Looting local businesses & destroying property? REALLY?

Rage instead of thought is a problem most humans exhibit, at one time or another; also, the mob mentality. Nothing makes the acts somehow more useful or constructive.
Rage instead of thought is a problem most humans exhibit, at one time or another; also, the mob mentality. Nothing makes the acts somehow more useful or constructive.
Those stealing were neither enraged nor thoughtful beyond an opportunity to rip some business off. They were thugs doing what thugs do.
Rage instead of thought is a problem most humans exhibit, at one time or another; also, the mob mentality. Nothing makes the acts somehow more useful or constructive.

I can't really blame them any more. As long as unarmed black people are shot by asshole vigilantes or cops it is hard to pretend they don't have a legitimate rage over the situation.
Rage instead of thought is a problem most humans exhibit, at one time or another; also, the mob mentality. Nothing makes the acts somehow more useful or constructive.

I can't really blame them any more. As long as unarmed black people are shot by asshole vigilantes or cops it is hard to pretend they don't have a legitimate rage over the situation.

99% of them are shot by.......BLACKS

The true spirit of the republican mentality alive on this thread. And then republicans wonder why blacks don't vote republican.
The true spirit of the republican mentality alive on this thread. And then republicans wonder why blacks don't vote republican.

I am wondering what rioting, theft & destruction accomplish for Michael Brown:


Also wondering why "blacks" are considered to be a subgroup of Americans by MANY posting.
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Rage instead of thought is a problem most humans exhibit, at one time or another; also, the mob mentality. Nothing makes the acts somehow more useful or constructive.

I can't really blame them any more. As long as unarmed black people are shot by asshole vigilantes or cops it is hard to pretend they don't have a legitimate rage over the situation.

99% of them are shot by.......BLACKS

What part of my post did you misunderstand?
gramps is the epitome of a racists/bigot. They try to hide so cleverly in the background.
He is not only a bigoted racists. He is a bigoted cowardly racists.

Gramps. This is such a true bigoted statement by you there is now way possible you can ignore or deny the fact you are a racists.
Have you ever seen white people destroy another persons property just for the hell of it?
Answer that sincerely.
Can I give you a hint, mr. bigot.
Just about every national championship or one that is so close the one team looses.
The "white", not all, go on a rampage and loot and destroy things.
Slipped your bigoted mind didn't it, just a little.
Weasel out of how this by placing the blame onto me now about being the racists.
You played your cards. Bigot.

Because one white nut=an entire community?

Try again

And he acts surprised when he is called out on his racism.

It's not too hard to spot real racism. Unfortunately, it seems the real racists still can't do it.
Life is easy when you get to make sweeping judgements about millions and millions of people simply based upon the pigment of their skin.

But then again, you're a low brow ex-con, so critical thought has never been in your arsenal.

Blacks are 13% of the population, 50% of murder victims are black, 90% are killed by blacks. That's not a sweeping judgment, those are facts. 26 blacks were shot in Chicago this last weekend, 1 16 year old girl was killed, that didn't even make the national news.

Let me show you "Low brow" @RDD_1210







[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyWIiJMQgAk]Race & IQ Denial Explained - YouTube[/ame]
gramps is the epitome of a racists/bigot. They try to hide so cleverly in the background.
He is not only a bigoted racists. He is a bigoted cowardly racists.

Gramps. This is such a true bigoted statement by you there is now way possible you can ignore or deny the fact you are a racists.
Have you ever seen white people destroy another persons property just for the hell of it?
Answer that sincerely.
Can I give you a hint, mr. bigot.
Just about every national championship or one that is so close the one team looses.
The "white", not all, go on a rampage and loot and destroy things.
Slipped your bigoted mind didn't it, just a little.
Weasel out of how this by placing the blame onto me now about being the racists.
You played your cards. Bigot.

And he acts surprised when he is called out on his racism.

It's not too hard to spot real racism. Unfortunately, it seems the real racists still can't do it.

Excactly - notice how when it is whites causing problems, he says you cannot judge the whole group by the actions of individual(s).

But when it is blacks ... "What's wrong with blacks" he wonders.

Racism - not hidden, not covert. Blatant - in your face racism.
The true spirit of the republican mentality alive on this thread. And then republicans wonder why blacks don't vote republican.

Why would a parasite vote to kill its host?

When ethnies live in the same territory, their relationship will not for long be a mutually beneficial one. Instead, one ethny will be a predator and the other its prey, or one ethny will be a parasite and the other its host. In both cases, the prey or host does not consent and therefore neither relationship is stable. In a predator-prey relationship, the predator ethny uses open violence against the prey ethny, e.g., colonialism, slavery, war, local gangs. In a parasite-host relationship, however, open violence by the parasitic ethny is not possible as the host ethny is more numerous and is militarily dominant. 28 Moreover, the host ethny regards the parasitic activities of the parasitic ethny as unfair, unethical, immoral, illegal, or criminal, making it necessary for the parasitic ethny to either (1) conceal its parasitism so that the host ethny is not aware that it is being parasitized or (2) incapacitate its host ethny 29 so that even though its host ethny is aware that it is being parasitized, it is unable to free itself. Both require controlling the media 30 and the government - a “covert coup.” These tactics are major and expensive operations requiring years to put into place. They are therefore available only to a parasitic ethny that has access to a great deal of wealth. When the host ethny discovers that it is being parasitized, and it is able to free itself, the parasite-host relationship ends, perhaps not pleasantly for those in the parasitic ethny. Neither a predator-prey relationship nor a parasite-host relationship is likely to last indefinitely because conflict is inherent in both relationships. There are two possible resolutions of ethnic conflict over territory: (1) one ethny wins and destroys or expels the other or (2) the ethnies interbreed and become a single ethny. Expelling the parasitic ethny preserves the genetic uniqueness both ethnies; interbreeding destroys it.
    Individuals within the parasitic ethny develop a set of values, even a religion, that justifies their parasitism, simply because those individuals who feel their behavior is their right and feel no remorse, shame, or guilt are more effective parasites and are therefore reproductively more successful. Individuals in the parasitic ethny are therefore selected for a lack of empathy, i.e., for sociopathy; such individuals differ genetically from everyone else in that their mirror neurons, which enable people to empathize with the feelings of others, are absent or turned off. The parasitic ethny will rather quickly achieve a high percentage of sociopaths, people who are charismatic, charming, and often well-liked, but whose only goal in life is winning, i.e., defeating those outside their ethny. 31 The parasitic ethny cannot become less virulent, as microbial parasites do,32 because they are too invested – genetically, socially, religiously, and culturally – in their parasitic lifestyle and less parasitic individuals within their ethny are selected against even by others in their own ethny, i.e., they do not rise to positions of influence within their ethny. Like all parasites, they are specialized and cannot easily become more generalized. 33 Host and parasite ethnies are on a collision course and neither can back down.

  Today, Caucasian altruism is not directed just towards nearby Caucasians, but towards anyone anywhere, i.e., “promiscuous altruism.” 6 The urge to help people of a different race, 7 sometimes called the “White Man’s Burden” because only whites seem to have it, lowers fitness, sometimes drastically. 8 To much of the world, people who give away their territory and wealth are not “good” people, to be admired and emulated, but “suckers,” to be despised. 9 Worse, to be the recipient of aid is insulting and degrading as it is seen as proof that the recipient is inferior to the giver. The result is that the giver does not receive the love and gratitude that he believes he is entitled to, but hatred. 10 Now the giver is helping his enemies, all the while dumbfounded by their growing hatred for him. Does he stop giving? No, he condemns himself for not giving enough, wallows in his guilt, and further aids in his own demise.

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gramps is the epitome of a racists/bigot. They try to hide so cleverly in the background.
He is not only a bigoted racists. He is a bigoted cowardly racists.

Gramps. This is such a true bigoted statement by you there is now way possible you can ignore or deny the fact you are a racists.
Have you ever seen white people destroy another persons property just for the hell of it?
Answer that sincerely.
Can I give you a hint, mr. bigot.
Just about every national championship or one that is so close the one team looses.
The "white", not all, go on a rampage and loot and destroy things.
Slipped your bigoted mind didn't it, just a little.
Weasel out of how this by placing the blame onto me now about being the racists.
You played your cards. Bigot.

And he acts surprised when he is called out on his racism.

It's not too hard to spot real racism. Unfortunately, it seems the real racists still can't do it.

I have read much of what he posts, have not noticed obvious racism; the one post addresses black Americans as a solid block, yes, but forming conclusions based upon one sentence is.....hasty:


With the FBI and state investigating, the THEFT and destruction only detract from the young man's life. Reprehensible.
Blacks are 13% of the population, 50% of murder victims are black, 90% are killed by blacks. That's not a sweeping judgment, those are facts. 26 blacks were shot in Chicago this last weekend, 1 16 year old girl was killed, that didn't even make the national news.

None of that information plays to the progressive narrative that (conservative) white people are evil racists and deserve to be punished and stripped of their wealth and belongings, which will then be redistributed to disadvantaged minorities.

And none of it excuses racism either.

And simple statistics are racist HOW?
There is no racism in my post. Only an observation of what the people of one community are doing to destroy it from within. It's not because of my observation that the BLACKS in that city are out of control. A case could easily be made that folks like sharpton and some of the mentalities of you on the left are fostering this destruction & crime. Hell, RAVI even blatantly stated that she doesn't blame them.

Yet the left chooses to condemn me and focus on the supposed racism of posters rather than the source of the problem.

Our local radio station has reporters on scene and are reporting shots fired as we speak, and you morons are obsessed with the hearts & minds of posters on the net rather than the safety of the American citizens & their property.

There is no racism in my post.

Sure ... sure....

And Santy Clause is gonna give you an alien spaceship for Christmas too.

The racism is obvious and undeniable. You don't get it? Doesn't matter. You've revealed yourself a racist.

Own it.

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