Lotta bass ackwads, bigoted, likely closeted homophobes in here......

What are you talking about LSOS?

what am i talking about?....how about when you said that Republicans want a state were all gays are killed...and of course "mr. show me a link"....could not produce one link and the dancing began.....how about in the same post were you said they want to get rid of blacks and Hispanics.....and of course once again....no link....more dancing.....the only thing you were able to come up with was from the fucking FAR Right Christians or your favorite.....the Texas GOP Party...or some fucking lunatic Republican.....your not only a fraud Dean,your a fucking jerk....but its cool because your the Entertainment around here.....and dont call me a liar asshole....remember EVERYONE here has seen the kinda shit you post.....

Dunno about them wanting a state where all gays are killed, but.......

Wanna talk about Jim Demint and his statement about gay schoolteachers should be put in concentration camps?

And.....there was someone else, I think it was Tucker Carlson who said that we should legislate homosexuality.

I was trying to find evidence that Mr. Demint said, "Jim Demint and his statement about gay schoolteachers should be put in concentration camps?" and I could only find it on a "satire" site. The part about Concentration Camps may not be true, however he did say unmarried and pregnant teachers and gays should not be allowed to teach or be near children.

Racism/Bigotry | Crooks and Liars

"Sexist bigots like Sen. Jim DeMint don't belong in the United States Congress," said National Organization for Women President Terry O'Neill. "He thinks gay women and men and sexually active single women should be banned from teaching, but he said nothing about sexually active, single straight men."

I couldn't find anything meaningful about Tucker.

But if you go to conservative sites, rare is it pro gay rights. More often, it's like:

We must begin to treat conservative beliefs about homosexuality as if they are objective, immutable, transcendent truths—which, of course, they are.

Illinois Family Action a sister organization to Illinois Family Institute David Smith
what am i talking about?....how about when you said that Republicans want a state were all gays are killed...and of course "mr. show me a link"....could not produce one link and the dancing began.....how about in the same post were you said they want to get rid of blacks and Hispanics.....and of course once again....no link....more dancing.....the only thing you were able to come up with was from the fucking FAR Right Christians or your favorite.....the Texas GOP Party...or some fucking lunatic Republican.....your not only a fraud Dean,your a fucking jerk....but its cool because your the Entertainment around here.....and dont call me a liar asshole....remember EVERYONE here has seen the kinda shit you post.....

Dunno about them wanting a state where all gays are killed, but.......

Wanna talk about Jim Demint and his statement about gay schoolteachers should be put in concentration camps?

And.....there was someone else, I think it was Tucker Carlson who said that we should legislate homosexuality.

they fall under....some "fucking lunatic republicans"......i work with a girl who not only is a Republican,but a VERY Conservative one....and pretty dam Religious.....today i worked next to her and she had i believe Rush on her radio and when they were talking about Demint and Carlsons Statements she started saying how DeMint and Tucker should shut the hell up they give Republicans a bad name.....she said "if i dont feel like they do,and im pretty Conservative, then they must be really far to even my right" ....she is right.....Dean is a lunatic FAR Leftist....these 2 guys are Lunatic FAR Righties....

you work with a girl?

That's it?

You sir, are an unmitigated :asshole:
Let me ask this again, since some missed the topic:

The most liberal state in America, California, voted AGAINST legalizing gay marriage.


Because the large number of blacks, hispanics and asians in California voted NO to it. Minority communities are the most anti-gay communities around. They're disgusted by homosexuality.

Now. When will the gay masses come out and scold the minority population of California?
By the way, what about David Barton's rant about regulating homosexuality?

There's several old sayings about the Republican Party.

"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."

Sleep with dogs and you get fleas.

You can't put lipstick on a pig.

We support legislation that would make it a felony to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple and for any civil official to perform a marriage ceremony for such.-----> Oops, sorry, that's from the Texas Republican Party Platform. For a minute, I thought it was Uganda.

In fact, that's only the beginning. It goes on and on. About adoption and what constitutes a "family". Wait, here's a tiny bit more:

Homosexuality – We believe that the practice of homosexuality tears at the fabric of society, contributes to the breakdown of the family unit, and leads to the spread of dangerous, communicable diseases. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the
fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God, recognized by our country’s founders, and shared by the majority of Texans. Homosexuality must not be
presented as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle in our public education and policy, nor should “family” be redefined to include homosexual “couples.” We are opposed to any granting of special legal entitlements, refuse to recognize, or grant special privileges including, but not limited to: marriage between persons of the same sex (regardless of state of origin), custody of children by homosexuals, homosexual partner insurance or retirement benefits. We oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values. Texas Sodomy Statutes – We oppose the legalization of sodomy. We demand that Congress exercise its authority granted by the U.S. Constitution to withhold jurisdiction from the federal courts from cases involving sodomy.

So good luck on that whole Republican/Conservative thing. Hope it works out. Maybe not a good idea to vacation in Texas.


How many times do I gotta refute your tired, smoke and mirrors BS?


I'm still trying to find the National GOP Platform. Got a link?

I did find the "Constitution Party Platform". It's worse than Texas:

Constitution Party Platform

Oh, and I did find a lot Republican State Party Platforms. Some aren't as bad as Texas. It least they don't seem as bad after a quick read. Hmmm, I wonder why they hate the gays so much.

There wasn't even a damn link in that post, just a bunch of silly, garbled, lefty BS. Once I saw "lipstick on a pig" I knew not to read any further, as you just degenerated into Palin hate.

The reason you can't find anything EVEN CLOSE to that is cuz YOU KNOW IT AINT THERE.

Cmon man, wake up. You really gotta get your head outta the Daily Kos' ass. My party was founded on minority civil rights, and as I just proved.....again.....in the "Born or Turn" thread, HAS BEEN trending more tolerant and friendly towards us homos.

Ditch them tired, dated, absurd stereotypes, they do nothin to help your "argument"
I'm still trying to find the National GOP Platform. Got a link?

Yes, it's so cleverly hidden. No one who know how Google works would EVER be able to find it.


Current Political Issues | RNC: Republican National Committee | GOP

Moron? Did you look at that link? That's not a "platform". It doesn't even say "platform". It's a couple of talking points on a few issues.

Looks like Chuckles was a little quick to shout "Moron".
If you're so smart, find a platform then.

Oh...you already said you couldn't. :lol: Moron.
I think I said that Republicans wish all the gays were dead. That's quite a bit different taking the active position of going out and "killing them". Then I linked to the Republicans Texas State Party Platform that said gays should be criminals. Gay marriage should be a felony and the gays and those that helped them should be in prison. Isn't that right? After all, where do you put "felons"?

If this position isn't an effort to "kill" homosexuality, then I don't know what is. What I don't understand is your position. Are you defending these positions? Criminalizing gays, making them into "felons" and the people that help them? When I ask these questions, you seem to go stark raving mad. Which is it? Are these your positions? Put your cards on the table. I'm guessing they aren't since you seem so enraged.


The reason I don't know what you're talking about is because you change it so much from what I originally wrote, I don't recognize the words.

And understand this, the "Texas Republican Party Platform" is VOTED on. This is NOT some far right fringe group. This is "main stream". About as mainstream as you can get. I suspect Texans wouldn't be too thrilled you consider them "fucking FAR Right Christians" and "fucking lunatic Republicans". And those are YOUR quotes.

As far as blacks and Hispanics, the Republican Party is 90% white for a reason.

Considering how many blacks are appalled at the right wings constant promotion of "Confederate Day", I suspect they won't be getting a lot of blacks to join their party.

As far as Hispanics, check out the Texas Republican Party Platform:

amending the U.S. constitution to suspend automatic U.S. citizenship
to children born to illegal immigrant

We call on the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of these United States to clarify Section 1 of the 14th amendment to limit citizenship by birth to those born to a citizen of the United States: with no exceptions.

-----------------It's unclear if they want citizenship rescinded for those already declared citizens. I work with three male engineers and a female engineer all from Mexico. While eating lunch, they declared that even though they are religious and share some conservative values, they would never, ever join the Republican Party. I won't repeat what they said about Republicans, but it wasn't pretty.

Now if you really want to spend time learning something, there are 49 more State Republican Party Platforms to read. Go read them. Learn something. It's much better to argue from a position of knowledge than just "rant". Even though the "rant" is much more "entertaining". After all, I like a good laugh.

If you are going to "quote" me, you really should "quote" me.

I think I said that Republicans wish all the gays were dead. That's quite a bit different taking the active position of going out and "killing them". Then I linked to the Republicans Texas State Party Platform that said gays should be criminals. Gay marriage should be a felony and the gays and those that helped them should be in prison. Isn't that right? After all, where do you put "felons"?

now thats funny because when someone in that thread mentioned the killing part....you said whats the difference?....putting them in a prison is like killing them......ok wanting them killed or wanting them dead?.....either way...they are dead....and once again...there you go with the TEXAS STATE PARTY PLATFORM....just like you always do.....WHO GIVES A FUCK WHAT THEY THINK!.....

What I don't understand is your position. Are you defending these positions? Criminalizing gays, making them into "felons" and the people that help them? When I ask these questions, you seem to go stark raving mad. Which is it? Are these your positions? Put your cards on the table. I'm guessing they aren't since you seem so enraged.

i cant believe you still cant figure it out.....lets do it one more time.....you blanket ALL Republicans ......if some fucker in Texas says something to you EVERY GODDAMED Republican from Maine to Hawaii MUST think like that .....and remember Dean....you also have a post saying a Republican is a Republican.....no variants no differences.....all the same....now you can be honest about it and say ...yea your right,not all our like that.....or you can just keep being the dishonest dick you have been since you have been here.....but then YOU are the Entertainment here for many.....so maybe you should stay the Dick you are......

And understand this, the "Texas Republican Party Platform" is VOTED on. This is NOT some far right fringe group. This is "main stream". About as mainstream as you can get. I suspect Texans wouldn't be too thrilled you consider them "fucking FAR Right Christians" and "fucking lunatic Republicans". And those are YOUR quotes.

and many Republicans are not to thrilled being thrown under your Stereotypical tent asshole....

amending the U.S. constitution to suspend automatic U.S. citizenship
to children born to illegal immigrant

a hell of a lot of Democrats want this to dipshit....since this Amendment is abused and taken advantage of.....but an ass like you would not care about something like that....

After all, I like a good laugh.

yea we read your posts too....
Last edited:
Dunno about them wanting a state where all gays are killed, but.......

Wanna talk about Jim Demint and his statement about gay schoolteachers should be put in concentration camps?

And.....there was someone else, I think it was Tucker Carlson who said that we should legislate homosexuality.

they fall under....some "fucking lunatic republicans"......i work with a girl who not only is a Republican,but a VERY Conservative one....and pretty dam Religious.....today i worked next to her and she had i believe Rush on her radio and when they were talking about Demint and Carlsons Statements she started saying how DeMint and Tucker should shut the hell up they give Republicans a bad name.....she said "if i dont feel like they do,and im pretty Conservative, then they must be really far to even my right" ....she is right.....Dean is a lunatic FAR Leftist....these 2 guys are Lunatic FAR Righties....

you work with a girl?

That's it?

You sir, are an unmitigated :asshole:

yea try it some time......there are more things in life than guys....dont be scared.....they wont bite...
they fall under....some "fucking lunatic republicans"......i work with a girl who not only is a Republican,but a VERY Conservative one....and pretty dam Religious.....today i worked next to her and she had i believe Rush on her radio and when they were talking about Demint and Carlsons Statements she started saying how DeMint and Tucker should shut the hell up they give Republicans a bad name.....she said "if i dont feel like they do,and im pretty Conservative, then they must be really far to even my right" ....she is right.....Dean is a lunatic FAR Leftist....these 2 guys are Lunatic FAR Righties....

you work with a girl?

That's it?

You sir, are an unmitigated :asshole:

yea try it some time......there are more things in life than guys....dont be scared.....they wont bite...

Yes, we do.
hey fuckhead.....how come the most Liberal State in the Union has TWICE voted down gay Marriage?....and dont give me this shit about the "Conservative Democrats" voting with the Republicans.....the Liberal Blacks and Hispanics were on the same boat with those voting it down......Could it be that many of your "cant do any wrong Liberals" are all for Gays in public.....but in the voting booth they are not so sympathetic?.......

still waiting for your dance on this question Dean.....
Wow your a stronger man than me, I would lick her butt if she let me.:eek:

That could be because you're sick fuck with no self esteem.

Ok so licking a womans butt and having anal sex with her is now sick right? god your such a closeted prude, I bet you bang your wife with the lights off and under the covers straight missionary position with your eyes closed.:clap2:

You're becoming a fucking moron... you know that, right?

FYI: There is a no family rule here. It is not ok to insult the family of other members.
That could be because you're sick fuck with no self esteem.

Ok so licking a womans butt and having anal sex with her is now sick right? god your such a closeted prude, I bet you bang your wife with the lights off and under the covers straight missionary position with your eyes closed.:clap2:

You're becoming a fucking moron... you know that, right?

FYI: There is a no family rule here. It is not ok to insult the family of other members.

You're becoming a fucking moron, how do you even know this clown is married? Plus I wasn't even fucking talking to you either, let this guy speak for himself.
Ok so licking a womans butt and having anal sex with her is now sick right? god your such a closeted prude, I bet you bang your wife with the lights off and under the covers straight missionary position with your eyes closed.:clap2:

You're becoming a fucking moron... you know that, right?

FYI: There is a no family rule here. It is not ok to insult the family of other members.

You're becoming a fucking moron, how do you even know this clown is married? Plus I wasn't even fucking talking to you either, let this guy speak for himself.

she likes to play thread-cop.
You're becoming a fucking moron... you know that, right?

FYI: There is a no family rule here. It is not ok to insult the family of other members.

You're becoming a fucking moron, how do you even know this clown is married? Plus I wasn't even fucking talking to you either, let this guy speak for himself.

she likes to play thread-cop.

I never had any problems with her but I wasn't even talking to her, Lone star is a big boy I'm sure he can speak for himself.
Ok so licking a womans butt and having anal sex with her is now sick right? god your such a closeted prude, I bet you bang your wife with the lights off and under the covers straight missionary position with your eyes closed.:clap2:

You're becoming a fucking moron... you know that, right?

FYI: There is a no family rule here. It is not ok to insult the family of other members.

You're becoming a fucking moron, how do you even know this clown is married? Plus I wasn't even fucking talking to you either, let this guy speak for himself.

This is a public forum. You do know that, right?
You're becoming a fucking moron... you know that, right?

FYI: There is a no family rule here. It is not ok to insult the family of other members.

You're becoming a fucking moron, how do you even know this clown is married? Plus I wasn't even fucking talking to you either, let this guy speak for himself.

This is a public forum. You do know that, right?

I really could give a fuck less, I wasn't talking to you.
Wow your a stronger man than me, I would lick her butt if she let me.:eek:

That could be because you're sick fuck with no self esteem.

Ok so licking a womans butt and having anal sex with her is now sick right? god your such a closeted prude, I bet you bang your wife with the lights off and under the covers straight missionary position with your eyes closed.:clap2:

So now you got to bring my wife into this? What I do is no concern of yours, I'm not the one attempting to validate an abominable lifestyle by claiming they were born that way. The fact is there is no "gay gene" so a person becomes gay via their environment and until it can be proven one way or the other I'll stick with that opinion. If you wish to subject your penis or tongue to a bacteria ridden asshole then that's your choice.

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