Low Information, High Defamation Democrats' Kangaroo Trial

If the GOP are wise and clearly they are not, they will take hold of this opportunity to once and for all put Donald J. Trump out of political business for good and the hell with his supporters. Trump is a score keeper and that is fact and all the GOP, not just a few, but all these pathetic ass eating white motherfuckers are on his shit list. If he is allowed once again, free reign and exoneration from this, he will take this power and use it to make his life and his political life better and could give a fuck about who he hurts...ie the GOP. One thing about an abused person, when giving the opportunity to GET OUT, THEY TAKE IT!! Instead of wanting his 72 million lunatics for a next election, why not try gathering up normal mf's in your party, by doing what's right for the country and get votes the old fashion way, EARN IT.

If the Republican Party tells 75 million Trumpsters to get lost, where will they find the voters to replace them and remain competitive?

And if there aren't sufficient numbers of liberals willing to become Republican, why would anyone contribute or work for a sure loser?
Are you of the belief, that working in WA. catering to the mentally derange is worth keeping a job? You mean to tell me, that working in washington politics, is worth giving up a sound mind just to stay in a job that is beyond fucked up, is worth kissing shit off the ass's of 72 million stupid white motherfuckers? There are 330 million ppl in this country and 72 million nuts ain't worth the time of day....if you feed them shit, than go for it, if that's all they crave, but you will never win again in politics
They will "get lost" when they "wise the fuck up" and realize the Republican Party doesn't want them.

Few will stay where they aren't welcome.
The will be welcome once they regain their sanity.

I think the point is, that if the GOP denounces Trump, Trump's supporters won't be back until the Republican Party gets a record of achievement in the fight against Socialism and Liberals.

And since guys like McCain and Romney were never able to do it before, it doesn't seem likely theywill in the future.
I really hope that President Trump testifies at the fake trial.
Oh me too!

He's a high volume perjury machine with no governer.

It would be hilarious!
"perjury machine"? Hardly.

President Trump is well familiar with testimony under oath. He is probably involved in more legal cases in a single month doing depositions and that, than most people do during their entire life.
Oh come on. His lie count while in office exceeded 20,000. assuming he slept for 8 hours a day on average that's one lie every waking hour 7 days a week 365 days a year.

Why do you think he wouldn't testify at the first trial? They won't put him on the stand, he'd incriminate himself is under a minute.
That lunatic knows right from wrong, he's just never had to pay the consequences for the wrongs and if he's allowed yet another pass....he will become unstoppable.
If the GOP are wise and clearly they are not, they will take hold of this opportunity to once and for all put Donald J. Trump out of political business for good and the hell with his supporters. Trump is a score keeper and that is fact and all the GOP, not just a few, but all these pathetic ass eating white motherfuckers are on his shit list. If he is allowed once again, free reign and exoneration from this, he will take this power and use it to make his life and his political life better and could give a fuck about who he hurts...ie the GOP. One thing about an abused person, when giving the opportunity to GET OUT, THEY TAKE IT!! Instead of wanting his 72 million lunatics for a next election, why not try gathering up normal mf's in your party, by doing what's right for the country and get votes the old fashion way, EARN IT.

If the Republican Party tells 75 million Trumpsters to get lost, where will they find the voters to replace them and remain competitive?

And if there aren't sufficient numbers of liberals willing to become Republican, why would anyone contribute or work for a sure loser?
Are you of the belief, that working in WA. catering to the mentally derange is worth keeping a job? You mean to tell me, that working in washington politics, is worth giving up a sound mind just to stay in a job that is beyond fucked up, is worth kissing shit off the ass's of 72 million stupid white motherfuckers? There are 330 million ppl in this country and 72 million nuts ain't worth the time of day....if you feed them shit, than go for it, if that's all they crave, but you will never win again in politics

You might be right, and the country is heading for 1 party rule. At least it will save the people the problem of having to vote.
If the GOP are wise and clearly they are not, they will take hold of this opportunity to once and for all put Donald J. Trump out of political business for good and the hell with his supporters. Trump is a score keeper and that is fact and all the GOP, not just a few, but all these pathetic ass eating white motherfuckers are on his shit list. If he is allowed once again, free reign and exoneration from this, he will take this power and use it to make his life and his political life better and could give a fuck about who he hurts...ie the GOP. One thing about an abused person, when giving the opportunity to GET OUT, THEY TAKE IT!! Instead of wanting his 72 million lunatics for a next election, why not try gathering up normal mf's in your party, by doing what's right for the country and get votes the old fashion way, EARN IT.
Cheat lie and steal?
AZ had a huge case of cheating to get votes until the guys kids called him out...a GOP pig. Lie...com'on Trump is the king of lies and steal...some GOP pig as we speak is being held for trial trying to steal voters votes via misinformation....PLEASE DON'T EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER SEND FOR ME WHEN IT COMES TO CORRUPTION WITH THE GOP PIGS, YOU CAN NEVER WIN
If the GOP are wise and clearly they are not, they will take hold of this opportunity to once and for all put Donald J. Trump out of political business for good and the hell with his supporters. Trump is a score keeper and that is fact and all the GOP, not just a few, but all these pathetic ass eating white motherfuckers are on his shit list. If he is allowed once again, free reign and exoneration from this, he will take this power and use it to make his life and his political life better and could give a fuck about who he hurts...ie the GOP. One thing about an abused person, when giving the opportunity to GET OUT, THEY TAKE IT!! Instead of wanting his 72 million lunatics for a next election, why not try gathering up normal mf's in your party, by doing what's right for the country and get votes the old fashion way, EARN IT.

If the Republican Party tells 75 million Trumpsters to get lost, where will they find the voters to replace them and remain competitive?

And if there aren't sufficient numbers of liberals willing to become Republican, why would anyone contribute or work for a sure loser?
Are you of the belief, that working in WA. catering to the mentally derange is worth keeping a job? You mean to tell me, that working in washington politics, is worth giving up a sound mind just to stay in a job that is beyond fucked up, is worth kissing shit off the ass's of 72 million stupid white motherfuckers? There are 330 million ppl in this country and 72 million nuts ain't worth the time of day....if you feed them shit, than go for it, if that's all they crave, but you will never win again in politics

You might be right, and the country is heading for 1 party rule. At least it will save the people the problem of having to vote.
Trump is out of office. Dah. Trump directly said to the crowd January 6, "peacefully protest."
I do not recall Trump saying that-?

“I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard...."

Only in redneck stupid, can a party be so blind and ignorant, they that go after the decent ppl in their party and shield the monsters, ie Chenney vs Green. One has integrity, the other thrives off of crazy and who does the conservatives embrace....take a fuckin guess? The shit smell that Trump has left on the lips of these voters, clearly taste and smells better than having honor and integrity from which to breath....which is yet another reason, this "Lets all get along" bullshit Biden is touting, is never gonna happen. How in the fuck do you embrace stupid and walk hand in hand into prosperity and normalcy with a bunch of racist brain dead white motherfuckers too stupid to see anything outside of a Trump box? They can all go suck a fuckin dick and then some!!
The people you so irrationally hate are the same people you need to support your views if you want them implemented.

How do you think that's working out?
Biden's own running mate called him a racist in the democrat debates.
Can't be more hurtful and on target than that.
Show me a wm that doesn't have racist tendencies and I'll show you a ww that actually likes wm!!! Even that Q ugly white bitch Green, is a just a black dick away from sheer satisfaction and she's knows it.
She's not going to sleep with you.

Nobody will.

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