Low Information, High Defamation Democrats' Kangaroo Trial

Impeachment is purely political

That's all just for show

There is no actual due process beyond voting.

They could flip a coin and decide some ones fate based on that.

A judge named nixon gave us that great precedent.

A judge named Nixon?

President Nixon resigned.

A judge named nixon got impeached and a dissenting opinion on SCOTUS asked "so could they have flipped a coin"

the majority said yes

Thanks tho mebelle, maybe you should google a bit before talking out of your bum

u can google

i'm sure it's united states vs nixon or something like that
Are you sure it's not Jane Dixon?

still too lazy to try a nixon v united states? lol

you should have known this when it was discussed in our very recent impeachment proceedings
Massive fraud occurred in the election.
You are a stranger so I can not just take your word for it. Once I get to know you and some trust sets in I will believe you believe in every word you say.

Now having said the above, I don’t know you so prove what you said or confess you are just one fat liar

Since Moscow Mitch won't be preventing witnesses and the presentation of evidence in THIS trial, trump's Nazis will get to see and hear a truckload of evidence, some from his own insurrectionists, that will send trump's Nazis into psychotic fits of denial.

It's gonna be so much fun to watch.

When you are done watching that you can go to the nearest Democratic shithole and watch Blacks kill each other.
It's more pleasurable to watch trump's Nazis, like yourself, melting down with every move the legitimately elected President Biden makes. And that happens on these message boards countless times per day. Far more often than African-Americans kill each other.

It has been very informative communicating with one of trump's Nazis, you proved your racist predilection most thoroughly, undoubtedly making your fellow trump Nazis very proud.

Any time you, again, want to demonstrate one or many of the character flaws typical among trump's Nazis, it's certain there will be multiple threads available to you here.

Have a typical trump Nazi day.

Since Moscow Mitch won't be preventing witnesses and the presentation of evidence in THIS trial, trump's Nazis will get to see and hear a truckload of evidence, some from his own insurrectionists, that will send trump's Nazis into psychotic fits of denial.

It's gonna be so much fun to watch.

When you are done watching that you can go to the nearest Democratic shithole and watch Blacks kill each other.
It's more pleasurable to watch trump's Nazis, like yourself, melting down with every move the legitimately elected President Biden makes. And that happens on these message boards countless times per day. Far more often than African-Americans kill each other.

It has been very informative communicating with one of trump's Nazis, you proved your racist predilection most thoroughly, undoubtedly making your fellow trump Nazis very proud.

Any time you, again, want to demonstrate one or many of the character flaws typical among trump's Nazis, it's certain there will be multiple threads available to you here.

Have a typical trump Nazi day.

Nazis censor people. Nazis intimidate and threaten people. Nazis steal elections. The Nazis are running this counttry. They call themselves the illigitimate Biden administration.
Low-information, high-defamation Democrats have cooked up a vindictive kangaroo court that Chief Justice Roberts, who is supposed to preside over impeachment trial, will not, since Trump is out of office. Dah. Trump directly said to the crowd January 6, "peacefully protest." In the dungeons of their minds, Democrats have Trump chained to the wall. They can't let him go!View attachment 450502
I don't believe that the Senate should involve itself with impeachment. They have too many important issues on their plate. Trump did indeed orchestrate and encourage the insurrection and simply should be arrested like any common criminal. "peacefully protest," my ass. Only his followers believe that nonsense.
That prick was dancing around the White House during the onslaught, and y'all
loved every minute of it, including the 7 people who lost their lives.
Since Moscow Mitch won't be preventing witnesses and the presentation of evidence in THIS trial, trump's Nazis will get to see and hear a truckload of evidence, some from his own insurrectionists, that will send trump's Nazis into psychotic fits of denial.

It's gonna be so much fun to watch.

When you are done watching that you can go to the nearest Democratic shithole and watch Blacks kill each other.
It's more pleasurable to watch trump's Nazis, like yourself, melting down with every move the legitimately elected President Biden makes. And that happens on these message boards countless times per day. Far more often than African-Americans kill each other.

It has been very informative communicating with one of trump's Nazis, you proved your racist predilection most thoroughly, undoubtedly making your fellow trump Nazis very proud.

Any time you, again, want to demonstrate one or many of the character flaws typical among trump's Nazis, it's certain there will be multiple threads available to you here.

Have a typical trump Nazi day.


Nazis censor people. Nazis intimidate and threaten people. Nazis steal elections. The Nazis are running this counttry. They call themselves the illigitimate Biden administration.
Sounds like Trump in full bloom, except that he failed to steal the election in spite of his illegal and legal efforts.
If the GOP are wise and clearly they are not, they will take hold of this opportunity to once and for all put Donald J. Trump out of political business for good and the hell with his supporters. Trump is a score keeper and that is fact and all the GOP, not just a few, but all these pathetic ass eating white motherfuckers are on his shit list. If he is allowed once again, free reign and exoneration from this, he will take this power and use it to make his life and his political life better and could give a fuck about who he hurts...ie the GOP. One thing about an abused person, when giving the opportunity to GET OUT, THEY TAKE IT!! Instead of wanting his 72 million lunatics for a next election, why not try gathering up normal mf's in your party, by doing what's right for the country and get votes the old fashion way, EARN IT.
You are so convincing when you use foul language. I wish I had thought of it! If I had to choose between a man who ended the Caliphate, who brought poverty to 61 year low, who raised median income $6000, who reduced carbon emissions more than any other country, who did prison reform
OR a guy who voted for racist crime bill of 1994 (Biden apologized for it) and voted for Iraq War (Biden apologized for it) and demeaned a black woman in Senate hearing (Biden apologized for it), I would lean against the racist Biden and warmonger Biden for a far better man with a far better record. I can do it all without defamation or lalochezia. Amazing, huh?
Since Moscow Mitch won't be preventing witnesses and the presentation of evidence in THIS trial, trump's Nazis will get to see and hear a truckload of evidence, some from his own insurrectionists, that will send trump's Nazis into psychotic fits of denial.

It's gonna be so much fun to watch.

You may as well have said DO NOT TAKE ME SERIOUSLY.
If the GOP are wise and clearly they are not, they will take hold of this opportunity to once and for all put Donald J. Trump out of political business for good and the hell with his supporters. Trump is a score keeper and that is fact and all the GOP, not just a few, but all these pathetic ass eating white motherfuckers are on his shit list. If he is allowed once again, free reign and exoneration from this, he will take this power and use it to make his life and his political life better and could give a fuck about who he hurts...ie the GOP. One thing about an abused person, when giving the opportunity to GET OUT, THEY TAKE IT!! Instead of wanting his 72 million lunatics for a next election, why not try gathering up normal mf's in your party, by doing what's right for the country and get votes the old fashion way, EARN IT.
What a screeching buffoon.
Only in redneck stupid, can a party be so blind and ignorant, they that go after the decent ppl in their party and shield the monsters, ie Chenney vs Green. One has integrity, the other thrives off of crazy and who does the conservatives embrace....take a fuckin guess? The shit smell that Trump has left on the lips of these voters, clearly taste and smells better than having honor and integrity from which to breath....which is yet another reason, this "Lets all get along" bullshit Biden is touting, is never gonna happen. How in the fuck do you embrace stupid and walk hand in hand into prosperity and normalcy with a bunch of racist brain dead white motherfuckers too stupid to see anything outside of a Trump box? They can all go suck a fuckin dick and then some!!
Biden's own running mate called him a racist in the democrat debates.
Can't be more hurtful and on target than that.
Show me a wm that doesn't have racist tendencies and I'll show you a ww that actually likes wm!!! Even that Q ugly white bitch Green, is a just a black dick away from sheer satisfaction and she's knows it.
I really hope that President Trump testifies at the fake trial.
Oh me too!

He's a high volume perjury machine with no governer.

It would be hilarious!
"perjury machine"? Hardly.

President Trump is well familiar with testimony under oath. He is probably involved in more legal cases in a single month doing depositions and that, than most people do during their entire life.
I really hope that President Trump testifies at the fake trial.
Oh me too!

He's a high volume perjury machine with no governer.

It would be hilarious!
"perjury machine"? Hardly.

President Trump is well familiar with testimony under oath. He is probably involved in more legal cases in a single month doing depositions and that, than most people do during their entire life.
Oh come on. His lie count while in office exceeded 20,000. assuming he slept for 8 hours a day on average that's one lie every waking hour 7 days a week 365 days a year.

Why do you think he wouldn't testify at the first trial? They won't put him on the stand, he'd incriminate himself is under a minute.

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