Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally


The Trump campaign said registering for the rally didn’t mean guaranteed entry for the event, and no one was issued an actual ticket.

“Leftists always fool themselves into thinking they’re being clever,” said Tim Murtaugh, a campaign spokesman. “Registering for a rally only means you’ve RSVPed with a cell phone number. Every rally is general admission and entry is first-come-first served. But we thank them for their contact information.”
How many people stayed how because there were hundreds of thousands of reservations for tickets for a 20,000 seat arena, Halfwit?
"I see the left tried to rig the campaign rally by registering and not showing up."

speaking of NOT SHOWING UP

did you see the pictures?

apparently NOBODY showed up.....

so there never were MILLIONS of people planning to attend....
the way trump and conservatives contended.

"I guess this means Trump should schedule double the number of campaign rallies, oh wait that really doesn't help the left. "


because you really want MORE evidence that people won't show up?

ya know....

when we count "rally attendance size" we count the NUMBER OF PEOPLE and NOT the NUMBER OF RALLIES....

Millions watched president Trump rip the Dems a new one last night snowflake. :itsok:
You must have heard about the huge disappointment that was Trump's Tulsa really, but we now have a concrete idea of how big of a failure it was in terms of turnout:

How many of these Trump rally attendance threads you gonna start?

I was gonna say the same about yous.
My opinion of both parties has never veered; they both suck.
Tell us what has happened to you in the last few years.
Your story may be relevant to others and perhaps even to me.
The Drudge Report has a photograph of the less-than-filled stadium.

I suspect that many Drudge supporters simply did not want to take the risk of contracting COVID-19, so they did not attend the rally.

I plan to vote for President Trump, but I agree with the "experts" that his chances of reelection are very slim.

We WILL get a more "peaceful" atmosphere in the country with a President Biden (who, I have just read, considers himself to be another FDR), but I am afraid that many people (including me) fear that the "peace" will be at the price of capitulating to the demands of radicals.
Why don't you think Trump will be reelected?
Think about this....liberals declare some kind of victory that ONLY 6000 people were inside the building at a Trump rally.

Let this faggotry marinate.

No one showed up. :auiqs.jpg:

lol. read the thread.
Herka Derka Bork Bork!

This is who sabotaged the attendance numbers, largely underage kids, and there's no way they cooked that scheme up all
by their mush-headed selves.

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