As President he may well go after Obama's records.

What records? His BC again, then what, college transcripts? What kind of an asshole would do that?

An asshole seeking knowledge.

You do realize that were it ever shown that Obama was not what he claimed, it would negate his entire presidency, yes? :dance:

First off, the federal government going after a private citizen because you don't like their politics isn't cool.

Second, Trump is an asshole, he is not a knowledge seeker.

Third, you're still a dimwitted birther.

Nope. As I said earlier, I don't care where he was born. He is no American.
Oh? You are the determiner of such things, are you?
oh no, no, you are. come now we all know that.
Since Obama has been president for almost 2 full terms now, I'm going with the story that he is a natural born American born in Hawaii. There would be a tremendous constitutional crisis if somehow it could be proven at this time that he is not a natural born American, eligible to be president.

I have not read this whole thread, so someone may have pointed this out, but If Cruz who was born in Canada is constitutionally eligible to be elected president because his mother is an American citizen, then Obama is constitutionally eligible (and is) because his mother was an American citizen.
As President he may well go after Obama's records.

What records? His BC again, then what, college transcripts? What kind of an asshole would do that?

An asshole seeking knowledge.

You do realize that were it ever shown that Obama was not what he claimed, it would negate his entire presidency, yes? :dance:

First off, the federal government going after a private citizen because you don't like their politics isn't cool.

Second, Trump is an asshole, he is not a knowledge seeker.

Third, you're still a dimwitted birther.

Nope. As I said earlier, I don't care where he was born. He is no American.
Oh? You are the determiner of such things, are you?

History and behavior determine it. All you have to do is look.
Trump will pay just as soon as Obama pays us back for the billions he's pissed away on failed green energy companies. If you leftwits want to open the door to discussing what Obama owes us bring it.
Since Obama has been president for almost 2 full terms now, I'm going with the story that he is a natural born American born in Hawaii. There would be a tremendous constitutional crisis if somehow it could be proven at this time that he is not a natural born American, eligible to be president.

I have not read this whole thread, so someone may have pointed this out, but If Cruz who was born in Canada is constitutionally eligible to be elected president because his mother is an American citizen, then Obama is constitutionally eligible (and is) because his mother was an American citizen.

There is little question that Obama was born in Hawaii. There is a great deal of question as to who his father was. Radical Communist Frank Marshall Davis is very likely the actual farther.

Trump will pay just as soon as Obama pays us back for the billions he's pissed away on failed green energy companies. If you leftwits want to open the door to discussing what Obama owes us bring it.


Oh its just fun to show what a liar and an idiot Trump is.

Trump the Birther.
Trump the Liar.

Of course Trump wouldn't pay up. That would like him not blaming everyone else for Trump being a Birther.
Since Obama has been president for almost 2 full terms now, I'm going with the story that he is a natural born American born in Hawaii. There would be a tremendous constitutional crisis if somehow it could be proven at this time that he is not a natural born American, eligible to be president.

I have not read this whole thread, so someone may have pointed this out, but If Cruz who was born in Canada is constitutionally eligible to be elected president because his mother is an American citizen, then Obama is constitutionally eligible (and is) because his mother was an American citizen.

There is little question that Obama was born in Hawaii. There is a great deal of question as to who his father was. Radical Communist Frank Marshall Davis is very likely the actual farther.


To the Alt right wing- all black men look alike.
He's still waiting. can't collect on a bet without the paper. no one has seen it yet.
Pay up Trump!!!
FALSE: Obama's Kenyan Certified Registration of Birth
LOL - How many fake versions of Obama's Registration of Birth have the cons created now? This one is easily debunked.

  • The document is dated 1961 and a bears a legend identifying it as having been issued by the "Republic of Kenya," but Kenya (a former British colony) didn't officially adopt that name until 12 December 1964. In February 1964, it was known as the Dominion of Kenya.
  • The listed age of Barack Obama's father is incorrect. (Barack Obama Sr. was born in 1936 and therefore would have been 24 or 25 years old at the time of Barack Jr.'s birth, not 26 as shown on the document.)
  • Mombasa is very far (several hundred miles) away from the part of Kenya in which Barack Obama Sr.'s family lived. Even if Barack Obama's parents and family had wanted to travel away from their home so his birth could take place at hospital facilities within a large city, they would likely have set out for the much closer city of Nairobi.
It says province. The Republic of Kenya is the confirmation that the document is a copy from a true document. Funny. It's the seal for Certification. and says 1964.

The Republic of Kenya (a former British colony) didn't officially adopt that name until 12 December 1964. The seal for Certification was dated 17 February 1964, when it was the Dominion of Kenya.
Obama must have invented the Kenyan birth story to get a free ride to college

LOL- you Birthers are such gullible idiots.

Oh wait Frank- are you now not a Birther now that your Messiah Trump has changed his mind?
The Alt-Right is SO conflicted today!
He's still waiting. can't collect on a bet without the paper. no one has seen it yet.
Pay up Trump!!!
FALSE: Obama's Kenyan Certified Registration of Birth
LOL - How many fake versions of Obama's Registration of Birth have the cons created now? This one is easily debunked.

  • The document is dated 1961 and a bears a legend identifying it as having been issued by the "Republic of Kenya," but Kenya (a former British colony) didn't officially adopt that name until 12 December 1964. In February 1964, it was known as the Dominion of Kenya.
  • The listed age of Barack Obama's father is incorrect. (Barack Obama Sr. was born in 1936 and therefore would have been 24 or 25 years old at the time of Barack Jr.'s birth, not 26 as shown on the document.)
  • Mombasa is very far (several hundred miles) away from the part of Kenya in which Barack Obama Sr.'s family lived. Even if Barack Obama's parents and family had wanted to travel away from their home so his birth could take place at hospital facilities within a large city, they would likely have set out for the much closer city of Nairobi.
It says province. The Republic of Kenya is the confirmation that the document is a copy from a true document. Funny. It's the seal for Certification. and says 1964.

Kenya (a former British colony) didn't officially adopt that name until 12 December 1964. The seal for Certification was dated 17 February 1964, it was known as the Dominion of Kenya.
so? that doesn't mean anything. they could have had paper made ahead of the actual signing. You don't think that happens?
Since Obama has been president for almost 2 full terms now, I'm going with the story that he is a natural born American born in Hawaii. There would be a tremendous constitutional crisis if somehow it could be proven at this time that he is not a natural born American, eligible to be president.

I have not read this whole thread, so someone may have pointed this out, but If Cruz who was born in Canada is constitutionally eligible to be elected president because his mother is an American citizen, then Obama is constitutionally eligible (and is) because his mother was an American citizen.

There is little question that Obama was born in Hawaii. There is a great deal of question as to who his father was. Radical Communist Frank Marshall Davis is very likely the actual farther.


To the Alt right wing- all black men look alike.
you shouldn't give away your secrets.
Will he pay or will he welch on his offer?

Trump technically owes Obama a $5 million donation now

In 2012, Trump offered Obama $5 million for documentation supporting his birth. Obama provided his birth certificate and Trump today admitted it was true


Oh you're right! Trump does owe him the money.

One thing is certain, Bill Maher will stomp Trump's guts out on his next show.
I'd love to see trump take Maher down, it'd be a pleasure. Watching a douche bag go down like Maher is a blast.

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