Lots of Americans are sick of this climate change stuff

I've got Johnny Dollar playing in the background. Paying more attention to it than I am this forum. Funny thing about that. Comments that i'd normally reply to, while I'm listening to old radio stories, I just skip right on over most of these comments. It's "yeah, whatever" moments.
Satellite has the Radio Classics which is how I kind of discovered them I always used to listen to CBS Mystery Theater stuff like that and NPR is gone as far as any content like that

I love AM radio specially late at night I can get WLS in Florida from Chicago Coast to Coast AM fantastic I just leave it on all night

My dad had a ham radio (station)
license in his dorm room at MIT in 1938 how cool is that.. he work on radio direction finding (bureau of ships) Ww2

Gi bill for Ph d... his dad had a lot of radio stuff too..
It's in me blood..
Your views are skewed due to tump's constant lying and slanted news stations, Tuckums being an example.
you keep saying that, tell us what Trump lied about, and then I will tell you what Clinton, Obama, and Biden lied about.

"we landed under sniper fire" Hillary
"if you like your plan you can keep it" obozo
"I never had sexual relations with that woman" bubba clinton

and the one time obozo told the truth

"never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up?
you keep saying that, tell us what Trump lied about, and then I will tell you what Clinton, Obama, and Biden lied about.

"we landed under sniper fire" Hillary
"if you like your plan you can keep it" obozo
"I never had sexual relations with that woman" bubba clinton

and the one time obozo told the truth

"never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up?
The list of tump promises, lies, and corrupt behavior is a mile long. They have been analyzed on this site ad-nausea. Books have been written about tump. Try reading one.
The list of tump promises, lies, and corrupt behavior is a mile long. They have been analyzed on this site ad-nausea. Books have been written about tump. Try reading one.
Try showing one

This one tries to suppress the truth about the stolen election but they are about every indoctrination subject

And I've said many times the only problem I have with the view is that taxpayer-funded PBS has become just like them used to be really good
PBS. The View

This is taxpayer-funded PBS getting paid to Speer President Trump I protect that will change on the way to journalism's return

Amy Goodman talking about the forest fires out west she says which are caused by climate change global warming even Smokey the Bear knows that humans start 90% of all forest fires whom are you going to believe Amy Goodman or Smokey the Bear
you keep saying that, tell us what Trump lied about, and then I will tell you what Clinton, Obama, and Biden lied about.

"we landed under sniper fire" Hillary
"if you like your plan you can keep it" obozo
"I never had sexual relations with that woman" bubba clinton

and the one time obozo told the truth

"never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up?
Obama Biden Clinton's will all be at the bottom of their respective historical lists

The power comes from having fake news shape the public narrative
without that not so much

Someone change my thread title from shit to stuff and moved it to environment

that is absolutely adorable
Try showing one

This one tries to suppress the truth about the stolen election but they are about every indoctrination subject

And I've said many times the only problem I have with the view is that taxpayer-funded PBS has become just like them used to be really good
PBS. The View

This is taxpayer-funded PBS getting paid to Speer President Trump I protect that will change on the way to journalism's return

Amy Goodman talking about the forest fires out west she says which are caused by climate change global warming even Smokey the Bear knows that humans start 90% of all forest fires whom are you going to believe Amy Goodman or Smokey the Bear

The Art Of The Lie – Trump's Historic First Year Failure on ...​


President Donald Trump is a nonstop, habitual and compulsive liar. Trump makes false and misleading claims and states untruths on an almost daily basis. A New ...
The list of tump promises, lies, and corrupt behavior is a mile long. They have been analyzed on this site ad-nausea. Books have been written about tump. Try reading one.
those lists of "lies" are lies. Lots of corrupt propaganda out there about Trump. What I saw was a growing vibrant economy with record low unemployment, low energy prices, no new wars, NATO paying its fair share, support to our military and police, and consumer confidence. Not one of those things exists today under senile old joe and the SFO ho.

Are you enjoying Biden's inflation eating away your spending power? Are you happy about him abandoning americans and others in Afghanistan? Are you proud when he stammers and forgets where he is? Are you proud when Kamala cackles like an idiot? Are you proud when Pelosi sits behind senile Joe drunk and losing her teeth? This dem administration is a disaster and morons like you continue to worship their shit.
those lists of "lies" are lies. Lots of corrupt propaganda out there about Trump. What I saw was a growing vibrant economy with record low unemployment, low energy prices, no new wars, NATO paying its fair share, support to our military and police, and consumer confidence. Not one of those things exists today under senile old joe and the SFO ho.

Are you enjoying Biden's inflation eating away your spending power? Are you happy about him abandoning americans and others in Afghanistan? Are you proud when he stammers and forgets where he is? Are you proud when Kamala cackles like an idiot? Are you proud when Pelosi sits behind senile Joe drunk and losing her teeth? This dem administration is a disaster and morons like you continue to worship their shit.
Less and less morons.. studying to become idiots... defecting constituents

Like Truman Capote said I don't care what they say about me as long as it isn't true

As Long As Trump continues to draw this kind of controversy and criticism and hate we must be doing something right...

Alinsky is played so they're going to have to come up with something new

They will cry climate change causes us to embrace/create fake news,

Then they will blame the whole thing on the conservatives

You are no George Patton c n n
those lists of "lies" are lies. Lots of corrupt propaganda out there about Trump. What I saw was a growing vibrant economy with record low unemployment, low energy prices, no new wars, NATO paying its fair share, support to our military and police, and consumer confidence. Not one of those things exists today under senile old joe and the SFO ho.

Are you enjoying Biden's inflation eating away your spending power? Are you happy about him abandoning americans and others in Afghanistan? Are you proud when he stammers and forgets where he is? Are you proud when Kamala cackles like an idiot? Are you proud when Pelosi sits behind senile Joe drunk and losing her teeth? This dem administration is a disaster and morons like you continue to worship their shit.
The lies from tump are those that you find truthful. You are uninformed and obviously uneducated.
Your mind is made up, and I confuse you with the facts:
Trump was known to inflate his importance and wealth through a media that loved covering him. When he was denied an NFL franchise, he became an investor in the USFL, which he ruined. He owned several failed casinos, becoming the first person to lose money in that sector. He famously stiffed contractors who worked on his properties, and filed for bankruptcy several times. In the end, only Russian-backed banks would lend to him, which compromised his presidency. As president, he divided the nation, preferring white nationalist ideology over inclusion. He enjoyed a cult following while the nation withered, and his loyalty to America was always in question, since Russia held much of his debt. He was slow to respond to the Covid pandemic, and appeared weak and undecided on the matter. Regarding policy, he sided with anyone who he thought liked him. He was a small man, without virtue or conscience. His lack of understanding of history set the stage for a neo-fascist movement, lauded by white supremacist kids who were easy to manipulate. President Trump is a stain on our democracy, as he presses for an autocracy with him as King.
His trade policy was a disaster and a failure, as our allies began to make trade deals with China, which boosted China's economic influence. Trump's 25% tariffs only hurt us, since we pay them, and the trade deficit increased.
Trump inherited an economy which was on the mend. He slashed 100 regulations regarding the environment, which were put into effect to protect your health, for profit. His tax reduction for the rich only helped the rich become richer. His "locked and loaded" nature has put the world on edge and has cost us the respect that we once had. His deal with the Taliban without including the Afghan government, removing all but 2500 troops, was a recipe for disaster. North Korea "diplomacy" was a failure.
The deficit dramatically increased in spite of his promise to eliminate it. Trump did not resolve the border problem and did create a bubble at the border, and it burst.
The lies from tump are those that you find truthful. You are uninformed and obviously uneducated.
Your mind is made up, and I confuse you with the facts:
Trump was known to inflate his importance and wealth through a media that loved covering him. When he was denied an NFL franchise, he became an investor in the USFL, which he ruined. He owned several failed casinos, becoming the first person to lose money in that sector. He famously stiffed contractors who worked on his properties, and filed for bankruptcy several times. In the end, only Russian-backed banks would lend to him, which compromised his presidency. As president, he divided the nation, preferring white nationalist ideology over inclusion. He enjoyed a cult following while the nation withered, and his loyalty to America was always in question, since Russia held much of his debt. He was slow to respond to the Covid pandemic, and appeared weak and undecided on the matter. Regarding policy, he sided with anyone who he thought liked him. He was a small man, without virtue or conscience. His lack of understanding of history set the stage for a neo-fascist movement, lauded by white supremacist kids who were easy to manipulate. President Trump is a stain on our democracy, as he presses for an autocracy with him as King.
His trade policy was a disaster and a failure, as our allies began to make trade deals with China, which boosted China's economic influence. Trump's 25% tariffs only hurt us, since we pay them, and the trade deficit increased.
Trump inherited an economy which was on the mend. He slashed 100 regulations regarding the environment, which were put into effect to protect your health, for profit. His tax reduction for the rich only helped the rich become richer. His "locked and loaded" nature has put the world on edge and has cost us the respect that we once had. His deal with the Taliban without including the Afghan government, removing all but 2500 troops, was a recipe for disaster. North Korea "diplomacy" was a failure.
The deficit dramatically increased in spite of his promise to eliminate it. Trump did not resolve the border problem and did create a bubble at the border, and it burst.
nothing in your post is true, but you are free to believe that bullshit if it makes you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel good
Less and less morons.. studying to become idiots... defecting constituents

Like Truman Capote said I don't care what they say about me as long as it isn't true

As Long As Trump continues to draw this kind of controversy and criticism and hate we must be doing something right...

Alinsky is played so they're going to have to come up with something new

They will cry climate change causes us to embrace/create fake news,

Then they will blame the whole thing on the conservatives

You are no George Patton c n n
And you are not a conservative, but you are a tumphumper. There is a difference, and it ain't pretty.
yes, the only people who care about the climate hoax are those who are making money from it (like algore), and gullible fools like AOC
The oil drilling companies are making the money and that is why they are fighting change. They like their position. Right now, clean energy protagonists are not getting rich from clean energy. Gore gives speeches for his income. Research is costly and doesn't bring in the big bucks.

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