Low Energy John Kerry considering 2020 presidential run against President Trump

Will he be free in 2020? :rolleyes:

Why did Hillary stop being Secretary of State and Kerry step in?

Nothing was ever made of that in the news, it just kinda..happened.
If the Democrats run Kerry, the Republicans will clean his clock, and the Democrats will lose more seats in the House, Senate and even governorships.

Demageddon 2020.



A memo...


FROM: The National Democratic Committee
TO: The Hon. John Kerry
DATE: February 1, 2018
SUBJECT: Your proposed candidacy for the Presidency

Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding the possibility of another attempt on your part to seek the Democratic Party nomination to stand for election as President in 2020.

Your proposal has been given the most careful consideration and I have been authorized by the Committee to forward the following well-considered consensus:

1. Are you phukking kidding me?

2. Not a phukking chance.

3. Please go away and retire to your Ketchup Kastle and be quiet.

4. Please stay off our side.

With the utmost gratitude for your decades of service to our country, I remain, respectfully and sincerely,

Chair, Democratic National Committee
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Yup....any day now he'll be deemed the most qualified candidate...ever.
Kerry would beat Trump easily, but he won't be the nominee.

Whomever the Democrat Nominee is, he/she had better learn from Gore / Hillary mistakes:

1) Win your Home State ....... AND/OR....
2) Don’t take Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin for granted.

Ultimately, it is the white working man that determines (swings) the election.
Kerry would beat Trump easily, but he won't be the nominee.

Whomever the Democrat Nominee is, he/she had better learn from Gore / Hillary mistakes:

1) Win your Home State ....... AND/OR....
2) Don’t take Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin for granted.

Ultimately, it is the white working man that determines (swings) the election.

Methinks it's not the Democrat Nominee that needs to learn the lessons of history, it seems to me that the Democrat Party Leadership and the rank and file sheeple need to learn 'em...

The most important of which is : Don't nominate baggage laden, zero personality, slogan slinging dickweeds as your POTUS candidate. ;)
Kerry would beat Trump easily, but he won't be the nominee.

Whomever the Democrat Nominee is, he/she had better learn from Gore / Hillary mistakes:

1) Win your Home State ....... AND/OR....
2) Don’t take Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin for granted.

Ultimately, it is the white working man that determines (swings) the election.
. Meh, get ready for one of the most corrupt election's you could ever imagine come 2020. In the Demon-crats minds it will mean all or nothing, and they will be pulling out all stops. If Trump drains the swamp enough before hand, they won't have any stops left to pull out in order for them to sweep the floor much less mop it.

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