
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
When someone lends you money so that you start a business and becomes successful, then he comes back borrowing money being in need; you don't refuse. If you do, you are very immoral.

With God Almighty, it's worse (God Almighty is by the way above any form of humanness). He created you without you having even asked for it, a free gift from Him. Then He loved you and He loves you perpetually because He created you. He promised you love, that is why any given human being is loved by other people. It is hard, if not impossible to find a human being who has not been granted the gift of love. These are unvaluable gifts from God to you. Therefore you must love God, dedicate your heart and mind to Him and live for Him and Him only. Be to Him, for Him, and love Him. If you do not, you are very immoral.

It is a fact that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is a holy and heavenly person, a prophet of God Almighty. This is known, for instance, from the Night Journey (see link).'raj

The life of Muhammad was extremely well recorded. Muhammad taught that he was sent as the last Prophet, that he was the only prophet to be followed from that time on; that is the will of God Almighty. To love God Almighty is to love and follow His beloved, and His beloved is Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

"Allah (God) and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect."

The Holy Qur'an, The Confederates (Surah 33), V 56

"Those who follow the Apostle, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures), in the Law and the Gospel; for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him, it is they who will prosper."

The Holy Qur'an, The Heights (Surah 7), V 157
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The Quran says the curse of God is upon unbelievers and they will burn in hellfire for all eternity. Where is the love in that ? You worship a monster.
Here is a sample of the love Allah demonstrates for unbelievers.

22.19 These two antagonists dispute with each other about their Lord: But those who deny (their Lord),- for them will be cut out a garment of Fire: over their heads will be poured out boiling water.
22.20 With it will be scalded what is within their bodies, as well as (their) skins.
22.21 In addition there will be maces of iron (to punish) them.
22.22 Every time they wish to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be forced back therein, and (it will be said), "Taste ye the Penalty of Burning!"

4.56 Those who reject our Signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire: as often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the penalty: for God is Exalted in Power, Wise.
The Quran says the curse of God is upon unbelievers and they will burn in hellfire for all eternity. Where is the love in that ? You worship a monster.

Dear Dajjal What you describe sounds Antichrist to me, wishing "retribution" upon others.
The Bible makes it clear that "revenge belongs unto the Lord" for God alone to manage, not us.

Many people make the mistake of trying to take Justice into human hands and decide justice ourselves.
We are going to be biased and imperfect, seeking to punish others for our own sense of closure.

It depends on the person, on the Christian or the Muslim, the Jew or the Gentile
whether or not THAT person follows God's justice and lets God be the judge.
Or takes man's justice into man's hands and takes the path of Retributive Justice instead of Restorative Justice.

It depends on the PERSON if they are forgiving, if they work by God's grace through Christ and receive Restorative Justice.

Many people, not just Islamist/Jihadists but extreme religious Zionist also take the other path of Retribution which is Antichrist. You are right, we should AVOID any such spirit of Antichrist, whether Christian, Muslim, Jew or secular gentile. Living by retribution causes suffering, abuse and death by killing the spirit of humanity and relations, with ill will instead of Good will which is of God.

Many Muslims choose the side of Peace which is the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus.
Muslims are under the same Laws of God in the Bible as Jews and Christians.
As believers we are all supposed to be joined in harmony and agreement in truth
as Neighbors in Christ, regardless which tribe God calls us to serve and be in.

So it depends on the Muslim, the Christian, the Jew the Believe
if they believe in Restorative Justice, Peace and Mercy by agreeing and submitting to receive God's truth.

Or if they believe in living by Retribution which is Antichrist.

The people generally posting on this board are trying to establish truth by correcting error and reaching agreed understanding.

If you look at the spirit of how they respond, and if they seek to correct conflicts to establish truth,
then that is God's truth working to connect us through Christ. So that is not Antichrist when we seek to share truth.

You are right that anything vengeful, divisive, fearbased, rejecting and judging others is on the negative side.
You are right that we should avoid taking this negative path that divides us from God and from each other as neighbors.

The right path of truth, is very narrow where we actually agree on points.
That is the path of righteousness that is harder to find. There are more areas we disagree than agree on.
So instead of focusing on all the wrongs, we should focus on making things right.

Muslim75 is open to sharing and trying to establish an agreed understanding in the spirit of truth.
This is in keeping with God's will through Christ, and is not Antichrist where it is reaching out to neighbors for love of truth.
When someone lends you money so that you start a business and becomes successful, then he comes back borrowing money being in need; you don't refuse. If you do, you are very immoral.

With God Almighty, it's worse (God Almighty is by the way above any form of humanness). He created you without you having even asked for it, a free gift from Him. Then He loved you and He loves you perpetually because He created you. He promised you love, that is why any given human being is loved by other people. It is hard, if not impossible to find a human being who has not been granted the gift of love. These are unvaluable gifts from God to you. Therefore you must love God, dedicate your heart and mind to Him and live for Him and Him only. Be to Him, for Him, and love Him. If you do not, you are very immoral.

It is a fact that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is a holy and heavenly person, a prophet of God Almighty. This is known, for instance, from the Night Journey (see link).'raj

The life of Muhammad was extremely well recorded. Muhammad taught that he was sent as the last Prophet, that he was the only prophet to be followed from that time on; that is the will of God Almighty. To love God Almighty is to love and follow His beloved, and His beloved is Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

"Allah (God) and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect."

The Holy Qur'an, The Confederates (Surah 33), V 56

"Those who follow the Apostle, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures), in the Law and the Gospel; for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him, it is they who will prosper."

The Holy Qur'an, The Heights (Surah 7), V 157
I need 60k for a restaurant with a loft...Gimmee...
When someone lends you money so that you start a business and becomes successful, then he comes back borrowing money being in need; you don't refuse. If you do, you are very immoral.

With God Almighty, it's worse (God Almighty is by the way above any form of humanness). He created you without you having even asked for it, a free gift from Him. Then He loved you and He loves you perpetually because He created you. He promised you love, that is why any given human being is loved by other people. It is hard, if not impossible to find a human being who has not been granted the gift of love. These are unvaluable gifts from God to you. Therefore you must love God, dedicate your heart and mind to Him and live for Him and Him only. Be to Him, for Him, and love Him. If you do not, you are very immoral.

It is a fact that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is a holy and heavenly person, a prophet of God Almighty. This is known, for instance, from the Night Journey (see link).'raj

The life of Muhammad was extremely well recorded. Muhammad taught that he was sent as the last Prophet, that he was the only prophet to be followed from that time on; that is the will of God Almighty. To love God Almighty is to love and follow His beloved, and His beloved is Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

"Allah (God) and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect."

The Holy Qur'an, The Confederates (Surah 33), V 56

"Those who follow the Apostle, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures), in the Law and the Gospel; for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him, it is they who will prosper."

The Holy Qur'an, The Heights (Surah 7), V 157
Well, OK then ....
regarding the opening message from the OP,
ironically there have been many a church donating followers who found out the hard way that when they finally come to the church in need themselves that the leaders of the church will not return the favor and see it as an insult that they should have to give some back.
Ask them to sell a ring or car on your behalf I dare the followers to try and see the responses.

NOW in likeness to this problem there are "parts of" Islam where people are giving up their sons and daughters lives to their Mosques , I dare anyone to ask those Imams Muftis whoever to do the same....instead of the issue of money it's sacrificing Life, that which the more radical factions are in no rush to do so they get people to be pawns for them.
Liberation comes in many forms, somtimes the one you need liberating from is the idiot blaming a made up enemy, telling you others are using you or abusing you when it's them all along.
The Quran says the curse of God is upon unbelievers and they will burn in hellfire for all eternity. Where is the love in that ? You worship a monster.
It is an interesting definition of love that allows for eternal torment for not coming around over the relatively 80 short years you might be on earth.

Not to worry FA_Q2
The point is to pass the tests in life and learn to beat the learning curve.
All the suffering and "hell" we go through is the price for learning from the past, what works
and what doesn't, what keeps us stuck in war and other forms of living hell.

The key to breaking the cycle of sin and suffering repeated from the past
is FORGIVENESS, letting go, and accepting change and better things to come from these lessons.

Once we learn that, we can manage the rest of the development process, and stages of humanity.

The truly enlightened people of every tribe and every nation
can see that we are heading toward maturity as humanity spiritually and socially as society.

It sometimes gets worse, before it gets better.
But human conscience is designed to drive toward truth, justice and peace.
So that is the message in all religions, all laws, all studies of human nature and social science.

We seek equal justice and will not stop until we figure it out. We are designed by nature to learn
and only be satisfied and free when we find the truth. So by "trial and error" we will get there.
All humanity is progressing toward peace and justice, and what you see is the learning process.
The Quran says the curse of God is upon unbelievers and they will burn in hellfire for all eternity. Where is the love in that ? You worship a monster.
It is an interesting definition of love that allows for eternal torment for not coming around over the relatively 80 short years you might be on earth.

Not to worry FA_Q2
The point is to pass the tests in life and learn to beat the learning curve.
All the suffering and "hell" we go through is the price for learning from the past, what works
and what doesn't, what keeps us stuck in war and other forms of living hell.

The key to breaking the cycle of sin and suffering repeated from the past
is FORGIVENESS, letting go, and accepting change and better things to come from these lessons.

Once we learn that, we can manage the rest of the development process, and stages of humanity.

The truly enlightened people of every tribe and every nation
can see that we are heading toward maturity as humanity spiritually and socially as society.

It sometimes gets worse, before it gets better.
But human conscience is designed to drive toward truth, justice and peace.
So that is the message in all religions, all laws, all studies of human nature and social science.

We seek equal justice and will not stop until we figure it out. We are designed by nature to learn
and only be satisfied and free when we find the truth. So by "trial and error" we will get there.
All humanity is progressing toward peace and justice, and what you see is the learning process.
So you do not believe in eternal punishment in hell then?
The Quran says the curse of God is upon unbelievers and they will burn in hellfire for all eternity. Where is the love in that ? You worship a monster.
It is an interesting definition of love that allows for eternal torment for not coming around over the relatively 80 short years you might be on earth.

Not to worry FA_Q2
The point is to pass the tests in life and learn to beat the learning curve.
All the suffering and "hell" we go through is the price for learning from the past, what works
and what doesn't, what keeps us stuck in war and other forms of living hell.

The key to breaking the cycle of sin and suffering repeated from the past
is FORGIVENESS, letting go, and accepting change and better things to come from these lessons.

Once we learn that, we can manage the rest of the development process, and stages of humanity.

The truly enlightened people of every tribe and every nation
can see that we are heading toward maturity as humanity spiritually and socially as society.

It sometimes gets worse, before it gets better.
But human conscience is designed to drive toward truth, justice and peace.
So that is the message in all religions, all laws, all studies of human nature and social science.

We seek equal justice and will not stop until we figure it out. We are designed by nature to learn
and only be satisfied and free when we find the truth. So by "trial and error" we will get there.
All humanity is progressing toward peace and justice, and what you see is the learning process.
So you do not believe in eternal punishment in hell then?
I believe that could only happen with eternal life and there is only one path to that
The translation I heard, as it pertains to being tossed into the lake of fire and burned "forever", is that the word translates to "until gone" (like a log) not 'eternally".
I can't imagine my loving Father burning me for eternity for 70yrs of poor choices
The Quran says the curse of God is upon unbelievers and they will burn in hellfire for all eternity. Where is the love in that ? You worship a monster.
It is an interesting definition of love that allows for eternal torment for not coming around over the relatively 80 short years you might be on earth.

Not to worry FA_Q2
The point is to pass the tests in life and learn to beat the learning curve.
All the suffering and "hell" we go through is the price for learning from the past, what works
and what doesn't, what keeps us stuck in war and other forms of living hell.

The key to breaking the cycle of sin and suffering repeated from the past
is FORGIVENESS, letting go, and accepting change and better things to come from these lessons.

Once we learn that, we can manage the rest of the development process, and stages of humanity.

The truly enlightened people of every tribe and every nation
can see that we are heading toward maturity as humanity spiritually and socially as society.

It sometimes gets worse, before it gets better.
But human conscience is designed to drive toward truth, justice and peace.
So that is the message in all religions, all laws, all studies of human nature and social science.

We seek equal justice and will not stop until we figure it out. We are designed by nature to learn
and only be satisfied and free when we find the truth. So by "trial and error" we will get there.
All humanity is progressing toward peace and justice, and what you see is the learning process.
So you do not believe in eternal punishment in hell then?
I believe that could only happen with eternal life and there is only one path to that
The translation I heard, as it pertains to being tossed into the lake of fire and burned "forever", is that the word translates to "until gone" (like a log) not 'eternally".
I can't imagine my loving Father burning me for eternity for 70yrs of poor choices
I have heard of and agree that the bible likely supports that concept rather than a hell of eternal punishment but it is not commonly believed or even known.

The point still stands though (and you even reiterated it) – it is a strange definition of love that would do such a thing.
You obviously believe that there is a God. Do you not believe the Christian teachings that there is a hell or the interpretation of the second death that you just posted? If you do – then how do you square that with a God that loves us? If not, what do you believe then? I always thought you were a Christian but I am no longer so sure.
The Lord I follow loved us so much that He became a man and died for me. Does your supreme being love me that much?
The Quran says the curse of God is upon unbelievers and they will burn in hellfire for all eternity. Where is the love in that ? You worship a monster.
It is an interesting definition of love that allows for eternal torment for not coming around over the relatively 80 short years you might be on earth.

Not to worry FA_Q2
The point is to pass the tests in life and learn to beat the learning curve.
All the suffering and "hell" we go through is the price for learning from the past, what works
and what doesn't, what keeps us stuck in war and other forms of living hell.

The key to breaking the cycle of sin and suffering repeated from the past
is FORGIVENESS, letting go, and accepting change and better things to come from these lessons.

Once we learn that, we can manage the rest of the development process, and stages of humanity.

The truly enlightened people of every tribe and every nation
can see that we are heading toward maturity as humanity spiritually and socially as society.

It sometimes gets worse, before it gets better.
But human conscience is designed to drive toward truth, justice and peace.
So that is the message in all religions, all laws, all studies of human nature and social science.

We seek equal justice and will not stop until we figure it out. We are designed by nature to learn
and only be satisfied and free when we find the truth. So by "trial and error" we will get there.
All humanity is progressing toward peace and justice, and what you see is the learning process.
So you do not believe in eternal punishment in hell then?
I believe that could only happen with eternal life and there is only one path to that
The translation I heard, as it pertains to being tossed into the lake of fire and burned "forever", is that the word translates to "until gone" (like a log) not 'eternally".
I can't imagine my loving Father burning me for eternity for 70yrs of poor choices
I have heard of and agree that the bible likely supports that concept rather than a hell of eternal punishment but it is not commonly believed or even known.

The point still stands though (and you even reiterated it) – it is a strange definition of love that would do such a thing.
You obviously believe that there is a God. Do you not believe the Christian teachings that there is a hell or the interpretation of the second death that you just posted? If you do – then how do you square that with a God that loves us? If not, what do you believe then? I always thought you were a Christian but I am no longer so sure.
Yes I believe in eternal salvation and, if you choose to reject Him, an eternity separated from Him.
I cannot square that with the idea that God supposedly ‘loves’ us. An eternity is a long damn time and to punish your children that you love so much with an eternity of separation from him based on less than 100 years of making a simple mistake is pretty damn harsh.
I wouldn’t do that to my own children.
Avatar you must be reading a different book:
Let's review the falsely claim love of Jesus.
Jesus hated families (Luke 8:19-21,Luke 14:26,33,Luke 18:29-30, Matt 10:34-37), hated life (1 John 2:15-17) and this earth and mankind (2 Peter 3:10, Mat 10: 34-40 & Thomas 16, 2 Thessalonians 1:8), hated the Pharisee , hated Woman (1 Cor. 11, 1 Timothy 2:11-15 & all over the book of Thomas), hated his brethren (seen by what he caused to them), hated people with disabilities(Mark 9:14-19,Matt 9:32-33, 12:22 & Luke 11:14) hated gentiles (Matt15:26), hated his own chosen town of Capernaum (Mat.11:23), thus must not have Knoweth G-d according to 1John 4:8
Do you notice the shapes of the stars in the sky ? There are patterns, if you can notice it.

Be in love with God (who is by the way above any form of humanness).

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