Love it or leave it...

I know I’s all commie pinko bull shit. In the greatest and “freest” nation the world has ever seen we just can’t have these things, except for the ultra wealthy. We do have a massive imperialistic military though. Yippee! We’re GREAT!

Imagine a dystopian future in which every person in the United States is given free and total and preventative heath care from whatever doctors and nurses they want, but CNN talking heads pine sorrowfully for their beloved insurance companies.

Imagine that top-quality education from preschool through college is available free to anyone who wants it, but your elderly neighbor is furious because he had to pay for his education, and your local military recruiter is outraged because business is bad.

Imagine full employment with a universal living wage and the right to organize, including for all immigrants, but a billionaire on TV is spitting mad because workers are being “coddled.”

Imagine an economy converted to peaceful industries, with every worker aided in the transition, and no more of these catastrophic wars, but a weapons company CEO is on NPR describing the suffering involved in selling off a beloved yacht.

Imagine life becoming easier, less anxious, more enjoyable — as you un-plug your Tesla from your free solar power and three seconds later pass a gas-burning sports car with a bumper sticker that reads “Socialism sucks!”

Love It or Leave It | Washington's Blog

And everyone rides their unicorn to work.
Yeah...we Americans just can’t have what the rest of the first world has. We just aren’t good enough and after all, we must make sure the billionaires always get what they want.
That's a common leftarded whine ... "eat the rich."

Our gov't does not guarantee equal outcomes nor should it, Comrade.
Toro doesn't care. He's a multibillionaire hedge fund manager.
Wait .... isn't everyone here at USMB?
Yeah he’s just your typical heartless greedy billionaire.

I know I’s all commie pinko bull shit. In the greatest and “freest” nation the world has ever seen we just can’t have these things, except for the ultra wealthy. We do have a massive imperialistic military though. Yippee! We’re GREAT!

Imagine a dystopian future in which every person in the United States is given free and total and preventative heath care from whatever doctors and nurses they want, but CNN talking heads pine sorrowfully for their beloved insurance companies.

Imagine that top-quality education from preschool through college is available free to anyone who wants it, but your elderly neighbor is furious because he had to pay for his education, and your local military recruiter is outraged because business is bad.

Imagine full employment with a universal living wage and the right to organize, including for all immigrants, but a billionaire on TV is spitting mad because workers are being “coddled.”

Imagine an economy converted to peaceful industries, with every worker aided in the transition, and no more of these catastrophic wars, but a weapons company CEO is on NPR describing the suffering involved in selling off a beloved yacht.

Imagine life becoming easier, less anxious, more enjoyable — as you un-plug your Tesla from your free solar power and three seconds later pass a gas-burning sports car with a bumper sticker that reads “Socialism sucks!”

Love It or Leave It | Washington's Blog

I don’t want to imagine that nation. I would eat a bullet before I lived in such a place because doing so can only come from giving up my income, personal choices, and ideology to the Government.
I know I’s all commie pinko bull shit. In the greatest and “freest” nation the world has ever seen we just can’t have these things, except for the ultra wealthy. We do have a massive imperialistic military though. Yippee! We’re GREAT!

Imagine a dystopian future in which every person in the United States is given free and total and preventative heath care from whatever doctors and nurses they want, but CNN talking heads pine sorrowfully for their beloved insurance companies.

Imagine that top-quality education from preschool through college is available free to anyone who wants it, but your elderly neighbor is furious because he had to pay for his education, and your local military recruiter is outraged because business is bad.

Imagine full employment with a universal living wage and the right to organize, including for all immigrants, but a billionaire on TV is spitting mad because workers are being “coddled.”

Imagine an economy converted to peaceful industries, with every worker aided in the transition, and no more of these catastrophic wars, but a weapons company CEO is on NPR describing the suffering involved in selling off a beloved yacht.

Imagine life becoming easier, less anxious, more enjoyable — as you un-plug your Tesla from your free solar power and three seconds later pass a gas-burning sports car with a bumper sticker that reads “Socialism sucks!”

Love It or Leave It | Washington's Blog

And everyone rides their unicorn to work.
Yeah...we Americans just can’t have what the rest of the first world has. We just aren’t good enough and after all, we must make sure the billionaires always get what they want.
That's a common leftarded whine ... "eat the rich."

Our gov't does not guarantee equal outcomes nor should it, Comrade.

I don't want what the rest of the world has, first or otherwise.

Where we screwed up is wanting them to have what we have. Consider China right off the bat.

The foreign policy of the 60s and 70s has come back to haunt. Amazingly there are still those who buy that shit.
I know I’s all commie pinko bull shit. In the greatest and “freest” nation the world has ever seen we just can’t have these things, except for the ultra wealthy. We do have a massive imperialistic military though. Yippee! We’re GREAT!

Imagine a dystopian future in which every person in the United States is given free and total and preventative heath care from whatever doctors and nurses they want, but CNN talking heads pine sorrowfully for their beloved insurance companies.

Imagine that top-quality education from preschool through college is available free to anyone who wants it, but your elderly neighbor is furious because he had to pay for his education, and your local military recruiter is outraged because business is bad.

Imagine full employment with a universal living wage and the right to organize, including for all immigrants, but a billionaire on TV is spitting mad because workers are being “coddled.”

Imagine an economy converted to peaceful industries, with every worker aided in the transition, and no more of these catastrophic wars, but a weapons company CEO is on NPR describing the suffering involved in selling off a beloved yacht.

Imagine life becoming easier, less anxious, more enjoyable — as you un-plug your Tesla from your free solar power and three seconds later pass a gas-burning sports car with a bumper sticker that reads “Socialism sucks!”

Love It or Leave It | Washington's Blog

This is Canada. Except for the full employment and guaranteed living wage throughout life. We have it for the elderly, but not younger people. But jobs are not hard to find, and our minimum wage is currently $14.
I know I’s all commie pinko bull shit. In the greatest and “freest” nation the world has ever seen we just can’t have these things, except for the ultra wealthy. We do have a massive imperialistic military though. Yippee! We’re GREAT!

Imagine a dystopian future in which every person in the United States is given free and total and preventative heath care from whatever doctors and nurses they want, but CNN talking heads pine sorrowfully for their beloved insurance companies.

Imagine that top-quality education from preschool through college is available free to anyone who wants it, but your elderly neighbor is furious because he had to pay for his education, and your local military recruiter is outraged because business is bad.

Imagine full employment with a universal living wage and the right to organize, including for all immigrants, but a billionaire on TV is spitting mad because workers are being “coddled.”

Imagine an economy converted to peaceful industries, with every worker aided in the transition, and no more of these catastrophic wars, but a weapons company CEO is on NPR describing the suffering involved in selling off a beloved yacht.

Imagine life becoming easier, less anxious, more enjoyable — as you un-plug your Tesla from your free solar power and three seconds later pass a gas-burning sports car with a bumper sticker that reads “Socialism sucks!”

Love It or Leave It | Washington's Blog

This is Canada. Except for the full employment and guaranteed living wage throughout life. We have it for the elderly, but not younger people. But jobs are not hard to find, and our minimum wage is currently $14.
That's $14 Canadian which is only US $10.50 and your cost of living is much higher than ours. As often as your BS has been busted one would think you'd be smart enough to change your tune.

You're not.
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I know I’s all commie pinko bull shit. In the greatest and “freest” nation the world has ever seen we just can’t have these things, except for the ultra wealthy. We do have a massive imperialistic military though. Yippee! We’re GREAT!

Imagine a dystopian future in which every person in the United States is given free and total and preventative heath care from whatever doctors and nurses they want, but CNN talking heads pine sorrowfully for their beloved insurance companies.

Imagine that top-quality education from preschool through college is available free to anyone who wants it, but your elderly neighbor is furious because he had to pay for his education, and your local military recruiter is outraged because business is bad.

Imagine full employment with a universal living wage and the right to organize, including for all immigrants, but a billionaire on TV is spitting mad because workers are being “coddled.”

Imagine an economy converted to peaceful industries, with every worker aided in the transition, and no more of these catastrophic wars, but a weapons company CEO is on NPR describing the suffering involved in selling off a beloved yacht.

Imagine life becoming easier, less anxious, more enjoyable — as you un-plug your Tesla from your free solar power and three seconds later pass a gas-burning sports car with a bumper sticker that reads “Socialism sucks!”

Love It or Leave It | Washington's Blog

I don’t want to imagine that nation. I would eat a bullet before I lived in such a place because doing so can only come from giving up my income, personal choices, and ideology to the Government.

I gave up NONE of those things. I paid less in taxes than Americans because Canada isn't supporting the biggest, baddest military in the world. I have my income, more personal choices than ANY American, and my ideaology is just fine.

The USA has one of the lowest rankings in the first world when it comes to personal freedom - #58 in the World. Canada is 4th. But keep drinking that right wing kool-aid as the Republican Party has steady destroyed the economy and freedoms that made America a beacon of hope and freedom the world over. Now you're just another bad example of how fragile and easily lost our freedoms really are. When thousands of Americans are being gunned down in your streets every year, there's no much freedom and quality of living going on. When people flee in terror when a car backfires, those people aren't free.
I know I’s all commie pinko bull shit. In the greatest and “freest” nation the world has ever seen we just can’t have these things, except for the ultra wealthy. We do have a massive imperialistic military though. Yippee! We’re GREAT!

Imagine a dystopian future in which every person in the United States is given free and total and preventative heath care from whatever doctors and nurses they want, but CNN talking heads pine sorrowfully for their beloved insurance companies.

Imagine that top-quality education from preschool through college is available free to anyone who wants it, but your elderly neighbor is furious because he had to pay for his education, and your local military recruiter is outraged because business is bad.

Imagine full employment with a universal living wage and the right to organize, including for all immigrants, but a billionaire on TV is spitting mad because workers are being “coddled.”

Imagine an economy converted to peaceful industries, with every worker aided in the transition, and no more of these catastrophic wars, but a weapons company CEO is on NPR describing the suffering involved in selling off a beloved yacht.

Imagine life becoming easier, less anxious, more enjoyable — as you un-plug your Tesla from your free solar power and three seconds later pass a gas-burning sports car with a bumper sticker that reads “Socialism sucks!”

Love It or Leave It | Washington's Blog

This is Canada. Except for the full employment and guaranteed living wage throughout life. We have it for the elderly, but not younger people. But jobs are not hard to find, and our minimum wage is currently $14.

Yeah, and a quart of enfamil cost 50 bucks. Canada sucks in all aspects especially horrid no healthcare. Not surprising that libs hold this up as the crown achievement. When thats the best you can
I don’t want to imagine that nation. I would eat a bullet before I lived in such a place because doing so can only come from giving up my income, personal choices, and ideology to the Government.
I gave up NONE of those things. I paid less in taxes than Americans ...
Horseshit. You know absolutely nothing and your sense of inferiority - as richly deserved as it seems to be - is what drives you to this USMB board to whine about your betters.
I gave up NONE of those things. I paid less in taxes than Americans because Canada isn't supporting the biggest, baddest military in the world. I have my income, more personal choices than ANY American, and my ideaology is just fine.

You’re Canadian. That means you’re sub-human and your opinions are not to be listened to.
I don’t want to imagine that nation. I would eat a bullet before I lived in such a place because doing so can only come from giving up my income, personal choices, and ideology to the Government.
I gave up NONE of those things. I paid less in taxes than Americans ...
Horseshit. You know absolutely nothing and your sense of inferiority - as richly deserved as it seems to be - is what drives you to this USMB board to whine about your betters.

Yep, you can hear the bitter rage and hate in her posts.
I know I’s all commie pinko bull shit. In the greatest and “freest” nation the world has ever seen we just can’t have these things, except for the ultra wealthy. We do have a massive imperialistic military though. Yippee! We’re GREAT!

Imagine a dystopian future in which every person in the United States is given free and total and preventative heath care from whatever doctors and nurses they want, but CNN talking heads pine sorrowfully for their beloved insurance companies.

Imagine that top-quality education from preschool through college is available free to anyone who wants it, but your elderly neighbor is furious because he had to pay for his education, and your local military recruiter is outraged because business is bad.

Imagine full employment with a universal living wage and the right to organize, including for all immigrants, but a billionaire on TV is spitting mad because workers are being “coddled.”

Imagine an economy converted to peaceful industries, with every worker aided in the transition, and no more of these catastrophic wars, but a weapons company CEO is on NPR describing the suffering involved in selling off a beloved yacht.

Imagine life becoming easier, less anxious, more enjoyable — as you un-plug your Tesla from your free solar power and three seconds later pass a gas-burning sports car with a bumper sticker that reads “Socialism sucks!”

Love It or Leave It | Washington's Blog

And everyone rides their unicorn to work.
Yeah...we Americans just can’t have what the rest of the first world has. We just aren’t good enough and after all, we must make sure the billionaires always get what they want.
That's a common leftarded whine ... "eat the rich."

Our gov't does not guarantee equal outcomes nor should it, Comrade.
It would nice if our government cared for people other than the extreme rich.
Such a Nazi slogan.
Says one who idolizes the 20th Century German socialist Eduard Bernstein. I gather lefatardism has destroyed your adult sense of irony or are you simply ignorant of the Nazis true name ... National Socialists.
Hey you want free healthcare, free collage, free everything not a problem. Just convince everyone to up their taxes from 20% to 60%. Of course don't fail to forget that state and local taxes are not going away. That means at least another 20%.
If you think you and others can live on 20 or 30% of your current paycheck then have at it.
As far as military goes just convince every country to stop producing military goods, do away with standing armies. If that actually happens get back to me.

State tax at 20%? Where? CA has the highest state tax at 13.3% if you make over $1 million. Hawaii comes in second with 11%. The rest of the states have state taxes that are less than 10%. If your local taxes get 10% of your income, it is time to move. Georgia maxes out at 7% with local taxes running 2% or so. And 7 states have zero state income taxes.

As for our military, we spend as much on defense as the next 20+ nations combined. Most of that 20+ are our allies. We could cut defense spending in half and still be quite capable of defending ourselves and our interests.
Ok you want to use 10% that gives you a whole lot of extra money in your pocket. Right?

Don't like military spending? Consider the fact that China could hand a rifle to all military age men and still over run us.
What bases do you plan to close? How do you expect to absorbe those military and contractors no longer assigned to that base? Do we pay the government of any country that no longer has a base supporting its economy or do we just tell them to suck it up?
Would be nice if we did not play cop in every corner of the globe but we have done it so long the world has come to expect it. Look how people went nuts when Trump suggested that other countries actually pay their agreed on share for NATO.

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