Lori beaker light foot will not be Chicago’s next mayor

This is how government is supposed to work - voters removing an incompetent, pathetic failure from office through their votes.

Even liberals could mo longer defend her or put up with her failure and lack of caring anymore.


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This is how government is supposed to work - voters removing an incompetent, pathetic failure from office through their votes.

Even liberals could mo longer defend her or put up with her failure and lack of caring anymore.


ONE down...

Maybe she can claim she lost because of cheating?
Well, she wasn't. She was just faced with insurmountable challenges.

The 'insurmountable challege' was that she sucked while not giving a damn.

She literally danced in rhe street while the equivalent of a mass shooting occured in her city almost every single weekend.

She KNEW she was going to lose - deservedly -- she literally told voters to STAY HOME instead of voting because she knew that was her only chance of surviving to the next round.
All over the nation when one is thrown out others are elected or appointed y elites.
Everyone running was literally a Democrat
So that's a distinct possibility.

Only if the liberal white academic wins the runoff.

Ten bucks says the black guy gets it.

I really don't care about race / color

Hopefully whoever wins will reject 'woke' BS, reject the overwhelming agenda if racial division and hate, will.make their priority saving lives, stopping murder, and making Chicago safe - no.matter what it takes.
Not that you have the intellectual capacity to get this.

She was largely elected to clean up Chicago's notoriously corrupt and racist police department The fact that she was unable to really hold the CPD to account disappointed a lot of her supporters. young's case was emblematic of that. To further step in it, they also reprimanded a female officer who had acted decently, after said officer was killed in the line of duty on a later date.

The Blue Lives Matter crowd went full Horst Wessell on that one.

Yes, Crime spiked up on her watch, just like it did the rest of the country after Trump let Covid wreck the economy.

So she tried to make everyone happy and ended up making no one happy.

So best case scenario, Brandon Johnson wins and succeeds where Lightfoot failed.
Worst case scenario, Vallas wins, knuckles under to the Fascist Order of Police, until the next major police outrage and he'll be one and done, too.
Total bullshit.
It’s unreal but expected.

So what gender is she claiming victimhood for now?
Well, she wasn't. She was just faced with insurmountable challenges.

She had the bad luck of being mayor during Covid, which devastated Chicago.

I don't think Vallas is a better choice, because he's in the pocket of the FOP and the Charter School scammers. There's a reason they ran him out of town in 2001.

But people are scared, and they don't make good decisions when they are scared.

Foxx doesn't create policy, Welfare Ray.

In fact, she let the cop who murdered Adam Toledo off the hook.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
Excuse after excuse after excuse after excuse. You'd never give a Republican that many excuses. Heck, if there were any Republicans in her administration, you'd be blaming them for all of Chicago's ills at the top of your keyboard.

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