Louis Farrakhan warns of attempts to kill President

What does Louis Farrakhan have planned for Obama?

I hope the Secret Service is keeping an eye on thse idiot... I can see someone from the Nation of Islam making an attempt on Obama's life in order to blame in on someone from the right.

He spoke for more than three hours on a broad array of topics, excoriating U.S. foreign policy, suggesting that the9/11attacks were a government-planned pretext for war in the Middle East, lamenting recent extreme weather and attacking mothers for serving their children food from McDonald's. He also returned repeatedly to a topic that has attracted intense controversy in the past: the influence of Jews in politics and media.

Then he goes after 'birthers' for one sentence, then returns to Muslim concerns....

While Farrakhan called out conservatives for questioning Obama's citizenship and even criticizing the figure of first lady Michelle Obama, he also attacked the president for his support of efforts to remove Middle Eastern leaders and warned him against any potential military action in Iran. The crowd roared as he called on them to be "conscientious objectors" to any strike against Iran.

He again condemned the killing of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Farrakhan was friends with the slain dictator, and the Nation of Islam's headquarters was purchased 40 years ago with a $3 million loan from Gadhafi.

Farrakhan also suggested that Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces, instead of being detained for questioning, because the government might not have been able to prove all its accusations against him.

If ya ask me.... Obama had better be watching his so-called 'friends'... just ask Malcom X

Farrakhan warns of climate that could lead to attempts on Obama's life - chicagotribune.com

and here i thought, based upon your o/p's title, that farrakhan had made threats against the president.

this president has approximately 400 times the threats made against him that bush had/...

and they aren't coming from the farrakhan's of the world.

"this president has approximately 400 times the threats made against him that bush had/..."

Interesting talking point....


"Since Mr Obama took office, the rate of threats against the president has increased 400 per cent from the 3,000 a year or so under President George W. Bush, according to Ronald Kessler, author of In the President's Secret Service"
Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service - Telegraph

And the revelation:
"5803574The director of the Secret Service today disputed widely-reported claims that President Obama is receiving more death threats than previous presidents.

At a congressional hearing into the White House security breach that took place last week, when Tareq and Michaele Salahi "crashed" the White House state dinner, Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan said the current threat level against the president is normal.

"The threats right now ... is the same level as it has been for the previous two presidents at this point in their administrations," Sullivan said. Secret Service: Threats Against Obama No Higher than Normal - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

And another propaganda attempt by the left:

October 16, 2008 at 4:39 pm
What is really going on at McCain-Palin rallies? The Times Leader of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., reports that the Secret Service can find no evidence that anyone shouted “Kill him!” in reference to Barack Obama at a recent Palin event (via Little Green Footballs).

The story was originally reported by a competitor, the Scranton Times-Tribune, which is standing by its reporter, David Singleton:

Mr. Singleton said the remark came from his right, amid booing that followed Mr. Hackett’s mention of Mr. Obama.

“ very distinctly heard, ‘Kill him!’ Male voice,” he said. “It was definitely back in the back.”
Media Nation So what about those death threats?

Same story, different day.

Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan told Congress today that the Secret Service took responsibility for the security breach and that three officers involved in the incident are currently suspended. He also said, however, that recent claims about higher threat levels against the president have been inaccurate and Mr. Obama was not at risk the night of the state dinner.

Mr. Obama acknowledged in the interview that "the system didn't work the way it was supposed to." (may 20, 2010)

Read more: Secret Service posts - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

So, what have we learned?
You can't believe everything you'd like to believe.
and here i thought, based upon your o/p's title, that farrakhan had made threats against the president.

this president has approximately 400 times the threats made against him that bush had/...

and they aren't coming from the farrakhan's of the world.

Oh, bull-fucking-shit. You're such a fucking liar.


How can you spot a leftists who tells the truth?

They're the ones riding on Unicorns!

I've heard 'Islamophobia'....how come there is no reference to "Christophobia"?
Is it possible for the Nation of Islam to be more irrelevant?

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Among American blacks, it has enjoyed enormous growth. Nation of Islam rides the coattails of actual Islam quite well.

Most blacks convert to Islam in prison. NoI is the most prevalent form of Islam in the American prison system.

They are far from irrelevant.

The Klan is dead and gone, but NoI is alive and growing.

Dead and gone? I hardly think so. They're still sneaking around the fringes, giggling in glee whenever a useful idiot like the OP turns up and helps them with their agenda.

But not as many as Christian-bashers, pursuing their agendas...right?
What does Louis Farrakhan have planned for Obama?

I hope the Secret Service is keeping an eye on thse idiot... I can see someone from the Nation of Islam making an attempt on Obama's life in order to blame in on someone from the right.

He spoke for more than three hours on a broad array of topics, excoriating U.S. foreign policy, suggesting that the9/11attacks were a government-planned pretext for war in the Middle East, lamenting recent extreme weather and attacking mothers for serving their children food from McDonald's. He also returned repeatedly to a topic that has attracted intense controversy in the past: the influence of Jews in politics and media.

Then he goes after 'birthers' for one sentence, then returns to Muslim concerns....

While Farrakhan called out conservatives for questioning Obama's citizenship and even criticizing the figure of first lady Michelle Obama, he also attacked the president for his support of efforts to remove Middle Eastern leaders and warned him against any potential military action in Iran. The crowd roared as he called on them to be "conscientious objectors" to any strike against Iran.

He again condemned the killing of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Farrakhan was friends with the slain dictator, and the Nation of Islam's headquarters was purchased 40 years ago with a $3 million loan from Gadhafi.

Farrakhan also suggested that Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces, instead of being detained for questioning, because the government might not have been able to prove all its accusations against him.

If ya ask me.... Obama had better be watching his so-called 'friends'... just ask Malcom X

Farrakhan warns of climate that could lead to attempts on Obama's life - chicagotribune.com

Farrakhan and the Nation have never really been friends of Obama, the whole Libya thing really pissed them off because Farrakhan used to draw a check from Gaddafi on the regular.
and here i thought, based upon your o/p's title, that farrakhan had made threats against the president.

this president has approximately 400 times the threats made against him that bush had/...

and they aren't coming from the farrakhan's of the world.

Doesn't change the fact that Farrakhan really is a race baiting idiot.

Yes he is and he's been spewing his garbage for years.

The stuff Farrakhan says really makes no sense and is scary, to be honest Wiz Khalifa is a better role model for young Black youths instead of crazy Farrakhan.
Dead and gone? I hardly think so. They're still sneaking around the fringes, giggling in glee whenever a useful idiot like the OP turns up and helps them with their agenda.

Konnie, the only Klansmen still around are FBI informants making up shit for the monthly stipend.

There is no Klan - it isn't 1922 anymore. The largest and most violent white racist group is Aryan Nations. The Klan is a myth that mindless leftists tell each other.

The most dangerous racial hate group in America is the SPLC.
Is it possible for the Nation of Islam to be more irrelevant?

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Among American blacks, it has enjoyed enormous growth. Nation of Islam rides the coattails of actual Islam quite well.

Most blacks convert to Islam in prison. NoI is the most prevalent form of Islam in the American prison system.

They are far from irrelevant.

The Klan is dead and gone, but NoI is alive and growing.

Yes but a good chunk of the Blacks that convert to Islam in prison don't practice it the right way and go right back to smoking blunts, guzzling 40's and banging skeezers once they are released from lock down.
Dead and gone? I hardly think so. They're still sneaking around the fringes, giggling in glee whenever a useful idiot like the OP turns up and helps them with their agenda.

Konnie, the only Klansmen still around are FBI informants making up shit for the monthly stipend.

There is no Klan - it isn't 1922 anymore. The largest and most violent white racist group is Aryan Nations. The Klan is a myth that mindless leftists tell each other.

The most dangerous racial hate group in America is the SPLC.

I'm pretty sure the Klan is still around, although their message now in one of non violence, they arent lynching people and they don't have the juice they used to decades ago.
Yes but a good chunk of the Blacks that convert to Islam in prison don't practice it the right way and go right back to smoking blunts, guzzling 40's and banging skeezers once they are released from lock down.

NoI sure doesn't practice Islam in that way that most of the world does, so the recidivism isn't a huge surprise.
I'm pretty sure the Klan is still around, although their message now in one of non violence, they arent lynching people and they don't have the juice they used to decades ago.

The real danger is Aryan Nations/Brotherhood.

These are a violent and Meth supported gang that kill without restraint.
What does Louis Farrakhan have planned for Obama?

I hope the Secret Service is keeping an eye on thse idiot... I can see someone from the Nation of Islam making an attempt on Obama's life in order to blame in on someone from the right.

He spoke for more than three hours on a broad array of topics, excoriating U.S. foreign policy, suggesting that the9/11attacks were a government-planned pretext for war in the Middle East, lamenting recent extreme weather and attacking mothers for serving their children food from McDonald's. He also returned repeatedly to a topic that has attracted intense controversy in the past: the influence of Jews in politics and media.

Then he goes after 'birthers' for one sentence, then returns to Muslim concerns....

While Farrakhan called out conservatives for questioning Obama's citizenship and even criticizing the figure of first lady Michelle Obama, he also attacked the president for his support of efforts to remove Middle Eastern leaders and warned him against any potential military action in Iran. The crowd roared as he called on them to be "conscientious objectors" to any strike against Iran.

He again condemned the killing of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Farrakhan was friends with the slain dictator, and the Nation of Islam's headquarters was purchased 40 years ago with a $3 million loan from Gadhafi.

Farrakhan also suggested that Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces, instead of being detained for questioning, because the government might not have been able to prove all its accusations against him.

If ya ask me.... Obama had better be watching his so-called 'friends'... just ask Malcom X

Farrakhan warns of climate that could lead to attempts on Obama's life - chicagotribune.com

FarraKKKahn - another uneducated Liberal idiot.
What does Louis Farrakhan have planned for Obama?

I hope the Secret Service is keeping an eye on thse idiot... I can see someone from the Nation of Islam making an attempt on Obama's life in order to blame in on someone from the right.

He spoke for more than three hours on a broad array of topics, excoriating U.S. foreign policy, suggesting that the9/11attacks were a government-planned pretext for war in the Middle East, lamenting recent extreme weather and attacking mothers for serving their children food from McDonald's. He also returned repeatedly to a topic that has attracted intense controversy in the past: the influence of Jews in politics and media.

Then he goes after 'birthers' for one sentence, then returns to Muslim concerns....

While Farrakhan called out conservatives for questioning Obama's citizenship and even criticizing the figure of first lady Michelle Obama, he also attacked the president for his support of efforts to remove Middle Eastern leaders and warned him against any potential military action in Iran. The crowd roared as he called on them to be "conscientious objectors" to any strike against Iran.

He again condemned the killing of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Farrakhan was friends with the slain dictator, and the Nation of Islam's headquarters was purchased 40 years ago with a $3 million loan from Gadhafi.

Farrakhan also suggested that Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces, instead of being detained for questioning, because the government might not have been able to prove all its accusations against him.

If ya ask me.... Obama had better be watching his so-called 'friends'... just ask Malcom X

Farrakhan warns of climate that could lead to attempts on Obama's life - chicagotribune.com

the birth certificate hieght of idiocy was months ago......what?:lol:

he just wake up form a drunk?

what a classic jackass.

Uhhhh.....it's still alive and well.

Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Birther Report .com

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Among American blacks, it has enjoyed enormous growth. Nation of Islam rides the coattails of actual Islam quite well.

Most blacks convert to Islam in prison. NoI is the most prevalent form of Islam in the American prison system.

They are far from irrelevant.

The Klan is dead and gone, but NoI is alive and growing.

Dead and gone? I hardly think so. They're still sneaking around the fringes, giggling in glee whenever a useful idiot like the OP turns up and helps them with their agenda.

But not as many as Christian-bashers, pursuing their agendas...right?

That's merely your slant. There's lots of bashing going both ways.

What would you call being berated for your "theology", The New Inquisition?
What does Louis Farrakhan have planned for Obama?

I hope the Secret Service is keeping an eye on thse idiot... I can see someone from the Nation of Islam making an attempt on Obama's life in order to blame in on someone from the right.

He spoke for more than three hours on a broad array of topics, excoriating U.S. foreign policy, suggesting that the9/11attacks were a government-planned pretext for war in the Middle East, lamenting recent extreme weather and attacking mothers for serving their children food from McDonald's. He also returned repeatedly to a topic that has attracted intense controversy in the past: the influence of Jews in politics and media.

Then he goes after 'birthers' for one sentence, then returns to Muslim concerns....

While Farrakhan called out conservatives for questioning Obama's citizenship and even criticizing the figure of first lady Michelle Obama, he also attacked the president for his support of efforts to remove Middle Eastern leaders and warned him against any potential military action in Iran. The crowd roared as he called on them to be "conscientious objectors" to any strike against Iran.

He again condemned the killing of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Farrakhan was friends with the slain dictator, and the Nation of Islam's headquarters was purchased 40 years ago with a $3 million loan from Gadhafi.

Farrakhan also suggested that Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces, instead of being detained for questioning, because the government might not have been able to prove all its accusations against him.

If ya ask me.... Obama had better be watching his so-called 'friends'... just ask Malcom X

Farrakhan warns of climate that could lead to attempts on Obama's life - chicagotribune.com

and here i thought, based upon your o/p's title, that farrakhan had made threats against the president.

this president has approximately 400 times the threats made against him that bush had/...

and they aren't coming from the farrakhan's of the world.

And except for one loony leftist no one has even attempted anything against Obama. Go figure. And ya 400 times? Cause they claim if you say anything it is somehow a threat. If we counted all the loony left rants against Bush it would be about equal.
What does Louis Farrakhan have planned for Obama?

I hope the Secret Service is keeping an eye on thse idiot... I can see someone from the Nation of Islam making an attempt on Obama's life in order to blame in on someone from the right.

He spoke for more than three hours on a broad array of topics, excoriating U.S. foreign policy, suggesting that the9/11attacks were a government-planned pretext for war in the Middle East, lamenting recent extreme weather and attacking mothers for serving their children food from McDonald's. He also returned repeatedly to a topic that has attracted intense controversy in the past: the influence of Jews in politics and media.

Then he goes after 'birthers' for one sentence, then returns to Muslim concerns....

While Farrakhan called out conservatives for questioning Obama's citizenship and even criticizing the figure of first lady Michelle Obama, he also attacked the president for his support of efforts to remove Middle Eastern leaders and warned him against any potential military action in Iran. The crowd roared as he called on them to be "conscientious objectors" to any strike against Iran.

He again condemned the killing of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Farrakhan was friends with the slain dictator, and the Nation of Islam's headquarters was purchased 40 years ago with a $3 million loan from Gadhafi.

Farrakhan also suggested that Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces, instead of being detained for questioning, because the government might not have been able to prove all its accusations against him.

If ya ask me.... Obama had better be watching his so-called 'friends'... just ask Malcom X

Farrakhan warns of climate that could lead to attempts on Obama's life - chicagotribune.com

and here i thought, based upon your o/p's title, that farrakhan had made threats against the president.

this president has approximately 400 times the threats made against him that bush had/...

and they aren't coming from the farrakhan's of the world.

Id like some evidence of the number of threats and from whom please. Otherwise, I will presume you just made that stat up.
What does Louis Farrakhan have planned for Obama?

I hope the Secret Service is keeping an eye on thse idiot... I can see someone from the Nation of Islam making an attempt on Obama's life in order to blame in on someone from the right.

He spoke for more than three hours on a broad array of topics, excoriating U.S. foreign policy, suggesting that the9/11attacks were a government-planned pretext for war in the Middle East, lamenting recent extreme weather and attacking mothers for serving their children food from McDonald's. He also returned repeatedly to a topic that has attracted intense controversy in the past: the influence of Jews in politics and media.

Then he goes after 'birthers' for one sentence, then returns to Muslim concerns....

While Farrakhan called out conservatives for questioning Obama's citizenship and even criticizing the figure of first lady Michelle Obama, he also attacked the president for his support of efforts to remove Middle Eastern leaders and warned him against any potential military action in Iran. The crowd roared as he called on them to be "conscientious objectors" to any strike against Iran.

He again condemned the killing of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Farrakhan was friends with the slain dictator, and the Nation of Islam's headquarters was purchased 40 years ago with a $3 million loan from Gadhafi.

Farrakhan also suggested that Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces, instead of being detained for questioning, because the government might not have been able to prove all its accusations against him.

If ya ask me.... Obama had better be watching his so-called 'friends'... just ask Malcom X

Farrakhan warns of climate that could lead to attempts on Obama's life - chicagotribune.com

and here i thought, based upon your o/p's title, that farrakhan had made threats against the president.

this president has approximately 400 times the threats made against him that bush had/...

and they aren't coming from the farrakhan's of the world.

Just heard part of Farrakhan's speech, and looked this up. This is, to me, the most disreputable and abhorrent note of the day:
"The owner and publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times found himself apologizing Friday for suggesting that Israeli security forces in the U.S. “take out” President Barack Obama, who he said has been deemed unfriendly to the Jewish state.

In a Jan. 13 opinion piece, Andrew Adler offered three possible options to ensure Israel’s security in the Middle East: a strike against the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, an attack against Iran, and having Israel’s U.S.-based Mossad agents assassinate Obama.

Adler said “a hit” against the president would “preserve Israel’s existence.”
Atlanta Jewish Times Publisher Apologizes For Suggesting

I'm astounded.
He has stepped down. An abject apology is necessary.
Is it possible for the Nation of Islam to be more irrelevant?

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Among American blacks, it has enjoyed enormous growth. Nation of Islam rides the coattails of actual Islam quite well.

Most blacks convert to Islam in prison. NoI is the most prevalent form of Islam in the American prison system.

They are far from irrelevant.

The Klan is dead and gone, but NoI is alive and growing.

Where did you get those "stats" from?

The Klan is DEFINITELY NOT "dead & gone".............
Klanwatch | Southern Poverty Law Center

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