Lord, is it I?

I need to repent, but God told me it was too late...

It is not too late for you, Moonglow. Jesus will forgive you of all your sins today even! If you recognize your own frailty apart from Christ - you are already far ahead of false teachers such as the Joseph Princes of this world, Osteens and of course this Mormon man on the news link who thinks he has nothing to repent of - yet does not see his own naked blindness in even promoting a false prophet rather than Jesus Christ who is God!

Any religion that refuses to confess that Jesus Christ is God is a cult - with the exception of the Jews who do not yet know Jesus Christ is their Messiah - but one day will know this - the rest?

If they deny Jesus is God yet claim he is LORD? They deceived themselves. You are better off to be ice cold than to be a lukewarm hypocrite teaching lies. Do not beat yourself up, Moonglow. Call on the LORD Jesus Christ and be saved. God loves you.
I need to repent, but God told me it was too late...
There can be a lot of rules and red tape and stuff but I happen to know a little secret. Just keep talking and try and find his soft spot. It can take a while but if you really think you're not getting anywhere just burst out in great big tears. I have yet to see that not work.
No moonglow and no moonglow. It is never to late to accept Christ as your savior, and concerning what he went through just to wipe your slate clean, turning Him into a joke is rather cruel. If a kid pushed your child out of the way of a truck, and was killed instead, would you spit in his coffin and joke about the limb he lost while saving your child? Thanking Christ would be a better choice. At least, not showing disrespect might be a more humane option.
But that isn't the Jesus story. It would be like our truck driver giving my child a gift, then gunning for my child for using the gift, then pushing my child out of the way of the truck he was driving to save my child from himself.

Why wouldn't God just skip the middle man and not be pissed at his creations doing what he designed his creations to do?
Steven, Would you rather have been made robotic? We have the ability to choose. Take that away and God would be called cruel for not allowing us to make our own decisions.
Here is the Jesus story. God became man in the flesh and removed anything you have done that would separate you from Him. He wants you to use the gift, and never guns for you for having done so. If you accept Christ's gift and never do 1 good work in your life, you have been saved by Christ. Because it is His record, not yours that is submitted to the Judge.

What God understands is that Satan is the driver of the truck, and charges him with murder, not the child, not the one who saved the child. Unto him God gives a great amount of righteousness, because there is no bigger gift than giving your life for another. It is what His own child did.
God doesn't gun for us, He forgives us. You have God and Satan, and their properties confused.

God designed man to never be tempted by evil or even know that it exists. We were immune and dominate as long as one single rule was obeyed.
Free will. It wasn't. Satan usurped man as having dominion over all, for a very short amount of eternal time. And then God commuted the sentence of death due to sin, by drawing all condemnation on to Himself and then returned to prove His success by overcoming death. And then God gave us a free lawyer who sits right beside Him to advocate on our behalf. What more do you require?
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I need to repent, but God told me it was too late...

then you aren't talking with the right god. The day of judgment has not come. There is still much time to repent. And much time to fall away.

you just need to talk to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
My observation is that we tend to see in others, what we dislike in ourselves. Whenever someone really gets under my skin, I ask myself if it's because they remind me of me in some manner.
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Lord Is It I - By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

thought I would share it. Many fail to see their own weaknesses but see the weaknesses of others. This makes repentance difficult since we are blind to our need for it.
President Uchtdorf's sermon brings to mind a prayer that makes for a fine daily petition: Lord, I believe--help my unbelief.

Lord I Believe - Jeffrey R. Holland

interesting that you bring up that. Its the basis for another sermon I loved.
Lord Is It I - By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

thought I would share it. Many fail to see their own weaknesses but see the weaknesses of others. This makes repentance difficult since we are blind to our need for it.
President Uchtdorf's sermon brings to mind a prayer that makes for a fine daily petition: Lord, I believe--help my unbelief.

Lord I Believe - Jeffrey R. Holland

interesting that you bring up that. Its the basis for another sermon I loved.

Holland's sermon includes two extremely powerful statements that touched me deeply:

Do not start your quest for faith with unbelief, but with the belief/desire you have....hold fast to what you already know and stand strong until additional knowledge comes.
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there is alot of truth in those sermons probably why I like then
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My observation is that we tend to see in others, what we dislike in ourselves. Whenever someone really gets under my skin, I ask myself if it's because they remind me of me in some manner.

I think this is a sound truth

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