Isn't anyone curious as to why the Kenyan birth certificate shows a registration date 2.5 years after the birth date? Anyone? Or did any of you tools on the right read down that far?

I took this Photoshopped image into Photoshop and the editor didn't do such a bad job. But the alignment of the "Barack Hussein II" is totally out of alignment with the copy both above and below it, it is at a different angle.

Am I curious? Nope.

Is it irrelevant? Yep.

Are you desperate to find something, anything, to jab at Trump? OMG, are you ever!!

Is it funny? No.

If Trump were man enough he would have made the announcement he was wrong and that Barack Obama was born in America, and then he would have said "I offered $5 million dollars if this was proven and it has been proven so I am transferring $5 million dollars to the President's account."

But as Trump is a two-faced liar, he won't. He IS a conservative.
This has always been an issue. The reason we are talking about it today is because Trump finally admitted what we all know to be true, that Obama was born in America. It's the reason this thread exists, moron.

What Trump did, was make fools of the Hillary press. They gave 30 minutes of coverage to Generals, veterans, and patriots - those who Hillary calls "deplorable" to praise Trump.

Trump was brilliant, and played you partisan fools for chumps.

If you're too stupid to grasp that, just because ThinkProgress didn't spoon feed the thought to you, well :dunno:

So if he wins in November are you also eagerly awaiting his $40M trial for fraud in December?

Not gonna happen --- he's going to hire Hillary's lawyers.
Trump certainly knows how to keep his little monkeys trained to their televisions. And divert their myopic little minds away from making America great again, which he has no plan of doing.
You forgot .... "and send liberals into paroxysms of panic, bereft of minor little nits to pick at, leaving them floundering for something - anything - they can cling to."

Hmmm ... does that mean that conservatives cling to their bibles and their guns, and liberals cling to insignificance? Inquiring minds want to know!!
The speech was advertised as such. We already know there are military who have endorsed Trump and no, she didn't necessarily call them deplorable either.

What the even it remembered for is the birther comments.

You cling to that delusion if it helps you cope. :thup:

I don't have to cling to anything, it's the news is talking about, it's what we are talking about.
dude your english is getting worse. this is two now. huh?

Is Trump lying now or was he lying yesterday about birtherism?

Ahhhh ... the old lies gambit .... y'all are really getting desperate.
Like I said they ask and beg for the information just so they can say its bullshit when they get it and continue to lie.

Facts doesnt change Conspiracies. Conspiracies evolve with facts.

Yer lying, as always.

Trump made his statement AFTER the birth certificate was provided, claiming that the one from Hawaii was a fake, a reproduction. His statement was that if Obama released the real one he would donate $5 million to charity - not give it to Obama.

As always, you and your fellow fools offer nothing but mindless shit flinging.
And now, Crazy Donald admits the birth certificate is real.

Time to pay up.

Write the check out to the Clinton Foundation.
Like I said they ask and beg for the information just so they can say its bullshit when they get it and continue to lie.

Facts doesnt change Conspiracies. Conspiracies evolve with facts.

Yer lying, as always.

Trump made his statement AFTER the birth certificate was provided, claiming that the one from Hawaii was a fake, a reproduction. His statement was that if Obama released the real one he would donate $5 million to charity - not give it to Obama.

As always, you and your fellow fools offer nothing but mindless shit flinging.
And now, Crazy Donald admits the birth certificate is real.

Time to pay up.

Write the check out to the Clinton Foundation.

That way, Hillary can get some new pantsuits.

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