Louis Brandies Was Correct: You Cannot Prosecute Someone Because you Don’t Like Them

Bush92 sure has been kept awake by yesterday's news. It's a nothingburger. He just can't stop telling us the Mueller has nothing.

Its got to be exhausting for the guys on the right… Having to be in constant damage control mode as Trump’s past statements are damning those who he was close to.

He said before that “if you’re not guilty why are you taking the fifth”. And now the Trumpians are cheering that Roger Stone is taking the fifth.

Having to now come up with some sort of rationalization that supports both the statement and the action leads them into the downward spiral of dishonesty they can’t acknowledge. So they continue to double down.

One guy is actually telling me that Trump never lied; ever.
No doubt, when someone puts as much effort into annoying people as Trump has, they're gonna be a little more fired up to get him.

Human nature being what it is and all.

His choice.
I agree. The Tweets don’t help.

Guys, it’s not the tweeting; it’s the dishonesty

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Mueller has shown no illegality with regards to 2016 election and that is why his office was created. This is worse than McCarthyism. Where is your case Mueller? “Where’s the beef!”

Ridiculous. Individual-1 ordered Michael Cohen to commit a felony. That makes Individual-1 also guilty of a felony.

With much more to come.
Really? Did Trump hold federal office before 2016? Did Trump scrub his computer hard drive? Did Trump smash cell phones with a hammer? Nope...Billary campaign did that. Did Tony Podesta and people in Trump campaign have business dealings with Russia? Nope...that was Billary campaign.

This is what you dumb mobster bastards were chanting on cue when your Trumpenfuhrer raised his right arm straight up into the air.

Were you chanting that for your health?

Zeig Heil!!!

Bro come on, lock her up was funny and effective.
My original point stands unassailed as we all knew it would be.

Multiple officials of the Trump campaign who have plead guilty, been found guilty, and are now in prison are there because the committed felonies.
Whatever. What charges with regards to 2016 election? Your point just got shot down.

Start with lying to the American people about his business interests in Russia. Continue with coordinating with the Kremlin about those lies to mislead the American people about his deal to build Trump Tower.

Continue with Corsi and Stone co-ordinating with WikiLeaks, Trump calling on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, and later that day they did.

Add in breaking campaign finance laws, the dangling of pardons to those who don't rat out Trump, and his continued attempts to use the Department of Justice as his own personal vendetta brigade.

Top it off with Saudis renting hotel rooms in a "pay for play scheme" which is the real reason why Trump goes along with all the shit MBS is pulling. And we haven't even touched on his money laundering.

Trump is going to lie and say he knew nothing about any of it, but Donnie likes to have his tiny hands into everything. In the reports filed today, Mueller said the President committed campaign finance fraud. That's a felony.

The Democrats have said they don't want to impeach Trump, but after this week's court filings, it's looking more and more like they won't have a choice.

If the Democrats are smart, they will never bring up impeachment. It’s a losing hand. Now, if Mueller can produce a smoking gun; thats different. But knowing what we know today….NO.

Just let the sleaze hang around…hold hearings…get some people on the record, subpoena his family who are staffers in the WW so they are legally fair game… But no articles of Impeachment.

Knowing the Dems…they will likely do it on day one.
Of course you dupes don't know the Democrats at all... Totally misinformed.... Hyper-partisan and cheating are GOP things...

Yes, I do know the Democrats. They never cease to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Their nominating Pelosi is a case-study in the mysterious, bewildering, and shockingly unsophisticated approach to governing in this day and age. It’s the naivety of Barack Obama all over again. The best idea doesn’t always win. It should; but it doesn’t. So the pragmatic thing to do is get the bill, program, legislation, whatever with the most “best” ideas in it or, at base, have as many elements of the “best idea” in whatever the outcome is to be. Pelosi can do all of the things she does now; raise money, tactically maneuver, brand messaging, etc… without being the face of the party. The Democrats have the rare opportunity to turn the page as they did in 1992, become the alternative and occupy the sensible center of the American Political spectrum. Are they doing it? Apparently not; not if Pelosi is the face of the Party.

Every Republican running in 2020 will have Pelosi’s face and whatever legislation comes out of the House in their media. And every non-committed independent will hear the ads. And the worst thing is that the GOP won’t have to “mis inform” as you say or “cheat” at all. They can be completely truthful in their messaging because Pelosi is out of step with most Americans.
Everything you know about Democrats is garbage propaganda, super duper, all the phony scandals and misinformation about who pays taxes etc etc. God knows why you people hate pelosi Obama Hillary holder etc etc. Pure garbage that makes you vote against your own interests and for the greedy idiot GOP rich...
Really? Did Trump hold federal office before 2016? Did Trump scrub his computer hard drive? Did Trump smash cell phones with a hammer? Nope...Billary campaign did that. Did Tony Podesta and people in Trump campaign have business dealings with Russia? Nope...that was Billary campaign.

This is what you dumb mobster bastards were chanting on cue when your Trumpenfuhrer raised his right arm straight up into the air.

Were you chanting that for your health?

Zeig Heil!!!

Bro come on, lock her up was funny and effective.
Also garbage character assassination and lies, everything you know, super duper. You must be very proud of Your cheatin thieving giveaway to the rich scumbag party.
Whatever. What charges with regards to 2016 election? Your point just got shot down.

Start with lying to the American people about his business interests in Russia. Continue with coordinating with the Kremlin about those lies to mislead the American people about his deal to build Trump Tower.

Continue with Corsi and Stone co-ordinating with WikiLeaks, Trump calling on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, and later that day they did.

Add in breaking campaign finance laws, the dangling of pardons to those who don't rat out Trump, and his continued attempts to use the Department of Justice as his own personal vendetta brigade.

Top it off with Saudis renting hotel rooms in a "pay for play scheme" which is the real reason why Trump goes along with all the shit MBS is pulling. And we haven't even touched on his money laundering.

Trump is going to lie and say he knew nothing about any of it, but Donnie likes to have his tiny hands into everything. In the reports filed today, Mueller said the President committed campaign finance fraud. That's a felony.

The Democrats have said they don't want to impeach Trump, but after this week's court filings, it's looking more and more like they won't have a choice.

If the Democrats are smart, they will never bring up impeachment. It’s a losing hand. Now, if Mueller can produce a smoking gun; thats different. But knowing what we know today….NO.

Just let the sleaze hang around…hold hearings…get some people on the record, subpoena his family who are staffers in the WW so they are legally fair game… But no articles of Impeachment.

Knowing the Dems…they will likely do it on day one.
Of course you dupes don't know the Democrats at all... Totally misinformed.... Hyper-partisan and cheating are GOP things...

Yes, I do know the Democrats. They never cease to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Their nominating Pelosi is a case-study in the mysterious, bewildering, and shockingly unsophisticated approach to governing in this day and age. It’s the naivety of Barack Obama all over again. The best idea doesn’t always win. It should; but it doesn’t. So the pragmatic thing to do is get the bill, program, legislation, whatever with the most “best” ideas in it or, at base, have as many elements of the “best idea” in whatever the outcome is to be. Pelosi can do all of the things she does now; raise money, tactically maneuver, brand messaging, etc… without being the face of the party. The Democrats have the rare opportunity to turn the page as they did in 1992, become the alternative and occupy the sensible center of the American Political spectrum. Are they doing it? Apparently not; not if Pelosi is the face of the Party.

Every Republican running in 2020 will have Pelosi’s face and whatever legislation comes out of the House in their media. And every non-committed independent will hear the ads. And the worst thing is that the GOP won’t have to “mis inform” as you say or “cheat” at all. They can be completely truthful in their messaging because Pelosi is out of step with most Americans.
Yes we will! I love Ol’ Googly Eyes. Idiot. Love it.
Someday you morons will vote according to policies and not ridiculous misinformation character assassination and stupid gossip.
Release of Cohen and Manafort transcripts show no illegality on behalf of Trump campaign 2016, or President Trump with regards to Russia “collusion.”...
The 'released' Cohen and Manafort transcripts?

Yeah... all five-words-per-page that were NOT redacted as part of the public release, right?

It's the REST of the words ( the humongous redacted segments) that ya'll ( and Fearless Leader ) have to sweat... :21:
Really? Did Trump hold federal office before 2016? Did Trump scrub his computer hard drive? Did Trump smash cell phones with a hammer? Nope...Billary campaign did that. Did Tony Podesta and people in Trump campaign have business dealings with Russia? Nope...that was Billary campaign.

This is what you dumb mobster bastards were chanting on cue when your Trumpenfuhrer raised his right arm straight up into the air.

Were you chanting that for your health?

Zeig Heil!!!

Bro come on, lock her up was funny and effective.
Also garbage character assassination and lies, everything you know, super duper. You must be very proud of Your cheatin thieving giveaway to the rich scumbag party.

You mean like when Harry Reid claimed Romney hadn't paid any taxes in 10 years that kind of lie and character assassination? If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen snowflakes.
Really? Did Trump hold federal office before 2016? Did Trump scrub his computer hard drive? Did Trump smash cell phones with a hammer? Nope...Billary campaign did that. Did Tony Podesta and people in Trump campaign have business dealings with Russia? Nope...that was Billary campaign.

This is what you dumb mobster bastards were chanting on cue when your Trumpenfuhrer raised his right arm straight up into the air.

Were you chanting that for your health?

Zeig Heil!!!

Bro come on, lock her up was funny and effective.
Also garbage character assassination and lies, everything you know, super duper. You must be very proud of Your cheatin thieving giveaway to the rich scumbag party.

You mean like when Harry Reid claimed Romney hadn't paid any taxes in 10 years that kind of lie and character assassination? If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen snowflakes.
No, dumbass I don't. That was just Harry's way of forcing Romney to show his tax return. He normally paid 9% or so and 12% that year. You have no problem with redistribution of Wealth to the rich. Brainwashed functional idiot.
Really? Did Trump hold federal office before 2016? Did Trump scrub his computer hard drive? Did Trump smash cell phones with a hammer? Nope...Billary campaign did that. Did Tony Podesta and people in Trump campaign have business dealings with Russia? Nope...that was Billary campaign.

This is what you dumb mobster bastards were chanting on cue when your Trumpenfuhrer raised his right arm straight up into the air.

Were you chanting that for your health?

Zeig Heil!!!

Bro come on, lock her up was funny and effective.
Also garbage character assassination and lies, everything you know, super duper. You must be very proud of Your cheatin thieving giveaway to the rich scumbag party.

You mean like when Harry Reid claimed Romney hadn't paid any taxes in 10 years that kind of lie and character assassination? If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen snowflakes.
only this scumbag GOP has a BS character assassination Network that all you fools listen to... No respected media in the entire world agrees with anything you know as fact, super duper.
Really? Did Trump hold federal office before 2016? Did Trump scrub his computer hard drive? Did Trump smash cell phones with a hammer? Nope...Billary campaign did that. Did Tony Podesta and people in Trump campaign have business dealings with Russia? Nope...that was Billary campaign.

This is what you dumb mobster bastards were chanting on cue when your Trumpenfuhrer raised his right arm straight up into the air.

Were you chanting that for your health?

Zeig Heil!!!

Bro come on, lock her up was funny and effective.
Also garbage character assassination and lies, everything you know, super duper. You must be very proud of Your cheatin thieving giveaway to the rich scumbag party.

You mean like when Harry Reid claimed Romney hadn't paid any taxes in 10 years that kind of lie and character assassination? If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen snowflakes.
No, dumbass I don't. That was just Harry's way of forcing Romney to show his tax return. He normally paid 9% or so and 12% that year. You have no problem with redistribution of Wealth to the rich. Brainwashed functional idiot.

The 'rich' earn the wealth dimwit. :itsok: Instead of waiting around for government to redistribute someone else's wealth to you, start a business and earn your own.
Really? Did Trump hold federal office before 2016? Did Trump scrub his computer hard drive? Did Trump smash cell phones with a hammer? Nope...Billary campaign did that. Did Tony Podesta and people in Trump campaign have business dealings with Russia? Nope...that was Billary campaign.

This is what you dumb mobster bastards were chanting on cue when your Trumpenfuhrer raised his right arm straight up into the air.

Were you chanting that for your health?

Zeig Heil!!!

Bro come on, lock her up was funny and effective.
Also garbage character assassination and lies, everything you know, super duper. You must be very proud of Your cheatin thieving giveaway to the rich scumbag party.

You mean like when Harry Reid claimed Romney hadn't paid any taxes in 10 years that kind of lie and character assassination? If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen snowflakes.
only this scumbag GOP has a BS character assassination Network that all you fools listen to... No respected media in the entire world agrees with anything you know as fact, super duper.

Did Sean Hannity trigger you today or something?
Whatever. What charges with regards to 2016 election? Your point just got shot down.

Start with lying to the American people about his business interests in Russia. Continue with coordinating with the Kremlin about those lies to mislead the American people about his deal to build Trump Tower.

Continue with Corsi and Stone co-ordinating with WikiLeaks, Trump calling on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, and later that day they did.

Add in breaking campaign finance laws, the dangling of pardons to those who don't rat out Trump, and his continued attempts to use the Department of Justice as his own personal vendetta brigade.

Top it off with Saudis renting hotel rooms in a "pay for play scheme" which is the real reason why Trump goes along with all the shit MBS is pulling. And we haven't even touched on his money laundering.

Trump is going to lie and say he knew nothing about any of it, but Donnie likes to have his tiny hands into everything. In the reports filed today, Mueller said the President committed campaign finance fraud. That's a felony.

The Democrats have said they don't want to impeach Trump, but after this week's court filings, it's looking more and more like they won't have a choice.

If the Democrats are smart, they will never bring up impeachment. It’s a losing hand. Now, if Mueller can produce a smoking gun; thats different. But knowing what we know today….NO.

Just let the sleaze hang around…hold hearings…get some people on the record, subpoena his family who are staffers in the WW so they are legally fair game… But no articles of Impeachment.

Knowing the Dems…they will likely do it on day one.
Of course you dupes don't know the Democrats at all... Totally misinformed.... Hyper-partisan and cheating are GOP things...

Yes, I do know the Democrats. They never cease to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Their nominating Pelosi is a case-study in the mysterious, bewildering, and shockingly unsophisticated approach to governing in this day and age. It’s the naivety of Barack Obama all over again. The best idea doesn’t always win. It should; but it doesn’t. So the pragmatic thing to do is get the bill, program, legislation, whatever with the most “best” ideas in it or, at base, have as many elements of the “best idea” in whatever the outcome is to be. Pelosi can do all of the things she does now; raise money, tactically maneuver, brand messaging, etc… without being the face of the party. The Democrats have the rare opportunity to turn the page as they did in 1992, become the alternative and occupy the sensible center of the American Political spectrum. Are they doing it? Apparently not; not if Pelosi is the face of the Party.

Every Republican running in 2020 will have Pelosi’s face and whatever legislation comes out of the House in their media. And every non-committed independent will hear the ads. And the worst thing is that the GOP won’t have to “mis inform” as you say or “cheat” at all. They can be completely truthful in their messaging because Pelosi is out of step with most Americans.
Everything you know about Democrats is garbage propaganda, super duper, all the phony scandals and misinformation about who pays taxes etc etc.
What in the fuck are you talking about?

God knows why you people hate pelosi Obama Hillary holder etc etc. Pure garbage that makes you vote against your own interests and for the greedy idiot GOP rich...

You’re a fucking idiot.


I voted for Obama twice fuck stain.

I voted fo Hillary last time out.

I would vote for Pelosi if she were on the ballot opposite the blob.

Your blind hatred of anyone who speaks ill of democrats makes you sound just as full of shit as the Republicans who support the pervert in the White House now.

Go fuck yourself.
Start with lying to the American people about his business interests in Russia. Continue with coordinating with the Kremlin about those lies to mislead the American people about his deal to build Trump Tower.

Continue with Corsi and Stone co-ordinating with WikiLeaks, Trump calling on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, and later that day they did.

Add in breaking campaign finance laws, the dangling of pardons to those who don't rat out Trump, and his continued attempts to use the Department of Justice as his own personal vendetta brigade.

Top it off with Saudis renting hotel rooms in a "pay for play scheme" which is the real reason why Trump goes along with all the shit MBS is pulling. And we haven't even touched on his money laundering.

Trump is going to lie and say he knew nothing about any of it, but Donnie likes to have his tiny hands into everything. In the reports filed today, Mueller said the President committed campaign finance fraud. That's a felony.

The Democrats have said they don't want to impeach Trump, but after this week's court filings, it's looking more and more like they won't have a choice.

If the Democrats are smart, they will never bring up impeachment. It’s a losing hand. Now, if Mueller can produce a smoking gun; thats different. But knowing what we know today….NO.

Just let the sleaze hang around…hold hearings…get some people on the record, subpoena his family who are staffers in the WW so they are legally fair game… But no articles of Impeachment.

Knowing the Dems…they will likely do it on day one.
Of course you dupes don't know the Democrats at all... Totally misinformed.... Hyper-partisan and cheating are GOP things...

Yes, I do know the Democrats. They never cease to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Their nominating Pelosi is a case-study in the mysterious, bewildering, and shockingly unsophisticated approach to governing in this day and age. It’s the naivety of Barack Obama all over again. The best idea doesn’t always win. It should; but it doesn’t. So the pragmatic thing to do is get the bill, program, legislation, whatever with the most “best” ideas in it or, at base, have as many elements of the “best idea” in whatever the outcome is to be. Pelosi can do all of the things she does now; raise money, tactically maneuver, brand messaging, etc… without being the face of the party. The Democrats have the rare opportunity to turn the page as they did in 1992, become the alternative and occupy the sensible center of the American Political spectrum. Are they doing it? Apparently not; not if Pelosi is the face of the Party.

Every Republican running in 2020 will have Pelosi’s face and whatever legislation comes out of the House in their media. And every non-committed independent will hear the ads. And the worst thing is that the GOP won’t have to “mis inform” as you say or “cheat” at all. They can be completely truthful in their messaging because Pelosi is out of step with most Americans.
Everything you know about Democrats is garbage propaganda, super duper, all the phony scandals and misinformation about who pays taxes etc etc.
What in the fuck are you talking about?

God knows why you people hate pelosi Obama Hillary holder etc etc. Pure garbage that makes you vote against your own interests and for the greedy idiot GOP rich...

You’re a fucking idiot.


I voted for Obama twice fuck stain.

I voted fo Hillary last time out.

I would vote for Pelosi if she were on the ballot opposite the blob.

Your blind hatred of anyone who speaks ill of democrats makes you sound just as full of shit as the Republicans who support the pervert in the White House now.

Go fuck yourself.
whoops so much quotation I lost track.
Pelosi is not out of step with what Americans need look at the policies she is in favor of. Glad you vote Democrat but stop spreading GOP BS then...the Democrats should go all-in attacking Fox News Rush Limbaugh Savage etc etc heritage. All of it absolute garbage. Sorry again.
If the Democrats are smart, they will never bring up impeachment. It’s a losing hand. Now, if Mueller can produce a smoking gun; thats different. But knowing what we know today….NO.

Just let the sleaze hang around…hold hearings…get some people on the record, subpoena his family who are staffers in the WW so they are legally fair game… But no articles of Impeachment.

Knowing the Dems…they will likely do it on day one.
Of course you dupes don't know the Democrats at all... Totally misinformed.... Hyper-partisan and cheating are GOP things...

Yes, I do know the Democrats. They never cease to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Their nominating Pelosi is a case-study in the mysterious, bewildering, and shockingly unsophisticated approach to governing in this day and age. It’s the naivety of Barack Obama all over again. The best idea doesn’t always win. It should; but it doesn’t. So the pragmatic thing to do is get the bill, program, legislation, whatever with the most “best” ideas in it or, at base, have as many elements of the “best idea” in whatever the outcome is to be. Pelosi can do all of the things she does now; raise money, tactically maneuver, brand messaging, etc… without being the face of the party. The Democrats have the rare opportunity to turn the page as they did in 1992, become the alternative and occupy the sensible center of the American Political spectrum. Are they doing it? Apparently not; not if Pelosi is the face of the Party.

Every Republican running in 2020 will have Pelosi’s face and whatever legislation comes out of the House in their media. And every non-committed independent will hear the ads. And the worst thing is that the GOP won’t have to “mis inform” as you say or “cheat” at all. They can be completely truthful in their messaging because Pelosi is out of step with most Americans.
Everything you know about Democrats is garbage propaganda, super duper, all the phony scandals and misinformation about who pays taxes etc etc.
What in the fuck are you talking about?

God knows why you people hate pelosi Obama Hillary holder etc etc. Pure garbage that makes you vote against your own interests and for the greedy idiot GOP rich...

You’re a fucking idiot.


I voted for Obama twice fuck stain.

I voted fo Hillary last time out.

I would vote for Pelosi if she were on the ballot opposite the blob.

Your blind hatred of anyone who speaks ill of democrats makes you sound just as full of shit as the Republicans who support the pervert in the White House now.

Go fuck yourself.
whoops so much quotation I lost track.
Pelosi is not out of step with what Americans need look at the policies she is in favor of.
She is completely out of step with Americans who fear her brand of liberalism as much as much as they fear Ted Cruz’s brand of conservatism (if not more).

Glad you vote Democrat but stop spreading GOP BS then...the Democrats should go all-in attacking Fox News Rush Limbaugh Savage etc etc heritage. All of it absolute garbage. Sorry again.

Grow the fuck up.

The only difference between the democrats and republicans is that Democrats pause slightly before dropping to their knees in front of a special interest group or large donor; Republicans are already on their knees.

Believe it or not, Obama did have scandals in the Secret Service, the IRS and the VA. And perhaps the biggest scandal of all is that he supposedly “found out about these in the newspaper”. Are you shitting me?
There is no shame in admitting that someone you support came up short in some areas. Republicans are the ones who believe their side does zero wrong…you should grow a pair and stop acting as brazenly stupid as they are.
Of course you dupes don't know the Democrats at all... Totally misinformed.... Hyper-partisan and cheating are GOP things...

Yes, I do know the Democrats. They never cease to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Their nominating Pelosi is a case-study in the mysterious, bewildering, and shockingly unsophisticated approach to governing in this day and age. It’s the naivety of Barack Obama all over again. The best idea doesn’t always win. It should; but it doesn’t. So the pragmatic thing to do is get the bill, program, legislation, whatever with the most “best” ideas in it or, at base, have as many elements of the “best idea” in whatever the outcome is to be. Pelosi can do all of the things she does now; raise money, tactically maneuver, brand messaging, etc… without being the face of the party. The Democrats have the rare opportunity to turn the page as they did in 1992, become the alternative and occupy the sensible center of the American Political spectrum. Are they doing it? Apparently not; not if Pelosi is the face of the Party.

Every Republican running in 2020 will have Pelosi’s face and whatever legislation comes out of the House in their media. And every non-committed independent will hear the ads. And the worst thing is that the GOP won’t have to “mis inform” as you say or “cheat” at all. They can be completely truthful in their messaging because Pelosi is out of step with most Americans.
Everything you know about Democrats is garbage propaganda, super duper, all the phony scandals and misinformation about who pays taxes etc etc.
What in the fuck are you talking about?

God knows why you people hate pelosi Obama Hillary holder etc etc. Pure garbage that makes you vote against your own interests and for the greedy idiot GOP rich...

You’re a fucking idiot.


I voted for Obama twice fuck stain.

I voted fo Hillary last time out.

I would vote for Pelosi if she were on the ballot opposite the blob.

Your blind hatred of anyone who speaks ill of democrats makes you sound just as full of shit as the Republicans who support the pervert in the White House now.

Go fuck yourself.
whoops so much quotation I lost track.
Pelosi is not out of step with what Americans need look at the policies she is in favor of.
She is completely out of step with Americans who fear her brand of liberalism as much as much as they fear Ted Cruz’s brand of conservatism (if not more).

Glad you vote Democrat but stop spreading GOP BS then...the Democrats should go all-in attacking Fox News Rush Limbaugh Savage etc etc heritage. All of it absolute garbage. Sorry again.

Grow the fuck up.

The only difference between the democrats and republicans is that Democrats pause slightly before dropping to their knees in front of a special interest group or large donor; Republicans are already on their knees.

Believe it or not, Obama did have scandals in the Secret Service, the IRS and the VA. And perhaps the biggest scandal of all is that he supposedly “found out about these in the newspaper”. Are you shitting me?
There is no shame in admitting that someone you support came up short in some areas. Republicans are the ones who believe their side does zero wrong…you should grow a pair and stop acting as brazenly stupid as they are.
Hillary has never been anywhere near a courtroom or having scandals in real newspapers oh, that is just GOP garbage. your next step is being a conspiracy nut... Are whatever they say about Obama pelosi holder etcetera Etc are all garbage same thing. Or forget due process totally LOL that's what the GOP dupes do brainwashed fools. They fear what exactly-- just garbage fear-mongering garbage propaganda about Democrats --a disgrace.
Yes, I do know the Democrats. They never cease to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Their nominating Pelosi is a case-study in the mysterious, bewildering, and shockingly unsophisticated approach to governing in this day and age. It’s the naivety of Barack Obama all over again. The best idea doesn’t always win. It should; but it doesn’t. So the pragmatic thing to do is get the bill, program, legislation, whatever with the most “best” ideas in it or, at base, have as many elements of the “best idea” in whatever the outcome is to be. Pelosi can do all of the things she does now; raise money, tactically maneuver, brand messaging, etc… without being the face of the party. The Democrats have the rare opportunity to turn the page as they did in 1992, become the alternative and occupy the sensible center of the American Political spectrum. Are they doing it? Apparently not; not if Pelosi is the face of the Party.

Every Republican running in 2020 will have Pelosi’s face and whatever legislation comes out of the House in their media. And every non-committed independent will hear the ads. And the worst thing is that the GOP won’t have to “mis inform” as you say or “cheat” at all. They can be completely truthful in their messaging because Pelosi is out of step with most Americans.
Everything you know about Democrats is garbage propaganda, super duper, all the phony scandals and misinformation about who pays taxes etc etc.
What in the fuck are you talking about?

God knows why you people hate pelosi Obama Hillary holder etc etc. Pure garbage that makes you vote against your own interests and for the greedy idiot GOP rich...

You’re a fucking idiot.


I voted for Obama twice fuck stain.

I voted fo Hillary last time out.

I would vote for Pelosi if she were on the ballot opposite the blob.

Your blind hatred of anyone who speaks ill of democrats makes you sound just as full of shit as the Republicans who support the pervert in the White House now.

Go fuck yourself.
whoops so much quotation I lost track.
Pelosi is not out of step with what Americans need look at the policies she is in favor of.
She is completely out of step with Americans who fear her brand of liberalism as much as much as they fear Ted Cruz’s brand of conservatism (if not more).

Glad you vote Democrat but stop spreading GOP BS then...the Democrats should go all-in attacking Fox News Rush Limbaugh Savage etc etc heritage. All of it absolute garbage. Sorry again.

Grow the fuck up.

The only difference between the democrats and republicans is that Democrats pause slightly before dropping to their knees in front of a special interest group or large donor; Republicans are already on their knees.

Believe it or not, Obama did have scandals in the Secret Service, the IRS and the VA. And perhaps the biggest scandal of all is that he supposedly “found out about these in the newspaper”. Are you shitting me?
There is no shame in admitting that someone you support came up short in some areas. Republicans are the ones who believe their side does zero wrong…you should grow a pair and stop acting as brazenly stupid as they are.
Hillary has never been anywhere near a courtroom or having scandals in real newspapers oh, that is just GOP garbage. your next step is being a conspiracy nut... Are whatever they say about Obama pelosi holder etcetera Etc are all garbage same thing. Or forget due process totally LOL that's what the GOP dupes do brainwashed fools. They fear what exactly-- just garbage fear-mongering garbage propaganda about Democrats --a disgrace.
Ever listen to Fox primetime or Rush Limbaugh or savage or any of those guys absolutely off the wall. And they talk about due process what a joke
Yes, I do know the Democrats. They never cease to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Their nominating Pelosi is a case-study in the mysterious, bewildering, and shockingly unsophisticated approach to governing in this day and age. It’s the naivety of Barack Obama all over again. The best idea doesn’t always win. It should; but it doesn’t. So the pragmatic thing to do is get the bill, program, legislation, whatever with the most “best” ideas in it or, at base, have as many elements of the “best idea” in whatever the outcome is to be. Pelosi can do all of the things she does now; raise money, tactically maneuver, brand messaging, etc… without being the face of the party. The Democrats have the rare opportunity to turn the page as they did in 1992, become the alternative and occupy the sensible center of the American Political spectrum. Are they doing it? Apparently not; not if Pelosi is the face of the Party.

Every Republican running in 2020 will have Pelosi’s face and whatever legislation comes out of the House in their media. And every non-committed independent will hear the ads. And the worst thing is that the GOP won’t have to “mis inform” as you say or “cheat” at all. They can be completely truthful in their messaging because Pelosi is out of step with most Americans.
Everything you know about Democrats is garbage propaganda, super duper, all the phony scandals and misinformation about who pays taxes etc etc.
What in the fuck are you talking about?

God knows why you people hate pelosi Obama Hillary holder etc etc. Pure garbage that makes you vote against your own interests and for the greedy idiot GOP rich...

You’re a fucking idiot.


I voted for Obama twice fuck stain.

I voted fo Hillary last time out.

I would vote for Pelosi if she were on the ballot opposite the blob.

Your blind hatred of anyone who speaks ill of democrats makes you sound just as full of shit as the Republicans who support the pervert in the White House now.

Go fuck yourself.
whoops so much quotation I lost track.
Pelosi is not out of step with what Americans need look at the policies she is in favor of.
She is completely out of step with Americans who fear her brand of liberalism as much as much as they fear Ted Cruz’s brand of conservatism (if not more).

Glad you vote Democrat but stop spreading GOP BS then...the Democrats should go all-in attacking Fox News Rush Limbaugh Savage etc etc heritage. All of it absolute garbage. Sorry again.

Grow the fuck up.

The only difference between the democrats and republicans is that Democrats pause slightly before dropping to their knees in front of a special interest group or large donor; Republicans are already on their knees.

Believe it or not, Obama did have scandals in the Secret Service, the IRS and the VA. And perhaps the biggest scandal of all is that he supposedly “found out about these in the newspaper”. Are you shitting me?
There is no shame in admitting that someone you support came up short in some areas. Republicans are the ones who believe their side does zero wrong…you should grow a pair and stop acting as brazenly stupid as they are.
Hillary has never been anywhere near a courtroom or having scandals in real newspapers oh, that is just GOP garbage.
Please show me where I mentioned Hillary’s name. Really…what post are you responding to? It doesn’t seem to be mine.

your next step is being a conspiracy nut... Are whatever they say about Obama pelosi holder etcetera Etc are all garbage same thing. Or forget due process totally LOL that's what the GOP dupes do brainwashed fools. They fear what exactly-- just garbage fear-mongering garbage propaganda about Democrats --a disgrace.

No dumbass; when you have people violating the policies of their Department, that is a scandal. Be it sexual harassment, signaling out some IRS filers for attention based on their names (this happened to both liberal and conservative groups) and the SS sex scandals which, as I recall happened in multiple nations.

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