Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

Biden doesn’t give a shit about rallies and having his ego boosted. He doesn’t need rallies.
Biden is counting on the white guilt females who have fantasies of 'BBC" and the usual Juan Williams 'Plantation Lawn Jockeys'.
It's moot anyway. Biden is about to suffer a DNC induced 'health problem'. The DNC is going to resurrect Bernie from the political grave and make him the 'fatted lamb' and blame the millions of "White Supremacists" this time instead of RUSSIA!!!!!!!
Bernie is going choose Warren and tell the country he never promised to choose a negro female.
By OCT. we will see Bernie campaign ads showing off his three home interiors and drinking cocktails on the back deck of a mysterious 'friend's' multi million dollar yacht. 'LIVING LARGE!' You see Bernie never really was a fucking Socialist afterall. That ought to bring in a few Indies.
lol.... you go with that. 'sold out' means cash was involved. who's gonna shell out money & not show up. i can't find anything that says the entrances were blocked by big bad protesters. only an intersection for a short while.

perhaps you can link some?

I bet you bought one and didn't show, huh?

Giggle giggle
nope, they don't. they are also breeding ground for bacteria that you suck back into your lungs. When all you libs come down with COPD from mask use, I will just smile and say I told you so.
It’s your bacteria that you get to keep to yourself
Why should he emerge? He'd never be able to campaign for himself as well as the IMPOTUS is campaigning for him.
Biden's handlers won't let him say a fucking word that hasn't been written for him by twenty something LIB assholes.
We will see how that works out for him. Make sure you come back after the election and give your best excuses why Biden lost.
Here I'll help: "All the millions of Trump loving White Supremacists were the reason Biden lost!"
There's a start asshole!
It's hard to believe that any neo-marxist shitstain would show up on this thread and pretend THIS didn't happen a few days ago. Are you out of your fucking minds?
That was rhetorical.


3 staffers and a homeless guy. You can tell who the homeless guy is - he was asked not to sit on a folding lawn chair.

How do you not guzzle bleach after witnessing a pathetic spectacle like this?

Again, rhetorical.
Biden is counting on the white guilt females who have fantasies of 'BBC" and the usual Juan Williams 'Plantation Lawn Jockeys'.
It's moot anyway. Biden is about to suffer a DNC induced 'health problem'. The DNC is going to resurrect Bernie from the political grave and make him the 'fatted lamb' and blame the millions of "White Supremacists" this time instead of RUSSIA!!!!!!!
Bernie is going choose Warren and tell the country he never promised to choose a negro female.
By OCT. we will see Bernie campaign ads showing off his three home interiors and drinking cocktails on the back deck of a mysterious 'friend's' multi million dollar yacht. 'LIVING LARGE!' You see Bernie never really was a fucking Socialist afterall. That ought to bring in a few Indies.
Biden seems to be doing quite well against Fat Donnie.
Democrats made a good choice.

He will not pick Warren under any circumstances.
You must have heard about the huge disappointment that was Trump's Tulsa really, but we now have a concrete idea of how big of a failure it was in terms of turnout:

Wow. That's about 0.5% of what they were expecting, and 0.05% of the folks who reserved tickets.
It's hard to believe that any neo-marxist shitstain would show up on this thread and pretend THIS didn't happen a few days ago. Are you out of your fucking minds?
That was rhetorical.


3 staffers and a homeless guy. You can tell who the homeless guy is - he was asked not to sit on a folding lawn chair.

How do you not guzzle bleach after witnessing a pathetic spectacle like this?

Again, rhetorical.
Looks like another misrepresented photo from conservatives. Looks to be a dry run of the actual press conference
Look, Trump supporters hyped this rally for weeks and it fell flat. What did you expect would happen? Did you think we’d forget?

Take your lumps.
One more thread with divergent opinions which prove Donald Trump has and continues to be a divider. I suppose some of those above really want a civil war. Trump has proved to be the first president to seek to destroy the Union, and anyone who is a true patriot will not vote for Trump. He is ripping apart our nation.
Looks like another misrepresented photo from conservatives. Looks to be a dry run of the actual press conference

Yeah..... they had enough chairs to seat 8.... and only 4 showed up. And the signer for the deaf in the background was part of a "dry run".

I hope you're making more than 15 cents an hour for these laughable efforts. Although you would be overpaid by a factor of 10. Industrial-grade lying should be done for free - just for the self-loathing shame that you like to wallow in.
nope, they don't. they are also breeding ground for bacteria that you suck back into your lungs. When all you libs come down with COPD from mask use, I will just smile and say I told you so.
The other day a medical 'expert' being interviewed on TV said masks were the worst thing to wear. "You have a mask on and you inhale. Any virus in the air gets attached to the exterior of the mask. You have become in effect a human vacuum cleaner with a mask as the filter. You wear it all day outside and then you touch the exterior of the mask with your hands and put the now virus laden mask in your pocket. Then you rub your face to help alleviate the discomfort of the mask on your face and now you have the virus all over your face. Then you may rub your eyes or pick your nose. You see where this is going?" Right to a ventilator in an ICU if you have any medical problems are a obese negro with diabetes.
Look, Trump supporters hyped this rally for weeks and it fell flat. What did you expect would happen? Did you think we’d forget?

Take your lumps.

The rally did just what I hoped

It showed Trump to be an irresponsible leader during the COVID epidemic. The “I don’t need no stinking mask”may work with his base, but to others it shows a man more concerned with his image than the safety of his followers
Well it needs to end, and it needs to end now. Russian interference they said ??? Ha the Russians can't hold a light to how bad we can screw up our own processes without their help or anyone else's these days.

The Russians were used, and they never had influence in our election's process, other than maybe some Russian American's deciding that they like conservatism, and therefore they voted in that way. Hey we don't mind the world liking one side of the coin or the other, just as long as the coin isn't fake (one sided on both sides), and the world isn't the one tossing the coin in the air for us to call as it hits the ground.

You seem to be saying, you have no problem with election interference as long as that interference helps your side win. Putin got EXACTLY what he wanted in electing Donald Trump. Everything but getting the sanctions lifted, and the ONLY reason that hasn't happened is that both the Congress and the Senate voted unanimously to prevent him lifting ANY Russian sanctions without the consent of the House and Senate.

NATO is fractured. Putin has a free hand in the Middle East. Trump is holding up aid to the Ukraine, and pushing Zelensky to settle the war with Russia and give them Crimea. That will allow him to lift sanctions imposed when Russia invade the Ukraine.

Trump's flat out attempt to discredit and overturn the Mueller Investigation and to find that someone OTHER than Russian, hacked the DNC to give him an excuse to lift the sanctions.

All of Trump's foreign policy moves have benefited either Xi or Putin. Is it any wonder both countries want him re-elected? And gullible Americans are all for it.

Despite Trump's claims that he's been tough on China. This chart says otherwise.

The other day a medical 'expert' being interviewed on TV said masks were the worst thing to wear. "You have a mask on and you inhale. Any virus in the air gets attached to the exterior of the mask. You have become in effect a human vacuum cleaner with a mask as the filter. You wear it all day outside and then you touch the exterior of the mask with your hands and put the now virus laden mask in your pocket. Then you rub your face to help alleviate the discomfort of the mask on your face and now you have the virus all over your face. Then you may rub your eyes or pick your nose. You see where this is going?" Right to a ventilator in an ICU if you have any medical problems are a obese negro with diabetes.

The marxists have dug their heels in on this one. They prefer to breathe their own filth all day and they tell us hydroxychloroquine is more dangerous than dying.

Don't try to understand any of this 'logic'. Sheep do not ask questions.
“Fat dirty rednecks” beat nappy headed Niggs and jibber-jabbing speaking dirty wetbacks all day every day...no?
No. I spent 35 years in a steel mill working with people who much like yourself, were loudmouth cowardly racists. As we say in Pittsburgh, yinz really suck.

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