Love wins....

Nothing......they aren't white.

Indians are the only Americans that can fish with a net. They get a pass.

GILL NETS that kill every fish that gets caught in them.....I'm from Michigan and back in the day, there were near gunfights over that shit. Of course the injuns won and have ruined sport fishing around the Great Lakes.

When I was young we vacationed in Canada and Minnesota and the locals and the police warned us about buying or giving alcohol to them. They can't handle firewater

Once again the bigots showing us that they don't limit their bigotry to gays.

For them- Jesus' command to "Love Thy Neighbor" is more like you know, sort of a general guideline to be applied to people who agree with them.....
Okay Mr. Blacks are too ignorant or poor to get an I.D. card.
Once again the bigots showing us that they don't limit their bigotry to gays.

For them- Jesus' command to "Love Thy Neighbor" is more like you know, sort of a general guideline to be applied to people who agree with them..
You might want to try that.....instead of pointing fingers bud.
I can get along with long as they're willing to get along with me.
Where did I say that one did?

Religious nuts do all sorts of things- from bombing abortion protesting at military funerals....

This one of your kids?


Leave our children out of this asshole. Bank that one, you DO NOT want to go there

Your brought your children into this, being the asshole you are.

Not me.

I repeat, leave them out of this. Last time I am telling you

Or what? I am really curious? Will you post really mean things about me? Think more hateful thoughts?

If you do not want your children to be discussed- then do not bring them into the discussion.

^^^ if only we could all be as loving and caring as this child attacking douche noodle. *rolls eyes*
well looked how they attacked Bristol Palin just for having a baby. there is nothing scared with these lowlifes
The Gaystapo is pushing it, careful...some people may push back


While a symbol of anti-Christian hate and repression — the rainbow-colored gay “pride” flagflew everywhere, Father Jonathan Morris, a Catholic priest frequently seen on Fox News, reported via Twitter Sunday that during a pro-gay marriage parade in New York, “two men walked by and spat on me.”

Fr. Jonathan Morris


The two men who spat on me are probably very good man caught up in excitement and past resentment. Most in that parade would not do that.

Rainbow of Hate Catholic Priest Reports Being Spit On At Gay Marriage Parade - Breitbart


The sky is falling, the sky is fallling!

We are all gonna die, we are all gonna die!

That spit was infected, that spit was infected!

Leave our children out of this asshole. Bank that one, you DO NOT want to go there

Your brought your children into this, being the asshole you are.

Not me.

I repeat, leave them out of this. Last time I am telling you

Or what? I am really curious? Will you post really mean things about me? Think more hateful thoughts?

If you do not want your children to be discussed- then do not bring them into the discussion.

^^^ if only we could all be as loving and caring as this child attacking douche noodle. *rolls eyes*
well looked how they attacked Bristol Palin just for having a baby. there is nothing scared with these lowlifes

I haven't attacked Bristol Palin.

Frankly- I find those attacking Bristol Palin pretty despicable also.

There is no reason to attack the children of politicians- or their parents.

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