Looting local businesses & destroying property? REALLY?

I remember the riots of 1964. Many inner-city commercial districts were looted and destroyed. Decades later the residents still had to travel miles just to buy necessities. Businesses were very hesitant to rebuild. Some never did.
Almost every single incident I can recall that involves rioting, looting & mass property damage are either black or liberal or both. Those are the facts, ignore them if you choose.

If you can't admit or see the cultural problem that is near exclusive to blacks then you have the problem, not me. You will also NEVER be a part of the solution to that problem.

Of note, I guess that makes Bill Cosby and others like him a racist, just like me.

So who excused it?

Would you like to discuss the mild temperatures we've had this summer? Might be easier on your diversion tactics....

You're joking, right?

You said people excused the looting in the name of racism.

I'm just asking who did that.

You're not even good at your own troll threads.
Did you watch this video?

Of course.

Did you post your evidence now? Of course not.

A lot of those looters were black. Am I supposed to ignore that part? What was the reason given for this particular riot? Where is the report supporting this video as some huge white people riot? What caused this riot and video?

And thanks for proving my point resoundingly.
I don't see the GOP policing itself of bigots and retards and demagogues, so I guess it is not surprising the black community does not do it, either.

Welcome to the human race, up close and personal.
Gramps. This is such a true bigoted statement by you there is now way possible you can ignore or deny the fact you are a racists.
Have you ever seen white people destroy another persons property just for the hell of it?
Answer that sincerely.
Can I give you a hint, mr. bigot.
Just about every national championship or one that is so close the one team looses.
The "white", not all, go on a rampage and loot and destroy things.
Slipped your bigoted mind didn't it, just a little.
Weasel out of how this by placing the blame onto me now about being the racists.
You played your cards. Bigot.

WTF is wrong with black people?

PROBLEM: Civil rights violated?
SOLUTION: Act like a complete savage.

Do I got it right?

It's the same thing that's wrong with white people.

PROBLEM: Overbearing government violates the rights of citizens at Ruby Ridge and Waco.
SOLUTION: Blow up federal building in OKC, killing 168 people.

Because one white nut=an entire community?

Try again
Gramps. This is such a true bigoted statement by you there is now way possible you can ignore or deny the fact you are a racists.
Have you ever seen white people destroy another persons property just for the hell of it?
Answer that sincerely.
Can I give you a hint, mr. bigot.
Just about every national championship or one that is so close the one team looses.
The "white", not all, go on a rampage and loot and destroy things.
Slipped your bigoted mind didn't it, just a little.
Weasel out of how this by placing the blame onto me now about being the racists.
You played your cards. Bigot.

It's the same thing that's wrong with white people.

PROBLEM: Overbearing government violates the rights of citizens at Ruby Ridge and Waco.
SOLUTION: Blow up federal building in OKC, killing 168 people.

Because one white nut=an entire community?

Try again

And he acts surprised when he is called out on his racism.

It's not too hard to spot real racism. Unfortunately, it seems the real racists still can't do it.
Life is easy when you get to make sweeping judgements about millions and millions of people simply based upon the pigment of their skin.

But then again, you're a low brow ex-con, so critical thought has never been in your arsenal.

You're right, I am making a sweeping judgment about a group of people. We're told over & over & over its not our concern, to mind our own business, that we don't understand their plight & on & on.
What's left for us to do but sit back and pass judgment? You won't accept "outside" help or criticism.

You'd rather just ignore it and pretend there isnt a MAJOR problem. After all, it's not in your neighborhood.

Of course there is a major problem, but their skin color isn't the issue. Yet, you seem to want to focus on that. Poverty, poor education and an over abundance of deadly weapons are problems, not the pigment of someones skin.

Go ahead and pretend like you aren't a racist. It's funny at this point.

so tell me how are the democrats who claim to be doing so much for them helping them get passed all this? the communities they live in are all lead by democratic leaders. leaders they chose with their votes. they oversea their communities and their boards of education. they control the police. in 95% of the cases they have restrictive gun legislation passed. but we all know that means absolutely nothing. but enforecment has the tools to take those guns away if they wanted to. they have the tools to greatly reduce if not eliminate the drugs if they want to. they control their own destiny as far as education and community outreach. but that help never comes in the form of real assistance. its all about hey remember we're the party looking out for you so get out the vote come election time.

how come no other group continues to live in this kind of situation, this kind of poverty, generation after generation? you look at any other group that has immigrated to this country and found themselves at the bottom for that first generation. by the second generation they are already forcing their children to upward mobility. forcing them to get an education, to get a better job, but blacks are kept low information by the drug of entitlements and misdirection by their elected leaders.
I'm as racist as you are rational.
I agree

If it bothers you when people find out you are racist, then don't post such blatantly racists remarks.
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Blacks kill blacks EVERYDAY in this country. Where is the damn outrage over that? Babies, grandmothers, parents, teens.... all in random acts of violence. EVERY DAMN DAY.

No outrage over that, no looting of local businesses over that. No policing your own over that. But one white gets trigger happy (supposedly) and the whole damn neighborhood gets torched. Hell, the shooter doesn't even have to actually be white as long as he LOOKS white.

You want the cops to ease up on your communities? Start acting like you care BEFORE the police become involved.

I see you approve of the police shooting unarmed people. Or is it only unarmed black people? Hard to tell with you.
Aren't they doing this in their own neighborhoods?

I say the next time this happens, the authorities should cordon off the whole area, prevent people from going in or out, let it burn itself out like a plague.

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