Louisiana officials: 60,000 homes damaged by flooding

^^^ More azz licking liberals who will do anything to make excuses for their CORRUPT leaders then wonder why WIKI is hellbent on bringing justice back to our system of government.. You fucking lockstep Zombies are the cause.. you're too coward and use to your EBT cards to call out your own..
If you read LGS's posts in the voice of an angry little black girl, it's hilarious :rofl:

Michelle Obama's Editorial on the RACIST characterization of being called, "An angry black woman."

Our First Lady Michelle Obama

Yabbut Michelle plagiarized that from a Melania article about "Angry Slovenian Women".
Trying to change the narrative for your RACIST BIGOTED FRIEND won't work.. you are who your friends are..

I am offendeded. I write my material SOLO. Usually so lo it's over your head.
Hanging around with bigots will make you offensive.. have fun with that, Racist.
If you read LGS's posts in the voice of an angry little black girl, it's hilarious :rofl:

Michelle Obama's Editorial on the RACIST characterization of being called, "An angry black woman."

Our First Lady Michelle Obama
Is this the Michelle you're talking about:

Moochelle Obama is literally the only person I've ever seen that could pass for a gorilla in a wig. It's a fact.
Here's the difference BIGOT.. I never claimed NOT to be racist.. I couldn't care less if I post racist shit.. you on the other hand??? YOU WERE A CLOSET BIGOT until today.. LMAO
Oh so you now you are an admitted racist. I see why my hilarious burn made you melt down now :laugh:

Keep digging your own grave Bigot.. The only person you burnt was yourself.
Still funny :laugh:
Michelle Obama's Editorial on the RACIST characterization of being called, "An angry black woman."

Our First Lady Michelle Obama
Is this the Michelle you're talking about:

Moochelle Obama is literally the only person I've ever seen that could pass for a gorilla in a wig. It's a fact.
Here's the difference BIGOT.. I never claimed NOT to be racist.. I couldn't care less if I post racist shit.. you on the other hand??? YOU WERE A CLOSET BIGOT until today.. LMAO
Oh so you now you are an admitted racist. I see why my hilarious burn made you melt down now :laugh:

Keep digging your own grave Bigot.. The only person you burnt was yourself.
Still funny :laugh:

Yes, Michelle Obama finds it soo amusing too.. At least none of us hide behind an ideology.. you're not only a fake, you're a closet RACIST. That's on you.
Is this the Michelle you're talking about:
Here's the difference BIGOT.. I never claimed NOT to be racist.. I couldn't care less if I post racist shit.. you on the other hand??? YOU WERE A CLOSET BIGOT until today.. LMAO
Oh so you now you are an admitted racist. I see why my hilarious burn made you melt down now :laugh:

Keep digging your own grave Bigot.. The only person you burnt was yourself.
Still funny :laugh:

Yes, Michelle Obama finds it soo amusing too.. At least none of us hide behind an ideology.. you're not only a fake, you're a closet RACIST. That's on you.
No that's impossible. Some of my best friends are black :rofl:
Here's the difference BIGOT.. I never claimed NOT to be racist.. I couldn't care less if I post racist shit.. you on the other hand??? YOU WERE A CLOSET BIGOT until today.. LMAO
Oh so you now you are an admitted racist. I see why my hilarious burn made you melt down now :laugh:

Keep digging your own grave Bigot.. The only person you burnt was yourself.
Still funny :laugh:

Yes, Michelle Obama finds it soo amusing too.. At least none of us hide behind an ideology.. you're not only a fake, you're a closet RACIST. That's on you.
No that's impossible. Some of my best friends are black :rofl:

Like I said, you're digging your own grave.. .. but be my guest. Looks like you're all alone in in your Bigoted Bunker. Have fun there and by all means, keep posting the same rolling smileycon every post.
Oh so you now you are an admitted racist. I see why my hilarious burn made you melt down now :laugh:

Keep digging your own grave Bigot.. The only person you burnt was yourself.
Still funny :laugh:

Yes, Michelle Obama finds it soo amusing too.. At least none of us hide behind an ideology.. you're not only a fake, you're a closet RACIST. That's on you.
No that's impossible. Some of my best friends are black :rofl:

Like I said, you're digging your own grave.. .. but be my guest. Looks like you're all alone in in your Bigoted Bunker. Have fun there and by all means, keep posting the same rolling smileycon every post.
Okay :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I never claimed NOT to be racist
We've seen all of the posts here from the forum liberal apologists.. saying Katrina was much worse, Obama had to be invited by the Governor.. it's all a fucking joke...

And......... Louisiana wept while Obama slept.....

Louisiana officials: 60,000 homes damaged by flooding

From CNN:
(CNN) Many of the 30,000 people rescued from the flooding in Louisiana are staying in shelters, often with only a few possessions they managed to carry away from their homes.

They live in limbo, not knowing when — or if — they’ll be able to return to their homes or schools.

CNN talked to people staying in shelters in Baton Rouge. Here are a few of their stories.

Read more at Louisiana officials: 60,000 homes damaged by flooding

You're lying. The Governor advised Obama to delay a visit.
Louisiana's a mess from Bobby Jindal's disastrous fiscal policies. He's the one that drowned Louisiana.

Vacation Obama Squeezes in Tenth Round of Golf Before Louisiana Trip
Obama drew criticism for refusing to end his vacation prematurely to visit the devastation caused by historic flooding in Louisiana. Obama stated he would visit once his vacation was over. The Great Flood victims would have to wait.

Vacation Obama Squeezes in Tenth Round of Golf Before Louisiana Trip - Breitbart
Meanwhile: Hillary Clinton has also spent the weekend on Martha’s Vineyard attending fundraisers and hosting a birthday party for her husband Bill Clinton. You flood victims just wait your turn..
The Globalist puppet masters paid big bucks to golf with their puppet who dances on their strings.
Must be mostly white folk homes. Hussein ain't givin a shit. Not enough to pull him off the golf course.
Livingston is major conservative, couldn't go there
Couldn't go to where Sterling was shot. They hate the mayor
ahhh Zachery is a safe photo op.
Stop developing and living so close to water. When will humans learn? I mean, so many Louisianans actually live in a bleepin swamp for God's sake. But if you do choose to live in such dangerous locations, always be prepared for the worst. Don't depend solely on Government to bail you out. It isn't the Government's responsibility to provide you with common sense. That's on you.

And that's the biggest problem. Too many Americans are solely dependent on Government for survival. And sadly, that's especially true of African Americans. Just look at Katrina. They were not prepared. And many paid the ultimate price for that. Always depend on yourself for survival. Become independent and self-sufficient. And for God's sake, use some common sense. You live in a bleepin swamp? Things could get ugly. Either be prepared for it, or relocate. Simple as that.
Suddenly big gov nanny state is ok with right wingers? Are the femA welfare checks not coming in fast enough ??
Suddenly big gov nanny state is ok with right wingers? Are the femA welfare checks not coming in fast enough ??

Government isn't responsible for providing folks with common sense. You live in a swamp? Deal with it. Always be prepared for the worst. Same goes for all folks who decide to live so close to water. Either be prepared, or relocate. If you're solely relying on Government for survival, shame on ya. Simple as that.
Stop developing and living so close to water. When will humans learn? I mean, so many Louisianans actually live in a bleepin swamp for God's sake. But if you do choose to live in such dangerous locations, always be prepared for the worst. Don't depend solely on Government to bail you out. It isn't the Government's responsibility to provide you with common sense. That's on you.

And that's the biggest problem. Too many Americans are solely dependent on Government for survival. And sadly, that's especially true of African Americans. Just look at Katrina. They were not prepared. And many paid the ultimate price for that. Always depend on yourself for survival. Become independent and self-sufficient. And for God's sake, use some common sense. You live in a bleepin swamp? Things could get ugly. Either be prepared for it, or relocate. Simple as that.

Actually the government, literally, was supposed to build those levees in a way that worked, and they failed to do it. That's been established in court. And that was the devastation of Katrina ---- the flooding from the levee failures, not the storm itself.

There are certain things that must be the domain of government because it's beyond the scope of what local communities or cities can do. Infrastructure especially. And levee walls are definitely a part of that.

I know that must cheese your anarchist hide but ---- tough.
Stop developing and living so close to water. When will humans learn? I mean, so many Louisianans actually live in a bleepin swamp for God's sake. But if you do choose to live in such dangerous locations, always be prepared for the worst. Don't depend solely on Government to bail you out. It isn't the Government's responsibility to provide you with common sense. That's on you.

And that's the biggest problem. Too many Americans are solely dependent on Government for survival. And sadly, that's especially true of African Americans. Just look at Katrina. They were not prepared. And many paid the ultimate price for that. Always depend on yourself for survival. Become independent and self-sufficient. And for God's sake, use some common sense. You live in a bleepin swamp? Things could get ugly. Either be prepared for it, or relocate. Simple as that.

Actually the government, literally, was supposed to build those levees in a way that worked, and they failed to do it. That's been established in court. And that was the devastation of Katrina ---- the flooding from the levee failures, not the storm itself.

There are certain things that must be the domain of government because it's beyond the scope of what local communities or cities can do. Infrastructure especially. And levee walls are definitely a part of that.

I know that must cheese your anarchist hide but ---- tough.

Like i said, stop developing and living so close to water. Things will inevitably get ugly. Most Americans just aren't prepared. They truly believe the magical Government Fairy is gonna suddenly appear and defeat those mean ole natural disasters. They're totally dependent folks.

If you live in a disaster-prone area, it's your responsibility to always be prepared for the worst. If you don't wanna be prepared, it's time to relocate. But to be fair, i don't observe old-time Bayou folks whining about this stuff. They've lived in those locations for hundreds of years. They know the way of life. They're prepared. You never hear them bitchin. I have to respect them.

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