Lt Col Ralph Peters( US Army Ret) says Obama is a total pussy

What percentage of Americans would be satisfied if America had a small war going on all the time. If we picked a small nation, invaded and carried on a small, but constant war would some Americans then be contented? Some manufacturers of war goods would feel better and our Rambos would feel more mannish. Trump alludes to a small war but is he sincere? How many presidents have been praised or even gone into the history book because they prevented a war?
Another macho meathead who wants to send our troops to die in another Mid East cluster fuck .
No need to answer.

I, unlike you, understand how the SOFA agreement works.

Then why ask the question? After all he is a politician.

The reason President Bush couldn't negotiate an agreement with a long term US presence was what?
No need to answer.

I, unlike you, understand how the SOFA agreement works.

Then why ask the question? After all he is a politician.

The reason President Bush couldn't negotiate an agreement with a long term US presence was what?
they were not prepared to commit to having a long term US presence in their sovereign nation...I don't blame them.
But that did not mean that a true leader should not have sat down with them and presented them the concerns of a 100% pullout.
What percentage of Americans would be satisfied if America had a small war going on all the time. If we picked a small nation, invaded and carried on a small, but constant war would some Americans then be contented? Some manufacturers of war goods would feel better and our Rambos would feel more mannish. Trump alludes to a small war but is he sincere? How many presidents have been praised or even gone into the history book because they prevented a war? this world, the only way to prevent a war is to give in to your potential enemy.
Being a sovereign nation is not a child's game, son.
republicans have been very articulate with what they would analyze your rhetoric...

Destroy all identified targets of tactical value
Truth....Obama has not been attempting to destroy all targets of tactical value. His concern for killing the "innocent" driver of an ISIS oil truck has prevented him from destroying MANY targets.
Republicans.....destroy them all. If there is an innocent civilian at a training camp or driving an oil truck...he or she is not an innocent civilian

Send in US Special Forces
A few hundred special ops personnel will have a very limited reach.
The GOP says send in thousands of special ops personnel including ATC's, trainers, operators, etc.

Encourage allies to deploy ground forces
You can not encourage someone to do something that you have said over and over that you are against.

Keep US forces out of Iraq and Syria
And how is that working for us?


He has the simple minded fooled into thinking his plan is solid......yet he hasn't done squat.

By the way....a little comparison....

In 1992 during the gulf war that was short lived and a victory....we flew over 1000 sorties a day.

In 2015, we are flying an average of 8 a day.

Enough said.

We need a leader.

So you support another US invasion of both Iraq and Syria

How many troops? 100,000? 200,000?
that's what I said? An invasion? 100's of thousands of troops?

Maybe you should concentrate on your reading comprehension skills as opposed to worrying about who is going to win the GOP nomination...seeing as you wouldn't vote for him or her anyway.

Then what are you proposing that is different than what Obama is already doing?
When did Obama travel to the Middle East and meet jointly with the heads of Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Did he vocally support al Sisi's call for Muslim reform?
why are Muslims able to admit that they are at war with Radical Islam.....but Obama cant?

Why doesn't someone say this very simple thing....

"American is at war with Radical Islam. American Jews are at war with radical Islam. American Christians are at war with radical Islam. American Hindus are at war with radical Islam. American Muslims are at war with radical Islam."

If Muslims are at war with radical Islam...where is Saudi Arabia?

They have the eighth largest military force in the world and won't lift a finger to fight ISIS. That is because they support their ideology, if not their tactics
So you support another US invasion of both Iraq and Syria

How many troops? 100,000? 200,000?
that's what I said? An invasion? 100's of thousands of troops?

Maybe you should concentrate on your reading comprehension skills as opposed to worrying about who is going to win the GOP nomination...seeing as you wouldn't vote for him or her anyway.

Then what are you proposing that is different than what Obama is already doing?
When did Obama travel to the Middle East and meet jointly with the heads of Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Did he vocally support al Sisi's call for Muslim reform?
why are Muslims able to admit that they are at war with Radical Islam.....but Obama cant?

Why doesn't someone say this very simple thing....

"American is at war with Radical Islam. American Jews are at war with radical Islam. American Christians are at war with radical Islam. American Hindus are at war with radical Islam. American Muslims are at war with radical Islam."

If Muslims are at war with radical Islam...where is Saudi Arabia?

They have the eighth largest military force in the world and won't lift a finger to fight ISIS. That is because they support their ideology, if not their tactics

Saudis are not our pals . They are hardcore islam too . Women can't drive and all that bullshit . Cross the border into the emerites and its like another world .
What percentage of Americans would be satisfied if America had a small war going on all the time. If we picked a small nation, invaded and carried on a small, but constant war would some Americans then be contented? Some manufacturers of war goods would feel better and our Rambos would feel more mannish. Trump alludes to a small war but is he sincere? How many presidents have been praised or even gone into the history book because they prevented a war? this world, the only way to prevent a war is to give in to your potential enemy.
Being a sovereign nation is not a child's game, son.
That's not the only way, we have had presidents that negotiated deals with foreign nations and no war. Fifty-Four Forty or fight. We didn't get 54.40, we didn't fight, and no one died, but who can name the president? Was the president a wimp or mannish? But the three top presidents, according to historians, are FDR, Lincoln and Washington.
I say we invade Vietnam again.
So you support another US invasion of both Iraq and Syria

How many troops? 100,000? 200,000?
that's what I said? An invasion? 100's of thousands of troops?

Maybe you should concentrate on your reading comprehension skills as opposed to worrying about who is going to win the GOP nomination...seeing as you wouldn't vote for him or her anyway.

Then what are you proposing that is different than what Obama is already doing?
When did Obama travel to the Middle East and meet jointly with the heads of Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Did he vocally support al Sisi's call for Muslim reform?
why are Muslims able to admit that they are at war with Radical Islam.....but Obama cant?

Why doesn't someone say this very simple thing....

"American is at war with Radical Islam. American Jews are at war with radical Islam. American Christians are at war with radical Islam. American Hindus are at war with radical Islam. American Muslims are at war with radical Islam."

If Muslims are at war with radical Islam...where is Saudi Arabia?

They have the eighth largest military force in the world and won't lift a finger to fight ISIS. That is because they support their ideology, if not their tactics
As a government, they are as radical as ISIS.....not sure about their people though. You never really hear about what the people are like. But their leaders? They are as bad as the worst of them
What percentage of Americans would be satisfied if America had a small war going on all the time. If we picked a small nation, invaded and carried on a small, but constant war would some Americans then be contented? Some manufacturers of war goods would feel better and our Rambos would feel more mannish. Trump alludes to a small war but is he sincere? How many presidents have been praised or even gone into the history book because they prevented a war? this world, the only way to prevent a war is to give in to your potential enemy.
Being a sovereign nation is not a child's game, son.
That's not the only way, we have had presidents that negotiated deals with foreign nations and no war. Fifty-Four Forty or fight. We didn't get 54.40, we didn't fight, and no one died, but who can name the president? Was the president a wimp or mannish? But the three top presidents, according to historians, are FDR, Lincoln and Washington.
I say we invade Vietnam again.
the world was a little different back then. That was a legitimate territorial dispute....not a dispute of "I am half way around the world and I want your land and I am going to take it"

And in no way was it "I don't like the way you live your life so I am going to kill you all if you do not assimilate to my way of life"
Republicans calling anyone a pussy is hilarious. They are terrified of anything that moves. Such a party of loud mouth sissies. How many want to send troops everywhere but never served themselves? Obama wants to protect Americans. Republicans sent them into Iraq for nothing.
No need to answer.

I, unlike you, understand how the SOFA agreement works.

Then why ask the question? After all he is a politician.

The reason President Bush couldn't negotiate an agreement with a long term US presence was what?
they were not prepared to commit to having a long term US presence in their sovereign nation...I don't blame them.
But that did not mean that a true leader should not have sat down with them and presented them the concerns of a 100% pullout.

I'm pretty sure both presidents did exactly that.

Doesn't make either one of them a total pussy.
Sure Lt Col Peters....Obama is a "pussy" when it comes to ISIS

You forgot the conference room in San Bernadino...

Oh...I see

A President has to be 100% effective in stopping terrorist attacks

Just like George Bush was Bill Clinton was.
Bill Clinton was not faced with ISIS. Bill Clinton dropped a few bombs if and when the newscasts mentioned his rape and sexual assaults on the women around him. Bill Clinton could have captured or killed bin Laden before 9/11 but he didn't have the balls. Bill Clinton was a pussy.
All presidents are pussies unless they get us into a war. That's what being a president is all about. And in the bull pen warming up is Trump, just waiting to show us his manliness.
Sure Lt Col Peters....Obama is a "pussy" when it comes to ISIS

You forgot the conference room in San Bernadino...

Oh...I see

A President has to be 100% effective in stopping terrorist attacks

Just like George Bush was Bill Clinton was.
Bill Clinton was not faced with ISIS. Bill Clinton dropped a few bombs if and when the newscasts mentioned his rape and sexual assaults on the women around him. Bill Clinton could have captured or killed bin Laden before 9/11 but he didn't have the balls. Bill Clinton was a pussy.
If Bill had killed Bin, Republicans would have had Bill up on murder charges. You know that for a fact.
All presidents are pussies unless they get us into a war. That's what being a president is all about. And in the bull pen warming up is Trump, just waiting to show us his manliness.
Eisenhower was no pussy. He led us OUT of a WINNING the war rather than withdrawing from it. Obama is in a constant state of withdrawal, backing down on 'red lines crossed by the opposition'...and placating of the enemy. Obama is definitely a pussy.

Reagan was no pussy. As matter of fact, hostages were released by Carter's nemesis the day after Reagan beat the pussy's ass in the pussy's bid to be re-elected. Carter was a pussy.

Do you see a pattern here? Dem=pussy, Republican = real man.
Sure Lt Col Peters....Obama is a "pussy" when it comes to ISIS

You forgot the conference room in San Bernadino...

Oh...I see

A President has to be 100% effective in stopping terrorist attacks

Just like George Bush was Bill Clinton was.
Bill Clinton was not faced with ISIS. Bill Clinton dropped a few bombs if and when the newscasts mentioned his rape and sexual assaults on the women around him. Bill Clinton could have captured or killed bin Laden before 9/11 but he didn't have the balls. Bill Clinton was a pussy.
If Bill had killed Bin, Republicans would have had Bill up on murder charges. You know that for a fact.
Don't presume to know my sentiments on anything.
My expertise is that I opposed the Iraq war making me smarter than you and Ralph Peters and Hillary Clinton put together.
Because you examined all the evidence? Or you foresaw the future when a spineless president would throw away all that was gained in the ME?
"all that was gained" ROFL "keeping a lid on it" =/= gains hack boi.
There were no gains in Iraq? You need to take a break from sucking your obama lolipop and check it out.
My expertise is that I opposed the Iraq war making me smarter than you and Ralph Peters and Hillary Clinton put together.
Because you examined all the evidence? Or you foresaw the future when a spineless president would throw away all that was gained in the ME?
"all that was gained" ROFL "keeping a lid on it" =/= gains hack boi.
There were no gains in Iraq? You need to take a break from sucking your obama lolipop and check it out.

There were no gains in Iraq. Before we invaded, for no good reason, Iraq was not dependent on the US spending blood and treasure to defend it.

Now it is. And people like you are happy to do it.

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