Losing weight doesn’t actually improve health biomarkers, and thin people aren't healthier

Compared to people who fell into the normal-weight category:
  • Those classified as underweight were 73% more likely to die.
  • Those classified as extremely obese with BMI of 35 or greater were 36% more likely to die.
  • Those classified as obese with BMI 30-34.9 had about the same risk of death.
  • Those classified as overweight with BMI 25-29.9 were 17% less likely to die."
If you want to argue, argue with the study, not by calling me names and saying 'wait I don't know any fat people therefore the CDC is full of shit!"

Because you're just embarrassing yourselves.

Study Overweight People Live Longer
Oh boy. Gotta disagree with this. First off, it isn't maintaining weight loss. It's maintaining a healthy weight. I've seen lots of old people, none of them are make it to 90 if they are overweight. If you want to make it to 80 you can be a little overweight but if you are constantly "dieting" you are doing something wrong. Eat what you need to sustain health.

I'd also argue that many or most diseases are preventable with a healthy diet, food your body needs, not what you crave. Food is fuel and food is good medicine!

Except what you're saying..it's not true. It's the modern meme..and none of it is true.

so people who are overweight aren't more likely to have type 2 diabetes? okie dokie.
Oh boy. Gotta disagree with this. First off, it isn't maintaining weight loss. It's maintaining a healthy weight. I've seen lots of old people, none of them are make it to 90 if they are overweight. If you want to make it to 80 you can be a little overweight but if you are constantly "dieting" you are doing something wrong. Eat what you need to sustain health.

I'd also argue that many or most diseases are preventable with a healthy diet, food your body needs, not what you crave. Food is fuel and food is good medicine!

Except what you're saying..it's not true. It's the modern meme..and none of it is true.

so people who are overweight aren't more likely to have type 2 diabetes? okie dokie.

Did somebody say that?


Ok. Try to stick to the facts.
Oh boy. Gotta disagree with this. First off, it isn't maintaining weight loss. It's maintaining a healthy weight. I've seen lots of old people, none of them are make it to 90 if they are overweight. If you want to make it to 80 you can be a little overweight but if you are constantly "dieting" you are doing something wrong. Eat what you need to sustain health.

I'd also argue that many or most diseases are preventable with a healthy diet, food your body needs, not what you crave. Food is fuel and food is good medicine!

Except what you're saying..it's not true. It's the modern meme..and none of it is true.

so people who are overweight aren't more likely to have type 2 diabetes? okie dokie.

Did somebody say that?


Ok. Try to stick to the facts.

fact. if overweight people are more likely to get type 2 diabetes, then overweight people are less healthy than people who maintain a healthy weight.
Oh boy. Gotta disagree with this. First off, it isn't maintaining weight loss. It's maintaining a healthy weight. I've seen lots of old people, none of them are make it to 90 if they are overweight. If you want to make it to 80 you can be a little overweight but if you are constantly "dieting" you are doing something wrong. Eat what you need to sustain health.

I'd also argue that many or most diseases are preventable with a healthy diet, food your body needs, not what you crave. Food is fuel and food is good medicine!

Except what you're saying..it's not true. It's the modern meme..and none of it is true.

so people who are overweight aren't more likely to have type 2 diabetes? okie dokie.

Did somebody say that?


Ok. Try to stick to the facts.

fact. if overweight people are more likely to get type 2 diabetes, then overweight people are less healthy than people who maintain a healthy weight.

Nope. That is not logical or scientific, and doesn't follow at all. In fact, that's a great big fat logical fallacy.

"Affirming the consequent, sometimes called converse error or fallacy of the converse, is a formal fallacy of inferring the converse from the original statement. The corresponding argument has the general form:
  1. If P, then Q.
  2. Q.
  3. Therefore, P.
An argument of this form is invalid, i.e., the conclusion can be false even when statements 1 and 2 are true. Since P was never asserted as the only sufficient condition for Q, other factors could account for Q (while P was false).[1]"

Affirming the consequent - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Compared to people who fell into the normal-weight category:
  • Those classified as underweight were 73% more likely to die.
  • Those classified as extremely obese with BMI of 35 or greater were 36% more likely to die.
  • Those classified as obese with BMI 30-34.9 had about the same risk of death.
  • Those classified as overweight with BMI 25-29.9 were 17% less likely to die."
If you want to argue, argue with the study, not by calling me names and saying 'wait I don't know any fat people therefore the CDC is full of shit!"

Because you're just embarrassing yourselves.

Study Overweight People Live Longer
How many studies do you suppose we can find that contradict this stupidity?

Try and guess.

Heres one.

this HTML class. Value is http://www.ncbi.nlm.
Google "mortality rate obesity"

Shocker, i know.

1 in 5 deaths currently linked to obesity.

Tell us more about how fat is the new fit
Ask yourself this:

How many really old fat people do you see?

Misleading vividness (also known as anecdotal fallacy)[1] is anecdotal evidence describing an occurrence with sufficient detail to permit hasty generalizations about the occurrence.[2] It may be used, for example, to convince someone that the occurrence is a widespread problem. Although misleading vividness does little to support an argument logically, it can have a very strong psychological effect because of a cognitive heuristic called the availability heuristic.
Anne: "I am giving up extreme sports now that I have children. I think I will take up golf."
Bill: "I wouldn't do that. Do you remember Charles? He was playing golf when he got hit by a golf-cart. It broke his leg, and he fell over, giving himself a concussion. He was in hospital for a week and still walks with a limp. I would stick to paragliding!"
This rhetoric permits a kind of hasty generalization when an inductive generalization is a necessary premise and a single (albeit vivid) example is not sufficient to support such a generalization. See faulty generalization."

Misleading vividness - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Compared to people who fell into the normal-weight category:
  • Those classified as underweight were 73% more likely to die.
  • Those classified as extremely obese with BMI of 35 or greater were 36% more likely to die.
  • Those classified as obese with BMI 30-34.9 had about the same risk of death.
  • Those classified as overweight with BMI 25-29.9 were 17% less likely to die."
If you want to argue, argue with the study, not by calling me names and saying 'wait I don't know any fat people therefore the CDC is full of shit!"

Because you're just embarrassing yourselves.

Study Overweight People Live Longer
How many studies do you suppose we can find that contradict this stupidity?

Try and guess.

Heres one.

this HTML class. Value is http://www.ncbi.nlm.

Bad link. Go figger.
Compared to people who fell into the normal-weight category:
  • Those classified as underweight were 73% more likely to die.
  • Those classified as extremely obese with BMI of 35 or greater were 36% more likely to die.
  • Those classified as obese with BMI 30-34.9 had about the same risk of death.
  • Those classified as overweight with BMI 25-29.9 were 17% less likely to die."
If you want to argue, argue with the study, not by calling me names and saying 'wait I don't know any fat people therefore the CDC is full of shit!"

Because you're just embarrassing yourselves.

Study Overweight People Live Longer
How many studies do you suppose we can find that contradict this stupidity?

Try and guess.

Heres one.

this HTML class. Value is http://www.ncbi.nlm.

Bad link. Go figger.
Kay moron.

Im on a dr dr droid in a place with no wa wa wi fi so sometimes it stu stu studders

Google "mortality obesity" and congratulate the millions of studies that prve youre a dumb fuck.
There are lots of fat old people, silly.
The words fat and old are subjective so you can massage meanings all day long but the fact is when you look at the older people are the less you see fat ones around. Any extra weight is more work for your heart, and that's just one aspect of health. You have joint problems, diabitis, overworked organs in general.

Another thing to consider is quality of like. They may be able to keep a fat people alive in their early 80s (although I've never seen it) but what kind of life would they have?
Ask yourself this:

How many really old fat people do you see?

Good grief, that's a retarded argument. You loons know that, right?

"There is more evidence that people who are overweight tend to live longer than people who are underweight, normal weight, or obese."

Study Overweight People Live Longer
I've been studying people for a long time and the older they are the thinner they are.

That's just anecdotal and completely irrelevant.
CDC is wrong. My blood pressure and triglycerides both improved when I lost weight.
Probably because you were exercising.

Exercise DOES matter.
I lost 40 lbs with hardly any exercize. Diet is 80% of weight loss.

Previous generations didn't have gym memberships, obesity is a fairly recent epidemic.

Its food related.
I never said any different.

The premise of the article in the OP is that the current diatribe that being overweight is unhealthy in and of itself is not true, based on the statistics which show that overweight people tend to live longer and enjoy better health than their skinny counterparts.
CDC is wrong. My blood pressure and triglycerides both improved when I lost weight.
Probably because you were exercising.

Exercise DOES matter.
I lost 40 lbs with hardly any exercize. Diet is 80% of weight loss.

Previous generations didn't have gym memberships, obesity is a fairly recent epidemic.

Its food related.
I never said any different.

The premise of the article in the OP is that the current diatribe that being overweight is unhealthy in and of itself is not true, based on the statistics which show that overweight people tend to live longer and enjoy better health than their skinny counterparts.
No, they dont tend to.

Is your fucking google broke? Cuz you forgot to google all the studies that link mortality directly to obesity.

Deliberately omitting them all cuz youre fat and insecure? Thats fine.

But dont sit here and pretend it doesnt exist.

Theres ONLY millions.......big shortage, ya know.

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