Looting local businesses & destroying property? REALLY?

Blacks kill blacks EVERYDAY in this country. Where is the damn outrage over that? Babies, grandmothers, parents, teens.... all in random acts of violence. EVERY DAMN DAY.

No outrage over that, no looting of local businesses over that. No policing your own over that. But one white gets trigger happy (supposedly) and the whole damn neighborhood gets torched. Hell, the shooter doesn't even have to actually be white as long as he LOOKS white.

You want the cops to ease up on your communities? Start acting like you care BEFORE the police become involved.

I see you approve of the police shooting unarmed people. Or is it only unarmed black people? Hard to tell with you.

Not that hard actually.
I'm as racist as you are rational.
I agree

If it bothers you when people find out you are racist, then don't post such blatantly racists remarks.

If it bothered me I would have negged you ya dumbass. As with most topics I understand it's just the lefts way of avoiding the actual problem or the serious discussions surrounding it.
I'm as racist as you are rational.
I agree

If it bothers you when people find out you are racist, then don't post such blatantly racists remarks.

If it bothered me I would have negged you ya dumbass. As with most topics I understand it's just the lefts way of avoiding the actual problem or the serious discussions surrounding it.

Yeah, that's the same defense all racists use.
Racists - you expose yourself.

You excuse white people for the exact same actions that you criticize black people for.
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Replace the text with IGNORE THE OBVIOUS and it just as easily applies to you. But we can't acknowledge the elephant in the room cause you might lose votes.

You people are pathetic

Life is easy when you get to make sweeping judgements about millions and millions of people simply based upon the pigment of their skin.

But then again, you're a low brow ex-con, so critical thought has never been in your arsenal.

Blacks are 13% of the population, 50% of murder victims are black, 90% are killed by blacks. That's not a sweeping judgment, those are facts. 26 blacks were shot in Chicago this last weekend, 1 16 year old girl was killed, that didn't even make the national news.

None of that information plays to the progressive narrative that (conservative) white people are evil racists and deserve to be punished and stripped of their wealth and belongings, which will then be redistributed to disadvantaged minorities.
Life is easy when you get to make sweeping judgements about millions and millions of people simply based upon the pigment of their skin.

But then again, you're a low brow ex-con, so critical thought has never been in your arsenal.

Blacks are 13% of the population, 50% of murder victims are black, 90% are killed by blacks. That's not a sweeping judgment, those are facts. 26 blacks were shot in Chicago this last weekend, 1 16 year old girl was killed, that didn't even make the national news.

None of that information plays to the progressive narrative that (conservative) white people are evil racists and deserve to be punished and stripped of their wealth and belongings, which will then be redistributed to disadvantaged minorities.

And none of it excuses racism either.
remind me again which stores they looted or who's property they damaged

They damaged OUR property.

But that's OK - you'll make excuses for them because they were white.


That poor poor grass man never recover from being walked on.

You truly are a total moron

So you are unaware of the sites damaged by the Bundyites and their 4-wheelers?

Doesn't surprise me. You're too wrapped up in the damage black people cause to worry about the damage white people cause.....
Actually no, you don't. There is an alleged civil rights violation. Their solution is to deny other citizens their civil rights. The cops had it right, they are acting like fucking animals. They're just lucky I don't own one of those businesses, some one break in to loot and I would end their ass on the spot, after they were inside of course. They lefties ask why we need utility rifles with high capacity magazines, I give you St Louis as exhibit "A".


During the five days, mobs around Los Angeles looted stores, burnt 3,767 buildings, caused more than $1 billion in property damage, and led to the deaths of more than 50 people and left another 4,000 injured. A story that has been forgotten since then is that of the brave storeowners in Koreatown who fended off mobs with handguns, rifles and assault weapons.

On the second day of the riots, the police had abandoned much of Koreatown. Jay Rhee, a storeowner in the area, stated to The Los Angeles Times, “we have lost faith in the police.”

With the cops nowhere to be found, hundreds of people marauded through the streets towards Koreatown. The neighborhood suffered 45 percent of all the property damage and five fatalities of storeowners during the riots. Having had enough of waiting for police, Korean storeowners assembled into militias to protect themselves, their families, and businesses.

According to the Los Angeles Times, “From the rooftops of their supermarkets, a group of Koreans armed with shotguns and automatic weapons peered onto the smoky streets…Koreans have turned their pastel-colored mini-malls into fortresses against looters tide.”

Rhee claimed that the storeowners shot off 500 rounds into the sky and ground in order to break up the masses of people. The only weapons able to clear that much ammo in a very short time are assault weapons. Single shot pistols or rifles might not have been able to deter the crowd hell-bent on destroying the neighborhood.

By the end of the day storeowners had slain four looters and fended off the mob. It would be 24 more hours until the National Guard arrived and another two days before the riots were completely put down. Had the riots occurred just a couple of years later when the Congress banned assault weapons, many of these storeowners may not have been so lucky. It’s situations like the LA riots, which, while being rare, can occur anywhere from the streets of Los Angeles to far off countries during the Arab Spring.

Assault weapons are legal for this reason: they protect people from extreme cases of assault.

When 'assault weapons' saved Koreatown | Human Events

Some black communities direct a lot of racial hatred towards neighboring Asian communities. Could it be the extreme difference between the two cultures, one being hard-working and generally successful, the other...well, not so much?
They damaged OUR property.

But that's OK - you'll make excuses for them because they were white.


That poor poor grass man never recover from being walked on.

You truly are a total moron

So you are unaware of the sites damaged by the Bundyites and their 4-wheelers?

Doesn't surprise me. You're too wrapped up in the damage black people cause to worry about the damage white people cause.....

Doesn't surprise me that you're too stupid to realize grass grows back FROM THE ROOTS

That poor poor grass man never recover from being walked on.

You truly are a total moron

So you are unaware of the sites damaged by the Bundyites and their 4-wheelers?

Doesn't surprise me. You're too wrapped up in the damage black people cause to worry about the damage white people cause.....

Doesn't surprise me that you're too stupid to realize grass grows back FROM THE ROOTS

More than grass was damaged.
But I think you know that.

You just don't have anything to offer to defend your racism.
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Blacks kill blacks EVERYDAY in this country. Where is the damn outrage over that? Babies, grandmothers, parents, teens.... all in random acts of violence. EVERY DAMN DAY.

No outrage over that, no looting of local businesses over that. No policing your own over that. But one white gets trigger happy (supposedly) and the whole damn neighborhood gets torched. Hell, the shooter doesn't even have to actually be white as long as he LOOKS white.

You want the cops to ease up on your communities? Start acting like you care BEFORE the police become involved.

I see you approve of the police shooting unarmed people. Or is it only unarmed black people? Hard to tell with you.

I must have missed where he approved of police shooting anyone. What I did see is disgust and abhorrence of people who react to an alleged shooting by wreaking wholesale destruction on innocent business owners and their very own neighbors.
I see you approve of depraved sub-humans destroying and stealing whatever they damned well please based on their racist resentment and low-information intellects.
Blacks are 13% of the population, 50% of murder victims are black, 90% are killed by blacks. That's not a sweeping judgment, those are facts. 26 blacks were shot in Chicago this last weekend, 1 16 year old girl was killed, that didn't even make the national news.

None of that information plays to the progressive narrative that (conservative) white people are evil racists and deserve to be punished and stripped of their wealth and belongings, which will then be redistributed to disadvantaged minorities.

And none of it excuses racism either.

Yet you will allow these sub-human rioters a "pass" based upon their racism? Oh, wait, they're destroyed black-owned businesses and stealing other black people's stuff? OK, no racism here, move along...
So you are unaware of the sites damaged by the Bundyites and their 4-wheelers?

Doesn't surprise me. You're too wrapped up in the damage black people cause to worry about the damage white people cause.....

Doesn't surprise me that you're too stupid to realize grass grows back FROM THE ROOTS

More than grass was damaged.

My bad, I forgot about the weeds & dirt.

Gawd you are stupid
Tell me nobrainsinthefight how much did it cost taxpayers to repair all the DIRT & GRASS the ranchers walked or drove on?

You forget the suffering some desert tortoise.

Probably so vandalized ant hills too.

White bastards....

Meanwhile blacks are burning down Quick Trips & blowing out store fronts to steal whatever they can get their hands on. Not a peep from the left & the FAA has even prohibited news choppers from flying over the area to cover it.
Tell me nobrainsinthefight how much did it cost taxpayers to repair all the DIRT & GRASS the ranchers walked or drove on?

You forget the suffering some desert tortoise.

Probably so vandalized ant hills too.

White bastards....

Meanwhile blacks are burning down Quick Trips & blowing out store fronts to steal whatever they can get their hands on. Not a peep from the left & the FAA has even prohibited news choppers from flying over the area to cover it.

Could it be possible that the liberal/progressive masters have achieved their goal of grooming their plantation dwellers into senseless, violent, sub-human scum who have no conscience, morals, or social responsibility?

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