looks like fbi was going to close the investigation in to Flynn, but Strzok went rogue FBI closed Michael Flynn investigation, but Peter Strzok intervened, new release shows
By that logic US President is not the head of his administration either, because Congress has oversight powers over his office.

Logic has nothing to do with it. FACT does.

What do you and the reality-denying, pathological liar Colon NOT get about the FACT that The Director of National Intelligence is Head of the 17-agency US Intelligence Community, that he reports to the President, and the Executive, Congressional, and Judicial Branches have oversight of US Intelligence?

You can continue to attempt to spin, twist, ;lie, and deny, but in the end you both just end up looking stupid and losing credibility for refusing to even TRY use links / actual facts to support your BS.

United States Intelligence Community Oversight - Wikipedia


US Intel / the 17 US Intel Agencies are under the oversight of the Executive, Congressional, and Judicial Branches of the US government. The US President is not the 'HEAD of US Intel' - all 3 have oversight of US Intel.

Who is in charge of the intelligence community today?
Who is the head of the seventeen-member United States Intelligence Community?

The Director of National Intelligence, currently Richard Grenell, since February 2020, is the head of the 17-member US Intelligence Community. Grenel is a member of the Cabinet National Security Council (NSC)

Director of National Intelligence - Wikipedia

The DNI reports to the president and follows his orders and his orders only.
Because the president is head of US intelligence.


Due to your repeating the same lie - despite multiple links stating the National Intelligence Director is the head of the 17-Agency US Intel Community and the Executive, Congressional, and Judicial Branches of the US government have direct oversight and all have measures of control over US Intelligence - my personal opinion is that you are just seriously mentally impaired, quite possibly from ling-term TDS.

You’re confused about the difference between being the head of an agency and having oversight.

Trump isn’t head of the military, according to you, because we have the House Committee for Armed Services providing oversight.

He isn’t head of the DoJ because we have the House Judiciary Committee.

He isn’t head of foreign policy because we have the House Foreign Committee.

Let me ask you one question. Can the House order the DNI to do something?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."
Ha! You can’t prosecute someone for perjury unless they are sweating or looking to the side?
I didn’t think he was lying.

How so? Do you think Flynn didn’t talk to the Russian ambassador about sanctions?
Looks like fbi was going to close the investigation in to Flynn, but Strzok went rogue FBI closed Michael Flynn investigation, but Peter Strzok intervened, new release shows
The left is frothing at the mouth over these revelations. Their whole Coup D'e Tat is coming unwound and people are being criminally exposed. If this Flynn case is allowed to be tossed the whole get Trump narrative crashes and burns with people getting long prison terms. This is why they lie incesantly and obfuscate the facts at every turn. Their whole lie is now in flames..
All they said is that he didn’t give physical indications he was lying. The FBI regardless concluded he was lying because, shocker, they don’t go solely by how someone looks when they are interviewed.


You just got BUSTED attempting to twist what I said / attempting to make a false accusation.....you then quickly try to squirm out of that and return to attempting to spin what released evidence and FBI testimony has been proven to have said - that FBI agents involved stated they believed Flynn never lied, and finish up by attempting to claim 'THE FBI' concluded Flynn lied when the evidence and testimony clearly states STRZOK was the INDIVIDUAL in the FBI who proceeded with charging Flynn with lying to the FBI.

How the hell you continue to lie, deny, spin, and lie more over and over instead of remaining silent in abject shame is amazing.

It's official now, you have zero credibility, and it does not matter to you how many times you repeatedly get proven undeniably to be a liar, you keep doing it. Have fun spreading your BS by yourself. I'm just going to ignore you.

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."
Ha! You can’t prosecute someone for perjury unless they are sweating or looking to the side?
I didn’t think he was lying.

How so? Do you think Flynn didn’t talk to the Russian ambassador about sanctions?
Looks like fbi was going to close the investigation in to Flynn, but Strzok went rogue FBI closed Michael Flynn investigation, but Peter Strzok intervened, new release shows
It means they didn’t think it was worth going forward. Then the anti American strzok stepped in

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."
Ha! You can’t prosecute someone for perjury unless they are sweating or looking to the side?
I didn’t think he was lying.

How so? Do you think Flynn didn’t talk to the Russian ambassador about sanctions?
Looks like fbi was going to close the investigation in to Flynn, but Strzok went rogue FBI closed Michael Flynn investigation, but Peter Strzok intervened, new release shows
It means they didn’t think it was worth going forward. Then the anti American strzok stepped in
It changes nothing about what Flynn did in his interview.
A new document dump was just unloaded... There are E-mails implicating Biden and Obama knew of the entrapment plan. This goes right through Rice and to Obama...
The left is frothing at the mouth over these revelations. Their whole Coup D'e Tat is coming unwound and people are being criminally exposed. If this Flynn case is allowed to be tossed the whole get Trump narrative crashes and burns with people getting long prison terms. This is why they lie incesantly and obfuscate the facts at every turn. Their whole lie is now in flames..
Like I said....the Trump administration is bringing dark secrets into the light. Liberals don't like that one bit.
They must see themselves as being pure.
All they said is that he didn’t give physical indications he was lying. The FBI regardless concluded he was lying because, shocker, they don’t go solely by how someone looks when they are interviewed.


You just got BUSTED attempting to twist what I said / attempting to make a false accusation.....you then quickly try to squirm out of that and return to attempting to spin what released evidence and FBI testimony has been proven to have said - that FBI agents involved stated they believed Flynn never lied, and finish up by attempting to claim 'THE FBI' concluded Flynn lied when the evidence and testimony clearly states STRZOK was the INDIVIDUAL in the FBI who proceeded with charging Flynn with lying to the FBI.

How the hell you continue to lie, deny, spin, and lie more over and over instead of remaining silent in abject shame is amazing.

It's official now, you have zero credibility, and it does not matter to you how many times you repeatedly get proven undeniably to be a liar, you keep doing it. Have fun spreading your BS by yourself. I'm just going to ignore you.

This is why I don’t give you links. You won’t read them anyway.

Let’s try this one more time. The FBI agents never said they didn’t think he was lying. All the said was that he didn’t have physical indications he was lying.

You aren’t being honest.
It’s called ENTRAPMENT.


Liberals who might not get this. Let’s pretend it was Bush’s FBI who did the EXACT SAME THING TO SUSAN RICE.

Now you think it’s bad, right?

Don’t advocate for the FBI setting up entrapment for Flynn just because Orange Man Bad. That would make you an asshole.
How is it entrapment? How did the FBI induce Flynn to lie?
Did they go in looking for 5he truth or to get him to lie?

The answer to this pop quiz is on comes note.

The debate seems to revolve around whether they present him with their knowledge of his conversation or not. Either strategy has merits.

Saying they “got him to lie” is implying that they coerced him into doing so. No one made Flynn lie. And remember, Flynn was already telling this lie and making it public. The FBI didn’t “get him” to do anything he wasn’t already doing in a way.
2hat did comeys note say?

I read "get him to lie"

Let's address that first. Nothing else. Does "get him to lie" mean what he says, here?
It’s called ENTRAPMENT.


Liberals who might not get this. Let’s pretend it was Bush’s FBI who did the EXACT SAME THING TO SUSAN RICE.

Now you think it’s bad, right?

Don’t advocate for the FBI setting up entrapment for Flynn just because Orange Man Bad. That would make you an asshole.
How is it entrapment? How did the FBI induce Flynn to lie?
Did they go in looking for 5he truth or to get him to lie?

The answer to this pop quiz is on comes note.

The debate seems to revolve around whether they present him with their knowledge of his conversation or not. Either strategy has merits.

Saying they “got him to lie” is implying that they coerced him into doing so. No one made Flynn lie. And remember, Flynn was already telling this lie and making it public. The FBI didn’t “get him” to do anything he wasn’t already doing in a way.
2hat did comes note say?

I read "get him to lie"

Let's address that first. Nothing else. Does "get him to lie" mean what he says, here?

Hard to know since I didn’t write it and it’s some handwritten notes. I think in this case it means ask him a question which they thought he would answer with a lie.
It’s called ENTRAPMENT.


Liberals who might not get this. Let’s pretend it was Bush’s FBI who did the EXACT SAME THING TO SUSAN RICE.

Now you think it’s bad, right?

Don’t advocate for the FBI setting up entrapment for Flynn just because Orange Man Bad. That would make you an asshole.
How is it entrapment? How did the FBI induce Flynn to lie?
Did they go in looking for 5he truth or to get him to lie?

The answer to this pop quiz is on comes note.

They straight up say in the memo they want to catch him in a lie so he can be prosecuted or fired.

No, that’s not called entrapment. Entrapment means inducing someone to do something illegal that they wouldn’t have otherwise done.

They asked Flynn a question that they thought he was going to lie about. They thought he was going to lie because he had been telling everyone else the same lie. That’s not entrapment.
Did we or did we not already talk to flynn and those agents said nothing to see here?

Exit 302s

Hey we found the 302s!!!

You are screaming LIAR LIAR at the top of your lungs but no one is looking away from "get him to lie" but you.

It did Not SAY "see if he lies" cause "get him to lie" is pretty specific.
Don’t feed the trolls.

If Bush’s FBI did this to Susan Rice the liberals would be freaking out and they fucking know it.

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."
Ha! You can’t prosecute someone for perjury unless they are sweating or looking to the side?
I didn’t think he was lying.

How so? Do you think Flynn didn’t talk to the Russian ambassador about sanctions?
Looks like fbi was going to close the investigation in to Flynn, but Strzok went rogue FBI closed Michael Flynn investigation, but Peter Strzok intervened, new release shows
It means they didn’t think it was worth going forward. Then the anti American strzok stepped in
It changes nothing about what Flynn did in his interview.
The interview was debunked.. didn’t you see the notes?
It’s called ENTRAPMENT.


Liberals who might not get this. Let’s pretend it was Bush’s FBI who did the EXACT SAME THING TO SUSAN RICE.

Now you think it’s bad, right?

Don’t advocate for the FBI setting up entrapment for Flynn just because Orange Man Bad. That would make you an asshole.
How is it entrapment? How did the FBI induce Flynn to lie?
Did they go in looking for 5he truth or to get him to lie?

The answer to this pop quiz is on comes note.

They straight up say in the memo they want to catch him in a lie so he can be prosecuted or fired.

No, that’s not called entrapment. Entrapment means inducing someone to do something illegal that they wouldn’t have otherwise done.

They asked Flynn a question that they thought he was going to lie about. They thought he was going to lie because he had been telling everyone else the same lie. That’s not entrapment.
Did we or did we not already talk to flynn and those agents said nothing to see here?

Exit 302s

Hey we found the 302s!!!

You are screaming LIAR LIAR at the top of your lungs but no one is looking away from "get him to lie" but you.

It did Not SAY "see if he lies" cause "get him to lie" is pretty specific.

Im trying to understand what you’re writing here. I don’t know exactly what you mean about “those agents said nothing to see here”. I’m only aware of one interview with Flynn and the FBI.

I think you’re referring to the fact that the FBI couldn’t locate a draft of the 302 from his interview. I don’t know why anyone would get all worked up that a draft document couldn’t be located. The actual filed and official 302 has always been available as far as I’m aware.

Answer me this. How did they get him to lie?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."
Ha! You can’t prosecute someone for perjury unless they are sweating or looking to the side?
I didn’t think he was lying.

How so? Do you think Flynn didn’t talk to the Russian ambassador about sanctions?
Looks like fbi was going to close the investigation in to Flynn, but Strzok went rogue FBI closed Michael Flynn investigation, but Peter Strzok intervened, new release shows
It means they didn’t think it was worth going forward. Then the anti American strzok stepped in
It changes nothing about what Flynn did in his interview.
The interview was debunked.. didn’t you see the notes?
What does that even mean?

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