Louis Brandies Was Correct: You Cannot Prosecute Someone Because you Don’t Like Them

Bush92 sure has been kept awake by yesterday's news. It's a nothingburger. He just can't stop telling us the Mueller has nothing.
A coup against the President of the United States is always relevant news. Oh, BTW...Mueller has nothing of legal substance against Donald J. Trump.
Bush92 sure has been kept awake by yesterday's news. It's a nothingburger. He just can't stop telling us the Mueller has nothing.
I will let Alan Dershowitz explain it to you as well

BTW...this guy admits he voted for Hillary.
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Bush92 sure has been kept awake by yesterday's news. It's a nothingburger. He just can't stop telling us the Mueller has nothing.
A coup against the President of the United States is always relevant news. Oh, BTW...Mueller has nothing of legal substance against Donald J. Trump.

Oh! It's a coup?!

Whose leading it?
The cabal of establishment liberals in Justice Department and leaders of the Socialist/ Democratic Party with help of liberals in the media. Did you read the Politico article I posted? Washington DC is a cesspool.
No doubt, when someone puts as much effort into annoying people as Trump has, they're gonna be a little more fired up to get him.

Human nature being what it is and all.

His choice.
I agree. The Tweets don’t help.
Bush92 sure has been kept awake by yesterday's news. It's a nothingburger. He just can't stop telling us the Mueller has nothing.
A coup against the President of the United States is always relevant news. Oh, BTW...Mueller has nothing of legal substance against Donald J. Trump.

Oh! It's a coup?!

Whose leading it?
The cabal of establishment liberals in Justice Department and leaders of the Socialist/ Democratic Party with help of liberals in the media. Did you read the Politico article I posted? Washington DC is a cesspool.

Got a name? Who is the "cabal" going to install as the new leader if the coup is successful?
Bush92 sure has been kept awake by yesterday's news. It's a nothingburger. He just can't stop telling us the Mueller has nothing.
A coup against the President of the United States is always relevant news. Oh, BTW...Mueller has nothing of legal substance against Donald J. Trump.

Oh! It's a coup?!

Whose leading it?
The cabal of establishment liberals in Justice Department and leaders of the Socialist/ Democratic Party with help of liberals in the media. Did you read the Politico article I posted? Washington DC is a cesspool.

Got a name? Who is the "cabal" going to install as the new leader if the coup is successful?
They just want to get Trump out of office. Payback for Hillary losing.
Bush92 sure has been kept awake by yesterday's news. It's a nothingburger. He just can't stop telling us the Mueller has nothing.
A coup against the President of the United States is always relevant news. Oh, BTW...Mueller has nothing of legal substance against Donald J. Trump.

Oh! It's a coup?!

Whose leading it?
The cabal of establishment liberals in Justice Department and leaders of the Socialist/ Democratic Party with help of liberals in the media. Did you read the Politico article I posted? Washington DC is a cesspool.

Got a name? Who is the "cabal" going to install as the new leader if the coup is successful?
These Obama nut hangers are still inside Justice Department.
Byron York: Dossier author was in contact with Obama Justice Department
Harvard Study
Analyst gauges the political bias of lawyers
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Bush92 sure has been kept awake by yesterday's news. It's a nothingburger. He just can't stop telling us the Mueller has nothing.
A coup against the President of the United States is always relevant news. Oh, BTW...Mueller has nothing of legal substance against Donald J. Trump.

Oh! It's a coup?!

Whose leading it?
The cabal of establishment liberals in Justice Department and leaders of the Socialist/ Democratic Party with help of liberals in the media. Did you read the Politico article I posted? Washington DC is a cesspool.

Got a name? Who is the "cabal" going to install as the new leader if the coup is successful?
They just want to get Trump out of office. Payback for Hillary losing.

You are struggling. Do the rebels plan to make Hillary the president? Is that what you are saying?
Bush92 sure has been kept awake by yesterday's news. It's a nothingburger. He just can't stop telling us the Mueller has nothing.
A coup against the President of the United States is always relevant news. Oh, BTW...Mueller has nothing of legal substance against Donald J. Trump.

Oh! It's a coup?!

Whose leading it?
The cabal of establishment liberals in Justice Department and leaders of the Socialist/ Democratic Party with help of liberals in the media. Did you read the Politico article I posted? Washington DC is a cesspool.

Got a name? Who is the "cabal" going to install as the new leader if the coup is successful?
These Obama nut hangers are still inside Justice Department.
Byron York: Dossier author was in contact with Obama Justice Department
Harvard Study
Analyst gauges the political bias of lawyers

They are leading the coup?
when you've lost the NY Post!

Democraps love certified liars!
Have you ever met anyone in your entire life that has lied more than Donald Trump?

I haven't and I doubt you have either....

WHY is that ok with you?
Bill Clinton comes to my mind. Loretta Lynch comes to my mind. Editorial staff of Washington Post and New York Times comes to my mind. Hillary comes to mind as well.

Not even a close comparison!!!!
Flynn was spared jail time. Now, Manafort, Gates, and Cohen charges have to do with things after the election and they are all private business matters. The Special Counsel is supposed to focus on illegality during the 2016 election. They have nothing. What illegal actions occurred during they election campaign? Stop reaching to connect dots. Cohen ripped-off Russian businessmen by parlaying his connection as former legal counsel to the President...when he had no role in the administration. No evidence. No case. No legal grounds for impeachment. Didn’t Trump fire Manafort? Hmmmm. Yes he did. I believe in summer of 2016.

The multiple officials of the Trump campaign who have plead guilty, been found guilty, and are now in prison are there because the committed felonies.

My original point stands unassailed as we all knew it would be.

Multiple officials of the Trump campaign who have plead guilty, been found guilty, and are now in prison are there because the committed felonies.
Whatever. What charges with regards to 2016 election? Your point just got shot down.

Start with lying to the American people about his business interests in Russia. Continue with coordinating with the Kremlin about those lies to mislead the American people about his deal to build Trump Tower.

Continue with Corsi and Stone co-ordinating with WikiLeaks, Trump calling on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, and later that day they did.

Add in breaking campaign finance laws, the dangling of pardons to those who don't rat out Trump, and his continued attempts to use the Department of Justice as his own personal vendetta brigade.

Top it off with Saudis renting hotel rooms in a "pay for play scheme" which is the real reason why Trump goes along with all the shit MBS is pulling. And we haven't even touched on his money laundering.

Trump is going to lie and say he knew nothing about any of it, but Donnie likes to have his tiny hands into everything. In the reports filed today, Mueller said the President committed campaign finance fraud. That's a felony.

The Democrats have said they don't want to impeach Trump, but after this week's court filings, it's looking more and more like they won't have a choice.

If the Democrats are smart, they will never bring up impeachment. It’s a losing hand. Now, if Mueller can produce a smoking gun; thats different. But knowing what we know today….NO.

Just let the sleaze hang around…hold hearings…get some people on the record, subpoena his family who are staffers in the WW so they are legally fair game… But no articles of Impeachment.

Knowing the Dems…they will likely do it on day one.
Of course you dupes don't know the Democrats at all... Totally misinformed.... Hyper-partisan and cheating are GOP things...

Yes, I do know the Democrats. They never cease to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Their nominating Pelosi is a case-study in the mysterious, bewildering, and shockingly unsophisticated approach to governing in this day and age. It’s the naivety of Barack Obama all over again. The best idea doesn’t always win. It should; but it doesn’t. So the pragmatic thing to do is get the bill, program, legislation, whatever with the most “best” ideas in it or, at base, have as many elements of the “best idea” in whatever the outcome is to be. Pelosi can do all of the things she does now; raise money, tactically maneuver, brand messaging, etc… without being the face of the party. The Democrats have the rare opportunity to turn the page as they did in 1992, become the alternative and occupy the sensible center of the American Political spectrum. Are they doing it? Apparently not; not if Pelosi is the face of the Party.

Every Republican running in 2020 will have Pelosi’s face and whatever legislation comes out of the House in their media. And every non-committed independent will hear the ads. And the worst thing is that the GOP won’t have to “mis inform” as you say or “cheat” at all. They can be completely truthful in their messaging because Pelosi is out of step with most Americans.
The multiple officials of the Trump campaign who have plead guilty, been found guilty, and are now in prison are there because the committed felonies.
Really? Please...let’s see the connections? Evidence? All you have is CNN and MSNBC opinions in your head. “Where’s your legal standing based on evidence?”

His campaign officials are in jail. Are you denying that?
Other campaign officials have pled guilty. Are you denying that?
Guilty to what offenses with regards the campaign itself?

The multiple officials of the Trump campaign who have plead guilty, been found guilty, and are now in prison are there because the committed felonies.

The investigation that has already put multiple felons behind bars continues.
My original point stands unassailed as we all knew it would be.

Multiple officials of the Trump campaign who have plead guilty, been found guilty, and are now in prison are there because the committed felonies.
Whatever. What charges with regards to 2016 election? Your point just got shot down.

Start with lying to the American people about his business interests in Russia. Continue with coordinating with the Kremlin about those lies to mislead the American people about his deal to build Trump Tower.

Continue with Corsi and Stone co-ordinating with WikiLeaks, Trump calling on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, and later that day they did.

Add in breaking campaign finance laws, the dangling of pardons to those who don't rat out Trump, and his continued attempts to use the Department of Justice as his own personal vendetta brigade.

Top it off with Saudis renting hotel rooms in a "pay for play scheme" which is the real reason why Trump goes along with all the shit MBS is pulling. And we haven't even touched on his money laundering.

Trump is going to lie and say he knew nothing about any of it, but Donnie likes to have his tiny hands into everything. In the reports filed today, Mueller said the President committed campaign finance fraud. That's a felony.

The Democrats have said they don't want to impeach Trump, but after this week's court filings, it's looking more and more like they won't have a choice.

If the Democrats are smart, they will never bring up impeachment. It’s a losing hand. Now, if Mueller can produce a smoking gun; thats different. But knowing what we know today….NO.

Just let the sleaze hang around…hold hearings…get some people on the record, subpoena his family who are staffers in the WW so they are legally fair game… But no articles of Impeachment.

Knowing the Dems…they will likely do it on day one.
Of course you dupes don't know the Democrats at all... Totally misinformed.... Hyper-partisan and cheating are GOP things...

Yes, I do know the Democrats. They never cease to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Their nominating Pelosi is a case-study in the mysterious, bewildering, and shockingly unsophisticated approach to governing in this day and age. It’s the naivety of Barack Obama all over again. The best idea doesn’t always win. It should; but it doesn’t. So the pragmatic thing to do is get the bill, program, legislation, whatever with the most “best” ideas in it or, at base, have as many elements of the “best idea” in whatever the outcome is to be. Pelosi can do all of the things she does now; raise money, tactically maneuver, brand messaging, etc… without being the face of the party. The Democrats have the rare opportunity to turn the page as they did in 1992, become the alternative and occupy the sensible center of the American Political spectrum. Are they doing it? Apparently not; not if Pelosi is the face of the Party.

Every Republican running in 2020 will have Pelosi’s face and whatever legislation comes out of the House in their media. And every non-committed independent will hear the ads. And the worst thing is that the GOP won’t have to “mis inform” as you say or “cheat” at all. They can be completely truthful in their messaging because Pelosi is out of step with most Americans.
Yes we will! I love Ol’ Googly Eyes. Idiot. Love it.
The multiple officials of the Trump campaign who have plead guilty, been found guilty, and are now in prison are there because the committed felonies.
Here's what the Cohen sentencing memos say about his efforts to help Trump's 2016 campaign
What specific campaign finance laws did Trump violate? Government admits it’s grasping at straws...”campaign finance laws are hard to identify and prosecute” Is code for: “We have nothing.”

The multiple officials of the Trump campaign who have plead guilty, been found guilty, and are now in prison are there because the committed felonies.

The investigation that has already put multiple felons behind bars continues.

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