Lowlights of the Democratic party Presidential Debate, December 21, 2019


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is what I remember of the debate last night. Was it really last night, not last month? or last year? It is hard to tell after fighting to remain awake for 23 hours of staring at a bunch of monkeys throwing shit at each other.

1) Joe Biden: Yes! I will be happy to throw hundreds of thousands of people out of their jobs to pursue Green solutions to our economic problems. That is why I am running!

2) Pete Bootygig: We owe deported undocumented refugees that have come here in the hope of freedom, justice, safety and the right to vote for a Democrat, we owe them reparations for enforcing our laws against them, their poor little hearts! We need to bring them back to the US where we can apologize to them for trying to make the laws apply to everyone, because no one in this country is above the law except for the poor, the unwanted, and the refugees.

3) Elizabeth Warren: I will give free stuff to everyone! More than Bootygigs silly reparations, the amateur! I can show you a real first class storm of free stuff falling from the sky, from hovering black helicopters!

4) Bernie Sanders: Yes, I am part of the problem, being a white man with many long years of repressing my fellow People of Color citizens, because I am just an evil old awful white male. Please forgive me! I need that!

5) Elizabeth Warren: Did I mention I want to give away lots and lots of free shit! Just gales and storms of free shit rolling out of your ears!

6) Andrew Yang: Well *I* want to give everyone $1000 a month! So if you can use a free grand each month, vote for.....

7) Elizabeth Warren: I'll give you two thousand a month plus a free car! A free car for everyone!

8) Bernie; that is so ridiculous, my Gawd, Elizabeth, do you even think about...never mind.

9) Elizabeth Warren; yes, I do think about what I say, Bernie! And I know that I would never have a fund raiser in a cave with crystal glassware! That is so ostentatious! I would have my fund raisers in outhouses with red solo cups, because I am just a regular old beer guzzling slut, just like my voters!

10) Pete Bootygig; Wait, now dont slam on my fundraisers because they were in caves. It is very authentic for a gay boy from that backwoods redneck backwater called Indiana! I am more poor than you are Elizabitch!


12) Bootygig: You are worth a hundred times what I am, sister!

13) Eli....: That is true, but we shouldnt talk about my Mega Brain Power I have over you, Booty!

Then I fell asleep at some point, not sure how much I recall actually was said or just in my nightmare.

But that is my take away from it, anyway.
LOL- why would you waste the time watching a circus when you already know the clowns will be playing tricks on each other?
And the circus gets weirder by the day that Pelosi demonstrates what morons lead the Democratic Party in that she thinks she has leverage over Mitch McConnell.

It reminds me of the situation in Ruthless People where Danny Devito's character Sam Stone was being threatened with the death of his kidnapped wife.

That was a shit show.
Heard this morning the fake Indian that was blasting butyigieg or whatever for having a billionaire fundraiser in a wine cellar had one herself lol
That woman is a huge fake.

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