Louisiana private school boots kindergartener after her adoption by same-sex parents

All sin can be forgiven when you stop doing it. The homosexual lifestyle is a choice to keep sinning. You're deceived.

Not according to scripture. It says if you remarry you are commiting adultery. The only way to stop that would be to divorce which isn't exactly promoted in the Bible.
Not according to scripture. It says if you remarry you are commiting adultery. The only way to stop that would be to divorce which isn't exactly promoted in the Bible.
That's the Old Testament law. We live under grace, the New Testament ( Covenant). However, homosexuality is still condemned in the New Testament because it's a lifestyle of sin against the Creator, Romans chapter one.
That's the Old Testament law. We live under grace, the New Testament ( Covenant). However, homosexuality is still condemned in the New Testament because it's a lifestyle of sin against the Creator, Romans chapter one.

And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”

Matthew 19:9

Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.

Luke 16:18
And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”

Matthew 19:9

Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.

Luke 16:18
Yep, that's Old Testament law Jesus was quoting.
He never said anything about pedophiles either...think He would be a fan?

Having relations with young girls was not frowned upon in times past so he likely would have had no reason to say anything....

But again, the Bible says a lot about divorce and adultery in general.
Having relations with young girls was not frowned upon in times past so he likely would have had no reason to say anything....

But again, the Bible says a lot about divorce and adultery in general.

Save it Nincompoop. Your flaling away trying to claim you're a Christian won't fly with me
He sad marriage is a male and female, Matthew 19. The New Testament Scripture has multiple verses condemning homosexuality.

And this school only seems to abide by the parts of the Bible they want to support and ignore the rest.
Mosaic Law you Biblical challenged nitwit.

Come at me on Biblical, old man.... you'll get hurt.

You Google and it shows

It wasn't a law. There was no law that required you to drench your front door in blood to keep your child from being killed by God.

The adoption should be reversed.

They were in the foster system, not adopted.
It wasn't a law. There was no law that required you to drench your front door in blood to keep your child from being killed by God.

Yeah you're biblical challenged, give it a rest you tired fool.

Doesn't realize what Mosaic Law is? Good grief. You're a Bible genius....not
It goes without saying. All anyone has to do is watch cold case files and you get to understand the psychology of these wackos and how they carefully compartmentalize different facets of their lives.

What's really interesting about so many of these forensic and Cold Case shows, is that both the perpetrators and the victims are both kind of weird or unusual people. In the case of the victims many of them kind of had a screw loose already or were extremely naive or slow in some way.... Which is why they never saw it coming and made good victims.

Everything you know is from T.V. recreations and political dramas, huh?

No wonder you voted for a T.V. reality show star!

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