Do you notice the shapes of the stars in the sky ? There are patterns, if you can notice it.

Be in love with God (who is by the way above any form of humanness).
Human conceptions / inventions of gawds are in no way above "humanness". They are all assigned human attributes for obvious reasons: they're inventions of humans.

What’s evident regarding the history of all the invented gawds is the propensity of religionists to assign human attributes to the entities they claim are ultimately incomprehensible. Religionists are the ones assigning human attributes to their gawds which creates quite a paradox as that places limits on their gawds.
To have eternal life is to know God the Father and Christ. How then can God be incomprehensible and anyone receive Eternal Life.

God is incomprehensible to the natural man. To those who are truly born again and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, the Lord is very knowable. The Holy Spirit will teach us the truth of all things.
To have eternal life is to know God the Father and Christ. How then can God be incomprehensible and anyone receive Eternal Life.

God is incomprehensible to the natural man. To those who are truly born again and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, the Lord is very knowable. The Holy Spirit will teach us the truth of all things.
Lots of human configured religions will make similar claims about the gawds that were invented to manage the believers.

There is nothing unique about the Mormon subdivision of Christianity in that sense. The men who invented the religion are the ones making claims about eternal life. As we know, the lure of eternal life was the hook used by many religions prior to the invention of Christianity.
To have eternal life is to know God the Father and Christ. How then can God be incomprehensible and anyone receive Eternal Life.

God is incomprehensible to the natural man. To those who are truly born again and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, the Lord is very knowable. The Holy Spirit will teach us the truth of all things.
The christian gawds are not at all incomprehensible. They share all the attributes of emotion that the human inventories have assigned them.

Are your gawds "loving" gawds? Have they displayed anger? Of course they have according the human written texts that have configured those gawds.
Why don't you come and meet Him for yourself? What do you have to lose other than pride and bitter feelings?
Why don't you come and meet Him for yourself? What do you have to lose other than pride and bitter feelings?
There is actually very little that separates your gawds from earlier human conceptions of gawds. Why would I want to "meet" an entity of human conception that is a reiteration of earlier human conceptions long since abandoned as myth?

It's okay that the price for shedding our fears and superstitions is the loss of the individual ego upon death-- the egotism of religions, that we somehow must "live forever!" is not a requirement for me -- it's a fact that we all will die one day, even if my survival instinct doesn't want to fully embrace it. That's no reason to cling to inventions of an alternate existence that has no reality and now, as mankind grows out of its childish infancy and is beginning to understands his place in the universe more and more, stands in the way of his true progress. A maturing child condemned to believe in the fairy tales of infancy is never said to have grown up... and that is what mankind collectively stands shackled with, and that is why he responds so violently and with tantrums towards his brothers and sisters who believe differently-- he so does not want to give up his comforting childhood fairytales. He will kill to keep them.

Consider letting go of the fears and superstitions that keep you in trembling fear of angry gawds.
What? How does money lending tie in with religion? God made the entirety of the universe, he set the rules. On that basis, if God is real, I hate god. Such unnecessary pain and suffering. For what?
27 replies. M75 responses to not a one of them. You people are not worthing to kiss M75's holy sandals, isn't that right M75? Oh wait, I'm not worthy to speak to M75. Hey M75. I just posted a thread, just for you.
M75, ya you, you really in Dakar? I really don't give a fuck where you are but I would bet your right here in the good ole U.S.A. and just embarrassed to say so. It's OK. Your oh highest one will understand if you lie because you are afraid of negative feedback.
Same reason every child wants to meet it's parent.
The same way a child born into a Hindu home wants to meet its "parent"?

What a shame you were born in the wrong geographic location on the planet and have been given the wrong religion. You will forever be separated from you parents, unless you see the light.
Please try to remain within the topic discussed.

Have you ever thought about how a given language came to be ? For example how humans one day started to talk English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Swahili, Persian, etc...Languages are very complex, yet there are so many of them in the world, existent or no longer existent. Then a language can even be created. How great God is.

Be in love with God.
Quote a Quran verse that says Allah loves me

Allah loves only his followers
Everybody else gets tossed into hell

How is that different from the Christian Gawd?
The Christian God does not instruct its followers to actively go hunt down non-believers. For the more evangelical Christians anyone who does not believe will go to hell. For Muslims those that do not believe will be hunted down and sent to hell.

Coincidently I just heard something Edgar Cayce, died years ago, had said about one of the early races on the earth being kill off by God for exercising too much free will. That did not make any sense until just now.
Please try to remain within the topic discussed.

Have you ever thought about how a given language came to be ? For example how humans one day started to talk English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Swahili, Persian, etc...Languages are very complex, yet there are so many of them in the world, existent or no longer existent. Then a language can even be created. How great God is.

Be in love with God.
IS that suppose to be a joke? I know you don't read what anyone else writes but do you not even read what you write? I think there may be something inhibiting your ability to think. I am sure it is written down somewhere.
IS that suppose to be a joke? I know you don't read what anyone else writes but do you not even read what you write? I think there may be something inhibiting your ability to think. I am sure it is written down somewhere.

Does it look like a joke to you ? You are making a fool of yourself trying in vain to ridicule these matters, obviously too hard for you to get acquainted with and understand.

Don't dare to quote me or talk to me as if you know anything about me. I talk to responsible persons only. If you are not, and you are not; then move about from here without delay. I do hope that this is clear.

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