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Lost in Occupation: ScarJo ends relationship with Oxfam to stick with Soda Stream

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Killing is killing to me, I do not rank some killing as good and some as bad. To me, a soldier killing and a criminal killing are exactly the same. JESUS says love, love God, love your neighbor, love one another as I have loved you, love your enemy. There is no command to kill.

WHY would I live in Iran?

Why don't you go live in Iran?

Judging by the fact no country has more people in prisons then us, it seems we have more crime then anywhere else. Do we boycott ourselves?

Meanwhile, the people in this country could care less about your silly boycott and will continue to buy what they want. However,, perhaps we should all get together here in America and start passing up products that are made in countries where people are murdered for their religious beliefs. Naturally this doesn't bother Mrs. Sherri, but I think it would bother most Americans if they realized they were buying products from countries where people are car bombed and suicide bombed because of the religious beliefs they have.

Are people in this country killing other people en masse because of their religious beliefs like you see in Muslim countries? Plus, if you think the crime rate is so bad here, nothing is stopping you from going to live in Iran. I can just imagine, if the media would keep on reporting what is happening to Christians in Muslim countries, how there would be an uproar and people would certainly not want to buy products from the countries killing people for what they believe in.
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No, that is not true. They are not making money off BDS, unlike the whore Scar Jo. What reason do they have to lie? None.

As for what you see when you go out, that does not tell you anyone's views of boycotts. I live around no Muslims or Jews, only Christians live around me. There are no ME stores. I have not even seen SodaStream at my local WalMarts, I dont think anyone cares for something like that around here.

I expect more people are boycotting all of Israel too .

What the activists tell a newspaper and what actually happens are two different things. I haven't seen anyone in my area talking up a storm about boycotting Israel, not even the Muslims living here. in fact, if you go into a Middle East market, you see the Muslim women putting Israeli goods into their shopping cart.

These BDS activitists are not in it for the money. The bottom line is that they want to see Israel suffer and consequently destroyed. You lived out here in Southern California for a while, and you must have seen many Middle East markets out here plus come across many Middle Eastern people in different stores, not only in markets. In fact, just about 5 minutes from me is an Iranian market and just on the next street East is an Iranian cafe, bakery, pzza joint, hairdresser, etc. When I run into the market for a few things, it is like I might be in Tehran. Have you asked everyone in your town if they would buy a SodaStream if WalMart carried it?
I have no reason to ask anyone if they would buy a Soda Stream if Walmart carried it.

And I know there are ME stores and restaurants in Southern California.

I would not know where anything was made , the country, in those stores without looking at labels on the items.

That's a thing someone has to consciously do.
What the activists want to primarily see is the human rights abuses in the Occupation end, we want an end to Occupation and Apartheid first and foremost.

How it comes about really is not important.

What I mean by that is whether we end up with one state or two state would be a matter of secondary importance.

No, that is not true. They are not making money off BDS, unlike the whore Scar Jo. What reason do they have to lie? None.

As for what you see when you go out, that does not tell you anyone's views of boycotts. I live around no Muslims or Jews, only Christians live around me. There are no ME stores. I have not even seen SodaStream at my local WalMarts, I dont think anyone cares for something like that around here.

What the activists tell a newspaper and what actually happens are two different things. I haven't seen anyone in my area talking up a storm about boycotting Israel, not even the Muslims living here. in fact, if you go into a Middle East market, you see the Muslim women putting Israeli goods into their shopping cart.

These BDS activitists are not in it for the money. The bottom line is that they want to see Israel suffer and consequently destroyed. You lived out here in Southern California for a while, and you must have seen many Middle East markets out here plus come across many Middle Eastern people in different stores, not only in markets. In fact, just about 5 minutes from me is an Iranian market and just on the next street East is an Iranian cafe, bakery, pzza joint, hairdresser, etc. When I run into the market for a few things, it is like I might be in Tehran. Have you asked everyone in your town if they would buy a SodaStream if WalMart carried it?
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What the activists want to primarily see is the human rights abuses in the Occupation end, we want an end to Occupation and Apartheid first and foremost.

How it comes about really is not important.

What I mean by that is whether we end up with one state or two state would be a matter of secondary importance.

No, that is not true. They are not making money off BDS, unlike the whore Scar Jo. What reason do they have to lie? None.

As for what you see when you go out, that does not tell you anyone's views of boycotts. I live around no Muslims or Jews, only Christians live around me. There are no ME stores. I have not even seen SodaStream at my local WalMarts, I dont think anyone cares for something like that around here.

These BDS activitists are not in it for the money. The bottom line is that they want to see Israel suffer and consequently destroyed. You lived out here in Southern California for a while, and you must have seen many Middle East markets out here plus come across many Middle Eastern people in different stores, not only in markets. In fact, just about 5 minutes from me is an Iranian market and just on the next street East is an Iranian cafe, bakery, pzza joint, hairdresser, etc. When I run into the market for a few things, it is like I might be in Tehran. Have you asked everyone in your town if they would buy a SodaStream if WalMart carried it?

Then why not tell us why these activities are not involved in Turkey occupying part of Cyrus and China occupying Tibet. Why are they only involved with Israel? Why are these activities not involved with the human rights abuses in Muslim countries?
The Occupation of Palestine is the primary human rights issue the world faces today, I see it ranking as important in history as the struggle for equal rights in The Civil Rights Movement in the US, as defeating Apartheid in South Africa Palestine, as India freeing herself from Colonialism.There is nothing happening in in our world today that even comes close to presenting such a long standing Injustice that needs to be made right.

Injustices have their day and ultimately the arc of justice swings the other way, back towards justice, but it takes people mobilizing to speak out for justice and against the injustices. And how sweet it is to see people embracing popular resistance today in Palestine and to watch them embracing Jesus way, His path of nonviolent resistance, and it is Christians and Muslims and even some Jews doing this together, with intl activists from all different places and backgrounds.

What the activists want to primarily see is the human rights abuses in the Occupation end, we want an end to Occupation and Apartheid first and foremost.

How it comes about really is not important.

What I mean by that is whether we end up with one state or two state would be a matter of secondary importance.

These BDS activitists are not in it for the money. The bottom line is that they want to see Israel suffer and consequently destroyed. You lived out here in Southern California for a while, and you must have seen many Middle East markets out here plus come across many Middle Eastern people in different stores, not only in markets. In fact, just about 5 minutes from me is an Iranian market and just on the next street East is an Iranian cafe, bakery, pzza joint, hairdresser, etc. When I run into the market for a few things, it is like I might be in Tehran. Have you asked everyone in your town if they would buy a SodaStream if WalMart carried it?

Then why not tell us why these activities are not involved in Turkey occupying part of Cyrus and China occupying Tibet. Why are they only involved with Israel? Why are these activities not involved with the human rights abuses in Muslim countries?
lol at the Zionist Roudy

And boy am I celebrating these BDS. victories!

Blessings from God to mankind!
If you call those "victories" then you are utterly CLUELESS!

Here's to many more such victories. Salut! Ha ha ha.
BDS takes on the ivory tower

Purdue University professor*Bill Mullen*assesses the effect of the recent advances in the effort to spread the academic and cultural boycott of Israel.

January 27, 2014

Palestine solidarity marchers call for boycotting Israeli products (Tal King)

RECENT VICTORIES in the global boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israeli apartheid have opened up new possibilities for the movement.

First, the American Studies Association (ASA), with more than 4,000 members worldwide, and the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) voted to join the boycott of Israeli universities. Then, the 27,000-member Modern Language Association (MLA) passed by a narrow margin a resolution criticizing Israel for restricting the right of U.S. scholars to enter the West Bank to work at Palestinian universities. Earlier in 2013, the Association of Asian American Studies (AAAS) passed its own boycott resolution.

Predictably, this wave of anti-apartheid activism has been met with an apartheid wall of opposition.

But the impact of the courageous stance taken by these academic associations is nevertheless unmistakable: Israeli apartheid is on the defensive, and the global BDS movement has inched closer to what*co-founder Omar Barghouti has called*a "tipping point."

BDS takes on the ivory tower | SocialistWorker.org
BDS takes on the ivory tower

Purdue University professor*Bill Mullen*assesses the effect of the recent advances in the effort to spread the academic and cultural boycott of Israel.

January 27, 2014

Palestine solidarity marchers call for boycotting Israeli products (Tal King)

RECENT VICTORIES in the global boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israeli apartheid have opened up new possibilities for the movement.

First, the American Studies Association (ASA), with more than 4,000 members worldwide, and the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) voted to join the boycott of Israeli universities. Then, the 27,000-member Modern Language Association
(MLA) passed by a narrow margin a resolution criticizing Israel for restricting the right of U.S. scholars to enter the West Bank to work at Palestinian universities. Earlier in 2013, the Association of Asian American Studies (AAAS) passed its own boycott resolution.

Predictably, this wave of anti-apartheid activism has been met with an apartheid wall of opposition.

But the impact of the courageous stance taken by these academic associations is nevertheless unmistakable: Israeli apartheid is on the defensive, and the global BDS movement has inched closer to what*co-founder Omar Barghouti has called*a "tipping point."

BDS takes on the ivory tower | SocialistWorker.org

In view of the history of academic boycotts on jews and zionists
-----I am a bit disappointed at the weak turnout. Only the most
inconsequential groups are taking part and in a very limp wristed
manner. Academic boycott on jews and zionists was FAR
more vigorous in the past and brought very good
results for THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL-----both in "the land of.."
and in the diaspora
BDS takes on the ivory tower

Purdue University professor*Bill Mullen*assesses the effect of the recent advances in the effort to spread the academic and cultural boycott of Israel.

January 27, 2014

Palestine solidarity marchers call for boycotting Israeli products (Tal King)

RECENT VICTORIES in the global boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israeli apartheid have opened up new possibilities for the movement.

First, the American Studies Association (ASA), with more than 4,000 members worldwide, and the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) voted to join the boycott of Israeli universities. Then, the 27,000-member Modern Language Association (MLA) passed by a narrow margin a resolution criticizing Israel for restricting the right of U.S. scholars to enter the West Bank to work at Palestinian universities. Earlier in 2013, the Association of Asian American Studies (AAAS) passed its own boycott resolution.

Predictably, this wave of anti-apartheid activism has been met with an apartheid wall of opposition.

But the impact of the courageous stance taken by these academic associations is nevertheless unmistakable: Israeli apartheid is on the defensive, and the global BDS movement has inched closer to what*co-founder Omar Barghouti has called*a "tipping point."

BDS takes on the ivory tower | SocialistWorker.org
"Socialist Worker"? What next...."The Neo Nazi Times"? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Sherri reminds me of the Arab leaders in 1973 when they claimed victory over Israel hahahahaha!
This bill has been revised since this article was written, but it certainly raises some interesting points.

One, let's identify what the bill is, it is an attempt to boycott organizations which boycott Israeli educational institutions.

It does not stop anyone's boycott of Israeli academic institutions or make their boycott unlawful either.

Second, if a bill like this passes it shall generate substantial litigation because legal experts all say it is unconstitutional.

And BDS shall benefit from all the publicity of it.

To conclude, I hope every state tries to pass bills like this so we have further growth of BDS.

BDS should be thanking the ones proposing these bills.

Boy, do I love this growing BDS Movement.

New York’s Outrageous Attempt to Ban Academic BDS

New York State, it seems, is about to boycott the American Studies Association to show that academic boycotts are wrong.

On Tuesday, the New York State Senate passed, by an overwhelming 51-4 vote, a bill that would bar the use of state funds to support academic entities “if that academic entity has undertaken an official action boycotting certain countries or their higher education institutions.” The measure was an explicit response to the American Studies Association’s December vote to*boycott Israeli academia. “I will not allow the enemies of Israel or the Jewish people to gain an inch in New York,”*said*the bill’s sponsor, State Senate Co-Leader Jeffrey D. Klein. “The First Amendment protects every organization’s right to speak, but it never requires taxpayers to foot the bill.”

Beyond the First Amendment, the bill raises another, fascinating legal issue. It includes three exceptions: boycotting a country is OK when it’s designated as a state sponsor of terrorism, when the boycott is connected to a labor dispute, or “for the purpose of protesting unlawful discriminatory practices as determined by the laws, rules or regulations of this state.” Israel, of course, engages in a number of discriminatory practices towards the Palestinians that wouldn’t pass muster with New York civil rights law. That’s why it’s being boycotted in the first place! So while the law should be tossed in its entirety, a lawsuit focused just on the third point could be immensely clarifying, essentially putting the reality of the Occupation on trial. Were that to happen, New York State would have ended up doing the BDS movement a great favor.

New York?s Outrageous Attempt to Ban Academic BDS | The Nation
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Scarlett is beautiful, you Sherri? They should make you wear pants on your face in public.
What was that old joke?...

"If my dog had your face, I'd shave its butt and teach it to walk backwards !!!"
Scarlett Johansson controversy shows Hollywood’s fading Zionism

These days, celebrities who shill for Israel can expect to be relentlessly harried and forced to declare where they stand on Israel’s ongoing dispossession of Palestinians.

For those who have attached themselves to humanitarian do-gooder causes, the potential for PR damage is considerable — certainly enough to give them second thoughts. As the price tag on pro-Israel activity rises, some performers are quietly opting out of attractive deals before the controversy shatters their image.

Scarlett Johansson controversy shows Hollywood’s fading Zionism | The National
"For Sherri Incorporated so hated the "Palestinians" that she gave her every waking moment trying to make them lose their jobs" ~ al-Jody 3:16

Sent from my white iPhone. I got rid of the black one because it wouldn't work.
Scarlett Johansson controversy shows Hollywood’s fading Zionism

These days, celebrities who shill for Israel can expect to be relentlessly harried and forced to declare where they stand on Israel’s ongoing dispossession of Palestinians.

For those who have attached themselves to humanitarian do-gooder causes, the potential for PR damage is considerable — certainly enough to give them second thoughts. As the price tag on pro-Israel activity rises, some performers are quietly opting out of attractive deals before the controversy shatters their image.

Scarlett Johansson controversy shows Hollywood’s fading Zionism | The National
Actually dipshit, the Scarlett Johansson story, if anything, shows Hollywood becoming even more Zionist.
We count down towards Zionism's demise.

The writing is on the wall, and as with South Africa, BDS will contribute to the defeat of Apartheid in Palestine.
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