Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

Frankly, I'm surprised as many showed up as they did.

For weeks now every newsmedia outlet has been working overtime to shame anyone who attended. Add to that, the Covidvirus is real and tens of thousands of potential attendees are over the age of 60 and many are like me taking chemotherapy.

Worse than that, and a big factor was the very real threat of deadly violence. Police have been ambushed and killed by the Democrat demonstrations billions of dollars in property damage.

The time was, none of that would have fazed me. As a young and stupid kid, I worked as a bouncer when I was underage and security at a slew of indoor and outdoor concerts. Now, I'm just too old for that stuff! :D
Frankly, I'm surprised as many showed up as they did.

For weeks now every newsmedia outlet has been working overtime to shame anyone who attended. Add to that, the Covidvirus is real and tens of thousands of potential attendees are over the age of 60 and many are like me taking chemotherapy.

Worse than that, and a big factor was the very real threat of deadly violence. Police have been ambushed and killed by the Democrat demonstrations billions of dollars in property damage.

The time was, none of that would have fazed me. As a young and stupid kid, I worked as a bouncer when I was underage and security at a slew of indoor and outdoor concerts. Now, I'm just too old for that stuff! :D
Many were stopped from entering the rally by blm/antifa. They blocked an entrance.

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