Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

Wowsa, leftards still don't comprehend reality. We are not debating facts at this point. Everyone knew the FBI setup Flynn years ago. A crime so blatantly obvious it should have shut down the FBI until an independent agency can ascertain what happened. Yet right now, leftard idiots insist on defending the most dangerous corruption of government in the history of the USA, pre-lockdown...

Leftards say, "He was a friend of the orange blob who disliked Muslim terrorists and therefore bad."

You can't force someone to lie.
Wowsa, leftards still don't comprehend reality. We are not debating facts at this point. Everyone knew the FBI setup Flynn years ago. A crime so blatantly obvious it should have shut down the FBI until an independent agency can ascertain what happened. Yet right now, leftard idiots insist on defending the most dangerous corruption of government in the history of the USA, pre-lockdown...

Leftards say, "He was a friend of the orange blob who disliked Muslim terrorists and therefore bad."

You can't force someone to lie.
It was a perjury trap
The “law and order” conservatives are very upset that law enforcement professionals caught one of their shady assholes in the act.

You all really do whatever Trump signals you to do.
The “law and order” conservatives are very upset that law enforcement professionals caught one of their shady assholes in the act.

You all really do whatever Trump signals you to do.
“Get him to lie”

Did anyone get him to sell out his country for a paycheck? Did anyone get him to omit facts on his security forms?

The ONLY reason any of you care about this dishonest man is that he is still defended by Trump.

It was Trump’s DOJ that prosecuted him. Ya moron.
The “law and order” conservatives are very upset that law enforcement professionals caught one of their shady assholes in the act.

You all really do whatever Trump signals you to do.
“Get him to lie”

Did anyone get him to sell out his country for a paycheck? Did anyone get him to omit facts on his security forms?

The ONLY reason any of you care about this dishonest man is that he is still defended by Trump.

It was Trump’s DOJ that prosecuted him. Ya moron.
It was a perjury trap, it was predatory.. lady justice is blind, stop your hate
The “law and order” conservatives are very upset that law enforcement professionals caught one of their shady assholes in the act.

You all really do whatever Trump signals you to do.
“Get him to lie”

Did anyone get him to sell out his country for a paycheck? Did anyone get him to omit facts on his security forms?

The ONLY reason any of you care about this dishonest man is that he is still defended by Trump.

It was Trump’s DOJ that prosecuted him. Ya moron.
It was a perjury trap, it was predatory.. lady justice is blind, stop your hate

That is ridiculous. Lock him up.
Wowsa, leftards still don't comprehend reality. We are not debating facts at this point. Everyone knew the FBI setup Flynn years ago. A crime so blatantly obvious it should have shut down the FBI until an independent agency can ascertain what happened. Yet right now, leftard idiots insist on defending the most dangerous corruption of government in the history of the USA, pre-lockdown...

Leftards say, "He was a friend of the orange blob who disliked Muslim terrorists and therefore bad."

You can't force someone to lie.
It was a perjury trap
Like I said, you can force someone to lie. He lied, and everything is a perjury trap.

You have a choice, either lie or tell the truth. He lied.
The “law and order” conservatives are very upset that law enforcement professionals caught one of their shady assholes in the act.

You all really do whatever Trump signals you to do.
“Get him to lie”

Did anyone get him to sell out his country for a paycheck? Did anyone get him to omit facts on his security forms?

The ONLY reason any of you care about this dishonest man is that he is still defended by Trump.

It was Trump’s DOJ that prosecuted him. Ya moron.
It was a perjury trap, it was predatory.. lady justice is blind, stop your hate

That is ridiculous. Lock him up.
There’s hand written documentation from the FBI agents stating to get him to lie, The goal get him fired or prosecute him.. put your head down for two seconds this cause a three-star general is a war hero.
Wowsa, leftards still don't comprehend reality. We are not debating facts at this point. Everyone knew the FBI setup Flynn years ago. A crime so blatantly obvious it should have shut down the FBI until an independent agency can ascertain what happened. Yet right now, leftard idiots insist on defending the most dangerous corruption of government in the history of the USA, pre-lockdown...

Leftards say, "He was a friend of the orange blob who disliked Muslim terrorists and therefore bad."

You can't force someone to lie.
It was a perjury trap
Like I said, you can force someone to lie. He lied, and everything is a perjury trap.

You have a choice, either lie or tell the truth. He lied.
Of course you can you can prosecute a ham sandwich, you never heard of that before?
Wowsa, leftards still don't comprehend reality. We are not debating facts at this point. Everyone knew the FBI setup Flynn years ago. A crime so blatantly obvious it should have shut down the FBI until an independent agency can ascertain what happened. Yet right now, leftard idiots insist on defending the most dangerous corruption of government in the history of the USA, pre-lockdown...

Leftards say, "He was a friend of the orange blob who disliked Muslim terrorists and therefore bad."

You can't force someone to lie.
It was a perjury trap
Like I said, you can force someone to lie. He lied, and everything is a perjury trap.

You have a choice, either lie or tell the truth. He lied.
Of course you can you can prosecute a ham sandwich, you never heard of that before?

So now its the DA. LOL.
Wowsa, leftards still don't comprehend reality. We are not debating facts at this point. Everyone knew the FBI setup Flynn years ago. A crime so blatantly obvious it should have shut down the FBI until an independent agency can ascertain what happened. Yet right now, leftard idiots insist on defending the most dangerous corruption of government in the history of the USA, pre-lockdown...

Leftards say, "He was a friend of the orange blob who disliked Muslim terrorists and therefore bad."

You can't force someone to lie.
It was a perjury trap
Like I said, you can force someone to lie. He lied, and everything is a perjury trap.

You have a choice, either lie or tell the truth. He lied.
Of course you can you can prosecute a ham sandwich, you never heard of that before?

So now its the DA. LOL.
You didn’t answer my question
Wowsa, leftards still don't comprehend reality. We are not debating facts at this point. Everyone knew the FBI setup Flynn years ago. A crime so blatantly obvious it should have shut down the FBI until an independent agency can ascertain what happened. Yet right now, leftard idiots insist on defending the most dangerous corruption of government in the history of the USA, pre-lockdown...

Leftards say, "He was a friend of the orange blob who disliked Muslim terrorists and therefore bad."

You can't force someone to lie.
It was a perjury trap
Like I said, you can force someone to lie. He lied, and everything is a perjury trap.

You have a choice, either lie or tell the truth. He lied.
Of course you can you can prosecute a ham sandwich, you never heard of that before?

So now its the DA. LOL.
You didn’t answer my question
My response is yes I have heard of a ham sandwich. They were all anti Flynn, all except for tramp and now Barr. Do not worry , Barr will somehow get the liar off.
Flynn claimed he did not "recall" or "thought" xyz. That isn't the same as lying. They have all the details and they drill him on those details. When he said he didn't recall and "thought" xyz happened, they called it perjury. At that point they could hold it over his head as leverage for either dirt on Trump or just bad optics in exchange for a plea deal. Keep in mind, these are the same folks that didn't want Flynn to have his attorney's present during their interviews. Also, their hand written notes are very telling. They knew he hadn't done anything illegal, they had all the info. For this reason, they had to get him on something else...a perjury trap seemed good enough. This was a classic witch hunt, with hopes to get Trump. Only the lefty lemmings can't see what was going on here.
Flynn claimed he did not "recall" or "thought" xyz. That isn't the same as lying. They have all the details and they drill him on those details. When he said he didn't recall and "thought" xyz happened, they called it perjury. At that point they could hold it over his head as leverage for either dirt on Trump or just bad optics in exchange for a plea deal. Keep in mind, these are the same folks that didn't want Flynn to have his attorney's present during their interviews. Also, their hand written notes are very telling. They knew he hadn't done anything illegal, they had all the info. For this reason, they had to get him on something else...a perjury trap seemed good enough. This was a classic witch hunt, with hopes to get Trump. Only the lefty lemmings can't see what was going on here.

No he out and out lied.
Michael Flynn should not have been prosecuted.. Obama is behind it too . FBI discussed interviewing Michael Flynn 'to get him to lie' and 'get him fired,' handwritten notes show a 33 yr old veteran had less rights then a criminal.
yea, i added this nugget to my US vs Flynn thread but as long as it's being discussed.

how can you go interview someone you believe is or has committed a crime and not let them know what the purpose is and what they are meeting for? not an expert on protocol but to declare someone lying in the manner they did, doesn't it have to be under oath or something official?

or do we broaden up the scope to anywhere, anytime, any reason like done to flynn?
This is no surprise at all. But outrageous. Glad they were able to find these notes-
Explosive new internal FBI documents unsealed Wednesday show that top bureau officials discussed their motivations for interviewing then-national security adviser Michael Flynn in the White House in January 2017 -- and openly questioned if their "goal" was "to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired."

The handwritten notes -- written by the FBI's former head of counterintelligence Bill Priestap after a meeting with then-FBI Director James Comey and then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Fox News is told -- further suggested that agents planned in the alternative to get Flynn "to admit to breaking the Logan Act."

The Logan Act is an obscure statute that has never been used in a criminal prosecution; enacted in 1799, it was intended to prevent individuals from falsely claiming to represent the United States abroad in an era before telephones.

"What is our goal?" one of the notes read. "Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?"

"If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ + have them decide," another note read. Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley called the document's implications "chilling."

The memo appears to weigh the pros and cons of pursuing those different paths, while indicating that the White House was monitoring the situation: "If we’re seen as playing games, WH will be furious."


The bombshell materials strongly suggested the agents weren't truly concerned about Flynn's intercepted contacts with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, except as a pretext. Former President Obama personally had warned the Trump administration against hiring Flynn, and made clear he was "not a fan," according to multiple officials. Obama fired Flynn as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014.

They all need to hang for sedition

You cannot hang someone for sedition. The maximum penalty is 20 years.

You're not allowed to spy on a US citizen running for President either

The FBI can't investigate someone running for President?

Not with a fucking fake FISA warrant. You keep thinking this is just about Trump - and its not! The fucking FBI acted like Soviet secret police, they spied on Trump, they'll spy on EVERYONE!

You think you get a pass for being a Quisling suck up? You don’t!!
So you have a problem with them investigating Biden then, right?

With a Fake FISA warrant? Absolutely!
Wowsa, leftards still don't comprehend reality. We are not debating facts at this point. Everyone knew the FBI setup Flynn years ago. A crime so blatantly obvious it should have shut down the FBI until an independent agency can ascertain what happened. Yet right now, leftard idiots insist on defending the most dangerous corruption of government in the history of the USA, pre-lockdown...

Leftards say, "He was a friend of the orange blob who disliked Muslim terrorists and therefore bad."

You can't force someone to lie.
It was a perjury trap
Like I said, you can force someone to lie. He lied, and everything is a perjury trap.

You have a choice, either lie or tell the truth. He lied.
so do we go uncover all of obama, hillary, bush and everyone else who "lied" and use the same binary cut n dry standard?

the problem with you and others like you are you are so inconsistent it makes me want to scream. it's only for your own emotional validation you shoot off your piehole and say the stupid arrogant one way bullshit you say.

then you wonder why people have a problem and you wind up with trump as a president in response. then everyone who doesn't hate trump as much as you supports and loves him.

god damn you live in an overly simplistic world of "i'm right fuck all y'all".
Here is what we have from the note taker and part of the team working on the case....it seems?

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit,” the FBI author wrote. “I thought [about] it last night, [and] I believe we should rethink this.”

so the note taker here said that he agreed yesterday when the group on the case strategized, that they should not show Flynn.... something that was redacted, (so we do not know what he was talking about there), if he did not admit, (to something else we don't know as well because it is not spelled out)

Then he went on to say, that he thought about doing it the way that was discussed, (and we don't know what exactly that means...what exactly was the way that was discussed?)

And that he believed that this approach or method that they were going to use, should be rethought....in his opinion....

then he says:

“We regularly show subjects evidence, with the goal of getting them to admit wrongdoing,” the notes said. “I don’t see how getting someone to admit their wrongdoing is going easy on him.”

Then he goes on to say that they regularly do show subjects evidence that they have on them, with the goal to get subjects to admit to wrong doing.... (so this is a common tactic of the FBI, in general, it seems?)

But the note taker does not see how getting someone to admit their wrong doing, is going "easy" on this particular subject....

(So the note taker is saying that THEIR GOAL was to GO EASY on Flynn, and doing it the way they discussed the day before in their strategizing meeting.....whatever that may have been, was NOT going easy on him, as their goal was....in his opinion)


Without the redacted part, and without the rest of this conversation's notes to give an accurate context, nothing at all can be concluded as some sort of nefarious action, imo. That is all far out conjecture!!!
So you'd be OK with the FBI acting like that against you or a member of your family??
acting like what? the note taker is asking questions... there are question marks.

Wouldn't doing it the way they originally discussed, not be ''going easy on Flynn''?

(so they obviously discussed previously, that they were going to try to go ''easy'' on Flynn)

conveniently the whole conversation is not posted....they only posted what they thought they could twist and use..... enough to make you all, believe their twist....

You'd make a great North Korean

Then people wonder how Hitler came to power. When you think and act like Care4, that's how you get Hitler Stalin and Mao
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