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Lost in Occupation: ScarJo ends relationship with Oxfam to stick with Soda Stream

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Kristin Davis ultimately chose work with Oxfam over continuing work with Ahava.

Good for Kristen Davis.


When we look at these past two instances where Oxfam terminated working relationships with spokespersons who became spokespersons for companies with factories in illegal settlements, it becomes obvious that there was no way Oxfam was going to have Scarlett Johanssen do anymore work for them as long as you continued her association with SodaStream.

In ScarJos actions, we see she chose SodaStream over Oxfam.

If she had not resigned from Oxfam, they would have terminated their relationship with her.

Oxfam Suspends Ahava Spokeswoman Kristin Davis From All Publicity Work | Common Dreams

Oxfam Suspends Ahava Spokeswoman Kristin Davis From All Publicity Work Just one month after CODEPINK launches "Stolen Beauty" boycott campaign of Ahava cosmetics


"Sex & The City" star Kristin Davis, well known for her work as a goodwill ambassador of international human rights organization Oxfam and for her lucrative spokesperson job for Israeli cosmetics company Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories, has been suspended from all publicity work by Oxfam for the duration of her contract with Ahava. Page Six of the New York Post reported the suspension today (read it here)."

"Last month, the women's peace group CODEPINK launched a boycott campaign of the cosmetics company, "Stolen Beauty" (CODEPINK*:*AHAVA: Stolen Beauty), bringing to light Ahava's illegal business practices. Ahava manufactures its products at a Jewish settlement in a plant near the shores of the Dead Sea in Occupied Palestine. The settlement itself is illegal according to international law, as are all the settlements in the Occupied West Bank. According to the 4th Geneva Convention, it is illegal for an occupying power to exploit for profit the natural resources of an occupied territory. Ahava harvests mud and minerals from the shores of the Dead Sea in Occupied Palestine, and this exploitation is illegal. Ahava also labels its products, which are made in Occupied Palestine, as “products of Israel,” which is another breach of international law. Ironically, Oxfam has been a global leader in the fight to expose those illegal practices, while its ambassador actively promotes them."
Incidentally, 'ScarJo' didn't "abandon" anyone - Oxfam are the ones who made an issue of it and drew the line in the sand.

How very like the sherrishitflinger to get it backwards.
There cannot be any 'Occupied' Palestine when there never was a 'Palestine' (as a self-governing nation) to begin with.

It MIGHT have been different had the Palestinian "leadership" not allowed themselves to be snowed by the Arab League thieves and ethnic cleansers - had they declared 'Palestine' within their portion of the Mandate as Israel decared herself, there might have been peace all these long years.

But that's not what the corrupt dictators of the Arab League nations wanted.....
I do not think any of this is good for Soada Stream.

Their stock has suffered a 50% reduction in the past year.

"While Oxfam respects the independence of our ambassadors, Ms Johansson's role promoting the company SodaStream is incompatible with her role as an Oxfam Global Ambassador," the charity said in a statement Thursday."

Scarlett Johansson quits Oxfam over settlement row | Maan News Agency

Update: Lost in Occupation: Scarlett Johansson ends relationship with Oxfam to stick with Soda Stream





"Late Wednesday West Coast time the Associated Press broke the news. A statement released by a spokesperson for her cited “a fundamental difference of opinion” about the issues raised by her recent decision to serve as “global brand ambassador” for SodaStream, a company that manufactures its home carbonation contraptions in an illegal settlement on the West Bank."

Update: Lost in Occupation: Scarlett Johansson ends relationship with Oxfam to stick with SodaStream | Mondoweiss


This is the report from The Associated Press.

"A statement released by Johansson’s spokesman Wednesday said the 29-year-old actress has “a fundamental difference of opinion” with Oxfam International because the humanitarian group opposes all trade from Israeli settlements, saying they are illegal and deny Palestinian rights."

“Scarlett Johansson has respectfully decided to end her ambassador role with Oxfam after eight years,” the statement said. “She and Oxfam have a fundamental difference of opinion in regards to the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. She is very proud of her accomplishments and fundraising efforts during her tenure with Oxfam.”"

"Earlier this month, “The Avengers” and “Her” actress signed on as the first global brand ambassador of SodaStream International Ltd., and she’s set to appear in an ad for the at-home soda maker during the Super Bowl on Feb. 2."

Scarlett Johansson stepping down as Oxfam ambassador over SodaStream deal | 680News


SodaStream “treats us like slaves,” says Palestinian factory worker -

"When asked if there was discrimination between black and white Jews, M. replied, “Yes, for sure. You will not [find] white Jews wearing yarmulke [a skull cap] doing the hard work or ‘hand work.’ The supervisors who run the factory are mainly Russian and they are managed mainly by the white Jews, and we are ‘Palestinians,’ only workers.”"

"M. also talked of discriminatory hiring practices, explaining that “most Israelis are hired through the company directly,” while West Bank Palestinians require “a special security permit to be employed.” The settlement factory has an internal security officer who “takes care of applying for the permits from the Israeli authorities.”

See more at: SodaStream ?treats us like slaves,? says Palestinian factory worker | BDSmovement.net

THIS news makes my day, A Person Cannot Represent Soda Stream and do work for a human rights group like Oxfam too, they are fundamentally two acts at odds with one another.

The Video below addresses THIS.



Are you trying to keep this dead thread alive by posting the news yet again?

This issue has done more for Sodastream sales and good luck to them.

In case people didn't see my video, here it is again, how Sodastream treat their workers.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDdH_7GjW40]SodaStream: Building Bridges - YouTube[/ame]
ScarJo had to choose between two incompatible roles, being a spokesperson for Oxfam, a humanitarian organization, or being a spokesperson for an illegal settler company.

She sold her soul to the devil.

Why expect anything different from a Zionist?

Incidentally, 'ScarJo' didn't "abandon" anyone - Oxfam are the ones who made an issue of it and drew the line in the sand.

How very like the sherrishitflinger to get it backwards.
Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza, which are known as the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

The International Court of Justice confirms this.

I will take their word that Israel carries out an Occupation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories over the obviously misinformed words of an Israeli shill like yourself

"78. The Court would observe that, under customary international law as reflected (see paragraph 89 below) in Article 42 of the Regulations Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land annexed to the Fourth Hague Convention of 18 October 1907 (hereinafter "the Hague Regulations of 1907"), territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army, and the occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised. "

"The territories situated between the Green Line (see paragraph 72 above) and the former eastern boundary of Palestine under the Mandate were occupied by Israel in 1967 during the armed conflict between Israel and Jordan. Under customary international law, these were therefore occupied territories in which Israel had the status of occupying Power. Subsequent events in these territories, as described in paragraphs 75 to 77 above, have done nothing to alter this situation. All these territories (including East Jerusalem) remain occupied territories and Israel has continued to have the status of occupying Power."

Study Guide: ICJ Advisory Opinion on Wall

There cannot be any 'Occupied' Palestine when there never was a 'Palestine' (as a self-governing nation) to begin with.

It MIGHT have been different had the Palestinian "leadership" not allowed themselves to be snowed by the Arab League thieves and ethnic cleansers - had they declared 'Palestine' within their portion of the Mandate as Israel decared herself, there might have been peace all these long years.

But that's not what the corrupt dictators of the Arab League nations wanted.....
Your usual topsy turvy way of thinking. Their sales will now increase with all this publicity. I didn't know Soda Stream were still producing. Now with people concerned about the environment and with this publicity all over the place including our news bulletins their sales are going to shoot through the roof. This is the best thing that has happened to Soda Stream and they are going to need to hire more workers and open more plants to deal with the increasing demand. Wonderful news.

I do not think any of this is good for Soada Stream.

Their stock has suffered a 50% reduction in the past year.

"While Oxfam respects the independence of our ambassadors, Ms Johansson's role promoting the company SodaStream is incompatible with her role as an Oxfam Global Ambassador," the charity said in a statement Thursday."

Scarlett Johansson quits Oxfam over settlement row | Maan News Agency


Are you trying to keep this dead thread alive by posting the news yet again?

This issue has done more for Sodastream sales and good luck to them.

In case people didn't see my video, here it is again, how Sodastream treat their workers.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDdH_7GjW40]SodaStream: Building Bridges - YouTube[/ame]
Remember Sherrikins, Israel regained the land, (the land the arabs refused in 1948), in a war of defense against the invading arab armies in 1967. Therefore the land is not occupied but disputed until an agreement can be reached about it.

And as I said Israel has not transferred its population to the WB but people are moving there voluntarily. Beautiful countryside and lovely houses (which employ thousands of construction workers from the nearby arab villages). Without construction jobs you can bet those arabs would be unemployed.
Noone wants to be a participant with Israel in killing children in Palestine.

If a person buys Soda Stream, that is what they are doing, because Soda Stream benefits off of the Occupation, with all of its abuses.

The life of a child matters more than the harm of a bottle to the environment.

Your usual topsy turvy way of thinking. Their sales will now increase with all this publicity. I didn't know Soda Stream were still producing. Now with people concerned about the environment and with this publicity all over the place including our news bulletins their sales are going to shoot through the roof. This is the best thing that has happened to Soda Stream and they are going to need to hire more workers and open more plants to deal with the increasing demand. Wonderful news.

I do not think any of this is good for Soada Stream.

Their stock has suffered a 50% reduction in the past year.


Are you trying to keep this dead thread alive by posting the news yet again?

This issue has done more for Sodastream sales and good luck to them.

In case people didn't see my video, here it is again, how Sodastream treat their workers.

SodaStream: Building Bridges - YouTube
That is not what international law says.

Acquisition of land by military conquest is not recognized under the UN Charter.

Israel carries out an Occupation in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

Israel has no sovereignty rights in any lands in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza,

All 600,000 Israelis in East Jerusalem and the West Bank in the settlements are there in violation of international law.

The settlements are war crimes.

The illegal Israeli settlers are squatters living on stolen Palestinian lands.

Remember Sherrikins, Israel regained the land, (the land the arabs refused in 1948), in a war of defense against the invading arab armies in 1967. Therefore the land is not occupied but disputed until an agreement can be reached about it.

And as I said Israel has not transferred its population to the WB but people are moving there voluntarily. Beautiful countryside and lovely houses (which employ thousands of construction workers from the nearby arab villages). Without construction jobs you can bet those arabs would be unemployed.
And nobody wants to be associated with filthy terrorists, who you say resemble Jesus. Even I have more respect for Jesus than you do. Terrorists want to kill Jewish children whereas at least the Israeli military avoid killing civilians, and even pre-warn them that they are going to target Hamas and the civilians must move to shelter. You know, the shelters that Hamas build to save them from being under fire.

Noone wants to be a participant with Israel in killing children in Palestine.

If a person buys Soda Stream, that is what they are doing, because Soda Stream benefits off of the Occupation, with all of its abuses.

The life of a child matters more than the harm of a bottle to the environment.

Your usual topsy turvy way of thinking. Their sales will now increase with all this publicity. I didn't know Soda Stream were still producing. Now with people concerned about the environment and with this publicity all over the place including our news bulletins their sales are going to shoot through the roof. This is the best thing that has happened to Soda Stream and they are going to need to hire more workers and open more plants to deal with the increasing demand. Wonderful news.

I do not think any of this is good for Soada Stream.

Their stock has suffered a 50% reduction in the past year.
That is not what international law says.

Acquisition of land by military conquest is not recognized under the UN Charter.

Israel carries out an Occupation in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

Israel has no sovereignty rights in any lands in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza,

All 600,000 Israelis in East Jerusalem and the West Bank in the settlements are there in violation of international law.

The settlements are war crimes.

The illegal Israeli settlers are squatters living on stolen Palestinian lands.

Remember Sherrikins, Israel regained the land, (the land the arabs refused in 1948), in a war of defense against the invading arab armies in 1967. Therefore the land is not occupied but disputed until an agreement can be reached about it.

And as I said Israel has not transferred its population to the WB but people are moving there voluntarily. Beautiful countryside and lovely houses (which employ thousands of construction workers from the nearby arab villages). Without construction jobs you can bet those arabs would be unemployed.

It was gained in a war of defense, and until there is negotiations the land still belongs to Israel.
This is from the Legal Court Opinion of The International Court of Justice, the Opinion on The Wall.

They first address actions taken by the UN:

"Subsequently, on 15 September 1969, the Security Council, in resolution 271 (1969), called upon "Israel scrupulously to observe the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and international law governing military occupation".

Ten years later, the Security Council examined "the policy and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967". In resolution 446 (1979) of 22 March 1979, the Security Council considered that those settlements had "no legal validity" and affirmed "once more that the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, is applicable to the Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem". It called "once more upon Israel, as the occupying Power, to abide scrupulously" by that Convention."

We see the UN has held since 1979 that the settlements are unlawful. They have no legal validity.

Study Guide: Settlements are illegal
That is not what international law says.

International law says Israel has no sovereignty rights in any lands in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

There is now a EU Boycott against Israel because Israel refuses to abide by international law in these Occupied Palestinian Territories.

That is not what international law says.

Acquisition of land by military conquest is not recognized under the UN Charter.

Israel carries out an Occupation in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

Israel has no sovereignty rights in any lands in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza,

All 600,000 Israelis in East Jerusalem and the West Bank in the settlements are there in violation of international law.

The settlements are war crimes.

The illegal Israeli settlers are squatters living on stolen Palestinian lands.

Remember Sherrikins, Israel regained the land, (the land the arabs refused in 1948), in a war of defense against the invading arab armies in 1967. Therefore the land is not occupied but disputed until an agreement can be reached about it.

And as I said Israel has not transferred its population to the WB but people are moving there voluntarily. Beautiful countryside and lovely houses (which employ thousands of construction workers from the nearby arab villages). Without construction jobs you can bet those arabs would be unemployed.

It was gained in a war of defense, and until there is negotiations the land still belongs to Israel.
The issue is ScarJo's decision to be a spokesperson for a settlement company, ie, an Israeli company unlawfully operating in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, with a factory built on land stolen from Palestinians.

This story exposes the criminality Soda Stream is engaged in and the Occupation Soda Stream profits from.

You obviously cannot defend this, so you try to divert the topic and engage in personal attacks.

I am not going there, there is another thread you have been slandering Jesus on, take your comments there.

And nobody wants to be associated with filthy terrorists, who you say resemble Jesus. Even I have more respect for Jesus than you do. Terrorists want to kill Jewish children whereas at least the Israeli military avoid killing civilians, and even pre-warn them that they are going to target Hamas and the civilians must move to shelter. You know, the shelters that Hamas build to save them from being under fire.

Noone wants to be a participant with Israel in killing children in Palestine.

If a person buys Soda Stream, that is what they are doing, because Soda Stream benefits off of the Occupation, with all of its abuses.

The life of a child matters more than the harm of a bottle to the environment.

Your usual topsy turvy way of thinking. Their sales will now increase with all this publicity. I didn't know Soda Stream were still producing. Now with people concerned about the environment and with this publicity all over the place including our news bulletins their sales are going to shoot through the roof. This is the best thing that has happened to Soda Stream and they are going to need to hire more workers and open more plants to deal with the increasing demand. Wonderful news.
The issue is ScarJo's decision to be a spokesperson for a settlement company, ie, an Israeli company unlawfully operating in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, with a factory built on land stolen from Palestinians.

This story exposes the criminality Soda Stream is engaged in and the Occupation Soda Stream profits from.

You obviously cannot defend this, so you try to divert the topic and engage in personal attacks.

I am not going there, there is another thread you have been slandering Jesus on, take your comments there.

And nobody wants to be associated with filthy terrorists, who you say resemble Jesus. Even I have more respect for Jesus than you do. Terrorists want to kill Jewish children whereas at least the Israeli military avoid killing civilians, and even pre-warn them that they are going to target Hamas and the civilians must move to shelter. You know, the shelters that Hamas build to save them from being under fire.

Noone wants to be a participant with Israel in killing children in Palestine.

If a person buys Soda Stream, that is what they are doing, because Soda Stream benefits off of the Occupation, with all of its abuses.

The life of a child matters more than the harm of a bottle to the environment.

Are you stupid? dense? the Arabs benefit from of SodaStream you idiot...Wow you're such a nut. How do you actually function in the real world?:cuckoo:

The sad situation here is that SodaStream employs "500 West Bank Palestinians, 400 Arab Israelis, and 200 Israeli Jews..." in their plant in the West Bank alone. [3] The company has gone out of its way to provide the best possible work environment for all workers, even creating a mosque and a synagogue at the factory. Arabs and Jews work together, enjoying the same wages and insurance benefits.

SodaStream Being Boycotted - What Say You? : Freedom Outpost[/QUOTE]
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The kid at Best Buy wanted to know why people are buying SodaStream machines all of a sudden.

So I told him.

He took one off the shelf and put it in back so he could buy it after work.

Muh iFoam only sended dis cuz I gibbed it a banana.
You can have your blood bubbles, I want none of it.

The kid at Best Buy wanted to know why people are buying SodaStream machines all of a sudden.

So I told him.

He took one off the shelf and put it in back so he could buy it after work.

Muh iFoam only sended dis cuz I gibbed it a banana.
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