Lots of Executive orders in Just 5 Days

If they were good things he wouldn't be undoing them.

Joe Biden is on quite the pace. Let's look at how he's doing in the rankings on a rate of Executive Orders in the first 5 days.

Biden 28
Obama 5
Trump 4
Clinton 1

Like, Holy crap.

Is this how we want things done? Massive executive decrees by executive pen?
Lotta damage to undo, and this is the quickest way to do it.

No. A lot of good things to undo.

Oh they were good things. Trump wrote EO's cancelling out Barry's business killing EO's. Why do you think we had a great economy and jobs all across the country?? Most of what Trump did was for the betterment of America and Americans.

What Biden is now doing is anything but.
We had a great economy the benefit of President Obama, which Trump managed to run into the ground.
This should be no surprise as we all know people who are great at being bipartisan bringing people together uniting them as the nation was told Biden was always govern through a record number of EO. This will become the new normal going foreword one side does everything through EO and the other side ends them the second they take the Presidency.
Squealing about how many Ole Joe has signed does nothing.

I'm not squealing about anything. Perhaps you have me cornfused with a senator that can actually do these things like veto an EO, or even investigate why the evidence of election fraud was never looked at by the courts and initiate a senatorial investigation to get to the TRUTH like Rand Paul intends to do to determine if the pasty white fuck in the WH actually legally even belongs?

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Joe Biden is on quite the pace. Let's look at how he's doing in the rankings on a rate of Executive Orders in the first 5 days.

Biden 28
Obama 5
Trump 4
Clinton 1

Like, Holy crap.

Is this how we want things done? Massive executive decrees by executive pen?
What we are seeing is VENGENCE plain and simple. All the rehtoric that the Trump administration used to out the bad policy making of the former administration's, uhhhh has come back to haunt now.

But what does a nation do, just accept every policy regardless of how bad it is or was, and to do so just because of a fear that retribution might come in the form of political VENGENCE by the next political party to take power ??? If we have come to this point, then we are no longer a free country. Political power in the hands of experts who know how to exploit that power without the majority consent is tyranny. Have we reached the point of no return in our nation ??

Many are probably thinking so at this point, but just as it were in the times of Christ, let him deal with it, because he will deal with it regardless of what we as human beings think of it all, and his justice is the supreme justice over all.

Praise his holy name, and forgive us Lord for we know not what we do, for if we did, we surely wouldn't do the things that we do as far as sinning against you goes, and against our fellow citizens as well.

We should fear not man who can take our lives in the first death, but we shall fear he who holds the keys to hell, and can take our lives in the second death. Have mercy on us Lord, as we shall pray and lift you up. And we shall pray to lift this nation up before you. Amen
If they were good things he wouldn't be undoing them.

Joe Biden is on quite the pace. Let's look at how he's doing in the rankings on a rate of Executive Orders in the first 5 days.

Biden 28
Obama 5
Trump 4
Clinton 1

Like, Holy crap.

Is this how we want things done? Massive executive decrees by executive pen?
Lotta damage to undo, and this is the quickest way to do it.

No. A lot of good things to undo.

Oh they were good things. Trump wrote EO's cancelling out Barry's business killing EO's. Why do you think we had a great economy and jobs all across the country?? Most of what Trump did was for the betterment of America and Americans.

What Biden is now doing is anything but.
We had a great economy the benefit of President Obama, which Trump managed to run into the ground.
Why lie, on top of lie, on top of lie ???? Obama was on tape saying Trump couldn't find the job's he found (what's he gonna do, wave his magic wand? Obama said). Trump was a man of action for the American people, while Obama was stuck in community activism, and social justice most of his 8 years.
If they were good things he wouldn't be undoing them.

Joe Biden is on quite the pace. Let's look at how he's doing in the rankings on a rate of Executive Orders in the first 5 days.

Biden 28
Obama 5
Trump 4
Clinton 1

Like, Holy crap.

Is this how we want things done? Massive executive decrees by executive pen?
Lotta damage to undo, and this is the quickest way to do it.

No. A lot of good things to undo.

Oh they were good things. Trump wrote EO's cancelling out Barry's business killing EO's. Why do you think we had a great economy and jobs all across the country?? Most of what Trump did was for the betterment of America and Americans.

What Biden is now doing is anything but.
We had a great economy the benefit of President Obama, which Trump managed to run into the ground.
Why lie, on top of lie, on top of lie ???? Obama was on tape saying Trump couldn't find the job's he found (what's he gonna do, wave his magic wand? Obama said). Trump was a man of action for the American people, while Obama was stuck in community activism, and social justice most of his 8 years.
tRump didn't find any jobs. The unemployment rate was on a descending curve when he took over, and the rate slowed significantly even during his first few months.
If they were good things he wouldn't be undoing them.

Joe Biden is on quite the pace. Let's look at how he's doing in the rankings on a rate of Executive Orders in the first 5 days.

Biden 28
Obama 5
Trump 4
Clinton 1

Like, Holy crap.

Is this how we want things done? Massive executive decrees by executive pen?
Lotta damage to undo, and this is the quickest way to do it.

No. A lot of good things to undo.

Oh they were good things. Trump wrote EO's cancelling out Barry's business killing EO's. Why do you think we had a great economy and jobs all across the country?? Most of what Trump did was for the betterment of America and Americans.

What Biden is now doing is anything but.
We had a great economy the benefit of President Obama, which Trump managed to run into the ground.
Why lie, on top of lie, on top of lie ???? Obama was on tape saying Trump couldn't find the job's he found (what's he gonna do, wave his magic wand? Obama said). Trump was a man of action for the American people, while Obama was stuck in community activism, and social justice most of his 8 years.
tRump didn't find any jobs. The unemployment rate was on a descending curve when he took over, and the rate slowed significantly even during his first few months.
More lies. If true, then explain the grand economy, and Obama saying immediately that we are to just get use to the new norm (no new jobs), and that hey "what's he (Trump) gonna do, wave his magic wand mic drop" ? Obama had to eat those words big time for 4 long years of the greatest economy ever built.

Dam that evil business man eh ?? No it's more like thanks that he was a business man instead of a lying politician.
Joe Biden is on quite the pace. Let's look at how he's doing in the rankings on a rate of Executive Orders in the first 5 days.

Biden 28
Obama 5
Trump 4
Clinton 1

Like, Holy crap.

Is this how we want things done? Massive executive decrees by executive pen?
Absolutely! Whatever it takes to overturn and reverse the anti-American decrees that Trump issued. Bigly!!!
The puppet masters were hard at work and knew their little charley McCarthy doll would sign whatever they put in front of him. A lesson learned from brother Obama!
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Joe Biden is on quite the pace. Let's look at how he's doing in the rankings on a rate of Executive Orders in the first 5 days.

Biden 28
Obama 5
Trump 4
Clinton 1

Like, Holy crap.

Is this how we want things done? Massive executive decrees by executive pen?

Many of these EOs were signed to reverse Trump rules and other EOs. None of Trump's EOs and rule changes were authorized by Congress.
Joe Biden is on quite the pace. Let's look at how he's doing in the rankings on a rate of Executive Orders in the first 5 days.

Biden 28
Obama 5
Trump 4
Clinton 1

Like, Holy crap.

Is this how we want things done? Massive executive decrees by executive pen?

I thought Joe said that only dictators work that way?! Oh yeah, edicts by EO are the most fleeting and overturned. I guess Joe isn't counting on much support in the Congress.
bidumb's EOs are going to hurt the low and middle-income earners.

"If they're saying it's not going to affect people with low wages – absolutely false," Catsimatidis added. "When people with low wages end up paying more for the gasoline, more for their food, it affects every American.

"And every American should know about that."

In addition to damaging the U.S. economy and destroying "60,000 jobs" between the U.S. and Canada, Catsimatidis said, we are giving wealth to foreign countries.

"Cancellation of the pipeline, you know who that helps? It helps Saudi Arabia and the OPEC nations," he said. "It's a win-win for them. It's a lose-lose-lose for the American people."

more: John Catsimatidis: Biden Moves Hurt Low-Wage Americans
Joe Biden is on quite the pace. Let's look at how he's doing in the rankings on a rate of Executive Orders in the first 5 days.

Biden 28
Obama 5
Trump 4
Clinton 1

Like, Holy crap.

Is this how we want things done? Massive executive decrees by executive pen?
Absolutely! Whatever it takes to overturn and reverse the anti-American decrees that Trump issued. Bigly!!!
Excluding American's in your anti-American rant fits your agenda fine doesn't it ?? First off, who gave you the power to determine what's American, and what's not American ?? Tell you what's not American, and that is when you have just a few using government aquired power to squash million's of American's and their will's. Now that's un-American.
If they were good things he wouldn't be undoing them.

Joe Biden is on quite the pace. Let's look at how he's doing in the rankings on a rate of Executive Orders in the first 5 days.

Biden 28
Obama 5
Trump 4
Clinton 1

Like, Holy crap.

Is this how we want things done? Massive executive decrees by executive pen?
Lotta damage to undo, and this is the quickest way to do it.

No. A lot of good things to undo.

Oh they were good things. Trump wrote EO's cancelling out Barry's business killing EO's. Why do you think we had a great economy and jobs all across the country?? Most of what Trump did was for the betterment of America and Americans.

What Biden is now doing is anything but.
We had a great economy the benefit of President Obama, which Trump managed to run into the ground.
Why lie, on top of lie, on top of lie ???? Obama was on tape saying Trump couldn't find the job's he found (what's he gonna do, wave his magic wand? Obama said). Trump was a man of action for the American people, while Obama was stuck in community activism, and social justice most of his 8 years.
tRump didn't find any jobs. The unemployment rate was on a descending curve when he took over, and the rate slowed significantly even during his first few months.
More lies. If true, then explain the grand economy, and Obama saying immediately that we are to just get use to the new norm (no new jobs), and that hey "what's he (Trump) gonna do, wave his magic wand mic drop" ? Obama had to eat those words big time for 4 long years of the greatest economy ever built.

Dam that evil business man eh ?? No it's more like thanks that he was a business man instead of a lying politician.
It was the same economy Obama built. Sadly tRump had to spend trillions to keep it going since he really didn't understand how to manage it.
Joe Biden is on quite the pace. Let's look at how he's doing in the rankings on a rate of Executive Orders in the first 5 days.

Biden 28
Obama 5
Trump 4
Clinton 1

Like, Holy crap.

Is this how we want things done? Massive executive decrees by executive pen?

I thought Joe said that only dictators work that way?! Oh yeah, edicts by EO are the most fleeting and overturned. I guess Joe isn't counting on much support in the Congress.
bidumb's EOs are going to hurt the low and middle-income earners.

"If they're saying it's not going to affect people with low wages – absolutely false," Catsimatidis added. "When people with low wages end up paying more for the gasoline, more for their food, it affects every American.

"And every American should know about that."

In addition to damaging the U.S. economy and destroying "60,000 jobs" between the U.S. and Canada, Catsimatidis said, we are giving wealth to foreign countries.

"Cancellation of the pipeline, you know who that helps? It helps Saudi Arabia and the OPEC nations," he said. "It's a win-win for them. It's a lose-lose-lose for the American people."

more: John Catsimatidis: Biden Moves Hurt Low-Wage Americans

Minimum Wage laws....walter e. williams

  1. While legislative bodies have the power to order wage increases, they have not as of yet found a way to order commensurate increases in worker productivity that make the worker’s output worth the higher wage.
  2. Further, while Congress can legislate the wage at which labor transactions occur, it cannot require that the transaction actually be made, and the worker hired.

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