Lori beaker light foot will not be Chicago’s next mayor

How'd that work out?

Beetlejuice got kicked to the curb.

Yes, she did.

And you can enjoy that, but I don't think it solves the underlying problem. I don't see Vallas or Johnson as being the guy who can turn stuff around.

Frankly, I'm kind of sorry Rahm Emmanuel isn't starting his fourth term. The city would have been so much better off.
Well, she wasn't. She was just faced with insurmountable challenges.

She had the bad luck of being mayor during Covid, which devastated Chicago.

I don't think Vallas is a better choice, because he's in the pocket of the FOP and the Charter School scammers. There's a reason they ran him out of town in 2001.

But people are scared, and they don't make good decisions when they are scared.

Foxx doesn't create policy, Welfare Ray.

In fact, she let the cop who murdered Adam Toledo off the hook.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
I care. The reason she lost was the Anjanette Young mess. She continued to say she was going to do something and did nothing.

Probe finds Chicago mayor didn't conceal info about botched raid of naked woman's home, but 'failed to recognize the seriousness' | CNN

We have seen the enemy and it is us.

She should have fired many and cleaned house but did little.
I thought she was a terrible mayor, who followed a terrible mayor (Rahm), who followed a terrible mayor (Daley) who followed a terrible mayor (Sawyer). Before him was Harold Washington, who was pretty good.

The main problem with Chicago mayors is their unwillingness to get tough with CPD, prosecuting bad cops and cleaning house. I don't know who is more corrupt and lawless, CPD or LAPD.
I thought she was a terrible mayor, who followed a terrible mayor (Rahm), who followed a terrible mayor (Daley) who followed a terrible mayor (Sawyer). Before him was Harold Washington, who was pretty good.

The main problem with Chicago mayors is their unwillingness to get tough with CPD, prosecuting bad cops and cleaning house. I don't know who is more corrupt and lawless, CPD or LAPD.

Baltimore PD.
I thought she was a terrible mayor, who followed a terrible mayor (Rahm), who followed a terrible mayor (Daley) who followed a terrible mayor (Sawyer). Before him was Harold Washington, who was pretty good.

The main problem with Chicago mayors is their unwillingness to get tough with CPD, prosecuting bad cops and cleaning house. I don't know who is more corrupt and lawless, CPD or LAPD.

Okay... um, I have a lot of problems with this analysis, as someone who has lived in the Chicago area for most of his life except for times when the service had me elsewhere.

Lightfoot was a terrible mayor, because she simply can't work with people. She alienated the city counsel, and couldn't get things done. That said, she ran into the insurmountable problems of Covid and the George Floyd riots... So I'm not sure that even a mayor with greater skill could have handled it.

Rahm was actually... a pretty good mayor. He achieved some major reform of the schools, did a lot of good with infrastructure. His downfall was that he tried to cover up the circumstances of the Laquan McDonald shooting. What sealed it for him is that after numerous delays, the trial of the officer responsible happened right in the middle of the 2019 campaign!

Richie was darned good mayor. It's why he got re-elected five times, and served even longer than his father. He improved the cities economy and actually did a lot to make the city more livable. The murder rate even went down on his watch.

Sawyer (or as we lovingly called him "Mayor Mumbles" was terrible by design. The white aldermanic block that opposed everything Harold Washington did backed him because he would be easier to control before Richie claimed his job.

Harold Washington was a pretty terrible mayor for a lot of the same reasons that Lightfoot was. He couldn't work with the city council. He finally had to get the courts to redraw the aldermanic map to give him a more friendly council, and then proceeded to keel over. One of the things I heard from cops at the time was that he had a heart attack snorting cocaine in his office, but it was covered up. I don't know if this is true, but it says a lot that the cops would spread this rumor because they hated him so much.
Why can't Democrats ever own up to their own failures instead of blaming others?

Yes, after losing Lightfoot called the residents of Chicago 'racist' and 'sexist', claiming the reason she lost is because she is a black woman.

Yes, she did.

And you can enjoy that, but I don't think it solves the underlying problem. I don't see Vallas or Johnson as being the guy who can turn stuff around.

While you WONDER if Vallas or Johnson can get the job done Lightfoot has PROVEN she CAN'T.

Not only that, Lightfoot proved she is the typical pathetic Democrat who can't own up to her own failures. After losing she actually called those who voted against her 'ravist' and 'sexist', blaming the reason for her loss on being a black woman.

It was becauuse she sucked at her job.
While you WONDER if Vallas or Johnson can get the job done Lightfoot has PROVEN she CAN'T.

Not only that, Lightfoot proved she is the typical pathetic Democrat who can't own up to her own failures. After losing she actually called those who voted against her 'ravist' and 'sexist', blaming the reason for her loss on being a black woman.

It was becauuse she sucked at her job.

Yet why is it all the criticism from the wingnuts I see here focus on her race, her gender, or her sexual orientation? Seems to me that if you want to have a reasonable discussion about Lightfoot's failings, talk about her actual policies.

What i find amusing is that you are perfectly willing to hold Lightfoot to account for her failings dealing with Covid/the Recession/BLM riots, but not Trump, who was probably a lot more responsible for all those problems. Yet you guys are STILL whining about the 2020 election.

I'm not going to spend all that much time worried about Lightfoot. She had her chance, she didn't measure up, and we're ready to turn the page.

As an aside, I live in one of the Suburbs, so I can't vote in this election, but I do have a stake in as goes Chicago, so go her burbs. Johnson is kind of a non-entity and Vallas is a knob.
Yet why is it all the criticism from the wingnuts I see here focus on her race, her gender, or her sexual orientation?

Ummm....probably because SHE was the 1st and only one to claim her race and sex was why she lost.

No one ever said, 'That Chicago Mayor sure does suck because she's a BLACK WOMAN.' She was repeatedly criticized for sucking at her job, for refusing to do her job, for being able to do anything, for her failed liberal policies.

In your desperate attempt to defend her you sound just like her.
Ummm....probably because SHE was the 1st and only one to claim her race and sex was why she lost.

No one ever said, 'That Chicago Mayor sure does suck because she's a BLACK WOMAN.' She was repeatedly criticized for sucking at her job, for refusing to do her job, for being able to do anything, for her failed liberal policies.

So why do you guys attack her gender, sexual orientation and race if her policies were so awful. Because looking at this thread, I see very little actual criticism of her policies (not the metrics of how bad the city did, but just her policies).

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