Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

Democrats did until Flynn accepted a job in the new administration, and then it was get Flynn at all cost
Irrelevant. Go complain to the foreign agent doing illegal deals with the russians and then lying to the FBI about it. Btw, that would be Michael Flynn.

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."
Ha! You can’t prosecute someone for perjury unless they are sweating or looking to the side?
I didn’t think he was lying.

How so? Do you think Flynn didn’t talk to the Russian ambassador about sanctions?
Looks like fbi was going to close the investigation in to Flynn, but Strzok went rogue FBI closed Michael Flynn investigation, but Peter Strzok intervened, new release shows
It means they didn’t think it was worth going forward. Then the anti American strzok stepped in
It changes nothing about what Flynn did in his interview.
The interview was debunked.. didn’t you see the notes?
What does that even mean?
It was a trap.. didn’t you see the notes?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."
Ha! You can’t prosecute someone for perjury unless they are sweating or looking to the side?
I didn’t think he was lying.

How so? Do you think Flynn didn’t talk to the Russian ambassador about sanctions?
Looks like fbi was going to close the investigation in to Flynn, but Strzok went rogue FBI closed Michael Flynn investigation, but Peter Strzok intervened, new release shows
It means they didn’t think it was worth going forward. Then the anti American strzok stepped in
It changes nothing about what Flynn did in his interview.
The interview was debunked.. didn’t you see the notes?
What does that even mean?
It was a trap.. didn’t you see the notes?
Did they coerce Flynn into lying?
I'm wondering how much time lapsed between Flynn's initial statement to the FBI and the follow-up with the set up with
the two agents? I'm wondering if any of us could remember precisely....without notes.

The reason why this was a set up for a gotchya is that proper protocol from the FBI would have explained to Flynn
the reason for the follow-up so he would have been prepared...like any citizen should have been. All that was said
is that they had "some questions"...a benign statement, and left Flynn in the dark.
Yeah.....the FBI is in a peck of trouble and it won't end well for them.

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."
Ha! You can’t prosecute someone for perjury unless they are sweating or looking to the side?
I didn’t think he was lying.

How so? Do you think Flynn didn’t talk to the Russian ambassador about sanctions?
Looks like fbi was going to close the investigation in to Flynn, but Strzok went rogue FBI closed Michael Flynn investigation, but Peter Strzok intervened, new release shows
It means they didn’t think it was worth going forward. Then the anti American strzok stepped in
It changes nothing about what Flynn did in his interview.
The interview was debunked.. didn’t you see the notes?
What does that even mean?
It was a trap.. didn’t you see the notes?
Did they coerce Flynn into lying?
I believe what they called it was a perjury trap.. trap him.. That’s from the FBI letters
Democrats did until Flynn accepted a job in the new administration, and then it was get Flynn at all cost
Irrelevant. Go complain to the foreign agent doing illegal deals with the russians and then lying to the FBI about it. Btw, that would be Michael Flynn.
Like I said....you make it up as you go along. pathetic
It’s called ENTRAPMENT.


Liberals who might not get this. Let’s pretend it was Bush’s FBI who did the EXACT SAME THING TO SUSAN RICE.

Now you think it’s bad, right?

Don’t advocate for the FBI setting up entrapment for Flynn just because Orange Man Bad. That would make you an asshole.
How is it entrapment? How did the FBI induce Flynn to lie?
Did they go in looking for 5he truth or to get him to lie?

The answer to this pop quiz is on comes note.

They straight up say in the memo they want to catch him in a lie so he can be prosecuted or fired.

No, that’s not called entrapment. Entrapment means inducing someone to do something illegal that they wouldn’t have otherwise done.

They asked Flynn a question that they thought he was going to lie about. They thought he was going to lie because he had been telling everyone else the same lie. That’s not entrapment.
Did we or did we not already talk to flynn and those agents said nothing to see here?

Exit 302s

Hey we found the 302s!!!

You are screaming LIAR LIAR at the top of your lungs but no one is looking away from "get him to lie" but you.

It did Not SAY "see if he lies" cause "get him to lie" is pretty specific.

Im trying to understand what you’re writing here. I don’t know exactly what you mean about “those agents said nothing to see here”. I’m only aware of one interview with Flynn and the FBI.

I think you’re referring to the fact that the FBI couldn’t locate a draft of the 302 from his interview. I don’t know why anyone would get all worked up that a draft document couldn’t be located. The actual filed and official 302 has always been available as far as I’m aware.

Answer me this. How did they get him to lie?
Intimidation and coercion of course, and something about his son being threatened etc. Right ??
It’s called ENTRAPMENT.


Liberals who might not get this. Let’s pretend it was Bush’s FBI who did the EXACT SAME THING TO SUSAN RICE.

Now you think it’s bad, right?

Don’t advocate for the FBI setting up entrapment for Flynn just because Orange Man Bad. That would make you an asshole.
How is it entrapment? How did the FBI induce Flynn to lie?
Did they go in looking for 5he truth or to get him to lie?

The answer to this pop quiz is on comes note.

They straight up say in the memo they want to catch him in a lie so he can be prosecuted or fired.

No, that’s not called entrapment. Entrapment means inducing someone to do something illegal that they wouldn’t have otherwise done.

They asked Flynn a question that they thought he was going to lie about. They thought he was going to lie because he had been telling everyone else the same lie. That’s not entrapment.
Did we or did we not already talk to flynn and those agents said nothing to see here?

Exit 302s

Hey we found the 302s!!!

You are screaming LIAR LIAR at the top of your lungs but no one is looking away from "get him to lie" but you.

It did Not SAY "see if he lies" cause "get him to lie" is pretty specific.

Im trying to understand what you’re writing here. I don’t know exactly what you mean about “those agents said nothing to see here”. I’m only aware of one interview with Flynn and the FBI.

I think you’re referring to the fact that the FBI couldn’t locate a draft of the 302 from his interview. I don’t know why anyone would get all worked up that a draft document couldn’t be located. The actual filed and official 302 has always been available as far as I’m aware.

Answer me this. How did they get him to lie?
Intimidation and coercion of course, and something about his son being threatened etc. Right ??


The extensive reporting around the involvement of Flynn’s son certainly suggests there is legitimate justification for interpreting the Flynn component of the investigation as a prosecutable family affair. Federal prosecutors leveraging one family member against another is a page directly out of a four-decade old prosecutorial playbook used successfully in Wall Street prosecutions. One need not look beyond the Enron prosecutions and guilty pleas of Andrew and Lea Fastow, husband and wife, and the Drexel-related guilty plea of Michael Milken, with Lowell Milken (his brother) averting prosecution, to find the use of this tactic in high profile white-collar prosecutions, that is outside of organized crime and gang prosecutions.
Flynn wanted an audit of the CIA and he opposed the Iran deal.

Obama told Trump not to hire him. Trump did anyways, so FLYNN HAD TO GO DOWN.

This is a straight up framing from Obama’s FBI that he knew about.

Obama is trash.

There is no end to crazy politico bullshit swirling in your stupid little head.

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."
Ha! You can’t prosecute someone for perjury unless they are sweating or looking to the side?
I didn’t think he was lying.

How so? Do you think Flynn didn’t talk to the Russian ambassador about sanctions?
Looks like fbi was going to close the investigation in to Flynn, but Strzok went rogue FBI closed Michael Flynn investigation, but Peter Strzok intervened, new release shows
It means they didn’t think it was worth going forward. Then the anti American strzok stepped in
It changes nothing about what Flynn did in his interview.
The interview was debunked.. didn’t you see the notes?
What does that even mean?
It was a trap.. didn’t you see the notes?
Did they coerce Flynn into lying?
I believe what they called it was a perjury trap.. trap him.. That’s from the FBI letters
The FBI letters say nothing about a perjury trap.
Did they coerce Flynn into lying?
It’s called ENTRAPMENT.


Liberals who might not get this. Let’s pretend it was Bush’s FBI who did the EXACT SAME THING TO SUSAN RICE.

Now you think it’s bad, right?

Don’t advocate for the FBI setting up entrapment for Flynn just because Orange Man Bad. That would make you an asshole.
How is it entrapment? How did the FBI induce Flynn to lie?
Did they go in looking for 5he truth or to get him to lie?

The answer to this pop quiz is on comes note.

They straight up say in the memo they want to catch him in a lie so he can be prosecuted or fired.

No, that’s not called entrapment. Entrapment means inducing someone to do something illegal that they wouldn’t have otherwise done.

They asked Flynn a question that they thought he was going to lie about. They thought he was going to lie because he had been telling everyone else the same lie. That’s not entrapment.
Did we or did we not already talk to flynn and those agents said nothing to see here?

Exit 302s

Hey we found the 302s!!!

You are screaming LIAR LIAR at the top of your lungs but no one is looking away from "get him to lie" but you.

It did Not SAY "see if he lies" cause "get him to lie" is pretty specific.

Im trying to understand what you’re writing here. I don’t know exactly what you mean about “those agents said nothing to see here”. I’m only aware of one interview with Flynn and the FBI.

I think you’re referring to the fact that the FBI couldn’t locate a draft of the 302 from his interview. I don’t know why anyone would get all worked up that a draft document couldn’t be located. The actual filed and official 302 has always been available as far as I’m aware.

Answer me this. How did they get him to lie?

"The unredacted portion of the report, written by Republicans on the panel, details testimony from former FBI Director James Comey and his then-deputy, Andrew McCabe. The report says McCabe, in particular, testified that the two agents who interviewed Flynn “didn’t think he was lying.""

"The most significant evidence against the FBI validated in Powell’s brief was the circumstances surrounding Flynn’s first interview with the FBI on Jan. 24, 2017 and the manipulation of the interview report, known as a 302, from that interview. The interview was conducted by now fired FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, whose texts messages later revealed he was vehemently anti-Trump and current FBI Special Agent Joe Pientka, who has never spoken publicly on the matter. In December, 2017 this reporter revealed that it was Strzok who had interviewed Flynn and that the interview itself was a set-up.

Powell noted that “on February 10, 2017, the news broke—attributed to ‘senior intelligence officials’—that Mr. Flynn had discussed sanctions with Ambassador Kislyak, contrary to what Vice President Pence had said on television previously.”

Then, according to documents, “overnight, the most important substantive changes were made to the Flynn 302.”"

so first interview they felt he wasn't lying. now his interview transcript gets altered (this FBI has a habit of that don't they) and they can go back. how did these inconsistencies suddenly appear? why would they go back "off the cuff" - let's reference comeys note, shall we?



so your assertion of flynn just lying for no reason does not hold water.

i've highlighted FIRST INTERVIEW for yo and hope that if we can both agree that if there was only ONE interview there would have never have been a need for this off the cuff meeting comey is bragging about when he says he went and process and in the end, violated rights.

so ok - what did the world do wrong here so you can still be right?
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It’s called ENTRAPMENT.


Liberals who might not get this. Let’s pretend it was Bush’s FBI who did the EXACT SAME THING TO SUSAN RICE.

Now you think it’s bad, right?

Don’t advocate for the FBI setting up entrapment for Flynn just because Orange Man Bad. That would make you an asshole.
How is it entrapment? How did the FBI induce Flynn to lie?
Did they go in looking for 5he truth or to get him to lie?

The answer to this pop quiz is on comes note.

They straight up say in the memo they want to catch him in a lie so he can be prosecuted or fired.

No, that’s not called entrapment. Entrapment means inducing someone to do something illegal that they wouldn’t have otherwise done.

They asked Flynn a question that they thought he was going to lie about. They thought he was going to lie because he had been telling everyone else the same lie. That’s not entrapment.
Did we or did we not already talk to flynn and those agents said nothing to see here?

Exit 302s

Hey we found the 302s!!!

You are screaming LIAR LIAR at the top of your lungs but no one is looking away from "get him to lie" but you.

It did Not SAY "see if he lies" cause "get him to lie" is pretty specific.

Im trying to understand what you’re writing here. I don’t know exactly what you mean about “those agents said nothing to see here”. I’m only aware of one interview with Flynn and the FBI.

I think you’re referring to the fact that the FBI couldn’t locate a draft of the 302 from his interview. I don’t know why anyone would get all worked up that a draft document couldn’t be located. The actual filed and official 302 has always been available as far as I’m aware.

Answer me this. How did they get him to lie?
Intimidation and coercion of course, and something about his son being threatened etc. Right ??

So the FBI agents intimidated and coerced him in the interview to lie?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."

Just for the record, none of what you just posted IS IN THE NOTE you presented.

McCabe is talking about behavioral signs of Flynn lying during the interview as perceived by the people interviewing him, not actual FACT of him misinforming FBI about the calls with a Russian diplomat. That could just mean that Flynn is a well-trained, well prepared liar.

In a post-interview meeting in McCabe’s office, the agents “weren’t saying they believed [Flynn], and they weren’t saying they didn’t believe him.” McCabe said the interviewers “struck me as being mainly surprised by the encounter” and “the difficulty of resolving their observations,” because “what he said was in absolute, direct conflict with the information that we had.

Yes McCabe didn’t think he was lying

...do you read English????

What part of "what he said was in absolute, direct conflict with the information that we had" did you not understand?

Flynn didn't look like a lying man during the interview but the words coming out of his mouth were a direct contradiction to facts about his communications with the Russians. He was later also caught lying about his dealings with Turkey.
Last edited:
Let me get this straight. You don’t think Flynn lied to the FBI agents? Is that what you’re saying?

You SERIOUSLY can't f*ing READ, can you?

What part of the words "Released documents who several FBI agents involved in the Interview stated they never thought Flynn lied" do you NOT understand?

Please find anyone with enough patience to put up with your BS explain it to you....even draw you a picture if necessary.

Just double checking.

That’s not what the FBI agents said. It’s a lie.

All they said is that he didn’t give physical indications he was lying. The FBI regardless concluded he was lying because, shocker, they don’t go solely by how someone looks when they are interviewed.
Seriously? When will people learn they can’t trust factcheck on anything to do with politics.

from the House Intel Report-

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."
Ha! You can’t prosecute someone for perjury unless they are sweating or looking to the side?
I didn’t think he was lying.

How so? Do you think Flynn didn’t talk to the Russian ambassador about sanctions?
Looks like fbi was going to close the investigation in to Flynn, but Strzok went rogue FBI closed Michael Flynn investigation, but Peter Strzok intervened, new release shows
It means they didn’t think it was worth going forward. Then the anti American strzok stepped in
It changes nothing about what Flynn did in his interview.
The interview was debunked.. didn’t you see the notes?
What does that even mean?
It was a trap.. didn’t you see the notes?
Did they coerce Flynn into lying?
I believe what they called it was a perjury trap.. trap him.. That’s from the FBI letters
The FBI letters say nothing about a perjury trap.
Did they coerce Flynn into lying?
What do you think the Trap meant?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

It says the goal is to get Flynn to either tell the truth and admit Logan Act violation or for him to lie to FBI and get his ass fired and/or prosecuted.

There is a DOT next to lying portion which suggests that this was the outcome of the interview.

See, I can re-post too. :rolleyes:
Lol what?

Moron, nothing in that note says Flynn didn't lie.

Specify what part of that plain English you do not understand.
McCabe : "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him. Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception."

Just for the record, none of what you just posted IS IN THE NOTE you presented.

McCabe is talking about behavioral signs of Flynn lying during the interview as perceived by the people interviewing him, not actual FACT of him misinforming FBI about the calls with a Russian diplomat. That could just mean that Flynn is a well-trained, well prepared liar.

In a post-interview meeting in McCabe’s office, the agents “weren’t saying they believed [Flynn], and they weren’t saying they didn’t believe him.” McCabe said the interviewers “struck me as being mainly surprised by the encounter” and “the difficulty of resolving their observations,” because “what he said was in absolute, direct conflict with the information that we had.

Yes McCabe didn’t think he was lying

...do you read English????

What part of "what he said was in absolute, direct conflict with the information that we had" did you not understand?

Flynn didn't look like a lying man during the interview but the words coming out of his mouth were a direct contradiction to facts about his communications with the Russians. He was later also caught lying bout his dealings with Turkey.
According to the FBI notes they didn’t feel like he was lying and they were going to end the investigation until peter Strzok Decided to keep it open
Let me get this straight. You don’t think Flynn lied to the FBI agents? Is that what you’re saying?

You SERIOUSLY can't f*ing READ, can you?

What part of the words "Released documents who several FBI agents involved in the Interview stated they never thought Flynn lied" do you NOT understand?

Please find anyone with enough patience to put up with your BS explain it to you....even draw you a picture if necessary.

Just double checking.

That’s not what the FBI agents said. It’s a lie.

All they said is that he didn’t give physical indications he was lying. The FBI regardless concluded he was lying because, shocker, they don’t go solely by how someone looks when they are interviewed.
Seriously? When will people learn they can’t trust factcheck on anything to do with politics.

from the House Intel Report-
View attachment 330098View attachment 330102

Yes seriously, Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying.
It’s called ENTRAPMENT.


Liberals who might not get this. Let’s pretend it was Bush’s FBI who did the EXACT SAME THING TO SUSAN RICE.

Now you think it’s bad, right?

Don’t advocate for the FBI setting up entrapment for Flynn just because Orange Man Bad. That would make you an asshole.
How is it entrapment? How did the FBI induce Flynn to lie?
Did they go in looking for 5he truth or to get him to lie?

The answer to this pop quiz is on comes note.

They straight up say in the memo they want to catch him in a lie so he can be prosecuted or fired.

No, that’s not called entrapment. Entrapment means inducing someone to do something illegal that they wouldn’t have otherwise done.

They asked Flynn a question that they thought he was going to lie about. They thought he was going to lie because he had been telling everyone else the same lie. That’s not entrapment.
Did we or did we not already talk to flynn and those agents said nothing to see here?

Exit 302s

Hey we found the 302s!!!

You are screaming LIAR LIAR at the top of your lungs but no one is looking away from "get him to lie" but you.

It did Not SAY "see if he lies" cause "get him to lie" is pretty specific.

Im trying to understand what you’re writing here. I don’t know exactly what you mean about “those agents said nothing to see here”. I’m only aware of one interview with Flynn and the FBI.

I think you’re referring to the fact that the FBI couldn’t locate a draft of the 302 from his interview. I don’t know why anyone would get all worked up that a draft document couldn’t be located. The actual filed and official 302 has always been available as far as I’m aware.

Answer me this. How did they get him to lie?
Intimidation and coercion of course, and something about his son being threatened etc. Right ??

So the FBI agents intimidated and coerced him in the interview to lie?


why do you continue to ignore comeys own words? OH - you don't like them.

this is why i lose patience in even trying to talk to you. you throw up 10 dozen walls on shit that doesn't help your side and demand people keep posting info so you can others can go "i don't like that source" next.
Let me get this straight. You don’t think Flynn lied to the FBI agents? Is that what you’re saying?

You SERIOUSLY can't f*ing READ, can you?

What part of the words "Released documents who several FBI agents involved in the Interview stated they never thought Flynn lied" do you NOT understand?

Please find anyone with enough patience to put up with your BS explain it to you....even draw you a picture if necessary.

Just double checking.

That’s not what the FBI agents said. It’s a lie.

All they said is that he didn’t give physical indications he was lying. The FBI regardless concluded he was lying because, shocker, they don’t go solely by how someone looks when they are interviewed.
Seriously? When will people learn they can’t trust factcheck on anything to do with politics.

from the House Intel Report-
View attachment 330098View attachment 330102
you're talking to someone who's pretending it's a revelation there was a FIRST interview.
It’s called ENTRAPMENT.


Liberals who might not get this. Let’s pretend it was Bush’s FBI who did the EXACT SAME THING TO SUSAN RICE.

Now you think it’s bad, right?

Don’t advocate for the FBI setting up entrapment for Flynn just because Orange Man Bad. That would make you an asshole.
How is it entrapment? How did the FBI induce Flynn to lie?
Did they go in looking for 5he truth or to get him to lie?

The answer to this pop quiz is on comes note.

They straight up say in the memo they want to catch him in a lie so he can be prosecuted or fired.

No, that’s not called entrapment. Entrapment means inducing someone to do something illegal that they wouldn’t have otherwise done.

They asked Flynn a question that they thought he was going to lie about. They thought he was going to lie because he had been telling everyone else the same lie. That’s not entrapment.
Did we or did we not already talk to flynn and those agents said nothing to see here?

Exit 302s

Hey we found the 302s!!!

You are screaming LIAR LIAR at the top of your lungs but no one is looking away from "get him to lie" but you.

It did Not SAY "see if he lies" cause "get him to lie" is pretty specific.

Im trying to understand what you’re writing here. I don’t know exactly what you mean about “those agents said nothing to see here”. I’m only aware of one interview with Flynn and the FBI.

I think you’re referring to the fact that the FBI couldn’t locate a draft of the 302 from his interview. I don’t know why anyone would get all worked up that a draft document couldn’t be located. The actual filed and official 302 has always been available as far as I’m aware.

Answer me this. How did they get him to lie?
Intimidation and coercion of course, and something about his son being threatened etc. Right ??


The extensive reporting around the involvement of Flynn’s son certainly suggests there is legitimate justification for interpreting the Flynn component of the investigation as a prosecutable family affair. Federal prosecutors leveraging one family member against another is a page directly out of a four-decade old prosecutorial playbook used successfully in Wall Street prosecutions. One need not look beyond the Enron prosecutions and guilty pleas of Andrew and Lea Fastow, husband and wife, and the Drexel-related guilty plea of Michael Milken, with Lowell Milken (his brother) averting prosecution, to find the use of this tactic in high profile white-collar prosecutions, that is outside of organized crime and gang prosecutions.
so now you're going to ignore comeys own words that they went around process and procedure so you can pull up a "procedure" that makes this ok; this being a procedure that proves YOUR POINT - HOWEVER - the procedures comey went around were simply not needed and we're good going around having witnesses in the room with flynn when he's giving "testimony".

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