Looting local businesses & destroying property? REALLY?

Replace the text with IGNORE THE OBVIOUS and it just as easily applies to you. But we can't acknowledge the elephant in the room cause you might lose votes.

You people are pathetic

Life is easy when you get to make sweeping judgements about millions and millions of people simply based upon the pigment of their skin.

But then again, you're a low brow ex-con, so critical thought has never been in your arsenal.
Don't have to judge the idiots by their skin, they are proving they are of low intelligence.

You're right, every one of those looters are idiots.
Hahahahah, I mentioned actual problems. You ignored what I said.

You focused on the color of their skin and nothing else.

Let's not forget, one of us is a felon, the other isn't.

Troll Thread.

Why do you hahaha yourself into every post. Is looting and rioting a joke to you?

Racists pretending not to be racists is hilarious to me.
The biggest racists I know are black.
What's a more likely reason that someone loots, because they're poor or because they're black?

If you can't figure it out, think about the last time you saw a rich person looting a store.

You have a link o the latest white people looting riot to compare this with?


Now you can post your video of rich people looting. When you can't, my point will have been made.

Did you watch this video?
Life is easy when you get to make sweeping judgements about millions and millions of people simply based upon the pigment of their skin.

But then again, you're a low brow ex-con, so critical thought has never been in your arsenal.
Don't have to judge the idiots by their skin, they are proving they are of low intelligence.

You're right, every one of those looters are idiots.

Along with all the ones who ignore it or excuse it in the name of racism.
You have a link o the latest white people looting riot to compare this with?


Now you can post your video of rich people looting. When you can't, my point will have been made.

Did you watch this video?

Of course.

Did you post your evidence now? Of course not.
Poverty? Poverty is an excuse to riot, loot and burn down buildings? How about a lack of values? Millions lived through abject poverty during the Depression and didn't resort to looting and rioting.

What's a more likely reason that someone loots, because they're poor or because they're black?

If you can't figure it out, think about the last time you saw a rich person looting a store.

They loot because they are THIEVES and haven't been taught that stealing is wrong. There's a lot of shit I can't afford. Doesn't give me the right to break in a store window and take it.

Don't disagree with any of that. They loot because they are thieving assholes, not because they are black.
Whites used to riot also, they just got fat, lazy and complacent. of course most of the riots were over blacks and the needed to kill them for any reason what so ever...except for the time in Missouri they killed the founder of Mormonism...during a riot over his views on religion...

Can't wait for your post with the history of this one.

Are you daft about history?
You're right, every one of those looters are idiots.

Along with all the ones who ignore it or excuse it in the name of racism.

Who excused it?

Almost every single incident I can recall that involves rioting, looting & mass property damage are either black or liberal or both. Those are the facts, ignore them if you choose.

If you can't admit or see the cultural problem that is near exclusive to blacks then you have the problem, not me. You will also NEVER be a part of the solution to that problem.

Of note, I guess that makes Bill Cosby and others like him a racist, just like me.
So all blacks must be the same then. Right?

Well, do you believe the data or are you just going to ignore it. I am not saying all blacks are bad people, but dysfunctional a lot of them seemly are. How do we work to improve the situation?

How about focus on the actual issues, which isn't the color of their skin. Novel idea, I know.

So the rioters and gang members should be arrested for committing crimes.
Along with all the ones who ignore it or excuse it in the name of racism.

Who excused it?

Almost every single incident I can recall that involves rioting, looting & mass property damage are either black or liberal or both. Those are the facts, ignore them if you choose.

If you can't admit or see the cultural problem that is near exclusive to blacks then you have the problem, not me. You will also NEVER be a part of the solution to that problem.

Of note, I guess that makes Bill Cosby and others like him a racist, just like me.

So who excused it?
Who excused it?

Almost every single incident I can recall that involves rioting, looting & mass property damage are either black or liberal or both. Those are the facts, ignore them if you choose.

If you can't admit or see the cultural problem that is near exclusive to blacks then you have the problem, not me. You will also NEVER be a part of the solution to that problem.

Of note, I guess that makes Bill Cosby and others like him a racist, just like me.

So who excused it?

Would you like to discuss the mild temperatures we've had this summer? Might be easier on your diversion tactics....
Actually no, you don't. There is an alleged civil rights violation. Their solution is to deny other citizens their civil rights. The cops had it right, they are acting like fucking animals. They're just lucky I don't own one of those businesses, some one break in to loot and I would end their ass on the spot, after they were inside of course. They lefties ask why we need utility rifles with high capacity magazines, I give you St Louis as exhibit "A".

i disagree , most animals have a better code of honor among their own kind.., except for Chimpanzees, i have seen on Animal Planet where 6,7 or more will gang up one one other Chimp and kill it and even eat the dead one.

the rest of your post......, i agree 100% :up:

Now you can post your video of rich people looting. When you can't, my point will have been made.

Did you watch this video?

Of course.

Did you post your evidence now? Of course not.

A lot of those looters were black. Am I supposed to ignore that part? What was the reason given for this particular riot? Where is the report supporting this video as some huge white people riot? What caused this riot and video?
Actually no, you don't. There is an alleged civil rights violation. Their solution is to deny other citizens their civil rights. The cops had it right, they are acting like fucking animals. They're just lucky I don't own one of those businesses, some one break in to loot and I would end their ass on the spot, after they were inside of course. They lefties ask why we need utility rifles with high capacity magazines, I give you St Louis as exhibit "A".


During the five days, mobs around Los Angeles looted stores, burnt 3,767 buildings, caused more than $1 billion in property damage, and led to the deaths of more than 50 people and left another 4,000 injured. A story that has been forgotten since then is that of the brave storeowners in Koreatown who fended off mobs with handguns, rifles and assault weapons.

On the second day of the riots, the police had abandoned much of Koreatown. Jay Rhee, a storeowner in the area, stated to The Los Angeles Times, “we have lost faith in the police.”

With the cops nowhere to be found, hundreds of people marauded through the streets towards Koreatown. The neighborhood suffered 45 percent of all the property damage and five fatalities of storeowners during the riots. Having had enough of waiting for police, Korean storeowners assembled into militias to protect themselves, their families, and businesses.

According to the Los Angeles Times, “From the rooftops of their supermarkets, a group of Koreans armed with shotguns and automatic weapons peered onto the smoky streets…Koreans have turned their pastel-colored mini-malls into fortresses against looters tide.”

Rhee claimed that the storeowners shot off 500 rounds into the sky and ground in order to break up the masses of people. The only weapons able to clear that much ammo in a very short time are assault weapons. Single shot pistols or rifles might not have been able to deter the crowd hell-bent on destroying the neighborhood.

By the end of the day storeowners had slain four looters and fended off the mob. It would be 24 more hours until the National Guard arrived and another two days before the riots were completely put down. Had the riots occurred just a couple of years later when the Congress banned assault weapons, many of these storeowners may not have been so lucky. It’s situations like the LA riots, which, while being rare, can occur anywhere from the streets of Los Angeles to far off countries during the Arab Spring.

Assault weapons are legal for this reason: they protect people from extreme cases of assault.

When 'assault weapons' saved Koreatown | Human Events
Of course there is a major problem, but their skin color isn't the issue. Yet, you seem to want to focus on that. Poverty, poor education and an over abundance of deadly weapons are problems, not the pigment of someones skin.

Go ahead and pretend like you aren't a racist. It's funny at this point.

Poverty? Poverty is an excuse to riot, loot and burn down buildings? How about a lack of values? Millions lived through abject poverty during the Depression and didn't resort to looting and rioting.

What's a more likely reason that someone loots, because they're poor or because they're black?

If you can't figure it out, think about the last time you saw a rich person looting a store.

Which begs the question: are there no poor white peeps in America?

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