Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

Ask any doctor what causes COPD.

first of all COPD is not "A" disease, it is a category of diseases including emphysema, lung cancer, bronchitis, and several other lung diseases. Secondly it has many causes, smoking, chemicals, bacteria, viruses, et. al.

the point is that a mask will not prevent it or prevent you from spreading it. Remember the best masks have a .3 micron filter, a virus cell is .0125 microns, it can only be seen using an electron microscope. Cloth masks and bandanas are worthless and in fact may cause lung bacterial infections.

Anyone who is not threatened by Trump's hate and fear rhetoric from the bully pulpit ought to be concerned. We did not hear these divisive words from Reagan, either Bush or either Clinton, Obama or any past present in our lifetime. Donald Trump is EVIL, and there is no defense that can be posted to prove he is anything but a Megalomaniac.
You seem to be saying, you have no problem with election interference as long as that interference helps your side win. Putin got EXACTLY what he wanted in electing Donald Trump. Everything but getting the sanctions lifted, and the ONLY reason that hasn't happened is that both the Congress and the Senate voted unanimously to prevent him lifting ANY Russian sanctions without the consent of the House and Senate.

NATO is fractured. Putin has a free hand in the Middle East. Trump is holding up aid to the Ukraine, and pushing Zelensky to settle the war with Russia and give them Crimea. That will allow him to lift sanctions imposed when Russia invade the Ukraine.

Trump's flat out attempt to discredit and overturn the Mueller Investigation and to find that someone OTHER than Russian, hacked the DNC to give him an excuse to lift the sanctions.

All of Trump's foreign policy moves have benefited either Xi or Putin. Is it any wonder both countries want him re-elected? And gullible Americans are all for it.

Despite Trump's claims that he's been tough on China. This chart says otherwise.

No your assumptions are wrong. I am saying that no one in the world can affect our elections by changing the way that we as American's decide to vote with our own minds on that day.

Yes, people can be persuaded prior, otherwise to think that they might be wrong to vote one way or the other, but that is called the battle for the hearts and minds. Everyone is guilty of that one, so it has no bearing other than putting some skin in the game in order to convince someone of the error of their ways if at all possible. The leftist love putting my skins in the game, otherwise taking my hard earned tax money, and offering it up to the largess for votes. What a corrupt game this has been, and it goes on everytime the cratzi's run for office. They keep a huge base of victims going, and this way their tactics work for them come election time or rather they hope as much.

Hmmm, come to think of it, the other way to change someone's mind and ultimately their vote is to authoritarily do so, because to allow them the freedom to vote is a dangerous thing in accordance with some of these leftist groups or the leftist individuals thinking. Beware America, beware.
I see the left tried to rig the campaign rally by registering and not showing up. I guess this means Trump should schedule double the number of campaign rallies, oh wait that really doesn't help the left. :auiqs.jpg:

It doesn't really help Trump either. He looked and sounded like a beaten man last night. Nothing new. Nothing to offer the voters but more race baiting, more hate, more divisions. The nation is in deep pain from all of the death, illness, and fears about the pandemic. They need someone to lead, not someone to hide out in the bunker and pretend it's all someone else's fault.

The people who actually went to the rally, wanted to be reassured about the economy. That's their greatest concern, and other than touting the great prepandemic economy, or rather the positive numbers prepandemic, while ignoring the deficits and loss of manufacturing, the trade wars, the tariffs, and ever widening gap between rich and poor, Trump offered no plans for the bringing the economy back.

One Trump supporter who came to hear his economic message, said he was pepper sprayed as he left the building. Treating his supporters like this , and then trying to engineer violent confrontations between his supporters and the left, really backfired on Trump.
Anyone who is not threatened by Trump's hate and fear rhetoric from the bully pulpit ought to be concerned. We did not hear these divisive words from Reagan, either Bush or either Clinton, Obama or any past present in our lifetime. Donald Trump is EVIL, and there is no defense that can be posted to prove he is anything but a Megalomaniac.

LOL, but you condone the hate and fear rhetoric from the dems and their media butt kissers? Trump is merely responding with the same kind of words. Our country is very divided right now, full of hate and violence. Most stirred up by the left who see their corruption being revealed by Trump, they also fear that this is their last chance to turn this country left, They know that when Trump wins in November, they are done and will never again control the government, that is the reason for their vile rhetoric and condoning of violence.
No your assumptions are wrong. I am saying that no one in the world can affect our elections by changing the way that we as American's decide to vote with our own minds on that day.

If you truly believe that the Russian interference last election had no impact on the outcome, I have a ski resort in Miami I would like to sell you. It certainly wasn't the only factor, but it was huge. The impact of the DNC hack and the release of selected emails at critical times cannot be underestimated. Especially the email dump at the time of the Access Hollywood tape.
She openly gloats about her and her parties fear and she doesn't even realize it. What a great way to motivate Trump supporters. Similar to CNN knocking Trumps rally as a failure, meanwhile their horse is stuck in the stable whining about others expressing their liberty.

Notice, like so many, she can't say anything positive about Biden or talk about his great policies, it's "hey we cost Trump a hundred thousand supporters. Woohoo, we bad ass for democracy!"

AOC gloats that Trump’s Tulsa turnout was sabotaged by ‘teens on TikTok’

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared to take pleasure Saturday night in reports that the turnout for President Trump’s Tulsa, Okla., rally was lower than expected.

In a Twitter post, Ocasio-Cortez claimed the Trump campaign had been scammed by teenage anti-Trump activists who allegedly reserved scores of tickets for the Tulsa event online – then failed to show up, thus preventing others from being able to attend.

“Actually you just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok,” the New York Democrat wrote in response to a Twitter message by Trump 2020 Campaign chief Brad Parscale, who argued that “Radical protestors” in Tulsa had prevented some of the president’s supporters from entering the BOK Center, where the rally was held.
She's trolling you and faux newz.
I see the left tried to rig the campaign rally by registering and not showing up. I guess this means Trump should schedule double the number of campaign rallies, oh wait that really doesn't help the left. :auiqs.jpg:

"I see the left tried to rig the campaign rally by registering and not showing up."

speaking of NOT SHOWING UP

did you see the pictures?

apparently NOBODY showed up.....

so there never were MILLIONS of people planning to attend....
the way trump and conservatives contended.

"I guess this means Trump should schedule double the number of campaign rallies, oh wait that really doesn't help the left. "


because you really want MORE evidence that people won't show up?

ya know....

when we count "rally attendance size" we count the NUMBER OF PEOPLE and NOT the NUMBER OF RALLIES....
It doesn't really help Trump either. He looked and sounded like a beaten man last night. Nothing new. Nothing to offer the voters but more race baiting, more hate, more divisions. The nation is in deep pain from all of the death, illness, and fears about the pandemic. They need someone to lead, not someone to hide out in the bunker and pretend it's all someone else's fault.

The people who actually went to the rally, wanted to be reassured about the economy. That's their greatest concern, and other than touting the great prepandemic economy, or rather the positive numbers prepandemic, while ignoring the deficits and loss of manufacturing, the trade wars, the tariffs, and ever widening gap between rich and poor, Trump offered no plans for the bringing the economy back.

One Trump supporter who came to hear his economic message, said he was pepper sprayed as he left the building. Treating his supporters like this , and then trying to engineer violent confrontations between his supporters and the left, really backfired on Trump.
Trump has nothing to offer the voter in the world you leftist are attempting to create is true, otherwise if they fall to the leftist.... So yes you might be right that he looked frustrated in a sense, but Trump isn't wanting to take American's down that road so he should looked concerned about what the left is up to, and what the left is doing. Let's just hope that the voters are not as frustrated as he is, and that they continue to see the big picture the left is painting for the country, and then it being used as evidence enough to choose Trump again big time. Trump is a business man, and a boss, so he is one to want his company/country to prosper while in charge of it as it has been proven. The left is eat up with idealism and radicalism, and what it wants is forced compliance. So beware people, beware.
If you truly believe that the Russian interference last election had no impact on the outcome, I have a ski resort in Miami I would like to sell you. It certainly wasn't the only factor, but it was huge. The impact of the DNC hack and the release of selected emails at critical times cannot be underestimated. Especially the email dump at the time of the Access Hollywood tape.

Wow, really!? Still with the Russian BS.
first of all COPD is not "A" disease, it is a category of diseases including emphysema, lung cancer, bronchitis, and several other lung diseases. Secondly it has many causes, smoking, chemicals, bacteria, viruses, et. al.

the point is that a mask will not prevent it or prevent you from spreading it. Remember the best masks have a .3 micron filter, a virus cell is .0125 microns, it can only be seen using an electron microscope. Cloth masks and bandanas are worthless and in fact may cause lung bacterial infections.
Ugh, so much stupidity here.

Masks don’t cause COPD. The size of the virus is irrelevant because the individual virus isn’t flying through the air in isolation but on droplets of water.
She openly gloats about her and her parties fear and she doesn't even realize it. What a great way to motivate Trump supporters. Similar to CNN knocking Trumps rally as a failure, meanwhile their horse is stuck in the stable whining about others expressing their liberty.

Notice, like so many, she can't say anything positive about Biden or talk about his great policies, it's "hey we cost Trump a hundred thousand supporters. Woohoo, we bad ass for democracy!"

AOC gloats that Trump’s Tulsa turnout was sabotaged by ‘teens on TikTok’

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared to take pleasure Saturday night in reports that the turnout for President Trump’s Tulsa, Okla., rally was lower than expected.

In a Twitter post, Ocasio-Cortez claimed the Trump campaign had been scammed by teenage anti-Trump activists who allegedly reserved scores of tickets for the Tulsa event online – then failed to show up, thus preventing others from being able to attend.

“Actually you just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok,” the New York Democrat wrote in response to a Twitter message by Trump 2020 Campaign chief Brad Parscale, who argued that “Radical protestors” in Tulsa had prevented some of the president’s supporters from entering the BOK Center, where the rally was held.
Are they seriously THAT pathetic?

Goddamn, this fucking election OVER!!!

I cannot wait for the massive meltdown.


If you truly believe that the Russian interference last election had no impact on the outcome, I have a ski resort in Miami I would like to sell you. It certainly wasn't the only factor, but it was huge. The impact of the DNC hack and the release of selected emails at critical times cannot be underestimated. Especially the email dump at the time of the Access Hollywood tape.
Like I said, the game is always the winning of the hearts and minds whether here or anywhere in the world. If people hear something, and then they see proof that it's bad, then they will use their own minds to make their own choices... The information they gained must have been revolting, so they made their choice, and that choice was Trump.. The best thing anyone should learn from it all, is to make sure if seeking the office or any office, then scrutiny will come that will challenge the character a bit, just to make sure that the nation doesn't get a Stalin or Mayo etc to lead them... The left was attempting to set up a candidate that was a puppet, and the nation balked at that, and chose the candidate Trump instead.

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