
Which one of these Presidents does Uncensored question the paternity of?

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The one who's mother wasn't married to, or with the father - stupid fuck.

Wait- are you calling Bush a stupid fuck? Maybe so....

Meanwhile which is the only President you make up crap about his paternity? Hmmmm which could it be....

Obama must have invented the Kenyan birth story to get a free ride to college

LOL- you Birthers are such gullible idiots.

Oh wait Frank- are you now not a Birther now that your Messiah Trump has changed his mind?
The Alt-Right is SO conflicted today!
LOL - How many fake versions of Obama's Registration of Birth have the cons created now? This one is easily debunked.

  • The document is dated 1961 and a bears a legend identifying it as having been issued by the "Republic of Kenya," but Kenya (a former British colony) didn't officially adopt that name until 12 December 1964. In February 1964, it was known as the Dominion of Kenya.
  • The listed age of Barack Obama's father is incorrect. (Barack Obama Sr. was born in 1936 and therefore would have been 24 or 25 years old at the time of Barack Jr.'s birth, not 26 as shown on the document.)
  • Mombasa is very far (several hundred miles) away from the part of Kenya in which Barack Obama Sr.'s family lived. Even if Barack Obama's parents and family had wanted to travel away from their home so his birth could take place at hospital facilities within a large city, they would likely have set out for the much closer city of Nairobi.
It says province. The Republic of Kenya is the confirmation that the document is a copy from a true document. Funny. It's the seal for Certification. and says 1964.

Kenya (a former British colony) didn't officially adopt that name until 12 December 1964. The seal for Certification was dated 17 February 1964, it was known as the Dominion of Kenya.
so? that doesn't mean anything. they could have had paper made ahead of the actual signing. You don't think that happens?

Not that anyone ever expects Trump to ever live up to his word....
Obama must have invented the Kenyan birth story to get a free ride to college

LOL- you Birthers are such gullible idiots.

Oh wait Frank- are you now not a Birther now that your Messiah Trump has changed his mind?
The Alt-Right is SO conflicted today!
LOL - How many fake versions of Obama's Registration of Birth have the cons created now? This one is easily debunked.

  • The document is dated 1961 and a bears a legend identifying it as having been issued by the "Republic of Kenya," but Kenya (a former British colony) didn't officially adopt that name until 12 December 1964. In February 1964, it was known as the Dominion of Kenya.
  • The listed age of Barack Obama's father is incorrect. (Barack Obama Sr. was born in 1936 and therefore would have been 24 or 25 years old at the time of Barack Jr.'s birth, not 26 as shown on the document.)
  • Mombasa is very far (several hundred miles) away from the part of Kenya in which Barack Obama Sr.'s family lived. Even if Barack Obama's parents and family had wanted to travel away from their home so his birth could take place at hospital facilities within a large city, they would likely have set out for the much closer city of Nairobi.
It says province. The Republic of Kenya is the confirmation that the document is a copy from a true document. Funny. It's the seal for Certification. and says 1964.

Kenya (a former British colony) didn't officially adopt that name until 12 December 1964. The seal for Certification was dated 17 February 1964, it was known as the Dominion of Kenya.
so? that doesn't mean anything. they could have had paper made ahead of the actual signing. You don't think that happens?

No! The Republic didn't exist, so not remnants that were left over from printing ahead of time.

Same certificate number, same book number, same page number, and remarkable similarities to David Jeffrey Bomford Registration of Birth. it was actually a forgery based on a copy of an Australian Registration of Birth issued to one David Jeffrey Bomford (who was born in South Australia in 1959) which was grabbed off the Internet and used as a template for creating the fake Kenyan certificate

You can be sure Trump will welch on his bet. He is known for stiffing people for money. He has a long history or hiring small businesses to do work and then not paying them, forcing them to spend tens of thousands in court to get paid. Some of his campaign staffers have quit because he won't pay them.

This poor douchebag is like the local shoddy contractor that uses shoddy material and after he gets paid leaves half of the job unfinished. Maher is going to destroy this pimple.

I'd love to see trump take Maher down, it'd be a pleasure. Watching a douche bag go down like Maher is a blast.

I used to love to watch Ann Coulter shred him.

Standard Disclaimer: Yeah, I know she was fucking him, but it was still a blat to watch her humiliate him on virtually every political subject. Coulter has the quickest wit I've ever seen.
You can be sure Trump will welch on his bet. He is known for stiffing people for money. He has a long history or hiring small businesses to do work and then not paying them, forcing them to spend tens of thousands in court to get paid. Some of his campaign staffers have quit because he won't pay them.

This poor douchebag is like the local shoddy contractor that uses shoddy material and after he gets paid leaves half of the job unfinished. Maher is going to destroy this pimple.

Welch, fuckwad?

What did Trump say? "If a birth certificate was released two years prior to this statement, I'll give Obammy $5 million?"

Is that what he said, shit fer brains?
Like I said they ask and beg for the information just so they can say its bullshit when they get it and continue to lie.

Facts doesnt change Conspiracies. Conspiracies evolve with facts.
Has Trump told the truth about anything in the past year? He is THE quintessential liar. He lies and then lies about his lies in the same sentence. And then he says 'it's beautiful'.

Coming clean and finally admitting President Obama was born in America and is duly elected may be the only truth Trump has uttered in years. How strange the truth must seem to him.
Has Trump told the truth about anything in the past year? He is THE quintessential liar. He lies and then lies about his lies in the same sentence. And then he says 'it's beautiful'.

Coming clean and finally admitting President Obama was born in America and is duly elected may be the only truth Trump has uttered in years. How strange the truth must seem to him.
what is it he lied about
Will he pay or will he welch on his offer?

Trump technically owes Obama a $5 million donation now

In 2012, Trump offered Obama $5 million for documentation supporting his birth. Obama provided his birth certificate and Trump today admitted it was true


Ask the guy who said "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

I kept mine. Most people kept their doctor. But this thread is about the running birtherism lie that has been going on for 5 years.
Like I said they ask and beg for the information just so they can say its bullshit when they get it and continue to lie.

Facts doesnt change Conspiracies. Conspiracies evolve with facts.

Yer lying, as always.

Trump made his statement AFTER the birth certificate was provided, claiming that the one from Hawaii was a fake, a reproduction. His statement was that if Obama released the real one he would donate $5 million to charity - not give it to Obama.

As always, you and your fellow fools offer nothing but mindless shit flinging.
I kept mine. Most people kept their doctor. But this thread is about the running lie that has been going on for 5 years.

So Obama WAZ TWO UNH HUNH TELLING DA TROOF!!!!!!!11111!!!!1!!!

Fucking moron leftists...

To the vast majority of Americans, they kept their doctor.

To the vast majority of Americans, Obama was born in America, is an American and has proved it, even though he didn't need to.
Are you REALLY wasting internet bandwidth and limited brain cells discussing this issue? What a magnificent waste of time.

Actually, this topic says a lot about Trump's honesty, judgement and the depths he will sink to.

Actually, it doesn't say a thing about Trump's honesty ... but it does say a lot about the left's panicked attempt to find something, anything, to deflect from their candidate's weakness ... even to dredging up old gossip.

A birth certificate. Why is it the far right doesn't know anything?

The birth certificate was provided by the state of Hawaii, 4 years ago.

Try again hack.

WTF is wrong with you? If HJ is a hack, WTF does that make you?

Trump finally admits it: 'President Barack Obama was born in the United States' - CNNPolitics.com
Trump finally admits it: 'President Barack Obama was born in the United States'

Trump admits Obama was born in U.S., but falsely blames Clinton for starting rumors

Reversing Course, Trump Admits Obama Was Born in the US

Do you need help in the bathroom, too?
keep telling yourself that. worst POTUS ever.

It's a nice opinion. And I suppose if I believed the words of the man baby birther king who just threw the stupid conspiracy theorists under the bus for political expediency I'd want to change the subject too.
I'll have history on my side. I couldn't care less what you think.

Great, then if you don't care what I think I will take the last word and say Bush is the worst President we've had and will have for quite some time. Unless Trump is elected.

The Land of Delusion is such a happy place, isn't it?

You tell me, I'm nowhere near you.

Boy, that's the damned truth ....
Why isn't the right upset with the fact that they are LOOKING AT THE TRUMP ADMIN with his daily bullshit drama? As the campaign goes, so goes the administration. Suckers. Never seen anything like it.

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