Loving goodness of god's grace

"Its not that I have a lack of faith, I am asking how it is possible that the spirit of truth, if you object to the word ghost, has not done even one single thing that Jesus said God would send the holy spirit to do if he already has come?"
It is not my personal objection to using the word holy ghost. Different cultures have different words to explain what a spirit is. You covered it nicely describing "disembodied spirits" as to where the problem may lie for some who are confused. The holy spirit is not some disembodied creature it is a little piece of heavenly treasure that is installed from the manufacture.

Did you read John 16:8-15? Read it again and tell me if Jesus is describing God sending another human being and what he would be sent by God to do, or if Jesus describing what an invisible spirit would be sent by God to do?

"Jesus mentions specific things that the spirit of truth would do that have not been done so how do you explain that fact with the claim that he has already come a very long time ago?"
You are speaking corporately for the whole when it has to be put on an individual basis. Not all are restored at that same point in time.

No, Jesus clearly says that the the Jews would be convinced that Jesus was right when the spirit of truth came. He is predicting his teaching being vindicated and accepted by the entire nation of Israel after being convinced that Jesus was right, not after 2000 or 10000 years depending where they each are at individually.

Lets face it, if Christians are going to continue to insist that Jesus was God or that Jesus claimed to be God the Jewish people as a whole will never be convinced that Jesus was right about anything and will probably continue to think that you have all been placed under a delusion and are lost and gone forever.

Your claims about Jesus being God in the flesh that you profess to be inspired by the holy spirit will only continue to convince the Jewish people that Jesus was insane and they were always right to reject his teaching out of hand.

The exact opposite of what Jesus said that the Spirit of truth would be sent by God to do...
"Lets face it" you are missing things I have told you and you are the one who is lacking. The kingdom of heaven was installed by the manufacture.

I can tell you truthful things but can your carnal mind perceive them?

Or would you prefer to banter on about the religious affiliation of others?

Your precepts of "Jewish people" and those who are God's Jewish people that are called may not be one in the same.

You keep missing the point that the spirit God is not limited to only what you can now perceive.

The point was that the testimony that you claim is inspired by the holy spirit, that Jesus is God, brings the name of Jesus into disrepute, convinces the Jewish people that Jesus was insane, and the irrational christian beliefs that one unequalled God is really three coequal persons convinces them that they were always right to reject what Jesus taught.

The exact opposite of what Jesus himself said the Spirit of truth would do.
Why do you try to malign what I told you by inserting your own precepts? You are the one that keeps saying "Jesus is God". In fact he told the disciples when they told him he was good that only one was good and that was God.

If anyone rejects the truth it is on them not you, if you reject truth it is on you not me. Having Christ means one is anointed with the salvation the Son of God provides. Do you take issue with that personally or are you just parroting someone else's talking points?

You can start first by answering questions I have asked of you.

Oh, so you do not believe that Jesus is God?

All apologies....

You still can just admit one way or the other whether or not the testimony of those who do claim that Jesus is God is inspired from within by the Spirit of Truth or a spirit of deception.
"Its not that I have a lack of faith, I am asking how it is possible that the spirit of truth, if you object to the word ghost, has not done even one single thing that Jesus said God would send the holy spirit to do if he already has come?"
It is not my personal objection to using the word holy ghost. Different cultures have different words to explain what a spirit is. You covered it nicely describing "disembodied spirits" as to where the problem may lie for some who are confused. The holy spirit is not some disembodied creature it is a little piece of heavenly treasure that is installed from the manufacture.

Did you read John 16:8-15? Read it again and tell me if Jesus is describing God sending another human being and what he would be sent by God to do, or if Jesus describing what an invisible spirit would be sent by God to do?

"Jesus mentions specific things that the spirit of truth would do that have not been done so how do you explain that fact with the claim that he has already come a very long time ago?"
You are speaking corporately for the whole when it has to be put on an individual basis. Not all are restored at that same point in time.

No, Jesus clearly says that the the Jews would be convinced that Jesus was right when the spirit of truth came. He is predicting his teaching being vindicated and accepted by the entire nation of Israel after being convinced that Jesus was right, not after 2000 or 10000 years depending where they each are at individually.

Lets face it, if Christians are going to continue to insist that Jesus was God or that Jesus claimed to be God the Jewish people as a whole will never be convinced that Jesus was right about anything and will probably continue to think that you have all been placed under a delusion and are lost and gone forever.

Your claims about Jesus being God in the flesh that you profess to be inspired by the holy spirit will only continue to convince the Jewish people that Jesus was insane and they were always right to reject his teaching out of hand.

The exact opposite of what Jesus said that the Spirit of truth would be sent by God to do...
"Lets face it" you are missing things I have told you and you are the one who is lacking. The kingdom of heaven was installed by the manufacture.

I can tell you truthful things but can your carnal mind perceive them?

Or would you prefer to banter on about the religious affiliation of others?

Your precepts of "Jewish people" and those who are God's Jewish people that are called may not be one in the same.

You keep missing the point that the spirit God is not limited to only what you can now perceive.

The point was that the testimony that you claim is inspired by the holy spirit, that Jesus is God, brings the name of Jesus into disrepute, convinces the Jewish people that Jesus was insane, and the irrational christian beliefs that one unequalled God is really three coequal persons convinces them that they were always right to reject what Jesus taught.

The exact opposite of what Jesus himself said the Spirit of truth would do.
Why do you try to malign what I told you by inserting your own precepts? You are the one that keeps saying "Jesus is God". In fact he told the disciples when they told him he was good that only one was good and that was God.

If anyone rejects the truth it is on them not you, if you reject truth it is on you not me. Having Christ means one is anointed with the salvation the Son of God provides. Do you take issue with that personally or are you just parroting someone else's talking points?

You can start first by answering questions I have asked of you.

Oh, so you do not believe that Jesus is God?

All apologies....

You still can just admit one way or the other whether or not the testimony of those who do claim that Jesus is God is inspired from within by a holy spirit or a spirit of deception.
Have you answered my questions yet?
Did you read John 16:8-15? Read it again and tell me if Jesus is describing God sending another human being and what he would be sent by God to do, or if Jesus describing what an invisible spirit would be sent by God to do?

No, Jesus clearly says that the the Jews would be convinced that Jesus was right when the spirit of truth came. He is predicting his teaching being vindicated and accepted by the entire nation of Israel after being convinced that Jesus was right, not after 2000 or 10000 years depending where they each are at individually.

Lets face it, if Christians are going to continue to insist that Jesus was God or that Jesus claimed to be God the Jewish people as a whole will never be convinced that Jesus was right about anything and will probably continue to think that you have all been placed under a delusion and are lost and gone forever.

Your claims about Jesus being God in the flesh that you profess to be inspired by the holy spirit will only continue to convince the Jewish people that Jesus was insane and they were always right to reject his teaching out of hand.

The exact opposite of what Jesus said that the Spirit of truth would be sent by God to do...
"Lets face it" you are missing things I have told you and you are the one who is lacking. The kingdom of heaven was installed by the manufacture.

I can tell you truthful things but can your carnal mind perceive them?

Or would you prefer to banter on about the religious affiliation of others?

Your precepts of "Jewish people" and those who are God's Jewish people that are called may not be one in the same.

You keep missing the point that the spirit God is not limited to only what you can now perceive.

The point was that the testimony that you claim is inspired by the holy spirit, that Jesus is God, brings the name of Jesus into disrepute, convinces the Jewish people that Jesus was insane, and the irrational christian beliefs that one unequalled God is really three coequal persons convinces them that they were always right to reject what Jesus taught.

The exact opposite of what Jesus himself said the Spirit of truth would do.
Why do you try to malign what I told you by inserting your own precepts? You are the one that keeps saying "Jesus is God". In fact he told the disciples when they told him he was good that only one was good and that was God.

If anyone rejects the truth it is on them not you, if you reject truth it is on you not me. Having Christ means one is anointed with the salvation the Son of God provides. Do you take issue with that personally or are you just parroting someone else's talking points?

You can start first by answering questions I have asked of you.

Oh, so you do not believe that Jesus is God?

All apologies....

You still can just admit one way or the other whether or not the testimony of those who do claim that Jesus is God is inspired from within by a holy spirit or a spirit of deception.
Have you answered my questions yet?

Is it really that embarrassing for you to have been proven wrong by Jesus being proven right, so much so that you can't muster enough faith in God and love for truth to acknowledge it?
"Lets face it" you are missing things I have told you and you are the one who is lacking. The kingdom of heaven was installed by the manufacture.

I can tell you truthful things but can your carnal mind perceive them?

Or would you prefer to banter on about the religious affiliation of others?

Your precepts of "Jewish people" and those who are God's Jewish people that are called may not be one in the same.

You keep missing the point that the spirit God is not limited to only what you can now perceive.

The point was that the testimony that you claim is inspired by the holy spirit, that Jesus is God, brings the name of Jesus into disrepute, convinces the Jewish people that Jesus was insane, and the irrational christian beliefs that one unequalled God is really three coequal persons convinces them that they were always right to reject what Jesus taught.

The exact opposite of what Jesus himself said the Spirit of truth would do.
Why do you try to malign what I told you by inserting your own precepts? You are the one that keeps saying "Jesus is God". In fact he told the disciples when they told him he was good that only one was good and that was God.

If anyone rejects the truth it is on them not you, if you reject truth it is on you not me. Having Christ means one is anointed with the salvation the Son of God provides. Do you take issue with that personally or are you just parroting someone else's talking points?

You can start first by answering questions I have asked of you.

Oh, so you do not believe that Jesus is God?

All apologies....

You still can just admit one way or the other whether or not the testimony of those who do claim that Jesus is God is inspired from within by a holy spirit or a spirit of deception.
Have you answered my questions yet?

Is it really that embarrassing for you to have been proven wrong by Jesus being proven right, so much so that you can't muster enough faith in God and love for truth to acknowledge it?
Is it really that hard for you to read and comprehend what I already wrote to answer your inquiries?

A mother justifies her children does she not? It is written that she does.

And once again I have already gave you the answers in multiple post but you seem to ignore that or you are simply to blind in your own sin to see it that you still will not or cannot answer my questions.
when those people that are the legacy of 4th century christianity, their history of repression and persecution of free Spirited individuals are brought to heal the true path from the 1st century can be reforged and set straight again.
The 4th Century A.D. is when the Bishops of the Early Church morphed it into fiefdoms with themselves as demigods.
This then culminated in a demigod Pope at Rome followed by several split-offs by first the Eastern Orthodox, then King Henry 8th, and finally Martin Luther.
The 4th Century A.D. is when ...

the compilation of the christian bible was put into effect the late 4th century AD 397 ... choosing what they included.
Had to be earlier than that because Eusebius was involved in the compilation and he registered marked disagreement with Hebrews and with Revelation as both being fraudulent.
Had to be earlier than that because Eusebius was involved in the compilation and he registered marked disagreement with Hebrews and with Revelation as both being fraudulent.

Eusebius: He became the bishop of Caesarea Maritima about 314 AD.

the final version of the compiled christian bible was AD 397, the process began in the early 4th century.

the point being made is the christian bible is not unbiased and is constructed to lean in the political manner of those who compiled the book rather than as a religious document and there is no reason not to revisit and rewrite the bible to remove the biases that artificially exist due to that period of time.
Can you specify the scriptures that you think are bias?
Can you specify the scriptures that you think are bias?

I did appropriately answer your previous question ... we'll try it again.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

the above is a fabrication from one time or another or even if spoken by the person it is attributed to makes no difference in its error. an obvious appeal to ignorance and superstition to suppress dissent from their political agenda / "religion" and to instill a forced loyalty without cause to their followers.
The 4th Century A.D. is when the Bishops of the Early Church morphed it into fiefdoms with themselves as demigods.
This then culminated in a demigod Pope at Rome followed by several split-offs by first the Eastern Orthodox, then King Henry 8th, and finally Martin Luther.
The 4th Century A.D. is when ...

the compilation of the christian bible was put into effect the late 4th century AD 397 ... choosing what they included.
Had to be earlier than that because Eusebius was involved in the compilation and he registered marked disagreement with Hebrews and with Revelation as both being fraudulent.
Had to be earlier than that because Eusebius was involved in the compilation and he registered marked disagreement with Hebrews and with Revelation as both being fraudulent.

Eusebius: He became the bishop of Caesarea Maritima about 314 AD.

the final version of the compiled christian bible was AD 397, the process began in the early 4th century.

the point being made is the christian bible is not unbiased and is constructed to lean in the political manner of those who compiled the book rather than as a religious document and there is no reason not to revisit and rewrite the bible to remove the biases that artificially exist due to that period of time.
Can you specify the scriptures that you think are bias?
Can you specify the scriptures that you think are bias?

I did appropriately answer your previous question ... we'll try it again.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

the above is a fabrication from one time or another or even if spoken by the person it is attributed to makes no difference in its error. an obvious appeal to ignorance and superstition to suppress dissent from their political agenda / "religion" and to instill a forced loyalty without cause to their followers.
Are there any others that you think are wrong?

John 1:1-14
A search for "the word" may also help for those who are lacking understanding. Genesis Chapter 1 (KJV)
The point was that the testimony that you claim is inspired by the holy spirit, that Jesus is God, brings the name of Jesus into disrepute, convinces the Jewish people that Jesus was insane, and the irrational christian beliefs that one unequalled God is really three coequal persons convinces them that they were always right to reject what Jesus taught.

The exact opposite of what Jesus himself said the Spirit of truth would do.
Why do you try to malign what I told you by inserting your own precepts? You are the one that keeps saying "Jesus is God". In fact he told the disciples when they told him he was good that only one was good and that was God.

If anyone rejects the truth it is on them not you, if you reject truth it is on you not me. Having Christ means one is anointed with the salvation the Son of God provides. Do you take issue with that personally or are you just parroting someone else's talking points?

You can start first by answering questions I have asked of you.

Oh, so you do not believe that Jesus is God?

All apologies....

You still can just admit one way or the other whether or not the testimony of those who do claim that Jesus is God is inspired from within by a holy spirit or a spirit of deception.
Have you answered my questions yet?

Is it really that embarrassing for you to have been proven wrong by Jesus being proven right, so much so that you can't muster enough faith in God and love for truth to acknowledge it?
Is it really that hard for you to read and comprehend what I already wrote to answer your inquiries?

A mother justifies her children does she not? It is written that she does.

And once again I have already gave you the answers in multiple post but you seem to ignore that or you are simply to blind in your own sin to see it that you still will not or cannot answer my questions.

I really wouldn't mind in the least being proven wrong if in the process Jesus is proven right.... to the greater glory of God and all that..

Thats the difference between us.

Does't it give you even a millisecond of pause that you might have been misled by an indwelling spirit of deception to bring the name of Jesus into disrepute even knowing that 2000 years of so called inspired testimony from what you have come to believe is a holy spirit has not fulfilled even one of the things that Jesus said that the Spirit of truth would be sent by God to do?

Even though the verifiable effect of that testimony has been that the Jewish people have been convinced that Jesus was wrong and they were always right to reject him as a false prophet?

The exact opposite of what the holy spirit would be sent by God to do?

You can't win with a losing hand even if you believe that you can really really hard, peter pan...
When y'all finish your profound discussion, could one of you tell me why God never heals amputees? I hear stories about him healing lots of other things, but not a word about growing a new leg. Why is that?
When y'all finish your profound discussion, could one of you tell me why God never heals amputees? I hear stories about him healing lots of other things, but not a word about growing a new leg. Why is that?
Because becoming whole has nothing whatever to do with body parts.
Why do you try to malign what I told you by inserting your own precepts? You are the one that keeps saying "Jesus is God". In fact he told the disciples when they told him he was good that only one was good and that was God.

If anyone rejects the truth it is on them not you, if you reject truth it is on you not me. Having Christ means one is anointed with the salvation the Son of God provides. Do you take issue with that personally or are you just parroting someone else's talking points?

You can start first by answering questions I have asked of you.

Oh, so you do not believe that Jesus is God?

All apologies....

You still can just admit one way or the other whether or not the testimony of those who do claim that Jesus is God is inspired from within by a holy spirit or a spirit of deception.
Have you answered my questions yet?

Is it really that embarrassing for you to have been proven wrong by Jesus being proven right, so much so that you can't muster enough faith in God and love for truth to acknowledge it?
Is it really that hard for you to read and comprehend what I already wrote to answer your inquiries?

A mother justifies her children does she not? It is written that she does.

And once again I have already gave you the answers in multiple post but you seem to ignore that or you are simply to blind in your own sin to see it that you still will not or cannot answer my questions.

I really wouldn't mind in the least being proven wrong if in the process Jesus is proven right.... to the greater glory of God and all that..

Thats the difference between us.

Does't it give you even a millisecond of pause that you might have been misled by an indwelling spirit of deception to bring the name of Jesus into disrepute even knowing that 2000 years of so called inspired testimony from what you have come to believe is a holy spirit has not fulfilled even one of the things that Jesus said that the Spirit of truth would be sent by God to do?

Even though the verifiable effect of that testimony has been that the Jewish people have been convinced that Jesus was wrong and they were always right to reject him as a false prophet?

The exact opposite of what the holy spirit would be sent by God to do?

You can't win with a losing hand even if you believe that you can really really hard, peter pan...
Again you speak through your own precepts. I have not said anywhere that Jesus is wrong but did in fact point out that there is a difference between carnal beliefs and those taught by the spirit. You seem to be attempting to paint me with your brush and paint.

You keep talking about Jewish people and you appear to attempt to paint all Jews with your brush too with 'your own words'.
Oh, so you do not believe that Jesus is God?

All apologies....

You still can just admit one way or the other whether or not the testimony of those who do claim that Jesus is God is inspired from within by a holy spirit or a spirit of deception.
Have you answered my questions yet?

Is it really that embarrassing for you to have been proven wrong by Jesus being proven right, so much so that you can't muster enough faith in God and love for truth to acknowledge it?
Is it really that hard for you to read and comprehend what I already wrote to answer your inquiries?

A mother justifies her children does she not? It is written that she does.

And once again I have already gave you the answers in multiple post but you seem to ignore that or you are simply to blind in your own sin to see it that you still will not or cannot answer my questions.

I really wouldn't mind in the least being proven wrong if in the process Jesus is proven right.... to the greater glory of God and all that..

Thats the difference between us.

Does't it give you even a millisecond of pause that you might have been misled by an indwelling spirit of deception to bring the name of Jesus into disrepute even knowing that 2000 years of so called inspired testimony from what you have come to believe is a holy spirit has not fulfilled even one of the things that Jesus said that the Spirit of truth would be sent by God to do?

Even though the verifiable effect of that testimony has been that the Jewish people have been convinced that Jesus was wrong and they were always right to reject him as a false prophet?

The exact opposite of what the holy spirit would be sent by God to do?

You can't win with a losing hand even if you believe that you can really really hard, peter pan...
Again you speak through your own precepts. I have not said anywhere that Jesus is wrong but did in fact point out that there is a difference between carnal beliefs and those taught by the spirit. You seem to be attempting to paint me with your brush and paint.

You keep talking about Jewish people and you appear to attempt to paint all Jews with your brush too with 'your own words'.

No, The Jewish people as a whole and as a religion believe that Jesus was a failed false messiah, probably delusional, definitely irrelevant. They have been convinced of this mostly because of how you Christians, inspired by your holy ghost and diverted from sanity by superstitious archaic lore have represented him and because of the irrational claims you make about him..

Ask around.

If you don't believe me you can even look it up.

Then maybe you will see how what you believe is the holy ghost cannot possibly be the being that Jesus said would vindicate, glorify, and prove him right, and most definitely is not holy.
Have you answered my questions yet?

Is it really that embarrassing for you to have been proven wrong by Jesus being proven right, so much so that you can't muster enough faith in God and love for truth to acknowledge it?
Is it really that hard for you to read and comprehend what I already wrote to answer your inquiries?

A mother justifies her children does she not? It is written that she does.

And once again I have already gave you the answers in multiple post but you seem to ignore that or you are simply to blind in your own sin to see it that you still will not or cannot answer my questions.

I really wouldn't mind in the least being proven wrong if in the process Jesus is proven right.... to the greater glory of God and all that..

Thats the difference between us.

Does't it give you even a millisecond of pause that you might have been misled by an indwelling spirit of deception to bring the name of Jesus into disrepute even knowing that 2000 years of so called inspired testimony from what you have come to believe is a holy spirit has not fulfilled even one of the things that Jesus said that the Spirit of truth would be sent by God to do?

Even though the verifiable effect of that testimony has been that the Jewish people have been convinced that Jesus was wrong and they were always right to reject him as a false prophet?

The exact opposite of what the holy spirit would be sent by God to do?

You can't win with a losing hand even if you believe that you can really really hard, peter pan...
Again you speak through your own precepts. I have not said anywhere that Jesus is wrong but did in fact point out that there is a difference between carnal beliefs and those taught by the spirit. You seem to be attempting to paint me with your brush and paint.

You keep talking about Jewish people and you appear to attempt to paint all Jews with your brush too with 'your own words'.

No, The Jewish people as a whole and as a religion believe that Jesus was a failed false messiah, probably delusional, definitely irrelevant. They have been convinced of this mostly because of how you Christians, inspired by your holy ghost and diverted from sanity by superstitious archaic lore have represented him and because of the irrational claims you make about him..

Ask around.

If you don't believe me you can even look it up.

Then maybe you will see how what you believe is the holy ghost cannot possibly be the being that Jesus said would vindicate, glorify, and prove him right, and most definitely is not holy.
Actually I have talked with and know many who were raised Jewish that believe in he New Testament also. For those who haven't gotten there yet I hold out hope they will eventually come around so they can assist in correcting those who are still spiritually babes in the learning process in all. People can only teach to the level of the understanding that they have been given. If something has not been revealed to anyone as an individual I am certain that in time that they will be corrected if they are seeking the truth. In the meantime the Lord uses many ways to call forth his people. Even Jesus desired that they believe in something even if it was a piece or a portion. The one thing he hates the most about his job when I asked him was euthanasia (choose life). You may be able to that like the women who claimed to be the real mother of the same child who went before king Solomon.
Different faith communities, denominations and churches teach various ways about the grace of God. Some of the teachings are Biblical and some quite unbiblical. Grace of God is one of the most essential teachings of the Bible and therefore it is important to understand what the Bible teaches about the grace of God. I will try to go through what the Bible says about the grace of God. My article does not cover everything about God's grace, but deals with it from a few important angles.

More info: God's grace and mercy loving goodness
To right wing Republicans, what does that even mean? Let him die? Feed the poor and they will breed? Tax cuts for billionaires?

And the GOP will come back with "we give the most charity"? In other words, "free stuff".

Democrats believe:
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

The two parties are worlds apart.
the compilation of the christian bible was put into effect the late 4th century AD 397 ... choosing what they included.
Had to be earlier than that because Eusebius was involved in the compilation and he registered marked disagreement with Hebrews and with Revelation as both being fraudulent.
Had to be earlier than that because Eusebius was involved in the compilation and he registered marked disagreement with Hebrews and with Revelation as both being fraudulent.

Eusebius: He became the bishop of Caesarea Maritima about 314 AD.

the final version of the compiled christian bible was AD 397, the process began in the early 4th century.

the point being made is the christian bible is not unbiased and is constructed to lean in the political manner of those who compiled the book rather than as a religious document and there is no reason not to revisit and rewrite the bible to remove the biases that artificially exist due to that period of time.
Can you specify the scriptures that you think are bias?
Can you specify the scriptures that you think are bias?

I did appropriately answer your previous question ... we'll try it again.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

the above is a fabrication from one time or another or even if spoken by the person it is attributed to makes no difference in its error. an obvious appeal to ignorance and superstition to suppress dissent from their political agenda / "religion" and to instill a forced loyalty without cause to their followers.
Are there any others that you think are wrong?

John 1:1-14
A search for "the word" may also help for those who are lacking understanding. Genesis Chapter 1 (KJV)
Are there any others that you think are wrong?

among others that one is enough.
Is it really that embarrassing for you to have been proven wrong by Jesus being proven right, so much so that you can't muster enough faith in God and love for truth to acknowledge it?
Is it really that hard for you to read and comprehend what I already wrote to answer your inquiries?

A mother justifies her children does she not? It is written that she does.

And once again I have already gave you the answers in multiple post but you seem to ignore that or you are simply to blind in your own sin to see it that you still will not or cannot answer my questions.

I really wouldn't mind in the least being proven wrong if in the process Jesus is proven right.... to the greater glory of God and all that..

Thats the difference between us.

Does't it give you even a millisecond of pause that you might have been misled by an indwelling spirit of deception to bring the name of Jesus into disrepute even knowing that 2000 years of so called inspired testimony from what you have come to believe is a holy spirit has not fulfilled even one of the things that Jesus said that the Spirit of truth would be sent by God to do?

Even though the verifiable effect of that testimony has been that the Jewish people have been convinced that Jesus was wrong and they were always right to reject him as a false prophet?

The exact opposite of what the holy spirit would be sent by God to do?

You can't win with a losing hand even if you believe that you can really really hard, peter pan...
Again you speak through your own precepts. I have not said anywhere that Jesus is wrong but did in fact point out that there is a difference between carnal beliefs and those taught by the spirit. You seem to be attempting to paint me with your brush and paint.

You keep talking about Jewish people and you appear to attempt to paint all Jews with your brush too with 'your own words'.

No, The Jewish people as a whole and as a religion believe that Jesus was a failed false messiah, probably delusional, definitely irrelevant. They have been convinced of this mostly because of how you Christians, inspired by your holy ghost and diverted from sanity by superstitious archaic lore have represented him and because of the irrational claims you make about him..

Ask around.

If you don't believe me you can even look it up.

Then maybe you will see how what you believe is the holy ghost cannot possibly be the being that Jesus said would vindicate, glorify, and prove him right, and most definitely is not holy.
Actually I have talked with and know many who were raised Jewish that believe in he New Testament also. For those who haven't gotten there yet I hold out hope they will eventually come around so they can assist in correcting those who are still spiritually babes in the learning process in all. People can only teach to the level of the understanding that they have been given. If something has not been revealed to anyone as an individual I am certain that in time that they will be corrected if they are seeking the truth. In the meantime the Lord uses many ways to call forth his people. Even Jesus desired that they believe in something even if it was a piece or a portion. The one thing he hates the most about his job when I asked him was euthanasia (choose life). You may be able to that like the women who claimed to be the real mother of the same child who went before king Solomon.

Any Jew that sets aside divine law, worships Jesus as God, and seek the guidance of a ghost is an apostate, a traitor as confused and lost to every other devout Jew as any gentile who was breastfed by the whore of babylon and raised since birth to adopt the beliefs and imitate the ways of unclean creatures..

Ask any religious Jew if it is even possible that any spirit that inspires another Jew to abandon their beliefs and principles and worship a human being is inspiration from a holy spirit of God or an unholy spirit of deception and error.

I hate to tell you this, but you will be waiting for the Jewish people as a whole to abandon divine law and worship Jesus as a matter of religious devotion for as long as you will be waiting for Jesus to float down from the sky.

Don't take it too hard, they will be waiting for just as long for some other Messiah....

What a conundrum the people of this world have gotten themselves into wallowing in the valley of decision.

Its time for truth or consequences.

Given the facts, what do you see as the only right course to take?

Do you really want to risk spending another second much less another decade going through life like a brute beast living out in the open with your face to the ground grazing on wild grass without even enough sense to look up, watch for predators, or get out of the rain?

You have been given a clear choice between life and death.

Choose life and live.
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If you're content with the notion of another human being (who you've never even met) burning in Hell for all eternity, I suppose that says everything about your moral character that any of us need to know, doesn't it?

Frankly, I'm not only content, I'm massively in favor of it.

Frankly, that's both sickening and depressing. Your religious belief has truly warped your sense of morality.
Why did Adam and Eve hide when they heard God coming? Because they knew they had done wrong.

And what did they say to God when He asked them if they ate the apple?

Adam, did you eat the apple? The woman you made gave it to me.

Eve, did you eat the apple? The serpent deceived me.

You probably don't realize the message Christ was teaching either. It is related to this concept as well. Tremendous wisdom is in the Bible for those who seek it. Wisdom is not given to just any jack-a-nape.

Why did Adam and Eve hide when they heard Yahweh coming? Read the story. They hid because they were afraid.

Now I have some questions for you (and I don't really expect you to answer them. Just ponder them) -- Why did Yahweh pretend not to know where they were? Why did he include the tree in the Garden in the first place? Why did he leave them alone with the serpent (who was inexplicably given the gift of speech), who he KNEW would corrupt them? Why did he lie to Adam when he told him he would die on the day he ate from the tree (when he lived another 930 years)?

Incidentally, while I'm STILL waiting for someone to offer a "proper" context to explain all the biblical evil I mentioned before, I've recalled a couple more: slavery (including sexual slavery) and human sacrifice.

So, just to update the Yahweh's count of evils, we now have slavery, human sacrifice, planetary ecocide (including countless innocent human beings and ignorant animals), genocide of entire cultures (making especially certain not to miss any babies or fetuses in the womb), dashing infants' heads against rocks, threatening to starve people to the point where they'll be forced to eat their children, and dooming billions to an eternity of torment in Hell, simply because they were born into the wrong faith.
If you're content with the notion of another human being (who you've never even met) burning in Hell for all eternity, I suppose that says everything about your moral character that any of us need to know, doesn't it?

Frankly, I'm not only content, I'm massively in favor of it.

Frankly, that's both sickening and depressing. Your religious belief has truly warped your sense of morality.

Spoken by an ignorant and unsaved soul desperate in his futile search for any warped or twisted little piece of misinformation in order to try to justify his horrendous personal decision to ignore and disdain God.

You were given a choice - you have chosen wrongly. And, like elections, your choice has consequences.
When y'all finish your profound discussion, could one of you tell me why God never heals amputees? I hear stories about him healing lots of other things, but not a word about growing a new leg. Why is that?

(Eagerly raises hand) I know! I know! Is it because it's something that can't be faked or happen on its own? :banana:
Spoken by an ignorant and unsaved soul desperate in his futile search for any warped or twisted little piece of misinformation in order to try to justify his horrendous personal decision to ignore and disdain God.

You were given a choice - you have chosen wrongly. And, like elections, your choice has consequences.

Hehe. Perhaps YOU'VE chosen wrongly. After all, you should remember that no matter WHICH religious delusion you happen to embrace, most of the world thinks you're wrong.

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