Lots of Americans are sick of this climate change stuff

The oil drilling companies are making the money and that is why they are fighting change. They like their position. Right now, clean energy protagonists are not getting rich from clean energy. Gore gives speeches for his income. Research is costly and doesn't bring in the big bucks.
you are totally indoctrinated in the bullshit, I actually feel sorry for someone so ignorant. What do you say to the blue collar workers put out of work when Biden closed Keystone? The ones put out of work when he stopped issuing drilling permits offshore? The ones put out of work by his inflation? Gore got rich from selling false carbon credits, geez dude, learn something before making a fool of yourself on the internet.
you are totally indoctrinated in the bullshit, I actually feel sorry for someone so ignorant. What do you say to the blue collar workers put out of work when Biden closed Keystone? The ones put out of work when he stopped issuing drilling permits offshore? The ones put out of work by his inflation? Gore got rich from selling false carbon credits, geez dude, learn something before making a fool of yourself on the internet.
No, sonny. Oil drilling companies live in the private sector and do business for profit. Blue collar workers were put out of doing that job, and there are other jobs for sure. You don't keep a project going only to supply temporary jobs, and those jobs were temporary anyway.
Drilling permit are hot and heavy, and we still dig for oil, and that hasn't changed. The "green energy"
is in its infantile stages and oil drilling will go on for a long time, so stop letting your mouth get in the way of your brains.
If it was a consensus it wouldn't be controversial

climate change is a hoax intended, like communism, to put money into the leaders pockets...

This is a good time in American history to reread animal farm1984 Brave New World Atlas Shrugged

Of course Bernie Sanders Communist Manifesto

America is so done with Democrat asshole antics and control shit...
Why are you so SCARED?
I seriously need to understand
Well said. There will be a few more decades of extracting resources from the ground. And green energy is not so "green".
Just look at the mining of lithium in Africa to make batteries.
Until mankind is able to make super batteries, which will be small in size and with a large resource and volume, all green energy will be very far behind fossil sources.
The only alternatives are hydropower plants and nuclear power plants. But then again, if we build such plants everywhere and put everyone on electricity from them, where to store electricity? It all comes down to accumulators for energy storage.
According to the IPPC if we are still using the same amount of fossil fuels in 8 years it will be impossible for us to avoid the worst of climate change.
Climate change is already irreversible, and it is not only due to the use of fossil resources
It has gone past the point that we can avoid having some consequences but we could still save ourselves from the worst. I did not say fossil fuel was all there was to it, I said the IPCC said that if we were using the same amount of fossil fuel in 8 years it would be impossible to avoid the worst of climate change.
They are lying.
Do you think they are lying because we have already got there or do you think they are lying because you have not noticed any weather changes and believe we can just carry on as we have been the last hundred years or so?
Do you think they are lying because we have already got there or do you think they are lying because you have not noticed any weather changes and believe we can just carry on as we have been the last hundred years or so?

They are lying about knowing anything about climate......the human climate change cultists are looking for one thing..power......this report helps them get power. I have followed this and I have seen the critics of this report and what it does and doesn't say over the years....anyone trusing a government panel on the effects a hundred or more years out is just silly......

Just one example...

One of the authors of a U.N. draft report on climate change pulled out of the writing team, saying his colleagues were issuing unfounded “alarmist” claims at the expense of real solutions.

“The drafts became too alarmist,” said Richard Tol, a Dutch professor of economics at Sussex University in England, to Reuters.

Mr. Tol was part of a team of 70 authors working on revisions to a U.N. report on climate change, to be issued in Japan on March 31. The final draft, which is the copy that Mr. Tol found objectionable, included findings that a warming global temperature will lead to disruption in food supplies and stagnating economies — and that coral reefs and lands in the Arctic may already have suffered irreversible damages, Reuters said.

“The report is a product of the scientific community and not of any individual author,” the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, said in a statement. “The report does not comprehensively represent the views of any individual.”

The U.N. agency also said Mr. Tol advised months ago of his reluctance to participate in the summary writing of the report. He had still been invited to Japan to help with its drafting, however, Reuters reported.

Mr. Tol said many of the other authors “strongly disagree with me,” but that he found the IPCC’s emphasis on climate change alarmism — and focus on risk — came at the expense of providing solutions for the world’s governments to adapt and overcome.

Let's guess what the solution is......give more money, give up more freedom.........hmmmmm....I wonder where those ideas come from.......meanwhile the High Priests of the man made global warming cult travel around in jets and limos while buying up all the ocean front property they can find....

Keep guying what they are selling...enjoy your cricket food, while they eat Wagyu beef.......
They are lying about knowing anything about climate......the human climate change cultists are looking for one thing..power......this report helps them get power. I have followed this and I have seen the critics of this report and what it does and doesn't say over the years....anyone trusing a government panel on the effects a hundred or more years out is just silly......

Just one example...

One of the authors of a U.N. draft report on climate change pulled out of the writing team, saying his colleagues were issuing unfounded “alarmist” claims at the expense of real solutions.

“The drafts became too alarmist,” said Richard Tol, a Dutch professor of economics at Sussex University in England, to Reuters.

Mr. Tol was part of a team of 70 authors working on revisions to a U.N. report on climate change, to be issued in Japan on March 31. The final draft, which is the copy that Mr. Tol found objectionable, included findings that a warming global temperature will lead to disruption in food supplies and stagnating economies — and that coral reefs and lands in the Arctic may already have suffered irreversible damages, Reuters said.

“The report is a product of the scientific community and not of any individual author,” the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, said in a statement. “The report does not comprehensively represent the views of any individual.”

The U.N. agency also said Mr. Tol advised months ago of his reluctance to participate in the summary writing of the report. He had still been invited to Japan to help with its drafting, however, Reuters reported.

Mr. Tol said many of the other authors “strongly disagree with me,” but that he found the IPCC’s emphasis on climate change alarmism — and focus on risk — came at the expense of providing solutions for the world’s governments to adapt and overcome.

Let's guess what the solution is......give more money, give up more freedom.........hmmmmm....I wonder where those ideas come from.......meanwhile the High Priests of the man made global warming cult travel around in jets and limos while buying up all the ocean front property they can find....

Keep guying what they are selling...enjoy your cricket food, while they eat Wagyu beef.......
And you sat while Rome burned….
And you sat while Rome burned….

Nope......when the global warming high priests are flying around on jets and have motorcades a mile long, while preaching that the rest of us have to eat crickets while they eat steak? It is a scam.......
Nope......when the global warming high priests are flying around on jets and have motorcades a mile long, while preaching that the rest of us have to eat crickets while they eat steak? It is a scam.......

You need to get carbon credits for raising crickets and sell the credits to Leo so he can use them to offset his flying and yachting and use the money to buy some popcorn when you go see his next movie.
If it was a consensus it wouldn't be controversial

climate change is a hoax intended, like communism, to put money into the leaders pockets...

This is a good time in American history to reread animal farm1984 Brave New World Atlas Shrugged

Of course Bernie Sanders Communist Manifesto

America is so done with Democrat asshole antics and control shit...

I love it when people create their own little fantasy worlds and then they get sick of reality.
Nope......when the global warming high priests are flying around on jets and have motorcades a mile long, while preaching that the rest of us have to eat crickets while they eat steak? It is a scam.......
Nope......when the global warming high priests are flying around on jets and have motorcades a mile long, while preaching that the rest of us have to eat crickets while they eat steak? It is a scam.......
WTF you talking about Willis?

You advocate for doing nothing but burning more oil.

Own it denier.

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