Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

Ahem, that was trolled up just so you could say that.
Some did it trying to gain access and disrupt.

okey dokey, marion. you're right. my bad. it was ALMOST a million.

President Trump tweets that almost 1 million people have requested tickets to Saturday's Tulsa rally
  • From Staff Reports
  • Jun 15, 2020

Speaking to reporters in Washington, the president said the convention hall, the Cox Business Convention Center, near the BOK Center in downtown Tulsa will be used, increasing total capacity to 62,000 for his first campaign rally since early March.

That would mean there would be “over 900,000 people that won’t be able to go, but hopefully they’ll be watching,” Trump said.

“But it’s amazing. No one’s ever heard of numbers like this. We’re going to have a great time. We’re going to talk about our nation. We’re going to talk about where we’re going, where we’ve come from.”

Meanwhile, at a news conference Monday afternoon in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman David McLain said the number of people signed up to attend the rally — set to begin at 7 p.m. Saturday at the BOK Center — is “historic.”

“That is the sleeping giant we are talking about that none of the press seems to pick up on,” McLain said.
President Trump tweets that almost 1 million people have requested tickets to Saturday's Tulsa rally


okey dokey, marion. you're right. my bad. it was ALMOST a million.

President Trump tweets that almost 1 million people have requested tickets to Saturday's Tulsa rally
  • From Staff Reports
  • Jun 15, 2020

Speaking to reporters in Washington, the president said the convention hall, the Cox Business Convention Center, near the BOK Center in downtown Tulsa will be used, increasing total capacity to 62,000 for his first campaign rally since early March.

That would mean there would be “over 900,000 people that won’t be able to go, but hopefully they’ll be watching,” Trump said.

“But it’s amazing. No one’s ever heard of numbers like this. We’re going to have a great time. We’re going to talk about our nation. We’re going to talk about where we’re going, where we’ve come from.”

Meanwhile, at a news conference Monday afternoon in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman David McLain said the number of people signed up to attend the rally — set to begin at 7 p.m. Saturday at the BOK Center — is “historic.”

“That is the sleeping giant we are talking about that none of the press seems to pick up on,” McLain said.
President Trump tweets that almost 1 million people have requested tickets to Saturday's Tulsa rally

Those numbers were very inflated by online trolls requesting multiple signups. You can see them gloating about it on Twatter. I can just imagine the names used.
"Ronald McDonald, Big Bird, John Smith, Trumpy McFuckface"..etc...

AOC is bragging about it here:
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Wow what in incredible time! The energy was of 5 million ppl! Thank you trump!
Those numbers were very inflated by online trolls requesting multiple signups. You can see them gloating about it on Twatter. I can just imagine the names used.
"Ronald McDonald, Big Bird, John Smith, Trumpy McFuckface"..etc...

whatever makes you feel better...

regardless - do you think it was really stupid of donny & his flying monkeys to believe those numbers, then?

lol, guess they set themselves up.
She openly gloats about her and her parties fear and she doesn't even realize it. What a great way to motivate Trump supporters. Similar to CNN knocking Trumps rally as a failure, meanwhile their horse is stuck in the stable whining about others expressing their liberty.

Notice, like so many, she can't say anything positive about Biden or talk about his great policies, it's "hey we cost Trump a hundred thousand supporters. Woohoo, we bad ass for democracy!"

AOC gloats that Trump’s Tulsa turnout was sabotaged by ‘teens on TikTok’

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared to take pleasure Saturday night in reports that the turnout for President Trump’s Tulsa, Okla., rally was lower than expected.

In a Twitter post, Ocasio-Cortez claimed the Trump campaign had been scammed by teenage anti-Trump activists who allegedly reserved scores of tickets for the Tulsa event online – then failed to show up, thus preventing others from being able to attend.

“Actually you just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok,” the New York Democrat wrote in response to a Twitter message by Trump 2020 Campaign chief Brad Parscale, who argued that “Radical protestors” in Tulsa had prevented some of the president’s supporters from entering the BOK Center, where the rally was held.
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I congratulate Republicans on their low attendance.

It shows that many had enough common sense to avoid a large crowd. It is sad to see that Trump officials did not use the extra space on top to spread people out. It is also disappointing that Trump did not ask the crowd to wear their masks.

It shows poor judgement in desiring the appearance of a packed crowd not worried about infection.
She openly gloats about her and her parties fear and she doesn't even realize it. What a great way to motivate Trump supporters. Similar to CNN knocking Trumps rally as a failure, meanwhile their horse is stuck in the stable whining about others expressing their liberty.

Notice, like so many, she can't say anything positive about Biden or talk about his great qualities, it's "hey we cost Trump a hundred thousand supporters. Woohoo, we bad ass for democracy!"

AOC gloats that Trump’s Tulsa turnout was sabotaged by ‘teens on TikTok’

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared to take pleasure Saturday night in reports that the turnout for President Trump’s Tulsa, Okla., rally was lower than expected.

In a Twitter post, Ocasio-Cortez claimed the Trump campaign had been scammed by teenage anti-Trump activists who allegedly reserved scores of tickets for the Tulsa event online – then failed to show up, thus preventing others from being able to attend.

“Actually you just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok,” the New York Democrat wrote in response to a Twitter message by Trump 2020 Campaign chief Brad Parscale, who argued that “Radical protestors” in Tulsa had prevented some of the president’s supporters from entering the BOK Center, where the rally was held.
Make up your mind conservatives. Was there a lot of people or was it sabotaged?
I bet those dumbasses who've been camped out since Monday feel pretty stupid, haha!
There has been no one camping out. After the first night, the city imposed a curfew because libtards were spotted in the area and feared Antifa would perform their usual antics. Do try and keep up!
how did they prevent others from going?

By booking tickets that they had no interest in claiming. Thus, others couldn't reserve those tickets.

Dirty, communist tactics which she celebrates. "Hey kid, you're doing great for your country (the Communist government of China). You don't know how to change a lightbulb and you're eating tidepods for youtube views, but you're as sharp as a pencil. Thank you for your service!"

Quite frankly, the fact that she attributes this to dumb young people makes me wonder if this wasn't much better coordinated. AOC has always been "peculiar" in her words and methods.
Dude, please, my little brother IS a healthcare professional in Amarillo and he has said that the number of cases of those that live in Amarillo that required hospitalization has been very light and that the majority of cases came from a meat packing plant in Dumas or Dalhart...I forget which one. He also said that those that are hospitalized have other underlying physical conditions that make them susceptible to serious implications mostly having to due with lung issues. The rest that test "positive" are quarantined at home. Don't fret......wear your mask and stay away from people. Something you should do regardless of a pandemic. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

whatever makes you feel better...

regardless - do you think it was really stupid of donny & his flying monkeys to believe those numbers, then?

lol, guess they set themselves up.
Oh yes, such a clever ploy the leftists used. So mature and totally not juvenile and dishonest.


that means that the protesters musta OUTNUMBERED the attendees! LOL!!!!

why didn't his advance team ensure the entrances were clear? oh that's right - 'cause they were sick with covidkooties..

haaaaaaaaaaaaaa............... donny couldn't filled a 20K stadium AND the 'overflow' was completely non existent. it was also boring as fuck.

so spin spin spin away....


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