Louisiana Police Department Stops Its Prayer Vigils Over Freedom FROM Religion Foundation Complaint

Contradictions: Should Christians Pray in Public or Not?

you may pray anytime anywhere .....you dont have to inflict those prayers on others...now do you?
Close your ears if an opening at some meeting includes a prayer.

Christians seem to manage prayers at work places without requiring breaks to do so. That is why Muslims need to remain out there in the remote locations like the Gobi (waterless) desert guarding their goats and camels.
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my husband chides me for thinking people who know the bible and are not christians are all fallen southern baptist...i left the church at the age of decision...12....
They gathered, assembled and made prayer request ----- the congregation (150x), feast (23x), season (13x), appointed (12x), time (12x), assembly (4x), solemnity (4x), solemn (2x), days (1x), sign (1x), synagogues (1x).

Lack of understanding doesn't mean that there are contradictions even if you would like to think so.

How would one ever fit all of the writings about holy experiences into one book? The Bible is a guide and the hands of the writers were led by the holy spirit and again just because one doesn't understand it all, it doesn't mean anything is contradictory; it merely means a person hasn't gotten to that point yet were they are readied. Keep that which is good is a pretty simple concept; and hope for understanding if you do not and yet desire to.
The United States Constitution Provides the Constitutional Right of Freedom OF Religion, not Freedom FROM Religion.

Shame on the LaPD for caving in to these anti-American Losers.

Attending the Prayer Vigil is much like a specific TV show on a channel on your TV:
-- If a TV show on your TV offends you, CHANGE THE DAMN CHANNEL!
-- If the thought of a prayer vigil offends you, DON'T GO!

Louisiana Police Department Stops Its Prayer Vigils Over Freedom From Religion Foundation Complaint


Actually for the rest of us to have freedom of religion you theocratics need to get out if our face. We aren’t a “Christian country”. We were founded by deists who hated the nutcases and wanted you as far from the government as possible.

Now be a good boy and worry about real things. Like the fact that the orange sociopath thinks it’s ok to assault and murder journalists.
The United States Constitution Provides the Constitutional Right of Freedom OF Religion, not Freedom FROM Religion.

Shame on the LaPD for caving in to these anti-American Losers.

Attending the Prayer Vigil is much like a specific TV show on a channel on your TV:
-- If a TV show on your TV offends you, CHANGE THE DAMN CHANNEL!
-- If the thought of a prayer vigil offends you, DON'T GO!

Louisiana Police Department Stops Its Prayer Vigils Over Freedom From Religion Foundation Complaint


Actually for the rest of us to have freedom of religion you theocratics need to get out if our face. We aren’t a “Christian country”. We were founded by deists who hated the nutcases and wanted you as far from the government as possible.

Now be a good boy and worry about real things. Like the fact that the orange sociopath thinks it’s ok to assault and murder journalists.

Actually for the rest of us to have freedom of religion you theocratics need to get out if our face.
Bill of Rights gives them Freedom of Religion...

why should they hide?
What is this argument really about? Can't we, the people of the United States, have meetings of various governmental bodies to address the issues that we have in common in our communities? Whatever your religious preference, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Sunni, Shi'ia, Hasidic, Reformed, Hindu, Sikh, Wiccan, Ba'hai, Buddhist, Shinto, Zoroastrian, whatever. Otherwise, you are incapable of meeting your civic responsibilities as a member of American society.
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If you have that much problem with a prayer starting a meeting...

stay in the hall til after the prayer is over.
If you have that much problem with a prayer starting a meeting...

stay in the hall til after the prayer is over.
So, the purpose of the prayer is to identify those of a different or no religion?
Clearly the purpose of the prayer is not to unite the group, so what is the purpose?
Another poster beat me to it but yeah, pray in private, otherwise you're just a hypocrite. Praying hasn't seemed to help our president, since he's still a judgemental p.o.s. who insults and condemns people on his phone daily for all the world to see and hear. Am I being judgemental? Yep, but I don't claim to be a christian either.
The United States Constitution Provides the Constitutional Right of Freedom OF Religion, not Freedom FROM Religion.

Shame on the LaPD for caving in to these anti-American Losers.

Attending the Prayer Vigil is much like a specific TV show on a channel on your TV:
-- If a TV show on your TV offends you, CHANGE THE DAMN CHANNEL!
-- If the thought of a prayer vigil offends you, DON'T GO!

Louisiana Police Department Stops Its Prayer Vigils Over Freedom From Religion Foundation Complaint


Actually for the rest of us to have freedom of religion you theocratics need to get out if our face. We aren’t a “Christian country”. We were founded by deists who hated the nutcases and wanted you as far from the government as possible.

Now be a good boy and worry about real things. Like the fact that the orange sociopath thinks it’s ok to assault and murder journalists.

I'm glad we don't have one of those. That would be bad.
If you have that much problem with a prayer starting a meeting...

stay in the hall til after the prayer is over.

Why should people attending a meeting "stay in the hall til after the prayer is over"? Why don't the people who want to pray gather in the hall before the meeting starts? The meeting should be secular and anyone who wants some sort of "divine guidance" has ample opportunity to seek it outside the meeting. It should not be included in the agenda of the meeting.

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