Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

The left is hilarious, they were so concerned about Wuhan virus and large crowds, and urging President Trump supporters to stay home.

Now you’re complaining about supposed “low turnout”?
I'm not complaing, I'm laughing my ass off! Trump thought masses of people would be willing to expose themselves to Covid-19 just to be near him, or maybe it was just to own the libs. You never can tell anymore.

Either way, this half empty arena and cancelled overflow is some funny shit. :iyfyus.jpg:
Could it be, is it possible, is the bloom off the rose???
Are we actually seeing the erosion of support that the polls indicate are happening?

You leakers just can't seem to learn, can you?


"Almost 7 in 10 voters nationwide say they think Hillary Clinton will win the presidency next month, but most say that if that happens, Donald Trump will not accept the results and concede, according to a new CNN/ORC poll..."

Most see a Clinton victory and a fair count ahead

"(CNN)Hillary Clinton has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump and has reached 50% support nationally among likely voters..."

New poll shows Clinton over Trump by double-digits

"Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton's odds of winning the presidency rose from 78% last week to 91% Monday before Election Day, according to CNN's Political Prediction Market."

Political Prediction Market: Clinton's odds rise again

"Washington (CNN)If Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, the respective front-runners in the race for the Democratic and Republican nominations for president, wind up leading their respective parties into the general, voters nationwide think Clinton would most likely win in the November election, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll. "


"A survey from the Princeton Election Consortium has found that Hillary Clinton has a 99 per cent chance of winning the election over Donald Trump..."

The man who predicted 49 out of 50 states in 2012 has said who will win on Tuesday

"Hillary Clinton on Track for Electoral College Landslide: Poll.."

A helluva lot less than 80 thousand even. They were planning for an overflow crowd. That has been cancelled.
At peak, it was MAYBE a little over half full, with no overflow crowd outside. They tore down the stage that Trump and Pence were going to address the outside from before Trump even got there. People are actually leaving as Trump is still speaking. ( Incoherently) Coronapalooza is a bust!
SRO audience inside but a "low overflow"? Is that the new standard for "low attendance"?
At best it was only a little over half full. There was originally nobody at all in the upper deck. They started moving people up there from the floor to make it look fuller. People are walking out while Trump is still speaking.
It is being reported that turnout in Trump's really today was way below expectations.
Sad .

Like the sick twisted fascist OP, drudge is attempting to drive this narrative on behalf of totalitarian tyranny and wannabe fascist antifa's, by insinuating a low turnout. Drudge like the OP, is a hate filled fascist, and the attempt is not even ludicrous, its an outright lie. What the America hating bullet magnets are latching hate filled hope upon is the "overflow" section. Hey OP, you fucking impossibly stupid fucking retard, the rally hasn't even taken place yet!!! :auiqs.jpg:

So the second speech to the "overflow" has not been canceled?
Oh my, what a terrible rally. No enthusiasm at all. Trump is going to get creamed by Biden.
Crazy Joe has 3 people show up at his coming out of the basement speech. :iyfyus.jpg:

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