Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

Wow! More has come out. It was suggested the case against him be closed on Jan 4, 2017, agents said to close because there was nothing there, Strzok said no.
Yoo hoo... colfax_m

"The files show the plan was to provide Flynn with a defensive briefing so he could be aware of potential pitfalls with Russians as he started in his new job in the White House. But then the lead agent in the larger Russia case, Peter Strzok, intervened to stop the case from being closed and pivoted the discussion toward seeking an interview with Flynn, FBI text messages show."

Look at that, 2nd interview...

And here is where comey said to just send some guys over, outside of process and witnesses, and get him to say something so they can fire or prosecute him.

You are worried about a lie but broads ale corruption is OK.
Wow! More has come out. It was suggested the case against him be closed on Jan 4, 2017, agents said to close because there was nothing there, Strzok said no.

Strzok needs to go to prison.
Reopen alcatraz with 4 pigs, a dozen tomato plants and 6 cane pole fishing setups and start dropping people in here
Wow! More has come out. It was suggested the case against him be closed on Jan 4, 2017, agents said to close because there was nothing there, Strzok said no.

Strzok needs to go to prison.
Reopen alcatraz with 4 pigs, a dozen tomato plants and 6 cane pole fishing setups and start dropping people in here
That sounds so tempting, doesn’t it.
Again, context is everything...obviously, a word that you have trouble with
Yeah, you keep saying that. But you havent attempted to make any actual points.

Here is some context for you:

The president elect had as his top adviser a foreign agent doing illegal deals with the russian government. The president elect was about to name this foreign agent as head of our national security. The FBI caught this foreign agent making illegal deals with the russian government and caught him lying about it.

And you cultists are a-ok with that.

And that is what history will record. Gee, i hope the historians use the word "context" a few times to soothe you. ;)
Again, context is everything...obviously, a word that you have trouble with
Yeah, you keep saying that. But you havent attempted to make any actual points.

Here is some context for you:

The president elect had as his top adviser a foreign agent doing illegal deals with the russian government. The president elect was about to name this foreign agent as head of our national security. The FBI caught this foreign agent making illegal deals with the russian government and caught him lying about it.

And you cultists are a-ok with that.

And that is what history will record. Gee, i hope the historians use the word "context" a few times to soothe you. ;)
They were going to close the Case as nothing there but strozk said no.

You are making a lot of Assumptions on what Trump was doing then declaring him guilty without a trial.

that you strozk?
hey were going to close the Case as nothing there but strozk said no.
So what? Looks like he was spot on. They caught a foreign agent in the incoming administration doing illegal deals with the russian government and lying about it to the FBI.

You are making a lot of Assumptions on what Trump was doing then declaring him guilty without a trial.
I didn't say a word about trump doing anything, except for displaying his usual piss poor judgment and intelligence by appointing a foreign agent to be head of our national security.
Again, context is everything...obviously, a word that you have trouble with
Yeah, you keep saying that. But you havent attempted to make any actual points.

Here is some context for you:

The president elect had as his top adviser a foreign agent doing illegal deals with the russian government. The president elect was about to name this foreign agent as head of our national security. The FBI caught this foreign agent making illegal deals with the russian government and caught him lying about it.

And you cultists are a-ok with that.

And that is what history will record. Gee, i hope the historians use the word "context" a few times to soothe you. ;)
Funny that the FBI didn't think Flynn had illegal deals when they were investigating.
But, you and your imagination create illegal dealings, and run with it. You are just too damn funny, dude. :auiqs.jpg:
TDS overload
Funny that the FBI didn't think Flynn had illegal deals when they were investigating.
...until they did. Yeah.."funny". Haha, fatman made foreign agent head of national security. Tell me another one.

But, you and your imagination
Which part? Every word is a fact, and you know it, thus the pathetic whining.

Flynn: foreign agent

Doing illegal deals with the russian government

Lied to the FBI about it

About to be named head of national security

All facts. Cry until bedtime if you like, they will still be facts tomorrow when you wake up.
Funny that the FBI didn't think Flynn had illegal deals when they were investigating.
...until they did. Yeah.."funny". Haha, fatman made foreign agent head of national security. Tell me another one.

But, you and your imagination
Which part? Every word is a fact, and you know it, thus the pathetic whining.

Flynn: foreign agent

Doing illegal deals with the russian government

Lied to the FBI about it

About to be named head of national security

All facts. Cry until bedtime if you like, they will still be facts tomorrow when you wake up.
Wow....and they got him on what? Be honest, what did they get him on?
It’s called ENTRAPMENT.


Liberals who might not get this. Let’s pretend it was Bush’s FBI who did the EXACT SAME THING TO SUSAN RICE.

Now you think it’s bad, right?

Don’t advocate for the FBI setting up entrapment for Flynn just because Orange Man Bad. That would make you an asshole.
How is it entrapment? How did the FBI induce Flynn to lie?
Did they go in looking for 5he truth or to get him to lie?

The answer to this pop quiz is on comes note.

They straight up say in the memo they want to catch him in a lie so he can be prosecuted or fired.

No, that’s not called entrapment. Entrapment means inducing someone to do something illegal that they wouldn’t have otherwise done.

They asked Flynn a question that they thought he was going to lie about. They thought he was going to lie because he had been telling everyone else the same lie. That’s not entrapment.
Did we or did we not already talk to flynn and those agents said nothing to see here?

Exit 302s

Hey we found the 302s!!!

You are screaming LIAR LIAR at the top of your lungs but no one is looking away from "get him to lie" but you.

It did Not SAY "see if he lies" cause "get him to lie" is pretty specific.

Im trying to understand what you’re writing here. I don’t know exactly what you mean about “those agents said nothing to see here”. I’m only aware of one interview with Flynn and the FBI.

I think you’re referring to the fact that the FBI couldn’t locate a draft of the 302 from his interview. I don’t know why anyone would get all worked up that a draft document couldn’t be located. The actual filed and official 302 has always been available as far as I’m aware.

Answer me this. How did they get him to lie?
Intimidation and coercion of course, and something about his son being threatened etc. Right ??


The extensive reporting around the involvement of Flynn’s son certainly suggests there is legitimate justification for interpreting the Flynn component of the investigation as a prosecutable family affair. Federal prosecutors leveraging one family member against another is a page directly out of a four-decade old prosecutorial playbook used successfully in Wall Street prosecutions. One need not look beyond the Enron prosecutions and guilty pleas of Andrew and Lea Fastow, husband and wife, and the Drexel-related guilty plea of Michael Milken, with Lowell Milken (his brother) averting prosecution, to find the use of this tactic in high profile white-collar prosecutions, that is outside of organized crime and gang prosecutions.
so now you're going to ignore comeys own words that they went around process and procedure so you can pull up a "procedure" that makes this ok; this being a procedure that proves YOUR POINT - HOWEVER - the procedures comey went around were simply not needed and we're good going around having witnesses in the room with flynn when he's giving "testimony".

There are too many claims lacking context here - they need to release everything. What is meant by "process"? That's not saying going around the law for example.

How can you say something is or is not "ok" with all the information and without addressing this question that I've asked before - is this not a normal part of law enforcement? If it is - then why is Flynn exempt? If it isn't - then why was it applied to others such as in Enron, and other investigations of white collar crime?

And - what laws were broken?
as for "what laws were broken" - don't think for a second this isn't on a mental file now as it will come back and i'll ask for the same stance when it doesn't work in your favor and see if you hold to the line, or do what it feels like you always do - shift to your views.

I am fine with that. And I will adhere to the same evidence standards (I.e. I will not use Daily Kos p, the equivalent of ZeroHedge).
Michael Flynn should not have been prosecuted.. Obama is behind it too .https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michael-flynn-fbi-handwritten-notes-get-him-lie-fired a 33 yr old veteran had less rights then a criminal.

Why fox news is a sham. Flynn wanted to lock hillary up, and without a jury or judge.

Flynn wanted to lock hillary up, and without a jury or judge.

That'd be a good first step.

Well that is interesting.
Wow....and they got him on what?
Lying about the illegal deals. Failing to register as a foreign agent and violating the logan act are not things that generally get charged prosecuted. But they are still investigated and worthy of investigation.

Haha, it's so funny watching you cultists squirm. Look where you have set the ethical bar for your cult leader and his toadies:

"Is it illegal?"


"But HOW illegal is it?"

"It's a felony."

" Were any white people denied their right to look at confederate statues?"


"I see nothing wrong here, then."
Michael Flynn should not have been prosecuted.. Obama is behind it too . FBI discussed interviewing Michael Flynn 'to get him to lie' and 'get him fired,' handwritten notes show a 33 yr old veteran had less rights then a criminal.

Flynn is only 33 years old?

The problem was, Flynn did lie about his connections to foreign powers. He plead guilty not only because he was so guilty, but so was his kid.

Also, he was kind of an Islamophobic asshole who probably hurt our efforts with all the crazy talk.
Prove that he lied......I'll not hold my breath....

Pence admitted he lied. Trump admitted he lied. Russians knew he lied. Flynn admitted he lied, multiple times, on multiple subjects to FBI.

What the fuck has to happen for you to start suspecting that he lied?
You are misinformed again....Flynn was set up....is that the kind of law enforcement you want for our nation?....some outgoing loser president from Kenya setting up people in the next administration?....if that turns you on move to China....

So why is it you cannot reasonably explain HOW he was setup?

FBI knew he broke the Logan Act and was lying about his interactions with the Russian embassador. FBI knew he will likely lie to them about it too.

There is nothing improper about getting a guilty man to perjure himself in attempts to cover up his actions.

Someone lies to authorities to try to cover up a possible crime they've committed then OF COURSE it is proper to get charged for perjury.

FBI knew he broke the Logan Act

Is that why he was charged under the Logan Act?
Michael Flynn should not have been prosecuted.. Obama is behind it too .https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michael-flynn-fbi-handwritten-notes-get-him-lie-fired a 33 yr old veteran had less rights then a criminal.

Why fox news is a sham. Flynn wanted to lock hillary up, and without a jury or judge.

Flynn wanted to lock hillary up, and without a jury or judge.

That'd be a good first step.
Well, that may be how things are done in your mother russia, but that's now how it works in the US.

In the US, we have due process, so that criminals like Flynn can plead guilty and be punished humanely.

Well, that may be how things are done in your mother russia,

Dems fellate the commies for 100 years, all it takes is drunken Hillary losing for them to suddenly realize commies are bad.


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