Los Angeles Covid Surge Defies ‘Vaccine’ Narrative: The Most Vaxxed Areas Are Now Most Heavily Infected

Within the past three weeks I've had a fully-vaxxed friend (71 and healthy) die of the covid and another friend's son (47 and healthy) who was un-vaxxed die of the covid......Seems like pretty much of a crap-shoot one way or another to me.

Used in India big time. But ivermectin isn't allowed here.

But the rest is here. Vitamin D. Vitamin C. zinc. and doxycycline EARLY ON . Early treatment is the option. Oh and aspirin for blood circulation.

In India they gave out HEALTH KITS that had these and ivermectin and these vitamins and zinc. And it worked wonders.

Here in the U.S. it'a about MONEY as normal while stacking up body bags.

That's because it isn't a immunization, it's a vaccine.

People who get covid whether they present symptoms or not and don't die are immunized naturally. The vaccine doesn't create any immunity, once it wears off you'll get it, get a booster you still aren't immune.

We never should have introduced the vaccine. Sure we would lose some people but we lost them anyway even with the vaccine, but in the end the overall severity would have drastically dropped very quickly. It was for the greater good to never have had the vaccine.
That's because it isn't a immunization, it's a vaccine.

People who get covid whether they present symptoms or not and don't die are immunized naturally. The vaccine doesn't create any immunity, once it wears off you'll get it, get a booster you still aren't immune.

We never should have introduced the vaccine. Sure we would lose some people but we lost them anyway even with the vaccine, but in the end the overall severity would have drastically dropped very quickly. It was for the greater good to never have had the vaccine.
I said that from the onset of this plannedemic. Sweden did that and their gaphs are flat lined for the most part right now. India did some studies on antibodies there and some showed 97% had antibodies already. Their result is night and day better than here.

Used in India big time. But ivermectin isn't allowed here.

But the rest is here. Vitamin D. Vitamin C. zinc. and doxycycline EARLY ON . Early treatment is the option. Oh and aspirin for blood circulation.

In India they gave out HEALTH KITS that had these and ivermectin and these vitamins and zinc. And it worked wonders.

Here in the U.S. it'a about MONEY as normal while stacking up body bags.

Yes, the zinc is one of Zalenko’s choices. Quercitin is a zinc ionophore that physically attaches to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, just as ivermectin attaches to that spike protein.
The stats are not being separated before mandate forces get to the children. If they were separated as to just who got the mRNA, it would be easier to link it as a danger for children.
The stats are not being separated before mandate forces get to the children. If they were separated as to just who got the mRNA, it would be easier to link it as a danger for children.
Why vaxx with it when there are proven treatments that can lower the deaths. India is a shining example.
Happened in many places. High vax rates, infections soar. Israel, the UK, Ireland, Gibraltar. And yet people still mumble the talking points. Stupidity abounds.
I am pleased to see that many here have figured out the lying that is going on.

I'm sure we all wish they weren't lying, that two weeks to flatten the curve had actually worked, and the hand sanitizers had worked and the quarantines had worked and the tests had worked and the lockdowns had worked and the masks had worked and the vaccines had worked and the boosters would work ---- but so far nothing has worked, and that's where we are.

A lot of people want reassurance so badly that they are willing to believe anything, however much data is against it.
I said that from the onset of this plannedemic. Sweden did that and their gaphs are flat lined for the most part right now. India did some studies on antibodies there and some showed 97% had antibodies already. Their result is night and day better than here.
Yeah, that's the best hope we have now, that we get Covid but survive it and are not much affected by it long-term. That's the only hope people had with smallpox, too, before the vaccine. :(
Yeah, that's the best hope we have now, that we get Covid but survive it and are not much affected by it long-term. That's the only hope people had with smallpox, too, before the vaccine. :(
Given our Gov't trying to force THEIR BUDDIES DRUGS over what is best is the problem. They are tied to the hip of the jab makers and the drug makers like Gillead.

I keep going back to India and they went with cheap drugs and had great results. Then the media shows the gov't there saying no to drugs like Ivermectin which was widely used there. But that didn't matter as the Central Gov't can't tell the States there what medicines to give them. 4 states.

So the states gave out the cheap drugs that worked miracles.
Covid is an out of control experiment while viruses for ages have been given Far Less attention
Wonder why?
I am pleased to see that many here have figured out the lying that is going on.

I'm sure we all wish they weren't lying, that two weeks to flatten the curve had actually worked, and the hand sanitizers had worked and the quarantines had worked and the tests had worked and the lockdowns had worked and the masks had worked and the vaccines had worked and the boosters would work ---- but so far nothing has worked, and that's where we are.

A lot of people want reassurance so badly that they are willing to believe anything, however much data is against it.
There is actually no resolution but rather a continued forced feeding of fear and ineffective attempts at
I am pleased to see that many here have figured out the lying that is going on.

I'm sure we all wish they weren't lying, that two weeks to flatten the curve had actually worked, and the hand sanitizers had worked and the quarantines had worked and the tests had worked and the lockdowns had worked and the masks had worked and the vaccines had worked and the boosters would work ---- but so far nothing has worked, and that's where we are.

A lot of people want reassurance so badly that they are willing to believe anything, however much data is against it.

Agree with you almost entirely here, but some things DO work. As it turns out, the things Grandma always told us:

Stay home when you're sick
Wash your hands
Take your vitamins
Get good sleep and exercise

Los Angeles Covid Surge Defies ‘Vaccine’ Narrative: The Most Vaxxed Areas Are Now Most Heavily Infected​

How do you confuse a government health official? Show them statistics that compare percentages of vaccinations in areas with surges in Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. They will perform Olympic-level intellectual gymnastics in order to avoid the most obvious conclusion: High vaccination levels equate to higher Covid-19 surges.

Well then, show us the statistics.
Within the past three weeks I've had a fully-vaxxed friend (71 and healthy) die of the covid and another friend's son (47 and healthy) who was un-vaxxed die of the covid......Seems like pretty much of a crap-shoot one way or another to me.
It’s garish human experimentation
It’s garish human experimentation
I'm vaxxed (old fart) but I'm not looking forward to the next bad cold I get. From what I understand from my peer age group (all vaxxed) they are having right rough "colds".
If you read the article it gives you answer or possibilities rather than blindly asserting that the vaccinated are the cause.
So. If the vaccines..........cough cough ..........worked .......then we we wouldn't be having this discussion now would we?

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