Louisiana Police Department Stops Its Prayer Vigils Over Freedom FROM Religion Foundation Complaint

"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion...."
Hey deceitful snowflake, why us it that you do not want to post the ENTIRE thing?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

That's right. And it includes my free exercise as well as yours. Your religion cannot prohibit me from my right to free exercise, including my right to NOT BE SUBJECTED to the tenants of your religion that conflicts with my beliefs or lack there of, as per the real life examples that I gave above, that you people can't actually deal with.

You have no right "not to be subjected". The Constitution only guarantees there will be no State religion. It does not promise to strip religion from all public life.

Wow, the utter ignorance is astounding.
Given your ignorance, you’re in no position to comment.

The Establishment Clause prohibits more than just the establishment of a state religion.

It also prohibits government promotion of religion absent a secular legislative purpose, it prohibits government from promoting religious doctrine and dogma as its primary intent, and it prohibits excessive government entanglement with religion. (Lemon v. Kurtzman)

The Establishment Clause in fact recognizes the right of citizens to be free from religion, where citizens cannot be compelled to follow religious doctrine and dogma through force of law.

Liar sob, their is no freedom from religion...and it says nothing about local governments just congress
As for your little Muslim dig -any group can have their own private pray session on campus and no one is given favoritism

Muslims are allowed to gather and pray several times a day.

Christians, Jews, etc are not given that option.

Bible study, etc, has been removed from campus, for the most part.
Prove it.

So you telling us you just cherry pick your news and get talking points? Their has been hundreds of newspaper articles since I could begin to read in 1970.
The city attorney was quoted in the linked article as saying that "doing away with the chaplaincy program would alienate those within the police department who are Christian." Why would this be so? Does the department provide chaplains to everyone, or just Christians of a certain denomination?

A government agency should not be involved in religion, anyway. The are plenty of community and religious organizations to organize such things as prayer vigils.

Remember that one cannot use the term "religion" with any accuracy because it is an extremely generic term. When people talk about "religion" they must specify which religion and which denomination or group within that religion to which they are referring.

A government agency should not be involved in religion, anyway.

Why not?

Senate and House both open the session with a prayer.

Have, for the most part, since about 1789
Why not? First, the separation of church and state must be observed strictly.

Secondly, these prayers are sectarian, preferring one religion and one denomination over another. Sectarianism is a deep problem within just about every one of the world's religions. Government should have no part in this. Even within the faith of Christianity, there are deep divisions. There always have been. Look how splintered people who are Christians are.

There are people right here on USMB who say that people who do not agree with their sect don't believe in a Supreme Being, are "atheist," (which there is nothing wrong with being in the U.S.), or who say that they don't believe in another person's idea of a Supreme Being are terrible, evil people. There was one guy just this morning who said that people who support Democratic candidates have abandoned "God." This is total horseshit; sectarian slop.

Quote where the Constitution says "separation of Church and State".
The separation of church and state is here in the Constitution:

‘…[the Establishment Clause] was intended to erect "a wall of separation between church and State."’

Everson v. Board of Education of the Township of Ewing

The separation of church and state is here in the Constitution:

What section of the Constitution is Separation of Church and State in?

Their is none it came from Jefferson..and went to the courts he just wants to blow smoke
"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion...."
Hey deceitful snowflake, why us it that you do not want to post the ENTIRE thing?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

That's right. And it includes my free exercise as well as yours. Your religion cannot prohibit me from my right to free exercise, including my right to NOT BE SUBJECTED to the tenants of your religion that conflicts with my beliefs or lack there of, as per the real life examples that I gave above, that you people can't actually deal with.

You have no right "not to be subjected". The Constitution only guarantees there will be no State religion. It does not promise to strip religion from all public life.

Wow, the utter ignorance is astounding.
Given your ignorance, you’re in no position to comment.

The Establishment Clause prohibits more than just the establishment of a state religion.

It also prohibits government promotion of religion absent a secular legislative purpose, it prohibits government from promoting religious doctrine and dogma as its primary intent, and it prohibits excessive government entanglement with religion. (Lemon v. Kurtzman)

The Establishment Clause in fact recognizes the right of citizens to be free from religion, where citizens cannot be compelled to follow religious doctrine and dogma through force of law.

When they add that to the Bill of Rights, 2nd Amendment, per the means required to add or change an Amendment, I'll give it consideration.

But, until the 2nd is changed to include it.....
The United States Constitution Provides the Constitutional Right of Freedom OF Religion, not Freedom FROM Religion.

I'll go even farther and offer opinion that it isn't even a federal issue since the US congress played no part in this.
"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion...."
Hey deceitful snowflake, why us it that you do not want to post the ENTIRE thing?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

That's right. And it includes my free exercise as well as yours. Your religion cannot prohibit me from my right to free exercise, including my right to NOT BE SUBJECTED to the tenants of your religion that conflicts with my beliefs or lack there of, as per the real life examples that I gave above, that you people can't actually deal with.

You have no right "not to be subjected". The Constitution only guarantees there will be no State religion. It does not promise to strip religion from all public life.

Wow, the utter ignorance is astounding.
Given your ignorance, you’re in no position to comment.

The Establishment Clause prohibits more than just the establishment of a state religion.

It also prohibits government promotion of religion absent a secular legislative purpose, it prohibits government from promoting religious doctrine and dogma as its primary intent, and it prohibits excessive government entanglement with religion. (Lemon v. Kurtzman)

The Establishment Clause in fact recognizes the right of citizens to be free from religion, where citizens cannot be compelled to follow religious doctrine and dogma through force of law.

Liar sob, their is no freedom from religion...and it says nothing about local governments just congress
Because you say so?? Another appeal to ignorance fallacy. Ant the constitution is binding on all levels of government since you lost the civil war
Hey deceitful snowflake, why us it that you do not want to post the ENTIRE thing?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

That's right. And it includes my free exercise as well as yours. Your religion cannot prohibit me from my right to free exercise, including my right to NOT BE SUBJECTED to the tenants of your religion that conflicts with my beliefs or lack there of, as per the real life examples that I gave above, that you people can't actually deal with.

You have no right "not to be subjected". The Constitution only guarantees there will be no State religion. It does not promise to strip religion from all public life.

Wow, the utter ignorance is astounding.
Given your ignorance, you’re in no position to comment.

The Establishment Clause prohibits more than just the establishment of a state religion.

It also prohibits government promotion of religion absent a secular legislative purpose, it prohibits government from promoting religious doctrine and dogma as its primary intent, and it prohibits excessive government entanglement with religion. (Lemon v. Kurtzman)

The Establishment Clause in fact recognizes the right of citizens to be free from religion, where citizens cannot be compelled to follow religious doctrine and dogma through force of law.

Liar sob, their is no freedom from religion...and it says nothing about local governments just congress
Because you say so?? Another appeal to ignorance fallacy. Ant the constitution is binding on all levels of government since you lost the civil war

So that's why you can not buy marijuana legally in Colorado , Washington?

And so you want be to teach you know? Isn't that what you went to skool for?

That's right. And it includes my free exercise as well as yours. Your religion cannot prohibit me from my right to free exercise, including my right to NOT BE SUBJECTED to the tenants of your religion that conflicts with my beliefs or lack there of, as per the real life examples that I gave above, that you people can't actually deal with.

You have no right "not to be subjected". The Constitution only guarantees there will be no State religion. It does not promise to strip religion from all public life.

Wow, the utter ignorance is astounding.
Given your ignorance, you’re in no position to comment.

The Establishment Clause prohibits more than just the establishment of a state religion.

It also prohibits government promotion of religion absent a secular legislative purpose, it prohibits government from promoting religious doctrine and dogma as its primary intent, and it prohibits excessive government entanglement with religion. (Lemon v. Kurtzman)

The Establishment Clause in fact recognizes the right of citizens to be free from religion, where citizens cannot be compelled to follow religious doctrine and dogma through force of law.

Liar sob, their is no freedom from religion...and it says nothing about local governments just congress
Because you say so?? Another appeal to ignorance fallacy. Ant the constitution is binding on all levels of government since you lost the civil war

So that's why you can not buy marijuana legally in Colorado , Washington?

And so you want be to teach you know? Isn't that what you went to skool for?

Sounds to me like you're really loosing your shit now.
Why should people attending a meeting "stay in the hall til after the prayer is over"? Why don't the people who want to pray gather in the hall before the meeting starts? The meeting should be secular and anyone who wants some sort of "divine guidance" has ample opportunity to seek it outside the meeting. It should not be included in the agenda of the meeting.

If they find prayer so offensive, they have every right to stay as far away from it as they can.

No one is forcing them to attend the meeting.


These meeting are held to attend to PUBLIC business that affects all regardless of religion. Why can't these people who want to pray so hard do their praying before or after? You seem not to understand the concept.

Who's the guy in the picture? Some guy from your religion? What relevance does your picture have to the public's business? If you like him, go to whatever house of worship he's in and go listen to him. Nobody is stopping you.
Why can't you understand the First Amendment?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; …"
And requiring attendance st a prayer as s condition for government business is not “free” exercise.

requiring attendance?

No one is requiring you to be there when the prayer is said.

Two people have business to discuss at a town hall. X loves a good (Christian) prayer before a meeting, Z does not. So.... X goes early, socializes, sets the ground for the actual meeting, and sits in front.
Z does not wish to be there for the prayer. So he shows up late, has to stand in the back, and go at the meeting cold. Oh, and did he correctly guess how long the prayer was?

You can’t possibly think things are equal.

If a prayer is incorrporated then there is a definite cost to avoid it.
You have no right "not to be subjected". The Constitution only guarantees there will be no State religion. It does not promise to strip religion from all public life.

Wow, the utter ignorance is astounding.
Given your ignorance, you’re in no position to comment.

The Establishment Clause prohibits more than just the establishment of a state religion.

It also prohibits government promotion of religion absent a secular legislative purpose, it prohibits government from promoting religious doctrine and dogma as its primary intent, and it prohibits excessive government entanglement with religion. (Lemon v. Kurtzman)

The Establishment Clause in fact recognizes the right of citizens to be free from religion, where citizens cannot be compelled to follow religious doctrine and dogma through force of law.

Liar sob, their is no freedom from religion...and it says nothing about local governments just congress
Because you say so?? Another appeal to ignorance fallacy. Ant the constitution is binding on all levels of government since you lost the civil war

So that's why you can not buy marijuana legally in Colorado , Washington?

And so you want be to teach you know? Isn't that what you went to skool for?

Sounds to me like you're really loosing your shit now.

That's your defense to a stinger retort of mine?
If they find prayer so offensive, they have every right to stay as far away from it as they can.

No one is forcing them to attend the meeting.


These meeting are held to attend to PUBLIC business that affects all regardless of religion. Why can't these people who want to pray so hard do their praying before or after? You seem not to understand the concept.

Who's the guy in the picture? Some guy from your religion? What relevance does your picture have to the public's business? If you like him, go to whatever house of worship he's in and go listen to him. Nobody is stopping you.
Why can't you understand the First Amendment?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; …"
And requiring attendance st a prayer as s condition for government business is not “free” exercise.

requiring attendance?

No one is requiring you to be there when the prayer is said.

Two people have business to discuss at a town hall. X loves a good (Christian) prayer before a meeting, Z does not. So.... X goes early, socializes, sets the ground for the actual meeting, and sits in front.
Z does not wish to be there for the prayer. So he shows up late, has to stand in the back, and go at the meeting cold. Oh, and did he correctly guess how long the prayer was?

You can’t possibly think things are equal.

If a prayer is incorrporated then there is a definite cost to avoid it.

It's a Christian nation has always been one since z was born.
These meeting are held to attend to PUBLIC business that affects all regardless of religion. Why can't these people who want to pray so hard do their praying before or after? You seem not to understand the concept.

Who's the guy in the picture? Some guy from your religion? What relevance does your picture have to the public's business? If you like him, go to whatever house of worship he's in and go listen to him. Nobody is stopping you.
Why can't you understand the First Amendment?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; …"
And requiring attendance st a prayer as s condition for government business is not “free” exercise.

requiring attendance?

No one is requiring you to be there when the prayer is said.

Two people have business to discuss at a town hall. X loves a good (Christian) prayer before a meeting, Z does not. So.... X goes early, socializes, sets the ground for the actual meeting, and sits in front.
Z does not wish to be there for the prayer. So he shows up late, has to stand in the back, and go at the meeting cold. Oh, and did he correctly guess how long the prayer was?

You can’t possibly think things are equal.

If a prayer is incorrporated then there is a definite cost to avoid it.

It's a Christian nation has always been one since z was born.

This reminds me my wife dragged my ass to a Hindu and another time to a Jewish wedding, did I want to fucking go?
Hell no, but I went and was respectful...

When in Rome ...
Given your ignorance, you’re in no position to comment.

The Establishment Clause prohibits more than just the establishment of a state religion.

It also prohibits government promotion of religion absent a secular legislative purpose, it prohibits government from promoting religious doctrine and dogma as its primary intent, and it prohibits excessive government entanglement with religion. (Lemon v. Kurtzman)

The Establishment Clause in fact recognizes the right of citizens to be free from religion, where citizens cannot be compelled to follow religious doctrine and dogma through force of law.

Liar sob, their is no freedom from religion...and it says nothing about local governments just congress
Because you say so?? Another appeal to ignorance fallacy. Ant the constitution is binding on all levels of government since you lost the civil war

So that's why you can not buy marijuana legally in Colorado , Washington?

And so you want be to teach you know? Isn't that what you went to skool for?

Sounds to me like you're really loosing your shit now.

That's your defense to a stinger retort of mine?
If they find prayer so offensive, they have every right to stay as far away from it as they can.

No one is forcing them to attend the meeting.


These meeting are held to attend to PUBLIC business that affects all regardless of religion. Why can't these people who want to pray so hard do their praying before or after? You seem not to understand the concept.

Who's the guy in the picture? Some guy from your religion? What relevance does your picture have to the public's business? If you like him, go to whatever house of worship he's in and go listen to him. Nobody is stopping you.
Why can't you understand the First Amendment?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; …"
And requiring attendance st a prayer as s condition for government business is not “free” exercise.

requiring attendance?

No one is requiring you to be there when the prayer is said.

Two people have business to discuss at a town hall. X loves a good (Christian) prayer before a meeting, Z does not. So.... X goes early, socializes, sets the ground for the actual meeting, and sits in front.
Z does not wish to be there for the prayer. So he shows up late, has to stand in the back, and go at the meeting cold. Oh, and did he correctly guess how long the prayer was?

You can’t possibly think things are equal.

If a prayer is incorrporated then there is a definite cost to avoid it.

Earphones, headphones, iPad, Cellphone.

Many ways to occupy yourself til those totally legal prayers are over.
As for your little Muslim dig -any group can have their own private pray session on campus and no one is given favoritism

Muslims are allowed to gather and pray several times a day.

Christians, Jews, etc are not given that option.

Bible study, etc, has been removed from campus, for the most part.

No. It hasn't. every religion gets the same chance to meet. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Wiccans and any other can gather and share among themselves, just so long as it is not a required part of a student's normal day, does not involve school personnel, and does not involve coercion.
I still don't understand how people can't meet to address their god(s), goddesses, etc. on the topic of the meeting before the meeting takes place. For people who portray themselves as being concerned on a religious basis about the substance of the meeting, they are incredibly lazy.

If you are really, really, really concerned about the county sewer project, pray, pray, pray!!!

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